HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-11-06 TC Minlogo-MUSURM U -9-m- � I: 10YA 'A UIL41 W41 F 11 XNa I 31COL"ATIJ "R '111-W E01 111 KAI V "1 111 1 PRESENT: Mayor Scott Bradley and Aldermen Bill Frey, Buddy Brown, Don Redding, Fred Held, and Larry Corson OTHERS PRESENT: Town Manager Trent Petty, Executive Assistant/Acting Town Secretary Ginger Awtry, Finance Director Debbie Piper, Facilities and Recreation Director Troy Meyer, Public works Superintendent Jarrod Greenwood, Assistant Town Engineer David McCarver, Kerry Maroney and Tyson Traw from Biggs & Mathews, and resident Steve Thornton. Mayor Scott Bradley called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. 2. HEAR AND DISCUSS A REPORT FROM STAFF AND BIGGS & MATHEWS, INC., CONSULTING ENGINEERS, REGARDING THE FEASIBILITY OF A SECOND WATER SUPPLY FOR WESTLAKE. Town Manager Trent Petty opened the presentation stating that that purpose of this report is to inform and demonstrate the feasibility of obtaining a second water source for the Town of Westlake. Mr. Petty turned the meeting over to Kerry Maroney and Tyson Traw from Biggs & Mathews. A PowerPoint presentation was presented showing where the town is today in terms of water supply and demand along with a verbal step-by-step report. items noted included Ft. Worth's water supply and pricing, Upper Trinity Regional Water District RWD) capacity to serve Westlake and potential routing of infrastructure to reach Westlake from UTRWD. Due to projected water demands and costs, it was recommended that Westlake move forward in attempting to secure a second source from UTRWD. Discussions ensuedwithBoardmembers• • otherparticipationand Petty.! Trophythat at this time, a has indicated they would like to join in this project. Also discussed growingwas the demand for water especiallygolf coursesand the impactof development. Petty• r i to the S!. • that the Town• imakeformale UTRWD Executive Director, Tom Taylor, to request that Westlake be considered as a potential UTRWDcustomerandenter into formal" !subject •approval- UTRWD Board iDirectors. 3. HEAR AND DISCUSS PRESENTATION MATTERS OIL AND GAS ATTORNEY Mr. Petty informed the Board that he was in attendance during a recent Stagecoach Runway They appeared receptive to the idea. Mr, Petty introduced Mr. J. T. Walker and Mr. Walker explained his background and work history in the oil and gas fiel& Mr. Walker stated he was glad to be invited and welcomed the opportunity for r discussion. Mr. Walker said that he did not see a down side or liability in the pooling of interests concept of the Town. He stated in his opinion, he thought it was a good idea for the Town to facilitate the pooling of interests so that everyone can get something. He felt it was very innovative to implement something like this because the drilling is going to happen at some point. Discussion occurred concerning the topics of. expected royalties with this type of situation, bonuses paid to landowners, other oil companies' acti-vity and payments, drilling directions and locations, and number of wells on one site. Mr. Walker stated that he felt it was best to have a minimum of 120 acres to drill but you could go smaller. He indicated that a well usually costs around $2.5 million and stressed the importance of seismic work to be done first in order to find any water pockets in the area, as royalties would be lower when water is found on the property. Mr. Petty asked what would happen if some homeowners in a surrounding tract did not want to pool their interests. Mr. Walker stated landowners could be forced to pool under certain conditions. Mr. Walker told the Board that gas production in Barnett Shale wells typically experiences a drop off of up to 50% after the first year, 20% the 2nd year; and then 10°lo for the remaining years. Alderman Corson stated his concerns about legal liability and the appropriateness of the to 's roleinthe overall process. Mayor Bradley reminded the Board that one important factor to consider is the limited drilling locations that currently provide some protection for both the Town and citizens. He stated his desire to know more about where the best sites to drill would be in the minds of the gas producers and then look to see what changes to the existing Ordinance might be necessary. Mr. Walker advised that the work necessary for an endeavor like this would be extremely taxing on existing