HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-25-06 TC MinMINUTES OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS SPECIAL CALLED BOARD OF ALDERMEN MEETI PRESENT: Mayor Scott Bradley and Aldermen Buddy Brown, Fred Held, and Don Redding ABSENT: Aldermen Bill Frey and Larry Corson OTHERS PRESENT: To Secretary Jean D-winnell and Executive Assistant Ginger Awtry Mayor Bradley called the meeting to order at 8:05 am. Mayor Bradley explained that there are openings on the Planning and Zoning Commission and. the direction the Town wishes development to proceed. He touched on many specifies stated in the Town Comprehensive Plan. Aldermen Redding stressed the Town's desire to organize commercial development to co -exist with the residential community; emphasizing the importance of density, office campus zoning, and the rural setting. Dr. Bob Timmerman discussed his background, experience, and knowledge of the Town Comprehensive Plan. He went on to discuss his family's thoughts about the Town of Westlake and Westlake Academy, and level of involvement in the community. Mayor Bradley had additional comments regarding the future aspects of the Westlake Academy related to Planning and Zoning, the schedule for Planning and Zoning meetings and further zoning explanations related to office campus zoning. Dr. Timmerman completed his interview at 8:53 and Mir. Rick Re tick's interview began. Mayor Bradley announced that Mr. Rennhack's interview was as an applicant for the Board of Alderman position. Mr. Re explained his background in the community and specifically in Westlake; shared his 'vision for the school and the impact it has on the community. Mr. Rennhack stated that he felt he could be more effective as an Alderman especially with the experience gained from holding the President position on the Westlake Academy Foundation. Discussion ensued regarding the balance of the school and town Along with property valuation including the potential use and objectives of potential property taxes. Mr. Rennhack added that others outside of the school have contributed to the operation of the school. Alderman Redding pointed his concerns with the importance of the balance and details concerning the school's budget and the Town's budget and the impact current shortfalls in the school's budget have on the postponement of infrastructure for the Town. He asked is it right to postpone services for the To to fund the Academy? Mr. Rennhack's communicated that his position would be based on the concept of "the best return on your money." Who would benefit the most — the Town or the Academy? That question would be his guide. He added that the community should know all the needs of both the Town and Academy and the challenges associated with those needs. Mayor Bradley asked Mr. Rennhack's opinion on the separation of the school Board from the current structure; should we have two separate Boards. Mayor Bradley added that he feels it should not be separate. Mr. Rennhack stated that he agrees the structure should remain the same at this point in time. He stressed that the financial support of the residents of Westlake is indicative of their support for the Academy and that the school's values are mirrored in the community. Alderman Redding commented at the conclusion of the interview about the level of difficulty that is necessary for the balancing act of the Board and how it demonstrates a track record. Mr. Renhack's interview concluded at 9:53 and Mr. Steve Knight's interview began. Mr. Knight's interview as an applicant for the Planning and Zoning Commission began with his sharing of his background, family and reasons why he was interested in serving on the P&Z Board, Mayor Bradley asked Mr. Knight if there was anything about Westlake that he would like to see change. Mr. Knight responded by stating he would like to refine some of the Ordinances and feels there are gray areas that need clarification. He added that even if he is not appointed to the Planning and Zoning Commission he would still like to help in some way with these endeavors. Alderman Redding reviewed the Comprehensive Plan and gave details about zoning categories explaining that a commissioner should try to be fair but not oppressive and that it is desirable to have more "office campus" type development. Mayor Bradley mentioned the balance of appointees by location serving on the commission and asked Mr. Knight his opinion. Mr. Knight expressed that he thought it would be agreeable but not necessary. He added that he believes diversity is good and would bring perspective but it shouldn't isolate or exclude anyone from serving on the