HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-26-00 TC Min Minute~ ot the Board of Aldermen meeting Page 1 of 3 3 7 TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN June 26, 2000 MQ C '.. \ , .,*., Wl_~_E , --,./' Presem:: Don Redding, Member Buddy Brown, Member Bill Frey, Member Larry Sparrow, Member Trent Petty, Town Manager Allen Heath, P&Z Commissioner Stan Parchman, P&Z Commissioner L. Stanton Lowry, Town Attorney Linda Zombeck, Town Planner Vincent Fritz, Engineering Consultant Ginger Crosswy , Town Secretary A.bsent: Scott Bradley, Mayor Fred Held, Mayor Pro-Tern It,::m # 1: Aldernlan Redding called the Board of Aldermen meeting to order at 7 :02 p.m. by annou:lcing a quorum consisting of Alderman Frey, Alderman Brown, Alderman Sparrow and himse; f. It.~m #2: The Board convened into executive session at 7:04 p.m. as Alderman Redding read the items ~:o -Je discussed. The Board recessed out of executive session at 7:27 p.m. and reconvened into open ses:;ion at 7:30 p.m. I t'~rn # 3: No action was taken coming out of executive session. It.~m #4: Motion by Alderman Brown, seconded by Alderman Frey, to approve minutes of the regular meetir.g :leld on June 12,2000 as presented. TJe motion carried unanimously. Jt,~m #5: Citizens Presentation. Allen Heath of 5944 Stagecoach Circle told the assembly that there will be a piece on Public Radio this weekend about Westlake. Alderman Redding stated that it would be on '<.ERA locally. It'~rn #6: Consider a resolution authorizing the Town Manager to execute a contract with Turner E:lginl:l~rs" Inc. regarding infrastructure development. Mr. Petty, the Town Manager, explained this item to the Board. Mr. Vincent Fritz of Turner Engineers, Inc. was present to answer any questions. W~OtiOl by Alderman Sparrow, seconded by Alderman Brown, to adopt Re~oluJ:iQ..Il~~.QQ-_J(). The mction carried unanimously. It.::m #7: Conduct a Public Hearing to consider an Ordinance repealing Article IV of the Unified Development Code, Permissible Uses, Section 6, Satellite Dishes and replace it with a new Article IV, Permissible Uses, Section 6, Wireless Communications Facilities and to amend Article IV, Permi:;si'Jle Uses, Section l, Land Use Schedule to replace "Satellite Dish" with "Wireless Cornrr"unications Facility". Mr. Petty told the Board that the staff recommends that this Public Hearir.g 'oe opened and then continued until the scheduled Board meeting of August 14, 2000 at 7:00 http://vv'Vl\v.westlake-tx.org/agendas/am062600.htm 07 11112000 3 fl1inutes of the Board of Aldermen meeting Page 20f3 p.m. AJdelman Redding opened the Public Hearing at 7:48 p.m. No one wished to address the Board Oil thi~ IT.atter. There was a motion by Alderman Frey, seconded by Alderman Brown, to continue this it~m until August 14,2000, at 7:00 p.m. The motion carried unanimously. Itl~m #8: Conduct a Public Hearing to consider an Ordinance regarding an amendment to Article III, Zoning District Map, Subsections 11 and Section 3, Purpose of Zoning Districts and Official Zoning Map, AIticle IV, Permissible Uses, and Article V, Zoning District Development Standards. Mr. Petty told the Board that the staff recommends that this Public Hearing be opened and then continued until th(~ scheduled Board meeting of August 14,2000 at 7:00 p.m. Alderman Redding opened the Public Hearing ;It 7:49 p.m. No one wished to address the Board on this matter. There was a motion by .A.lderrnan Brown, seconded by Alderman Sparrow, to continue this item until August 14, 2000, at 7:00 p.m. TJe mc-ticln carried unanimously. H;:m #9: Consider an Ordinance extending the moratorium established by Ordinance No. 354 on the isman-;e, acceptance or approval of any permits, applications, site plans, zoning amendments, rreliminary plats and final plats on all property in the Town zoned R-20, R-20C, R-40 and R-40C. 1\/r. PE:tty explained that since there was no action taken on Item #8, this moratorium needed to be extenct:d. Motion by Alderman Frey, seconded by Alderman Sparrow, to approve 9.JQ!g~t:l~J~Q_. J()5. TIe motion carried unanimously. H~m #10: Consider an Ordinance extending the moratorium established by Ordinance No. 353 on the pe:rrn.itting, installation, or construction of any commercial wireless antenna facility within the corporate :limits ofthe Town. Mr. Petty explained that since there was no action taken on Item #7, this m.)wtorium needed to be extended. Motion by Alderman Sparrow, seconded by Alderman B rowr., t) adopt Qr4LI!~l}~~J~~'_0. 362. Toe motic,n carried unanimously. Jt.~m #ll: Conduct a Public Hearing to consider a Resolution regarding a variance requested by Verizcn\JiTireless to the sign regulations of the Town. Mr. Petty explained that since the Board was sitting as the Board of Zoning Adjustment there had to be a super majority of four and since Aldt::nnan Sparrow is employed by GTE and could not vote on this matter there are only three Aldermen to vote on this item. Therefore, the staff recommends that this Public Hearing be opened and <:ontinued until August 14,2000 when all ofthe Board will be present. Alderman Redding cpened the Public Hearing at 7:58 p.m. No one wished to address the Board on this matter. Motion by Alderman Brown, seconded by Alderman Frey, to continue this Public Hearing until August 14, 2000, it 7:00 p.m. The motion carried - J for 1 - abstention - Alderman Sparrow H~rn # 12: Consider a Resolution urging the Texas Department of Transportation's assistance with the f'reci.n ct Line Road interchange. Mr. Petty explained this item to the Board. Motion by Alderman Frey, seconded by Alderman Sparrow, to adopt R.e~_Q1utioIl ~.Q~9-=-31. The motion carried unanimously. I tl~m # 13: Motion by Alderman Sparrow, seconded by Alderman Frey, to pay all bills as presented. The motion carried unanimously. http://wwvv.westlake-tx.org/agendas/am062600.htm 07/11/2000 Minute~ of the Board of Aldermen meeting Page 3 of 3 3 9 At this time Alderman Redding made an announcement regarding the 4th of July celebration. I Item #14: Motion by Alderman Sparrow, seconded by Alderman Brown, to adjourn. Ta,e mctie,n carried unanimously. To.e mee:ing was adjourned at 8:l5 p.m. ~~- Don Redding, Member ATTES~~~ ___ A ~ CA~--- .~ 6 Ginger Crosswy, Town Secretary c;: :::..-=.:. ---=: :::..:: =.. :",~.,..==':::=-:.':':':-::_:=;-='::="-:-':::-==--=========--=-::'==~'::,:':'=::"--=,:-._-------_____________ http://w\^rw.westlake-tx.org/agendas/am062600.htm 07/1112000