HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-12-09 TC MinMINUTES OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS O "roWN CIJT NCIL WORKSHOP January 12, 2009 PRESENT: Mayor Laura Wheat and Council ?Vlernbers'rini Brittan. Larry Corson, Carol Langdon. Doti Redding, and lZebecca Rollins, ABSENT: None, OTHERS PRESENT. Town MarragerThor rias Bryter A'own, Attorney Stan Lowry, DpS Director Doti Wilson, Finance Director Debbie Piper. Court Administrator Amanda DeGan, Public Works Superintendent Jarrod Greenwood, Planning and Development Director Fddie Edwards., and Assistant to the'l-'own Manager Ginger Awtry, L CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Wheat called the w(,,)rkshop to order at 5;1 p.m, 2. DISCUSS AND CONSIDER A DRAFT PROPOSED OIL AND GAS DRILLING TECHNICAL STANDARDS ORDINANCE, PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS RELATED TO OIL AND GAS DRILLING, AND PROPOSED PER RELATED FOR 011, AND IFAS DRILLING IN L, E. Mayor Wheat introduced Mr. Scott W. Tinker, State Geologist. Bureau ofEconomic Geology, Mr. "linker addressed the audience regarding natural gas, the Barnett Shale, urban drilling,, global dernand, GD11' and performance of gas wells in `f - arrant County, L, L� Mr. 1-inker addressed questions frorn the audience. Mayor Wheat stated that the Town WOUld like to maxinitim efficiencies and allow drilling of all minerals in Westlake, and \vould I [ke to partner with I lillwood to develop a master plan to determine the location of drill and pad situs in Westlake, Mr, Mark Rollins, reprcsenting Hillwood, agreed with Mayor Wheat and stated that 11111wood, desires to be a good corporate citizen and, in an attenipt to maximum drilling Town of Westlake Town Council Workshop Minutes January 12, 2009 efforts, Hillwood Is willing to work with the ']'own as well as other gas well drilling operators regarding the various aspects ofthe drilling process. Town Manager Brvmer oave as brief history on the process of developing the proposed ordinance, Additionallv. Mr. Brymer reviewed the proposed gas and oil well drilling 'technical standards ordiriance, specifically well setbacks. roadway use requirements, truck, route requirements, fresh water for drilling process, noise level requirements, lighting requirements, landscaping screening requircruCuts, arid wastewater disposal, Town Manager Brymer presented the proposed zoning ordinance amendments related to oil and gas drilling- and the proposed permus/Cees for oil arid gas drilling in Westlake. Additionally, Mr. Brymer advised the Council that the zoning amendment was to by the Planning and Zoning Comirrission in December Until zoning amendirtentS Could be Presented that includes the Planned Developments (PD's). DiSCUssion C11SUed with regard tozoning in the Planned L)eveloprnent districts (PD's) and the proposed technical standards, 'Fown Manager Bryrrier advised the ( I ouncil that staff is requesting direction with regard to the proposed setbacks arid zoning amendments The Council expressed as desire to review and understand Ifillwood's muster plan as it relates to gas well drilling and specifically the location of well arid pad sites. 1,0wrl Manager Bryiner expressed his appreciation to Town Attorney Lo -wry, Planning and Development Director Edwards, DPS Director Wilson, arid Public Works Superintendent Greenwood for their eff'orts associated with the development of' the technical standards and zoning ordinances. Town Manager Brymer advised that discussion would continue on the technical standards and zoning) ordinance at the next Council workshop to be field on January 26, 2009 3. FUTUIRE AG'ENDA ITEMS, There were not IternS submitted fi:)r cons ideratiOn. Town of Westlake Town Council Workshop Minutes .January l2, 200 4. ADJOU'RNMENT. There being no further business, Mayor Wheat ad-lotared the workshop at 9-05 pxn, APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN ON JANUARY 26, 2009. Laura Wheat, Mayor ATTEST: �2 'im itter,'r, MC.Tomai Secretary MINuTES ormE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Januai-y 12, 2009 PRESENT: Mayor Laura Wheat and COLIFICil MCI-nbers'flm Brittan, harry