HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-13-06 TC MinMINUTES OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS BOARD OF ALDERMEN WORKSHOP NOVEMBER 13, 2006 PRESENT: Mayor Scott Bradley and Aldermen Bill Frey, Don Redding, Fred Held, and Larry Corson ABSENT: Alderman Buddy Brown OTHERS PRESENT: Town Manager Trent Petty and Executive Assistant/Acting Town Secretary Ginger Awtry 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Scott Bradley called the meeting to order at 1:50 p.m. 2. DISCUSS THE POOLING OF MINERAL INTERESTS AND RELATED OIL Al'~TD GAS MATTERS. Town Manager Trent Petty sununarized the progress to date and updated the Board of Aldermen on any activity since the last workshop concerning the pooling of interests. Mr. Petty informed the Board that Chesapeake has now indicated that they are not interested in working with the Town on the potential pooling of interests. Mr. Petty reminded the Board that we do have the proposal from Cornerstone. He asked the Board to please consider and discuss what strategy they would like to pursue at this time. Much discussion ensued on the possibilities of polling the larger landowners in Westlake for their feedback, current market price for bonus' paid, percentage of royalties, and discussion of what many other municipalities have done and are doing with the passage of ordinances governing traffic, water, noise, and distance requirements. The Mayor and Aldermen all agreed that protection of the roads, noise, water, and landscape is a priority. Any company that comes into Westlake must understand the priority and importance of this to the community and offer a protection plan and/or type of guarantee that these concerns of preservation and restoration will be addressed. The Board agreed that they want the citizens to know what they can expect to receive and be proactive in managing the drilling and how it affects the Town. Everyone expressed they want to understand the entire process and educate all of the residents. Several Aldermen shared that there are residents that have expressed interest in pooling their interests with others and would like to see the Town and/or Academy receive a percentage of the interests. The Board discussed several options concerning the current economics, geography, and residents concerns and opinions to date. Discussion ensued regarding the drilling that is in progress now, near the Westlake borders. It was stated that some residents in these immediate areas are ready to discuss all their options as property and mineral right owners. Mr. Petty and the Board discussed how to best meet with residents through Town Hall meetings or neighborhood meetings. A power point presentation could possibly be used to aid in the explanation and discussion concerning any offers at hand from the energy companies, how the pooling of interests can work, the drilling process overview, etc. The Board and Mr. Petty reiterated the major points discussed. 4. ADJOURNMENT. There being no further business before the Board, Mayor Bradley declared the meeting adjourned at 3:25 p.m. APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN ON JANUARY 22, 2007 ATTEST: ~ 'm utter, TRMC, ~ Town Secretary Scott Brad ey, Mayor MINUTES OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS BOARD OF ALDERMEN MEETING NOVEMBER 13, 2006 PRESENT: Mayor Scott Bradley and Aldermen Bill Frey, Don Redding, Fred Held, and Larry Corson ABSENT: Alderman Buddy Brown OTHERS PRESENT: Town Manager Trent Petty, Executive Assistant/Acting Town --- Secretary Ginger Awtry, Finance Director Debbie Piper, Facilities & Recreation Director Troy Meyer, DPS Director pon Wilson, Public Works Superintendent Jarrod Greenwood and former Board of Alderman Larry Sparrow. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Bradley called the meeting to order at 7:20 p.m. 2. EXECUTIVE SESSION. The Board convened into executive session at 7:22 p.m., as Mayor Bradley read the items to be discussed. 3. RECONVENE MEETING. The Board reconvened into regular session at 7:51 p.m. 4. EXECUTIVE SESSION ACTION. There was no action taken. 5. CITIZENS' PRESENTATIONS. There was no one present wishing to address the Board. 6. PRESENTATION OF PROCLAMATION FOR LARRY AND JANET SPARROW. Mayor Bradley acknowledged the presence of former Alderman and Board of Trustee Larry Sparrow and made a presentation to Mr. Sparrow with a proclamation representing the great appreciation and gratitude of his many years of dedicated service from the Mayor, the Town of Westlake and Westlake Academy. 7. HEAR A STAFF REPORT CONCERNING 2006 ARBOR DAY EVENT. Mayor Bradley opened this agenda item by expressing appreciation for an outstanding event under the leadership of resident Chair Juan Fontanes. Facilities and Recreation Director Troy Meyer presented the Board with the financial summaries of the previous years' events and the current year revenues and expenditures. Mr. Meyer summarized by stating there is an increase in revenues and a decrease in expenditures this year for a net a loss of $746; compared to a net loss of $1895 last year. Mr. Meyer stated that the committee voted to hold the event in the morning and appears from attendance and comments received, that this was a welcomed change and a success. It allowed residents time to come out and participate in the event while still attending their children's sporting events. Additionally this year, Mr. Meyer added that the Town was selling 50 trees for $50 a piece in honor of our SOth Birthday. He expressed gratitude to the people that purchased trees and donated them __ back to the Town to be planted in the park and on campus. Mr. Meyer personally thanked the family of Doug Mayer and the family of Larry Corson for their contribution. Mayor Bradley also expressed appreciation for a fine job with the event to the Town staff. Additionally, all the Aldermen thanked all the citizens who contributed in countless ways to the success of Arbor Days and specifically mentioned the hard work of the committee, Troy Meyer and George Ledak. 8. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION APPOINTING CHRIS NOONAN, JULIE TIMMERMAN, AND BILL GREENWOOD TO FILL THREE VACANT DIRECTOR POSITIONS ON THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS, AND RESOLVING RELATED MATTERS. The Mayor read the item for consideration and asked for a motion. Alderman Don Redding moved to approve Resolution 06-54, appointing the three candidates as stated to fill three vacant director positions on the Westlake Academy Foundation Board of Directors. Alderman Fred Held seconded the motion. There was no discussion and the vote on the motion was as follows: Ayes: Aldermen Corson, Frey, Held, and Redding Nays: None Mayor Bradley declared the motion carried unanimously. 9. CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE WESTLAKE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CHAPTER 90 TRAFFIC AND VEHICLES, SECTION 90-52, ALLOWING FOR THE ADDITION OF A YIELD SIGN IN WESTLAKE, TEXAS; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Town Manager Trent Petty described this ordinance as a result of a citizen request due to the increased traffic in Stagecoach Hills. We contracted with our traffic engineer to conduct a study on this matter and it was recommended that we add one new Yield sign and amend the ordinance accordingly since each sign and type is specifically identified in the current ordinance. Additionally, this amendment will strike the verbiage of stop signs and replace it with traffic signs in the ordinance to appropriately reflect all traffic signs due to the inclusion of the first Yield sign in Westlake. Alderman Bill Frey moved to approve Ordinance 510, amending the Westlake Code of Ordinances, Chapter 90 Traffic and Vehicles, Section 90-52 with the corrections in language noted below to properly reflect the recommendation. Alderman Held seconded the motion. __ Aldermen Redding opened the discussion indicating that the study mentioned the 2 stop signs currently in Stagecoach Hills and pointed out that it was noted in the traffic study that these stop signs could be removed at the Board's discretion. One of the stop signs is at a location where there is no through traffic - Steve Court and Thornton Drive. Mr. Redding recommends that we completely remove this stop sign. Additionally, Mr. Redding recommends that we remove the remaining the stop sign on Janet Court and Thornton Drive and replace it with a Yield sign as added in section (d)(2). Mayor Bradley asked for clarification in the motion to add this to the Ordinance. Mr. Petty reiterated the request for clarification and to assure that it is properly reflected in the minutes. Discussion ensued as to the best way to properly reflect the desires of the Board and in agreement with the traffic study. Town Attorney Stan Lowry advised the Board as to the correct recommendation and language for codification. Larry Corson asked why the need to add the provisions for a penalty clause and savings clause. Mr. Lowry explained it is a necessity to include the penalty clause whenever an amendment is made to an ordinance, and for codification purposes, in order to legally cite a violation and charge a fine. He went on to explain that the savings clause is ensuring the ability to adopt the ordinance as a whole and prevent any severability to other sections. Mr. Petty further explained the difference of amending an actual Ordinance as opposed to amending the Code of Ordinances for codification, which is preferred and it will transfer all the clauses without having to restate each time you amend the codification. The vote on the motion was as follows: Ayes: Aldermen Corson, Frey, Held, and Redding Nays: None Mayor Bradley declared the motion carried unanimously. 10. PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING ALLIED WASTE SERVICE. Mayor Bradley opened the Public Hearing. Alderman Corson stated that service has improved in Vaquero, from his observation, since the last public hearing was held concerning this topic. Mr. Held added that they do run very late in the day and on into the evening but service has improved somewhat. Mr. Petty reminded the Board that Allied was to investigate the charge of recycling and should present the results of that investigation. Allied representative, Audie McQuaid, came forward to inform the Board of Aldermen that the recycling charge is not broken out of the residents' quarterly bills, as first suspected. However, they did discover an error in billing for charges related to fuel recovery and environmental fees. Per Ms. McQuaid, every resident's bill was reviewed and only a few were found and corrected. The cause was human error due to an incorrect city code. Ms. McQuaid stated that Allied has held several meetings with the route manager and related personnel to ensure that Westlake's service will continue to improve. 11. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AN APPLICATION FOR A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR A PRIVATE WATER WELL TO BE LOCATED AT 2208 VAQUERO ESTATES BOULEVARD IN THE VAQUERO ARTHUR ADDITION-PHASE 3, BLOCK K, LOT 29. Mr. Petty informed the Board that the Planning and Zoning Commission met and tabled this item due to a lack of detail concerning location and size of the well. The applicant must be able to provide a specific location, casing size, horsepower and other necessary requirement before action will be taken and the item is removed from the table. Mayor Bradley opened the public hearing and it will remain open until the next January meeting. 