HomeMy WebLinkAboutGraduation Powerpoint 10-06-14Westlake Academy Graduation Philosophy At their May 12, 2014 the Board of Trustees (BOT) adopted a graduation policy for the 2014 WA Freshman Class and subsequent student cohorts to comply with the requirements and directives of House Bill 5 (HB5) which was approved by the Texas Legislature in their last regular session. •The BOT gave clear direction that they desired an endorsement that best aligned with the IB Philosophy. •The desired outcome was to create a strong pathway to the IB Diploma. •The Board did not want to create curriculum tracks that detracted from our charter focus of offering the IB curriculum to all students. •Our Current Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors graduate on a different plan. •BOT Policy No. 6.04 requires students to graduate with the Distinguished Achievement Diploma (DAP). •The DAP requires that students meet a specific criteria. 26 ½ credits in the state-approved curriculum in addition to three of these four advanced “measures”: 1. Each AP exam scored at 3 or higher Or IB exam score of 4 or higher. 2. Each college course completed with a grade of B or higher. 3. Completion of an independent research project. 4. Qualification as a commended scholar or higher on the PSAT National Merit Qualifying Exam. Level I: College Acceptance Level 2: College Success 7 FOUR KEYS TO COLLEGE AND CAREER READINESS Key Transition Knowledge & Skills +Postsecondary awareness +Aspirations +Norms/culture +Postsecondary costs +Tuition +Financial aid +Matriculation +Eligibility +Admissions +Program +Career awareness +Requirements +Readiness +Role and identity +Role models +Self-advocacy +Resource acquisition +Institutional advocacy Key Content Knowledge +Structure of knowledge +Key terms and terminology +Factual information +Linking ideas +Organizing concepts +Challenge level +Value +Attribution +Effort Key Cognitive Strategies +Problem formulation +Hypothesize +Strategize +Research +Identify +Collect +Interpretation +Analyze +Evaluate +Communication +Organize +Construct +Precision & accuracy +Monitor +Confirm Key Learning Skills & Techniques +Ownership of learning +Goal setting +Persistence +Self-awareness +Motivation +Help seeking +Progress monitoring +Self-efficacy +Learning techniques +Time management +Test taking skills +Note taking skills +Memorization/recall +Strategic reading +Collaborative learning +Technology prof. The Four Dimensions of College Readiness Key Cognitive Strategies •Problem formulation, research, •interpretation, communication, precision and accuracy. Key Content Knowledge •Key foundational content and “big ideas” from core subjects. Academic Behaviors •Self-management skills: time management, study skills, goal setting, self-awareness, and persistence. Contextual Skills and Awareness (College Knowledge) •Admissions requirements, college types and missions, affording college, college culture, and relations with professors. Key Cognitive Strategies Key Content Knowledge Academic Behaviors Contextual Skills and Awareness Educational Policy Improvement Center, David Conley Half of all new jobs in the U.S. will require postsecondary degree. Fastest growth will occur in jobs requiring an associate’s degree. 1/3 of all job openings in the U.S. will require a postsecondary degree. 80% of the top 20 growth occupations in Texas will require education above the high school level. Occupations 2008-2018 Economic Realities 12/22/2014 COPYRIGHT © 2013, TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY 9 As a result of the discussion at the BOT’s May 12th meeting, Staff determined that to best implement the Board’s policy and clear direction given at that workshop (to have our students on an IB curriculum path), as well as to meet the Texas DAP diploma requirements for Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors classes, was to require that all seniors to sit for IB exams. Bureau of Labor Statistics, US Department of Labor Median Weekly Income as a Function of Educational Attainment Annual Average Unemployment Rate in the U.S. as a Function of Educational Attainment Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics July 2010 Civic Engagement as a Function of Educational Attainment June, 2010 U.S. Census Bureau