HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-15-14 WAF MinWESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting September 15, 2014 Board Members in Attendance: Ken Gordon, Debbie Kraska, Bill Greenwood, Andy Grieser, Zan Jones, Karen Stoltenberg, Jeff Watson, Leah Rennhack, Sean Shope Others in Attendance: Dr. Mechelle Bryson, Julie Kelly, Shelly Myers I. K. Stoltenberg called the meeting to order at 8:34 AM, followed by introduction of new board members, Andy Grieser and Debbie Kraska. II. Academy Report • Dr. Bryson discussed iPad rollout to Grades 1-11 and parent informational sessions. Thus far, iPads have been distributed to G10 and G11. Several teachers have been designated as technology experts and are assisting with suggestions for incorporating iPads into the classroom. • Discussed usage of SMARTboards in the school and the goal to have one in every classroom. Currently, there are two in DP, twelve in MYP, and six in PYP. • All teaching staff attended Great Expectations training this summer to create and foster a culture of mutual respect throughout the Westlake Academy community. III. Motion to approve minutes of August 26, 2014 meeting by K. Gordon, second by B. Greenwood. Motion carried. IV. Financial Report • Financials reviewed by S. Shope. o Any Baja Accounts Receivable from 2013 will be cutoff now and forwarded to 2014 budget. • Motion to approve financials by K. Gordon, second by B. Greenwood. Motion carried. V. Development Committee • Blacksmith Annual Fund o Grade Captains sent emails to their respective grades over the past week. o Logistics didn't work to have a Giving Day "watch party," so progress and results will be communicated via email. o S. Myers to research if the school's "emergency communications system" with parents' cell phone numbers can be used to text Giving Day updates and promote donations. o Discussed options for donor recognition signage. • Baja is scheduled for 11/3/14 at Vaquero Club. o K. Stoltenberg and S. Myers met with Rob Scott to discuss and plan event. o Sponsorship levels are positive and some good ideas have been generated for live auction items. o Blankets will again be presented as sponsor gifts. o There will be no separate VIP party this year, but Baja VIPs will be included in a collective "Foundation VIP Party" to take place in the spring, 2015. o Baja will receive promotion in several editions of Simply Westlake magazine. VI. Marketing Committee • Z. Jones reported that postcard mailed last week as part of monthly campaign. • WAF will communicate opening of new Fieldhouse next week. VII. Grants Committee • Reviewed request for iPad Survivor cases for G1-3, power rack, cables and power adapters. • Motion to approve by S. Shope, second by Z. Jones. Grant approved for $6,718.00. VIII. Administrative Committee • K. Gordon reported that terms of WAF Board have been approved by the Town Council. • Board members are now all on 3 -year terms ending in June of their designated year. IX. President's Report • K. Stoltenberg reported she and S. Myers recently attended a two-day Grant Writing seminar. • She discussed approaching Dr. Bryson regarding adding G12 students to the iPad initiative. X. Executive Director's Report • S. Myers reported on the Grant Writing seminar and plans to evaluate the Foundation's grant request process. The grant writing tips and skills learned will be focused on applications to private foundations. • Arts and Sciences capital campaign recognition piece is fully installed. • Discussed possibility of a Capital Campaign to raise funds for a DP building as being part of Phase 2 growth. Other business: • J. Watson reported that Town of Westlake is expecting population growth of seven times the current level. • Granada development progress is slowing, and Entrada is remaining with initial developer, who is still looking at funding for infrastructure construction. Westlake real estate is currently in a slowing trend. • At recent School Board meeting, ACT scores of WA students were discussed in comparison to the State of Texas. Next Meeting: Monday, October 20, 2014 at 8:30 AM, Arts & Sciences Building Conference Room S. Shope moved to adjourn the Board meeting, second by B. Greenwood. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:37 AM.