HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-14-08 TC MinTOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS BOARD OF ALDERMEN WORKSHOP July 14, 2008 PRESENT: Mayor Laura Wheat and Aldermen Larry Corson, Carol Langdon, Don Redding, and Rebecca Rollins. ABSENT: Alderman Tim Brittan. STAFF PRESENT: Town Manager Thomas Brymer, Town Attorney Stan Lowry, Town Secretary Kim Sutter, and Assistant to the Town Manager Ginger A~~~try. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Wheat called the workshop to order at 4:05 p.m. 2. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF A PROPOSED PUBLIC ART MASTER PLAN. Mrs. Michelle Corson, chair of the Public Art Society of Westlake, addressed the Board regarding the item, and advised that revisions were made to the plan based on discussion at the June 23, 2008, workshop. Mrs. Corson reviewed other suggested revisions recommended by the Society, and asked that the Board consider apercent-for-art program as a means to acquire funding for public art projects. Board discussion ensued with regard to the benefits in of creating a 501(cj3 organization to raise funds for public art, the need for the Society to present updates to the Board on a recurring basis, and coordination of fund raising efforts among the various entities, Town Attorney Lowry explained that the Town is already a tax exempt organization; however, the creation of a ~O1(c)3 could have an impact on the fundraising potential as donors may be more comfortable donating to an organization that has obtained 501(c)3 status. ToH~n of Westlake Board of Aldermen Workshop Minutes July l~i, 2008 Page 2 of 3 Town Manager Brymer recommended the Board consider amending the resolution creating the Public Art Society of Westlake to allow for the creation of a SOl (c)3 organization and the associated bylaws and establishing expenditure authority for non- budgeted items. The Board discussed the need to consider bringing all Town related non-profit Boards under the same operating guidelines. Mrs. Corson stated that the Society will present an annual budget to the Board for consideration each year. In conclusion, an amendment to the resolution establishing the Public Art Society of Westlake will be presented to the Board at a future meeting. Additionally, Mayor Wheat advised that the Board will consider the creation of a percent for art program at a future workshop. 3. DISCUSSION AND FOLLOW-UP REGARDING STRATEGIC PLANNING RETREAT. Town Manager Brymer addressed the Board regarding the item, and presented the next steps in the stategic planning process. Town Manager Brymer recommended the Board consider adopting a strategic plan as well as a Board meeting procedure policy and a code of ethics. Board discussion ensued with regard to the draft mission, vision, value statements, and key result areas. It was the consensus of the Board to direct the Town Manager to incorporate the changes as discussed by the Board. Town Manager Brymer advised the Board that the strategic plan will be presented to the Board in October for consideration and approval. In regard to the Town's strategic plan, discussion ensued with regard to the status of the fundraising and construction of the Arts and Sciences Center building and best practices as it relates to presenting accounts payable to the Board for approval. It was the consensus of the Board to include an item on all future workshops to receive an update on the Arts and Sciences Center project and eliminate the approval of accounts payable from future meeting agendas in lieu of quarterly financial reports. Town of Westlake Board of Aldermen Page 3 of 3 Workshop Minutes July 14, 2008 4. ADJOURNMENT. There being no further business to come before the Board, Mayor Wheat adjourned the Workshop at 6:32 p.m. APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN ON JULY 28, 2008. . ~ ,-- A'TTEST:, %~ Lauri Wheat, Mayor Kim;Sutter, T1ZMC, Town Secretary `, MINUTES OF THE TOWN OF VVESTLAKE, TEXAS BOARD OF ALDERMEN REGULAR MEETING July 14, 2008 PRESENT: Mayor Laura Wheat and Aldermen Larry Corson, Carol Langdon, Don Redding, and Rebecca Rollins. ABSENT: Alderman Tim Brittan. OTHERS PRESENT: Town Manager Thomas Brymer, Town Attorney Stan Lowry, Town Secretary Kim Sutter, Facilities and Recreation Director Troy Meyer, Public Works Superintendent Jarrod Greenwood, Finance Director Debbie Piper, and Assistant to the Town Manager Ginger A«~try. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Wheat called the meeting to order at 7:12 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Mayor Wheat led the pledge of allegiance to the United States and the Texas flags. 3. CITIZENS' PRESENTATIONS. There was no one present wishing to address the Board. 