commission. Mr. Knights interview concluded at 10:25 and all of the candidates' interviews were discussed. At 10:45 a.m., Mayor Bradley called a recess until 2:00 p.m. The Board reconvened at 2:15 pm. to interview Mr. Tim Brittan for a Planning and Zoning position. The Board invited Mr. Brittan to speak freely with his thoughts about changes to the Town and on zoning issues. Mr. Brittan expressed his happiness with the community and the way it manages development. He feels both the Commission and the Board have done a wonderful job with the To and its growth. Mayor Bradley discussed the avoidance of high density and the desired mix of zoning. AdItionally, Mayor Bradley spoke about parking lots and the associated landscaping. He asked Mr. Brittan his thoughts about these items and about his availability for The meetings, Mr. Brittan agreed that the Town should be maintained in a way to preserve the current zoning course and the beautiful landscape with additional plants and trees. He added that his career allows him great accessibility for the necessary schedule of a Planning and Zoning Commissioner. k 1� YT . IF 7017 T-TOTITITIM -11 =p- 3. AWOURNMENT. MI,116� 1111RIIIII! !I!IIIIIIII ATTEST: Scott Bradley, Mayor 0 EWA F,47%r R. Av�iry, Acting Town Secretary MINUTES OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS BOARD OF ALDERMEN WORKSHOP galiII04,31 ABSENT: Aldermen Bill Frey and Larry Corson OTHERS PRESENT: Town Manager Trent Petty, Town Semlary Jean Dwinnell, Executive Assistant Ginger Awtry, Tim Britian, and John Schueneman Mayor Scott Bradley be the discussion by stating that Hillwood owns at least one-half of the minerals in the Town of Westlake. The Tom's desire is to help protect the development and the citizens of Westlake by working with developers to identifj, the best drilling locations in Westlake while possibly obtaining a 5% royalty for the Town. Town Manager Trent Petty gave a brief -overview of the preliminary research concerning the mineral ownership. Mr. Petty explained that it would be beneficial for the Town to determine the most viable drilling sites. The To will not be able to receive any tax revenue from wells drilled inside the Town with the exception of the areas zoned Light Industrial, in the absence of some arrangement for the Town's participation, This is because the Town cannot assess a tax on minerals without having an ad valorem tax on the property or surface of the land. It would be beneficial to receive a commitment from Hillwood for a percentage of all wells drilled in Westlake. There may be some residents that can benefit indirectly. To date, we have one resident family who gave 25% of their mineral rights to Westlake Academy upon the Town's purchase of their land. Mr. Petty asked the Board to determine what is the most reasonable way the Town can benefit from land leasing and mineral rights. Mr. Petty suggested that the Town could pool the interests, assess development fees and permits for drilling, and/or sell the water necessary for drilling. Discussion ensued regarding specific drilling information and the expected return of a well such as: horizontal bores can reach anywhere from 2,500 to a maximum of 5,000 feet; wells can be spaced 250 feet a part; a volume of 2 V2 to 3 billion cubic feet can be expected in 20 years with 113 produced in the first 3-4 years of drilling; options to refrac; there are roughly 4,700 acres of land in Westlake; one could expect $20,000 — 80,000 of return per, acre over the lifetime of a well. Everyone present expressed concern that it will be difficult to get all the residents together to educate and inform everyone of the process, their rights and options, and just exactly how the pooling of interests will work if an agreement is possible. There would be then for several Town meetings. The Board was in agreement that there should be separate leases for the separate access points and that we, as a Town, want to be thoroughly prepared and educated. A discussion began concerning the average lease time of 2 years on property, how valuable a commodity that rights of way will be, and the estimated time of 2 years until a collection system could be built for the minerals. Mr. John Schuenernan stated that the Town could be a vehicle for the citizens to obtain the royalties. He is aware that Channelview, Texas leased all of the school land and that school district now has the best of everything to offer its students. Mr. Petty asked if the Town should represent themselves or is it better to go through a company such as Cornerstone. Mr. Tim Brittan said that the Board could design the whole lay out of drilling