HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-10-07 TC MinTOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS BOARD OF ALDERMEN PRE -BOARD MEETING December 10, 2007 PRESENT: Mayor Scott Bradley and Aldermen Larry Corson, April Gallagher, Don Redding, Pete Steger, and Bob Timmerman. ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: Town Manager Joe Hennig, Town Secretary Kim Sutter. Head of School Barbara Brizuela, Finance Director Debbie Piper. Facilities and Recreation Director Troy Meyer, Executive Assistant Ginger Awtry, and DPS Director Don Wilson. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Bradley called the pre -board meeting to order at 4:02 p.m. 2. EXECUTIVE SESSION. Mayor Bradley recessed the pre -board meeting of the Town of Westlake Board of Aldermen meeting at 4:03 p.m., as he read the following item to be discussed in executive session: A. The Board xNIII conduct a closed session under Texas Government Code section 551.074 to discuss personnel matters. i. 64'ulers Group ii. Sircilegic Government Resources Mayor Bradley convened the executive session at 4:03 p.m. The executive session adjourned at 5:06 p.m. 187 Town of Westlake Board of Aldermen Page 2 of 3 185 Pre -Board Meeting December 10, 2007 3. RECONVENE MEETING. The Board reconvened into regular session at 5:11 p.m. 4. DISCUSS WESTLAKE PERFORMING ARTS AND SCIENCES CENTER. Interim Town Manager Hennig outlined the purpose of the workshop to be held on December 15, 2007. Mr. Hennig stated that the meeting would include 1) discussion with an attorney regarding the pros and cons of the Design -Build and Contract Management construction processes and the elements associated with each of the techniques; 2) identifying a dollar amount that can be allocated for the construction of the building; 3) the source of the funding; and 4) the construction time table. Aldermen Timmerman and Gallagher expressed their desire to be specific about the cost of the building, the expectations for fundraising by the Westlake Academy Foundation, and the need to come to terms with the amount of cash on hand. The Foundation has requested this information be provided by December 31, 2007. Interim Town Manager Hennig advised that the Westlake Academy Foundation capital campaign currently has cash on hand of $157,261 and pledges totaling $531,655 payable over a five year period. Discussion ensued with regard to the need for financial advice from a financial counselor. It was the consensus of the Board to extend an invitation to a financial advisor to attend the December 1. 5, 2007, meeting. Mayor Bradlev advised that he has requested that the Town Attorney, review the bidding requirements for the various construction techniques. Mayor Bradley reported that Ridgemont Construction provided an estimate for a design build contract of $5.4 million, and the estimate includes the reengineering of the foundation from a pier and beam to a slab on grade with 10 feet soil treatment, parking lots, and fully equipped laboratories and black box. There was discussion Nvith regard to whether or not the estimate included all fees. Alderman Timmerman responded that the estimate includes all the elements of the $6.9 million building. Mayor Pro Tem Redding requested a hard copy of the estimate. Alderwoman Gallagher requested that some sort of communication be sent to the parents and town residents advising of the status of the building following the December 15, 2007, meeting. Interim Town Manager Hennig requested that the Board work through one staff person regarding any construction related requests so that the information can be prepared and disseminated to the Board at one time. Town of Westlake Board of Aldermen Pre -Board Meeting December 10, 2007 Page 3 of 3 Mayor Bradley advised that a Westlake parent has reviewed the construction budget and has indicated that he could obtain a geo thermal system for the building, and has contacted a supplier who might be willing to negotiate a lower cost. Interim Town Manager Hennig stated that that he felt that a geo thermal system is something that could be addressed at a later date. It was the consensus of the Board to delay discussion and consideration of a geo thermal system until a later date. Discussion ensued with regard to the need to have a representative from Ridgemont Construction present at the December 15, 2007, meeting. It was the consensus of the Board to have the Interim Town Manager speak with Ridgemont Construction and make a decision regarding the necessity of their attendance at the meeting. 