Corson, Carol f,angdon. and Rebecca Rollins. ABSENT: Conned Member Don Redding, OT14ERS PRESENT']"own Manaoer Thomas Brvnier. Town Attorney Stan I.owrv. Town Secretary .irat Sutter, DPS Director Don Wilson, Assistant to the Town manager Ginger Awtry. Planning and Development Director Eddie 1-dward5, and Court Administrator Anianda DeGan, 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mavor Wheat called the meeting, to order at 9.01 pmi, 1 CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS. Mr, Pat Cockrurn, 182-5 Broken Bend Drive. Westlake, addressed the COLHIC11 regarding the proposed oil and gas well drilling ordinance as it relates to the Town's Miss' 1011, Vision, and VaILICS. Additionally, Mr. Cockrum presented proposed changes to the draft ordinance. 1 CONSENT AGENDA, Mavor Wheat introduced the consent agenda and asked for a motion. a. Review and apprOVe ruinUteS of the Town COUncil Regular meeting kind Workshop held On December 9, 2008. b, Resolution No. 09-01 - Consider a Resolution ratifying the approval and exeCUti0a Of an amendment to the agreement with Terracon `onsultants., Inc. for c(,,)nsirUCti0r1 materials testing service, Town of Westlake Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes ,January 12, 2009 c. Resolution No. 09-02 - Consider a Resolution approving a narning policy for Town oNvned fiacilities, MOTION: Council Member Britian made a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented. Council ki-lember lZollins seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0. I. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 102 01,1 THE TOWN' OF WESTLAKE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO AMEND THE LAND USE SCHEDULE PERMITTING GAS AND tOIL DRILLINC, EXPLORATION, AND PRODIT CTION USES IN ALL ZONING DISTRICTS WITH AN APPROVED SPECIFIC UISE PERMIT. (Tabletl h -y, the Pictrining & 7oning Commission (it their December 18. 2008nwetingj Town Manager lymer explained that the planning and Zoning Commission tabled recommendation of this iteM Until Zoning amendments for all districts, including Planned Developi-nents WD's), could he presented to the Commission for consideration, No action taken by the 'f'(--)%vn COUncil. 5. CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE V., DIVISION 2, OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE CODE OF ORDINANCES, REMOVINC THE FEES AND USE SCHEDULE FROM THE CODE OF ORDINANCES. Town Manager Brymer introduced the iters and advised the Council that adoption ofthe Ordinance would remove the Fees e.-,ind (,SeSchedide frorn the Code of0rdinances, I MOTION: Council Member Rollins made a motion to adopt Ordinance No. 606,1 amending Chapter 2 of the Code of'Ordinances by, removing the Fees and Use SchedUle from the Code. Council Member. Corson seconded the 1`110tiffll, The 1-1106011 carried by a vote of'4-0. 6. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AMENDED FEES AND USE SCHEDULE. Town Manager Br-yrner introduced the iter n and tile proposed fees. MOTION- Council klember Corson orson made a motion to approve Resolution No. 09-03, approving an amended lw-ecs and Ue Schechtle, Council Member 1-angdon seconded the motion. The vacation carried by a -vote of 4-0, Town of Westlake'rown Council Regular Meeting Minutes January 12, 2009 7. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS. 'Fhere were no HCMS SUbmitted tor consideration. 8. COUNCIL CALENDAR. Mayor Wheat reviewed the Council calendar. - T'exas Student Housing Authority meeting 0 1/201109,5:30 p.rn, - Joint Regional Meeting with NWISD. Roanoke and'-Frophy Club c, 1/29/09. 6:30p.m.,Wesdake-Yown HaH - -FML Legislative Briefing ,-D-- 219/09, AUstin,'Fexas 2I`6 / 9. ADJOURNMENT. There being no further busincss bellore the Council, Mayor Wheat asked lor a motion to ad ourn the rneettrif MOTION: Council Member Brittan made a motion to our the meeting. Council Member Rollins seconded the motion, The rnotion carried by a vote of'4- 0 Mayor Wheat adJOUrned the meeting at 9:15 prn, APPROVED BV THE TOWN COUINCIL ON ,JANUARV 26, 2009. B icy( Sutter, 'FRMC, 'Fown Secretary . .................................................. LaUra Wheat., Mayor