for the Town and that developers should not benefit for free. For example, Cornerstone is currently paying $3000-5000 bonus per acre and can negotiate along the lines of 20% to the owner and 5% for the Town. The Board fell that Hillwood would benefit from a program and should participate with the residents in sharing some of its royalties with the Town. Mayor Bradley expressed a desire for the Board to decide the well sites and locations of the pipelines and gathering stations instead of leaving the derision to those who drill wells. Mr. Petty stated the Town's desire to acquire a copy of Circle T's drilling plan. He advised that the Board please consider the wear that the roads will receive from the heavy trucks and equipment necessary for a drilling operation. Mr. Schueneman suggested the Board consider assessing road use fees and establishing specific times of usage on the roads for the related traffic. Mr. Britian suggested that the Board may want to bring in a representative from Cornerstone for a future workshop and discuss possible agreements with developers and what percentages to expect. He stated that the Town has nothing to lose by planning ahead. The Town controls the drilling ordinances, can set the precedence on water'usage and is very much aware that most citizens do not want drilling in their Town. Mr. Petty recommended that the Board could amend the Zoning ordinance so that no one can take the leases that the Town has acquired if the wells are not drilled by lease end. Mayor Bradley acknowledged that be would like the well sites to be established before any plan is presented to the citizens. He indicated tdecisions must be made concerning the water usage of drilling. The Mayor summarized and acknowledged the consensus of the Board for the following plans: A) Work with Cornerstone to develop a plan for drilling to cover all of the Town except Circle T, but including any spillover areas of Keller; and work toward an agreement on a lease form containing uniform terms for all citizens to sign B) Same as plan A, but include Circle T / Hillwood in the leases. Mayor Bradley acknowledged that there was a consensus to bring in Cornerstone, with the assumption that land developers will not be included in the negotiations until all property owners have agreed on the desired direction of any drilling program. A second meeting would then be necessary with the developers to hear their positions. W ATTEST: Scott Bradle, Mayor J in er R, Awtry, Acting To Secretary MINUTES OF A TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS SPECIAL WORKSHOP MEETING OF THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE, WHICH INCLUDES THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN AND THE HISTORICAL PRESERVATION BOARD 03129 : t III PRESENT- Mayor Scott Bradley and Aldermen Buddy Brown, Fred Held, and Dcm Redding Historical Board Members Ruby Held and Sharon Sanden ABSENT: Historical Board members Allen Heath, Jack Wiesman, Stephen Thomton, President Kelly Bradley; Pathfinder Editor Joyce Roach. and Aldermen Bill Frey and Larry Corson OTHERS PRESENT: Town Manager Trent Petty, Town Secretary Jean Dwinnell, and Facilities and Recreation Director Troy Meyer 1. CALL TO ORDER, Mayor Scott Bradley called the meeting to order at 6:55 p.m. 2. DISCUSS TOWN OF WESTLAKE 50"" ANNINTRSARY CELEBRATION. time capsule committee meeting held earlier in the month. Decisions dial will need to be made by the committee and Boards consist of the following: exact size of the capsule, desired items to be placed in the capsule, when will it be opened, how often will it be opened up, where will it be placed, displayed or buried, etc. Mayor Braciley made a motion to price a 2' x 2' gas filled w- ntainer to be opened in 50 years. Board member Sharon Sanden seconded the motion. It was unanimously approved and agreed upon by all present that the time capsule committee -Aill acquire a written proposal of the cost to be brought back before the joint Boards for consideration. It was suggested that the time capsule committee begin work on the wording for the enclosure and that this will also be brought back before the joint Boards for consideration and final vote. Mayor Bradley stated that Carolyn Sims had obtained a proposal for a pyrotechnic show at the Christmas tree lighting ceremony, and asked the joint Boards and all those present if anyone was interested. There did not appear to be any interest and no motion was made. Additionally, Mayor Bradley asked if it was desirable to have a Cowboy Christmas theme for the To tree lighting in 2007 with the possibility of obtaining Barry Corbin to present the