HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-26-14 WAF MinWESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting August 26, 2014 Board Members in Attendance: Karen Stoltenberg, Chris Jeppesen, Bill Greenwood, Ken Gordon, Zan Jones, Kevin Hansen, Andy Sedino, Leah Rennhack Others in Attendance: Shelly Myers, Julie Kelly I. K. Stoltenberg called the meeting to order at 8:34 AM. II. Academy Report  There will be a change to the labeling of this agenda item from “Superintendent Report” to “Academy Report” to allow for broader representation and presenters.  No report today. III. Motion to approve minutes of June 10, 2014 meeting by K. Gordon, second by A. Sedino. Motion carried. IV. Financial Report  Financials reviewed by S. Myers. o Clarification regarding page 1 “Refund for 3rd Learning Grant to Academy”, which reports as a revenue to the Fund 100 account on page 3. o Currently there are still outstanding uncollected funds from Baja 2013 in the amount of about $70,000. Discussed possibility of holding credit card information on the event night at registration that could be erased within 24 hours to ensure security. S. Myers and J. Kelly to research.  Motion to approve financials by B. Greenwood, second by A. Sedino. Motion carried. V. Development Committee  North Texas Day of Giving will be September 18, 2014. o Grade captains and WAF Board invited to BAF kick-off cocktail party at the Stoltenbergs on 9/6/14. o A watch party is planned to be held at Andy Sedino’s restaurant in Grapevine. o S. Myers will investigate usage of a credit card processing “square” that could be used on Giving Day.  Westlake Baja is scheduled for 11/3/14 at Vaquero Club. o Discussed need for additional live auction items. Board was encouraged to come up with ideas/resources/contacts, and report back. o Debated hosting a separate Baja and Gallery Night VIP party. Board was positive toward hosting the Baja VIP this year, and re-examining a once a year VIP end of the school year party. VI. Marketing Committee  Z. Jones reported that the Year-in-Review newsletter is ready to mail.  The monthly postcards have been well received. They are allowing us more frequent communication at lower cost than newsletters.  Cyndie Jacks, former WA teacher, has taken classroom activity photographs across campus over the past couple of weeks to be used for various WAF communication pieces/emails.  Discussed need for alumni parent coordination. April Harrell, DP English teacher, has offered to assist.  Discussed class reunion coordination, and if that is a function of the Foundation. Fall 2015 would be the 5- year reunion for the first WA graduate class. Board will need to decide how any monies/donations collected from alumni would be used. VII. Grants Committee  Reviewed “Lucy Calkins Writing Institute” grant submitted in June 2014 for $2,500. S. Myers to communicate that staff needs to book lodging through the school instead of on own.  Motion to approve by B. Greenwood, second by K. Hansen. Grant approved.  K. Stoltenberg and L. Rennhack suggested requirement that staff share info learned and notify Board for communicating to donors their “gifts in action”.  S. Myers will invite recipient to board meeting to present learning.  Reviewed grant funds currently available for remainder of the school year. K. Gordon moved to increase granting funds by $25,000, second by B. Greenwood. Motion approved. VIII. Administrative Committee  K. Gordon discussed that the wording for Board membership, 3-year staggered terms is currently up for Westlake Board of Trustees approval. IX. President’s Report  K. Stoltenberg requested suggestions for Back to School night changes, ideas for grant promotion, (e.g,. pictures, videos) to increase interest and participation in BAF and other WAF efforts.  Board of Trustees and WAF Board currently have 100% participation in BAF 2014-15. X. Executive Director’s Report  S. Myers confirmed with Board that meetings will move to the 2nd Monday of each month at 8:30.  A. Sedino, B. Greenwood and C. Jeppesen all need Board books and all Board members need updates. Other business:  None. Next Meeting: Monday, September 15, 2014 at 8:30 AM, Arts & Sciences Building Conference Room A. Sedino moved to adjourn the Board meeting, second by C. Jeppesen. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 AM.