5. REVIEW OF REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS. Interim Town Manager Hennig reviewed the regular meeting agenda with the Board. Discussion ensued with regard to the Stanton preliminary and final plat and more specifically the flood plain. FEMA line, and the required setbacks. 6. ADJOURNMENT. There being no further business to come before the Board, Mayor Bradley declared the pre - board meeting adjourned at 5:56 p.m. APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN ON JANUARY 14, 2008. Scott Bradley—,Mayor ATTEST: i Kii}�utter, TRMC., Town Secretary e MINUTES OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS BOARD OF ALDERMEN REGULAR MEETING December 10, 2007 PRESENT: Mayor Scott Bradley and Aldermen Larry Corson, April Gallagher, Don Redding, Pete Steger, and Bob Timmerman. ABSENT: None. OTHERS PRESENT: Interim Town Manager Joe Hennig, Town Attorney Matthew Boyle, Town Secretary Kim Sutter, Town Engineer David McCarver, DPS Director Don Wilson, Facilities and Recreation Director Troy Meyer, and Executive Assistant Ginger Awtry. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Bradley called the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m. 12. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Bradley recessed the regular session of the Town of Westlake Board of Aldermen meeting at "7:34 p.m., as he read the following item to be discussed in executive session: A. The Board will conduct a closed session under Texas Government Code section 551.074 to discuss personnel matters. Mayor Bradley convened the executive session at 7:35 p.m. The executive session adjourned at 7:51 p.m. Mayor Bradley reconvened the meeting at 7:53 p.m. Head of School Brizuela announced her decision not to renew her contract beyond the ,lune 30, 2008, expiration. Mayor Bradley expressed his appreciation to Mrs. Brizuela for an incredible job. Town of Westlake Board of Aldermen Page 2 of 5 Regular Meeting December 10, 2007 2. CITIZENS' PRESENTATIONS. There was no on present wishing to speak. 3. CONSIDER REMOVING A MOTION FROM THE TABLE REGARDING CONSIDERATION OF AN APPLICATION FOR A PRELIMINARY PLAT BEING APPROXIMATELY 3.648 ACRES OF LAND AT 1475 DOVE ROAD. Mayor Bradley introduced the item and asked Interim Town Manager Hennig to address the Board. Mr. Hennig advised that he spoke with the applicant and the Town Engineer and has confirmed that the floodplain line on the plat is a surveyed line. Mr. Hennig further advised that the applicant has agreed to discuss a set back requirement from the floodplain line. MOTION: Alderwoman Gallagher made a motion to remove from the table the motion regarding consideration of an application for a preliminary plat being approximately 3.648 acres of land at 1475 Dove Road. Alderman Timmerman seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. 4. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION APPROVING A PRELIMINARY PLAT BEING APPROXIMATELY 3.648 ACRES OF LAND AT 1475 DOVE ROAD; DESCRIBED AS THE STANTON ADDITION; C.M. THROOP SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1510, TRACT 5A & 5AOIA, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS. Town Engineer McCarver addressed the Board regarding the item. Mr. McCarver stated that the applicant has confirmed the size of Lot 3 as one (1) acre including the floodplain. and Lot 4 will be dedicated to the Town as floodway. Discussion ensued with regard to the building set back from the floodplain line, the plans for the utility lines. and the Board's desire to have the word "approximate". as it relates to the floodplain line, removed from the preliminary and final plat. Town Engineer McCarver advised that there is no provision in the Code to require a set back from the floodplain line.. Mr. McCarver further stated that he will make a request to the applicant to survey the floodplain in the field if the line indicated on the plat is not a surveyed line. Mr. Max Cannon. representing the applicant. advised that the over head power line would be buried. Following discussion. Mayor Bradley asked for a motion. Town of Westlake Board of Aldermen Regular Meeting December 10, 2007 Page 3 of 5 MOTION: Alderman Timmerman made a motion to approve Resolution No. 07-77, approving the preliminary plat as presented. Alderman Corson seconded the motion. Mayor Bradley suggested the Board consider a change in procedure with regard to the approval of final plats in the future. VOTE ON MOTION: The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. 5. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION APPROVING A FINAL PLAT BEING APPROXIMATELY 3.648 ACRES OF LAND AT 1475 DOVE ROAD; DESCRIBED AS THE STANTON ADDITION; C.M. THROOP SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1510, TRACT 5A & 5AOIA, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS. Mayor Bradley introduced the item and asked for a motion. MOTION: Alderman Timmerman made a motion to approve Resolution No. 07-78, approving the final plat, with the condition that the final delineation of the floodplain be established by an actual ground survey prior to recording. Alderman Corson seconded the motion. Mr. Mike Stanton, the applicant, inquired as to the need to remove the word "approximate" and expressed his concern with complying with the request. Mayor Bradley explained that the Board is simply asking that the current floodplain line be accurately identified and the word "approximate" be removed from the plat as it relates to the floodplain. VOTE ON MOTION: The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. 6. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE TERMINATION OF THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN DELTA JANITORIAL SYSTEMS AND THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE FOR JANITORIAL MAINTENANCE OF THE WESTLAKE CIVIC CAMPUS. Facilities and Recreation Director Troy Meyer addressed the Board regarding the item and advised that a new contract will be presented to the Board at the January 14, 2008, meeting. MOTION: Mayor Pro Tem Redding made a motion to approve Resolution No. 07-79, authorizing the termination of the agreement between Delta Janitorial Systems and the Town of Westlake. Alderman Steger seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. 4 14 Town of Westlake Board of Aldermen Page 4 of 5 9 Regular Meeting December 10, 2007 7. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF RECORD AS THE ALLIANCE REGIONAL NEWSPAPERS. 8. 9. 10. Mayor Bradley introduced the item and asked for a motion. MOTION: Alderman Steger made a motion to approve Resolution No. 07-80, designating the official newspaper of record as the Alliance Regional Newspapers. Alderwoman Gallagher seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE RESIGNATION OF ALDERWOMAN APRIL L. GALLAGHER. Mayor Bradley introduced the item and asked for a motion. MOTION: Alderman Steger made a motion to approve Resolution No. 07-81, accepting the resignation of April L. Gallagher effective as of the first regular Board of Aldermen meeting in January 2008. Alderman Timmerman seconded the motion. Mayor Bradley expressed his appreciation to Ms. Gallagher for her service on the Board. VOTE ON MOTION: The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. PRESENTATION OF PROCLAMATION TO ALDERWOMAN APRIL L. GALLAGHER. Mayor Bradley read a proclamation proclaiming Tuesday. December IL 2007, as April L. Gallagher Day in recognition of her service to the Town. HEAR STATUS REPORT ON CONSTRUCTION OF ARTS AND SCIENCES CENTER BUILDING. Mayor Bradley announced that a meeting will be held on Saturday. December 15, 2007, to discuss the Arts and Sciences Center Building. 11. CONSENT AGENDA. Mayor Bradley introduced the item and asked for a motion. A. Review and approve minutes of the Board of Aldermen regular meeting held on November 26, 2007. B. Review and approve any outstanding bills. Town of Westlake Board of Aldermen Page 5 of 5 91 Regular Meeting December 10, 2007 MOTION: Alderman Steger made a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented. Alderman Corson seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. 12. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Bradley recessed the regular session of the Town of Westlake Board of Aldermen meeting at 8:58 p.m., as he read the following item to be discussed in executive session: A. The Board will conduct a closed session under Texas Government Code section 551.074 to discuss personnel matters. Mayor Bradley convened the executive session at 9:03 p.m. The executive session adjourned at 9:21 p.m. 13. RECONVENE MEETING. The Board reconvened into regular session at 9:22 p.m. 14. EXECUTIVE SESSION ACTION. There was no action taken. 15. ADJOURNMENT. There being no further business, Mayor Bradley adjourned the meeting at 9:23 p.m. APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN ON JANUARY 1.1, 2008. Lem � J Scott Bradlev, Mavor` ATTEST: i Kim utter, TRMC, Town Secretary