West Texas Christmas along and to have the Co own Opry perform at an approximate cost of $600 for a 30 minute performance. There was a consensus to explore such a program for 2007. Discussion of the Christmas tree lighting ceremony ensued, and there was a consensus of those present that the To would be -proud to have both the Westlake Academy Choir and Strings students perform a few holiday songs. Additionally, everyone will play and/or sing Happy Birthday to the Town of Westlake. The Historical Society will plan to serve 3 birthday cakes in either the lobby of the To Hall or Westlake Academy to commemorate our 5& birthday. It is not known at this time if the Academy wffl be having a preceding event to the tree lighting as in years past. There being no further discussion, Mayor Bradley declared the meeting adjourned at 7:13 p.m. 1:11111 1 i1q;n1ilil ATTEST: Scott Bradley" Mayor W&CM322= MINUTES OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS BOARD OF ALDERMEN MEETING !'RESENT: Mayor Scott Bradley and Aldermen Buddy Bro,,Arn, Fred Held, Larry Corson, and Don Redding OTHERS PRESENT: Town Manager Trent Petty, Town Secretary Jean Dwinnell, Executive Assistant Clinger Awtry, Facilities and Recreation Director Troy Meyer, and DPS Director Don Wilson. I W-111NME1161114r I Mayor Bradley called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. 2. EXECUTIVE SESSION. The Board convened into executive session at 7:17 pm., as Mayor Bradley read the items to be discussed. 3. RECONVENE MEETING. The Board reconvened into regular session at 8:20 p.m. 4. EXECUTIVE SESSION ACTION. There was no action taken. 5. CITIZENS' PRESENTATIONS. III III IIIII I I � � I 9� 1 11111111 1 1 � I 121�� = WIi I&,: I � i: I � i; I I I �' CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AN APPLICATION FOR A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR A PRIVATE WATER WELL TO BE LOCATED AT 2013 POST OAK PLACE IN THE VAQUERO ADDITION. Mayor Bradley opened the public hearing. There was no one present wishing to speak and Mayor Bradley closed the public hearing. Town Manager Trent Petty explained the proposed Ordinance and the stipulations made by the Planning and Zoning Commission. The Commission's approval was conditioned that no improvements would be allowed in any easement and nor within 15' from the rear property line. AlanBrown moved to approve Ordinance No. 508, approving an application for a specific use permit for a private water well to be located at 2003 Navasota Cove in Vaquero, with the conditions as stated by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Alderman Corson seconded the motion. There was no discussion and the vote on the motion was as follows: Ayes: Aldermen Brown, Held, Corson, and Redding Nays: None Mayor Bradley declared the motion carried unanimously. 7. CONSIDER A TABLED RESOLUTION APPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION. Alderman Brown moved to keep the Resolution tabled until the interviews for all candidates are complete. Alderman Redding seconded the motion. There was no discussion and the vote on the motion was as follows., Ayes: Aldermen Brown, Held, Corson, and Redding Nays: None Mayor Bradley declared the motion carried unanimously. S. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR EMS MEDICAL 1NWITH DR. JOHN H. ANSOHN, D.O. Mr. Petty explained the proposed Resolution, stating that there will not be any change or interruption in the service already being provided by Dr. John Ansohn, as Dr. Ansohn was the physician providing these services for the Town under the Baylor Grapevine contract. Mr. Petty added that was included in the adopted 2006/07 Town budget. Alderman Held moved to approve Resolution 06-51 authorizing a memorandum of agreement for EMS • direction with Dr. John H. Ansohn. Alderman Brown seconded the motion, There was no discussion and the vote on the -motion was as follows: Ayes- Aldermen Brown, Held, Corson, and Redding Nays: None S11 9. CONSENTAGE NDA. A. Review and approve minutes of the Board of Aldermen workshop and the regular Board of Aldermen meeting held on September 115 2006. B. Review and approve any outstanding bills. Alderman Brown moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Alderman Held seconded the motion. Ayes: Aldermen Brown, Held, Redding, and Corson Nays: • M III The vote on the motion was as follows: Ayes: Aldermen Brown, Held, Redding, and Corson Nays: None Mayor Bradley declared the meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm. APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN ON NOVEMBER 13, 2006+ ATTEST: er R. A , Acting To Secretary Scott Bradle�, Mayor