HomeMy WebLinkAboutSan Miguel Update 10-06-14Academia Internacional San Miguel de Allende Mechelle Bryson, Ed.D. Westlake Academy BOT October 6, 2014 San Miguel de Allende San Miguel de Allende Exploring New Relationships O My time in San Miguel de Allende was incredibly fruitful. It is a beautiful city. Indeed, we have embarked on a relationship with Academia Internacional that will only enrich WA’s mission. Academia Internacional Elements of our Interaction with Academia Internacional •Four of our students will participate in San Miguel’s Summer Leadership Symposium. We will be one of their six leadership schools drawn from IB schools around the world. •We will hold a WA International Mindedness Symposium for educators. San Miguel will send teachers to our event. Our Symposium will cover several topics under international mindedness including global collaboration. •Our students and teachers will participate in global collaboration with the teachers and students in San Miguel via contemporary technological interaction. Interactions with the Leadership Team in San Miguel Elements of our Interaction with Academia Internacional •Our students will be invited to participate in San Miguel’s Summer Spanish Immersion Program. •We will explore a way to modernize pen pals and match our students with students from San Miguel. This will be an authentic way for our students to utilize their Spanish skills. •We will eventually set up a teacher and student exchange program. Flattening Classrooms, Engaging Minds: Move to Global Collaboration One Step at a Time This is the Beginning of a Beautiful Relationship Questions