4. CONSENT AGENDA. Mayor Wheat introduced the consent agenda and asked for a motion. a. Review and approve minutes of the Board of Aldermen workshop and regular meeting held on June 23, 2008. b. Review and approve minutes of the Board of Aldermen Strategic Planning Retreat held on June 26 and June 27, 2008. c. Review and approve any outstanding bills. Town of Westlake Board of Aldermen Regular Meeting Minutes July 1~3, 2008 S. 6. Page 2 of 4 d. Resolution No. 08--t5 - Consider a Resolution approving amendments to the Town of Westlake Personnel Manual. MOTION: Alderwoman Rollins made a motion to approve the consent agenda with corrections to the minutes. Alderwoman Langdon seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0. ELECT A MAYOR PRO TEM. Mayor Wheat introduced the item and asked if Mayor Pro Tem Redding would consider continuing to serve as the Mayor Pro Tem. Mayor Pro Tem Redding agreed to continue to serve as the Mayor Pro Tem. MOTION: Alderman Corson made a motion to elect Don Redding to serve as the Mayor Pro Tem. Alderwoman Rollins seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0. CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A RATE INCREASE FOR RESIDENTIAL SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICES. Public Works Superintendent Greenwood addressed the Board regarding the item. Mr. Greenwood stated that the proposed rate increase is due to an increase in fuel and delivery of service costs. Mr. Greenwood advised the Board that the rate increase will go in to effect August 1, 2008, and the Town, in accordance with the agreement, will assume the billing responsibility from Allied Waste Services. Current Rate Proposed Rate Sen~ice (established December 2001) (effective August 1, 2008) Residential Curbside $7.00 $8.00 Recycling Curbside $1.75 $2.75 Total 58.75 $10.75 Discussion ensued with regard to the implementation of the automated cart service. Ms. Jeri Harwell, Allied Waste Services' Business Development Manager, advised the Board that she will be on site during the transition to the new carts to address questions from the residents regarding the services. MOTION: Mayor Pro Tem Redding made a motion to adopt Ordinance No. 597, adopting a rate increase for residential solid waste collection services as presented. Alderman Corson seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of~ 4-0. Town of Westlake Board of Aldermen Regular Meeting Minutes July 14, 2008 Page 3 of 4 7. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE TOWN MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH SCHRICKEL, ROLLINS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. TO PROVIDE CONSULTATION AND SCHEMATIC DESIGN FOR POTENTIAL STREETSCAPE/WAYFINDING AMENITIES OF THE FM 1938 PROJECT. Public Works Superintendent Greenwood addressed the Board regarding the item and breifly outlined the scope of services. Mr. Greenwood advised the Board that the initial consultant work will include a schematic and conceptual designs as outlined in the proposal (Section 1 ~. Delil~ernbles). Mr. Victor Baxter, Vice President of Landscape Architecture with Schrickel, Rollins and Associates, Inc., addressed the Board regarding the proposal. Discussion ensued with regard to coordinating the project with the City of Southlake, as well as the possibility of pedestrian walkways and bike paths. Alderman Corson expressed his desire to view the design of the stamp stain, if possible. Public Works Superintendent Greenwood stated the proposed design will be presented to the Board if the timeline permits. Additionally, Mr. Greenwood advised the Board that staff will consider the bikeways and pedestrian trails as part of the Town wide master plan update. MOTION: Alderwoman Langdon made a motion to approve Resolution No. 08--I6, as presented. Alderman Corson seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0. 8. CONSIDER ADOPTION OF A PROPOSED PUBLIC ART MASTER PLAN. Town Manager Brymer addressed the Board regarding the item, and recommended the Board consider adopting the proposed public art master plan with the suggested wording changes as discussed in the Board of Aldermen workshop. Mr. Brymer further advised that a resolution will be presented at a future meeting to amend the charge of the Public Arts Society of Westlake, delineate expenditure authority for non-budgeted item, authorize the establishment of a SOl (c)3 and associated bylaw-s for the Public Art Society of Westlake. MOTION: Mayor Pro Tem Redding made a motion to adopt the proposed public art master plan with the suggested changes as recommended by the Town Manager and direct staff to prepare a resolution in accordance with the Town Manager's recommendation. Alderwoman Rollins seconded the motion. The Board commended the members of the Public Art Society of Westlake for their efforts related to the creation of the plan. Town of Westlake Board of Aldermen Page 4 of -l Regular Meeting Minutes July l~l, 2008 VOTE ON MOTION: The motion carried by a vote of 4-0. 9. BOARD CALENDAR. Mayor Wheat reviewed the Board calendar: - Texas Municipal League Newly Elected Officials training O 7/25 - 7/26/08, Austin, 7:30 a.m. 0 8/8 - 8/9/08, Austin, 7:30 a.m. - Texas Municipal League Region VIII Quarterly Meeting 0 7/31/08, 6:30 p.m., City of Azle Community Center - NW Metroport Chamber Luncheon -Education address to include Head of School Mark Rosevear 0 8/5/08, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Trophy Club Country Club - Texas Municipal League Annual Conference and Exhibition 0 10/28 - 10/31 /08, San Antonio, Texas - Joint Board of Aldermen/Planning & Zoning Commission land use/zoning training, date TBD To~~-n Manager Brymer encouraged the Board to attend the TML training sessions. 10. ADJOURNMENT. There being no further business. Mayor Wheat asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. MOTION: Alderwoman Langdon made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mayor Pro Tem Redding seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of -I-O. Mayor Wheat adjourned the meeting at 7:53 p.m. APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN ON JULY 28, 2008. !' / i Laura Wheat, Mayor ATTES,T~ ~ Kir:yf Sutter, TRMC, Town Secretary