12. CONSIDER A REQUEST BY SCOTT AND KELLY BRADLEY FOR AN EXCEPTION TO SECTION 50-3 (d) OF THE WESTLAKE CODE OF ORDINANCES FOR THE TEMPORARY USE OF A HOUSE TRAILER. Mayor Bradley informed the Board that this item was withdrawn. 13. CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE WESTLAKE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO ESTABLISH THE JOB DUTIES OF THE TOWN MANAGER AND RELATED UPDATES; AMENDING CERTAIN OUTDATED AND CONFLICTING SECTIONS OF THE CODE; PROVIDING FOR A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Alderman Corson moved to approve Resolution 06-56 supporting a local option sales tax to fund regional rail in North Central Texas. Alderman Held seconded the motion. There was no discussion and the vote on the motion was as follows: Ayes: Aldermen Corson, Frey, Held, and Redding Nays: None Mayor Bradley declared the motion carried unanimously. 16. CONSIDER ACCEPTING THE RESIGNATION OF ALDERMAN BILL FREY FROM THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN. Mayor Bradley announces that it is his solemn duty to call for a motion on the submitted resignation of Alderman Bill Frey. Alderman Redding reluctantly moved to approve Resolution 06-57, accepting the resignation of Alderman Bill Frey. Alderman Held reluctantly seconded the motion. There was no discussion and the vote on the motion was as follows: Ayes: Aldermen Corson, Frey, Held, and Redding Nays: None Mayor Bradley declared the motion carried unanimously. 17. CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed below are considered routine by the Board of Aldermen and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Board member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered in its normal sequence. A. Review and approve minutes of a Special Called Board meeting, the Board of Aldermen workshop, Special Workshop Meeting of the SOth Anniversary Committee which includes the Board of Aldermen and the Historical Preservation Society Board and the regular Board of Aldermen meeting held on September 25, 2006. B. Review and approve minutes of a Special Board of Aldermen workshop held on October 10, 2006. C. Review and ap~rove minutes of the Board of Aldermen workshop, Special Workshop Meeting of the SOt Anniversary Committee which includes the Board of Aldermen and the Historical Preservation Society Board and the regular Board of Aldermen meeting held on October 23, 2006. Alderman Larry Corson moved to approve Ordinance 512 as presented with two corrections in wording under Section 50-3 (c) and (d) Alderman Held seconded the motion. Mayor Bradley added that the Board conducted a workshop and went through this amendment line by line. Mr. Petty reiterated that the word mobile home was included in Section 18 and iravel trailer was added in the residential parking requirements for proper definition as a result of the previous workshop. Discussion ensued concerning manufactured houses and how our code does address this item in another section. Mr. Petty recommended to the Board that a future warkshop be held for this growing trend in housing and how it affects our building inspection process. Alderman Frey pointed out two word corrections to strike house trailer to read mobile home in Section 50-3 for (c) and (d) There was no further discussion and the vote on the motion was as follows: Ayes: Aldermen Corson, Frey, Held, and Redding Nays: None Mayor Bradley declared the motion carried unanimously. 14. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT FOR AMBULANCE SERVICES WITH THE COUNTY OF DENTON, TEXAS. Mr. Petty informed that this is simply a renewal of the existing agreement where the Town will agree to go out and serve anyone in the unincorporated areas of Denton county should the need arise. Alderman Held moved to approve Resolution 06-55 as stated. Alderman Redding seconded the motion. There was no discussion and the vote on the motion was as follows: Ayes: Aldermen Corson, Frey, Held, and Redding Nays: None Mayor Bradley declared the motion carried unanimously. 15. CONSIDER A RESOLTION SUPPORTING A LOCAL OPTION SALES TAX TO FUND REGIONAL RAIL IN NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS. Mayor Bradley surrunarized the item as a way to fund rail services and it expresses the Board's support to lift the $.02 local sales tax cap allowing cities to call an election, at their option, to add another'/2 cent increase to their local sales tax to support regional rail service. D. Review and approve any outstanding bills. Alderman Held moved to adopt the consent agenda as presented. Alderman Frey seconded the motion. Alderman Corson asked a question concerning the Keller police contract and clarification of the type of payment. Mr. Petty informed him this was a quarterly payment. There was no further discussion and the vote on the motion was as follows: Ayes: Aldermen Corson, Frey, Held, and Redding Nays: None Mayor Bradley declared the motion carried unanimously. 18. ADJOURNMENT. Alderman Held moved to adjourn. Alderman Corson seconded the motion. The vote on the motion was as follows: Ayes: Aldermen Corson, Frey, Held, and Redding Nays: None Mayor Bradley declared the meeting adjourned at 8:29 p.m. APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN ON JANUARY 22, 2007. ATTEST: ~ Ki S tter, TRMC, Town Secretary Gt~I.~ Scott Bradl y, Mayor