HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-10-06 TC MinNUNUTES OF THE PRESENT: Mayor Scott Bradley and Aldermen Bill Frey, Don Redding, Fred Held, and Larry Corson ABSENT: Alderman Buddy Brown OTHERS PRESENT: Town Manager Trent Petty, Executive Assistant/Acting Town Secretary Ginger Awtry 1. CALL TO ORDER. Uiaor 110d11% called g -to order at 1:40 m. 2. DISCUSS THE FORMATION OF A PUBLIC ART PROGRAM FOR THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE. Mayor Bradley opened the discussion with an explanation of why it is desirable to have a public art program in the Town of Westlake. He went on to explain that Town Manager Trent Petty has laid out a suggested program for the Town to follow in setting up the program. Mayor Bradley added that many cities in the NE Tarrant county region have very active programs with visiting and resident artists. It was noted that several cities have been very creative with the various places to display the art and appear to be successful with their programs. The meeting was turned over to Mr. Petty for further discussion and backgreund information. Mr. Petty reminded the Board of the initial plans to incorporate art elements into the campus but budget constraints prevented the first planned piece of a blacksmith statue to be placed outside the gymnasium entrance. Mr. Petty explained that the majority of municipal art funds are derived from the hotel tax revenues. 15% of the dollars brought in from this tax or I % of room revenue can be allocated for public art. Other cities may have an exception with additional revenues from their convention and visitor's bureau and festivals. An excellent example was given of Grapevine and Southlake. Mr. Petty stated that from the history of our hotel tax revenue, the To could spend up to approximately $60,000 per year on public art. Mayor Bradley shared with the Board that he and Mr. Petty have met with the artist Lamberto Alvarez. Mr. Alvarez lives in Southlake and has expressed significant interest in a program for Westlake. Mr. Alvarez has already produced a few pieces of art that depict the Town of Westlake and is willing to obtain a sponsor for a portion of the art program. Mr. Petty added that Mr. Alvarez uses many different types of mediums in his artwork. Mayor Bradley stated that Mr. Alvarez offered to come to the Academy's Gallery Day event and help the children create a composite art work to auction, and that Mt. Alvarez also offered to do an art seminar for the children. Town Manager Trent Petty advised the Board that the scope, desires and policies of the program should first be determined, and then a specific artist could be selected. Mr. Petty asked for the Board's thoughts and direction of the information presented to date. Mayor Bradley added that a resident, Lisa Wax, already initiated contact with him to express her support and interest in a public art program for the Town. She is active in a similar program in Ft. Worth and thought they might be able to lend support as well. Alderman Larry Corson asked if we have any agreements or obligations with developers for public art. Mr. Petty informed Mr. Corson that we do not but it has been successfully integrated in other municipalities. Mayor Bradley added that an ordinance might need to be added in the near future to incorporate this suggestion. Mr. Corson and Mr. Petty, along with Mr. Bill Frey and Mr. Don Redding, contributed to a lengthy discussion of the following: possible commitments from residents, the Board's responsibility to allocate the art funds consistent with the desires of the citizens, concern of possibly sending the wrong message to residents of financial commitments for artwork while neglecting other needs of the Town, desire to hear the citizens' thoughts, the balance of desires and needs of the residents, organization of program with roll out and committee formation, research from other cities' programs, and expected costs of various mediums in artwork. Mayor Bradley asked Mr. Petty to research ordinances from other cities that have integrated a financial plan for public art. Discussion ensued on the possibility of corporate funds, private donations, developer agreements, and matching dollars. Mr. Petty summarized his directions from the Board to research other municipal ordinances and developer agreements, and to compose a Resolution creating the public art program, designating the scope, the creation of a committee and the parameters of the funding, Mr. Corson expressed the need to include in the Resolution the reporting procedures for the committee such as quarterly reports back to the Board of Aldermen. It was decided by those present to wait until a committee is formed before considering a contract with Mr. Lamberto Alvarez. Mr. Petty suggested that we place on the website a notice for interested citizens to contact the Town, that we hold a joint meeting with the Westlake Academy Foundation Board and Gallery Day committee, and that we hold Town Hall meetings in order for everyone to effectively work together for the su=ss of the program. Mayor Bradley asked Mr. Petty to draft a letter for the community to notify them of the public all program and to canvass the community's support. A discussion ensued concerning the 50% "owable percentage of hotel tax revenue that can be spent for historical purposes with examples given of the many historical sites obtained by neighboring communities. The Westlake Historical Preservation Society's revenue and expenses were reviewed. Mr. Petty suggested that the Board review all related fimds/budgets to ensure equal opportunity for funding. . • - I . I am !grizgg� g�q� im ; 1 ATTEST: Ginger R. Awtry. Acting Town Secretary W-OIN eMdRav-. W� !P Scott Bradley, •