HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-08-00 TC Min2 4 Minutes of the Board of Aldermen meeting TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN May, 8, 2000 Present: Scott Bradley, Mayor Fred Held, Mayor Pro Tem Bill Frey, Member Don Redding, Member Buddy Brown, Alderman Elect Larry Sparrow, Alderman Elect Trent Petty, Town Manager Allen Heath, P&Z Commissioner Sharon Sanden, P&Z Commissioner Hank Barry, P&Z Commissioner L. Stanton Lowry, Town Attorney David Smith, Town Engineer Ginger Crosswy, Town Secretary Absent: David Loeser, Member Abe Bush, Jr., Member Page 1 of 3 Item # 1: Mayor Bradley called the Board of Aldermen meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. by announcing a quorum consisting of Alderman Frey, Alderman Redding and Alderman Held. Item #2: The Board convened into executive session at 7:08 p.m. as Mayor Bradley read the items to be discussed. The Board recessed out of executive session at 7:20 p.m. and reconvened into open session at 7:40 p.m. Item 43: No action was taken coming out of executive session. Item #4: Motion by Alderman Redding, seconded by Alderman Held, to approve minutes of the regular meeting held on April 24, 2000, and minutes of the special meeting held on April 27, 2000, as presented. The motion carried unanimously. Item #5: Citizens Presentation. No one wished to address the Board. Item #6: Consider a resolution affirming support for neutral tax treatment of Internet purchases. Mr. Petty, the Town Manger explained this item to the audience. Motion by Alderman Held, seconded by Alderman Frey, to adopt Resolution No. 00-20. The motion carried unanimously. Item #7: Consider a resolution recognizing the benefits of the Metroport Cities Partnership to member Cities, their respective Chambers of Commerce, School Districts and business partners; documenting the many Metroport initiatives improving the transportation and mobility system in our region; and recommending that the North Texas Commission award the Transportation Excellence Award in Mobility to the Metroport Cities Partnership. Mayor Bradley explained the Metroport Cities Partnership's membership and mission and recounted the organization's efforts since 1988 to http://www.westlake-tx.org/agendas/am050800.htm 05/23/2000 Minutes of the Board of Aldermen meeting Page 2 of 3 25 improve transportation in the area. Motion by Alderman Frey, seconded by Alderman Redding, to adopt Resolution No. 00-21. The motion carried unanimously. Item #8: Consider a resolution recognizing the benefits of the Metroport Cities Partnership to member Cities, their respective Chambers of Commerce, School Districts and business partners; documenting the many Metroport initiatives improving the transportation and mobility system in our region; and recommending that the North Central Texas Council of Governments award the 2000 Regional Cooperation award to the Metroport Cities Partnership. Mr. Petty, the Town Manager, told the Board that this is similar to the previous resolution except that it is a different award. Motion by Alderman Redding, seconded by Alderman Held, to adopt Resolution No. 00-22. The motion carried unanimously. Item #9: Consider a resolution appointing the following people as members of the Board of Directors of the Westlake Development Corporation: Scott Bradley, David Brown, Buddy Brown, Fred Held, Randall Reed, Dr. Joseph Bonola and Don Redding. Motion by Alderman Frey, seconded by Alderman Held, to adopt Resolution No. 00-23. The motion carried unanimously. Item #10: Consider a resolution approving the recommended appointment of officers to the Board of Directors of the Westlake Development Corporation. Motion by Alderman Held, seconded by Alderman Frey, to adopt Resolution No. 00-24. The motion carried unanimously. Item #11: Consider a resolution approving the expenditure of 4B sales tax funds, in an amount not to exceed $32,000.00, to Perez/Freese & Nichols for the Town's Water and Wastewater Rate Study, in furtherance of the economic development projects of the Town of Westlake as authorized in Section 4B of the Texas Revised Civil Statutes, Ann. Sec. 5190.6. Mr. Petty, the Town Manager, explained this item. There was a motion by Alderman Redding, seconded by Alderman Frey, to adopt Resolution No. 00-25. The motion carried unanimously. Item # 12: Roy Wilshire and Frank Abbot of Kimley Horn made a presentation to the Board on behalf of WB Resort Communities, L.P. concerning the projected work schedule for PD 3-1. Item #13: Consider a resolution authorizing the Town Manager to enter into a contract with Metro Code Analysis regarding plan review and building inspection services. Mr. Petty, the Town Manager, told the Board that the staff has received more information and is recommending denial of this item. This item died for lack of a motion. Item # 14: Consider an ordinance amending the Town's Engineering Standards to add a new Article VIII, Utility Duct Bank Facilities. Mr. Petty, the Town Manager, explained this item. There was a motion by Alderman Held, seconded by Alderman Frey, to adopt Ordinance No. 361. The motion carried unanimously. Item #15: Motion by Alderman Frey, seconded by Alderman Redding, to pay all bills as presented. The motion carried unanimously. http://www.westlake-tx.org/agendas/am05O800.htm 05/23/2000 26 Minutes of the Board of Aldermen meeting Page 3 of 3 At this time Mayor Bradley read a thank you card from the family of Mike Hamper. Mayor Bradley then introduced Mr. Buddy Brown and Mr. Larry Sparrow to the audience as the new Aldermen -elect. The election will be canvassed in a special meeting on Tuesday, May 9, 2000, and the newly elected officers will be sworn in on Monday, May 22, 2000. Item #16: Motion by Alderman Redding, seconded by Alderman Held, to adjourn. The motion carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Scott Bradley, Mayor ATTEST: Ginger Crosswy, Town Secretary http://www.westlake-tx.org/agendas/am05O800.htm 05/23/2000