staff. He stressed that we must have enough staff on hand to handle the paperwork, calls. research, etc. He recommended that another entity might be setup to aid and insulate the Town in that effort. He added that the gas company will be the one to insure any liability, not the Town or landowner, and that the town would want to make sure this is contractually addressed. Mr. Walker suggested that the town might consider calling meetings with the larger landowners, send out letters, and perform preliminary title work. W. Petty asked the Board if there was consensus to move ahead and if so, in what direction. The Mayor and the Board discussed several scenarios and debated several points, but provided no specific instructions as to the next step. 4. HEAR AND DISCUSS SOLANA LEASE OPTIONS FOR UPCOMING TOWJ MOVE IN SPRING 2007. Facilities and Recreation Director Troy Meyer opened the discussion with a review of the proposed lay -out and initial terms to move the remainder of the To Staff to 3 Village Circle, across from the current Municipal Court location. He informed the Board that a minimum of 5,459 square feet would be needed. If the Town ends up leasing a location in a separate building from the Court, the Tovm will have to incur the costs to install all necessary Internet phone and networking lines. Aldermen Larry Corson suggested combining the lease for the Town Hall offices with the Court office lease so that both leases will have the same termination date. He also suggested the addition of a First Right of Offer for the only other tenant on the same floor and for a renewal option of 90% of FMV at the time of renewal. Mr. Meyer indicated he would pursue these suggestions and continue with the lease negotiations. He also explained the preliminary time -line in moving the employees out, timing of address change notifications anti la stationary orders, and the construction start date of May 1, 2007, for the remodel of the current offices to classrooms for the school. In closing, Mr. Petty stated that staff would come back to the Board with an update at the next available workshop. There being no further business before the Board, Mayor Bradley declared the meeting adjourned at 5:50 p.m. MoArt -r-R-on �-;-1 w LUNI'll Sutter, TR;3MC, TMwn SecretLary NE[NUTES OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKF, TEXAS Ivil "MO&RA, AlX;MM1a= W 3141 k Il " iI PRESENT: Mayor Scott Bradley and Aldermen Bill Frey, Buddy Brown, Don Redding, Fred Held, and Larry Corson ABSENT: None OTHERS PRESENT.- Town Manager Trent Petty, Executive Assistant/Acting Town Secretary Ginger Awtry, Finance Director Debbie Piper, Facilities & Recreation Director Troy Meyer, DPS Director Don Wilson, Public Works Superintendent Jarrod Greenwood and Human Resources Manager Todd Wood. Mayor Bradley called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. EXECUTIVE SESSION. TITZ-655—ard convenect into executive §Fs-s-io-n-a-r/7f3 p.m., as Y713yor f3ractley 77-7re7im"Mi discussed. 3. RECONVENE MEETING. The Board reconvened into regular session at 9:10 p.m. 4. EXECUTIVE SESSION ACTION. There was no action taken. Kelly Bradley, President of the Westlake Historical Preservation Society, announced to the Board that the time capsule has arrived and is in the Town office should any one wish to see it. There was • one else present wishing to address the Board. 6. CONSIDER AUTHORIZING THE TOWN MANAGER TO SEEK BIDS AND ALTERNATIVE PRODUCTS TO PROVIDE TEMPORARY SAFETY LIGHTING ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE ACADEMY GYMNASIUM. • Manager Trent Petty introduced this item and explained that Alderman Larry Corson requested that this item be considered. Aldermen Corson stated that the parking lot to the west of the Gym is very dark and he believes this could pose a safety hazard to anyone using the lot. Ild"i'l-kim'Xi found itto be extremely •: and hazardous. He also asked that staff be sure to seek down lighting that meets all • and lighting • Alderman Frey moved to 1• the • Manager to seek bids and alternative products to provide temporary safety lighting on the west side of the Academy gymnasium. Alderman Buddy Brown seconded the •• There was no discussion and the vote • the motion was as follows - Ayes: • Brown, Corson, Frey, Held, and Redding Nays: None • Bradley declared •` motion carried unanimously. 7. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE TOWN MANAGER TO INITIATE A FORMAL REQUEST TO THE UPPER TRINITY REGIONAL WATER DISTRICT TO BEGIN DISCUSSIONS REGARDING A SECOND WATER SUPPLY FOR ■ TOWN • WESTLAKE. Mayor Bradley introduced this item and explained that the Board just held an extensive workshop that afternoon and the engineers presented a very positive recommendation. Alderman i• Redding moved to approve Resolution 1• authorizing the Town Manager to initiate a formal request to the Upper Trinity Regional Water District to begin discussions regarding a second water supply for the Town. Alderman Corson seconded the motion. There was no discussion and the vote on the motion was as follows - Ayes: Aldermen Brown, Corson, Frey, Held, • Redding Nays: • 8. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A CONTRACT WITH STW, INC., FOR SOTWARE UPGRADES TO THE EXISTING FINANCIAL, PAYROLL, AND UTILITY BILLING SOFTWARE. Mr. Petty introduced the resolution, stating that this item was presented in the FY 2006-2007 approved budget. He added that these are upgrades to the existing software packages that should prove to be very helpful for the Town staff Alderman Brown moved to approve Resolution 06-58, as presented. Alderman Fred Held seconded the motion. There was a brief discussion regarding the integration of the upgrades with other Windows programs and concerning the disposal of the old accounting software. There was no other discussion and the vote on the motion was as follows: Ayes: Aldermen Brown, Corson, Frey, Held, and Redding Nays: None Mayor Bradley declared the motion carried unanimously. 1xv 1 11 Li I Alk -3 #• I N3111' IS Mr. Petty explained that this contract is for court software that is an extremely efficient program for the Court and the features and packages are very reasonable in value compared to what we are currently using. He added that Court staff have researched and visited other courts that use this same program and found it to be a extremely valuable tool -- much more effective and user- friendly. Alderman Bill Frey moved to approve Resolution 06-59, as presented. There was no discussion and the vote on the motion was as follows: Ayes: Aldermen Brown, Corson, Frey Held, and Redding Nays: None Mayor Bradley declared the motion carried unanimously. 10. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZ-JNG A LEASE AGREEMENT WIT KEY GOVERNMENT FINANCE, INC., A CISCO SYSTEMS CAPITAL PARTNTE FOR THE ANNUAL HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE SUPPORT OF TO NETWORK AND PHONE, SYSTEM. I Town Manager Petty briefly introduced this item stating that this is really a renewal of the Town's network and phone system with no signcant changes from the past agreement. He also stated that this contact was included in the approved FY 2006-2007 budget. Alderman Held moved to approve Resolution 06-60 as presented. Alderman Brown seconded the motion. There was no discussion and the vote on the motion was as follows: Ayes: Aldermen Brown, Corson, Frey, Held, and Redding Nays: None Mayor Bradley declared the motion carried unammously. 11. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A LEASE AGREEMENT WITH NORTEX MODULAR SPACE, INC., FOR THE NEW MODULAR UNIT TO BE USED AS A TEMPORARY FIRE STATION AND AUTHORIZING A BUDGET AMENDMENT FOR THE ASSOCIATED EXPENDITURES. Mr. Petty explained that this new modular unit is very much needed for the Firemen, A new unit was approved in the FY 2006-2007 budget. However, staff experienced a delay in obtaining a new unit due to the lack of availability and the market conditions increased during this time. Alderman Frey seconded the motion. There was no discussion and the vote on the motion was as follows: Ayes: Aldermen Brown, Corson, Frey, Held, and Redding Nays: None Mayor Bradley declared the motion carried unanimously. 12. CONSIDER APPROVAL FOR PAYMENT OF ANY OUTSTANDING BELLS. Alderman Redding moved to approve all outstanding bills as presented. Alderman Brown seconded the motion. Alderman Corson asked for more detail on the Hillwood debt service payment. There was no further discussion and the vote on the motion was as follows: Ayes: Aldermen Brown, Corson, Frey, Held, and Redding Nays: None Mayor Bradley declared the motion carried unanimously. Alderman Frey moved to adjourn. MEM= The vote on the motion was as follows: Ayes- Aldermen Brown, Corson, Frey, Held, and Redding Nays: None I 1 0 -.d MAWAt -o-- A "utter, TRMC, Town Secretary