HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-09-06 TC MinMINUTES OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS BOARD OF ALDERMEN MEETING JANUARY 09, 2006 PRESENT: Mayor Scott Bradley and Aldermen Bill Frey, Buddy Brown, Fred Held, and Larry Sparrow ABSENT: Alderman Don Redding OTHERS PRESENT: Town Manager Trent Petty, Town Attorney Stan Lowry, Town Secretary Jean Dwinnell, Finance Director Debbie Piper, and Marketing and Public Affairs Director Carolyn Sims 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Bradley called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. 2. EXECUTIVE SESSION. The Board convened into executive session at7:06 p.m., as Mayor Bradley read the items to be discussed. 3. RECONVENE INTO OPEN MEETING. The Board reconvened into regular session at 8:47 p.m. 4. EXECUTIVE SESSION ACTION. There was no action to be taken. 5. CITIZENS' PRESENTATIONS. Ms. Barbara Griggs, 1559 Dove Road, spoke regarding the hardship she believes will exist in selling her property for development if the town enforces its Code requirement that existing overhead utility lines must be buried when the property goes under development. She stated that there are utility poles and lines on her property and the cost of burying those lines likely will prevent her and/or the proposed developer from making the kind of profit they would like. It was the consensus of the Board to place this item on a future agenda for the Board's consideration. 6. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE TOWN MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH GTE SOUTHWEST INCORPORATED DB/A/ VERIZON SOUTHWEST TO LEASE TOWN OWNED TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONDUIT (DUCTBANK-) IN ORDER TO SERVE VAQUERO PHASE III WITH TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND VIDEO SERVICES. Town Manager Trent Petty explained the background of the proposed Resolution and introduced Mr. David Mielke of Verizon. Mr. Petty explained that the 6% fee in the Resolution represented a 5% Franchise Fee and a 1% Federal fee for PEG (Public Education and Government) Channels. Discussion ensued regarding the estimated time frame for completion of the change from copper lines to the fiber optic lines, regarding availability of video capabilities to Westlake residents, regarding clarification of the public information disseminated by Verizon on the availability of video service, regarding whether Verizon can break out Westlake addresses to separate them from Roanoke, and regarding Verizon's estimate of the time in which FiOS services, including video, will become available in the SBC service areas of Westlake. Mr. Mielke stated that he did not know when Verizon services would be offered in areas not currently served by Verizon, as that was a policy decision that would come from a higher management level. He further stated that he would get addresses from the Town Manager of residents desiring video services, and would get back to the Town promptly to let the residents know when the services would actually be made available. Alderman Sparrow made a motion, seconded by Alderman Held to approve Resolution No. 06- 01, authorizing the Town Manager to enter into a contract with GTE Southwest Incorporated D/B/A Verizon Southwest to lease Town -owned telecommunications conduit (ductbank) in order to serve Vaquero Phase III with telecommunications and video services. There was no further discussion and Mayor Bradley declared the motion carried unanimously. 7. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE TOWN MANAGER TO AMEND THE CURRENT DUCTBANK LEASE BETWEEN THE TOWN AND GTE SOUTHWEST INCORPORATED DB/A/ VERIZON SOUTHWEST FOR CONDUIT IN VAQUERO PHASE I. Town Manager Trent Petty explained the background and purpose of the proposed Resolution including the reasons for making a second conduit available free of charge for the existing copper lines until another party would seek to lease that particular conduit. Discussion ensued regarding when the copper lines would be removed, and regarding how Verizon would determine that the copper lines could be removed. Alderman Sparrow made a motion, seconded by Alderman Brown to approve Resolution No. 06- 02, authorizing the Town Manager to amend the current Ductbank Lease between the Town and GTE Southwest Incorporated D/B/A Verizon Southwest for conduit in Vaquero Phase I. There was no further discussion and Mayor Bradley declared the motion carried unanimously. 8. CONSENT AGENDA. A. Review and approve minutes of the regular meeting held on December 12, 2005. B. Review and approve any outstanding bills. Alderman Held made a motion, seconded by Alderman Frey to approve the consent agenda as presented. There was no discussion and Mayor Bradley declared the motion carried unanimously. 9. ADJOURNMENT. Alderman Held made a motion, seconded by Alderman Sparrow to adjourn. The motion carried unanimously and Mayor Bradley declared the meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN ON JANUARY 23, 2006. ATTEST: JVan Dwinnell, TRMC, CMC, Town Secretary