HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-11-97 TC Min291 TOWN OF WESTLAKE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN AUGUST 11, 1997 Present: Scott Bradley, Mayor Charia Bradshaw, Mayor Pro -Tem Fred Held, Member Abe Bush, Jr., Member David A. Loeser, Member Terry Morgan, Special Counsel Joe Colvin, Town Bankruptcy Attorney Bobby Forshey, Town Bankruptcy Attorney Pat Neligan, Town Bankruptcy Attorney Ginger Crosswy, Town Secretary Absent: Jerry Dinsmore, Member Paul Isham, Town Attorney Mayor Bradley called the meeting to order at 6:20 p.m. Item #2: Consider an ordinance canvassing the results of the August 9, 1997, special election. Motion by Alderman Bradshaw, seconded by Alderman Bush, to adopt Ordinance No. 294 canvassing the results of the special election of August 9, 1997, electing two Aldermen to two unexpired terms. Motion carried unanimously. The Mayor then convened the meeting into Executive Session at 6:25 p.m., by reading the list of items that would be discussed in Executive Session. The Board recessed the Executive Session at 7:40 p.m. and reconvened into open session at 7:48 p.m. Item #3: Administer oath of office to newly elected officers. The Town Secretary administered the oath of office to newly elected Alderman David A. Loeser. Alderman Jerry Dinsmore was absent from the meeting because of a death in the family. Item #5: Consider and take action necessary with respect to any of the pending matters in item #2. Motion by Alderman Bradshaw, seconded by Alderman Held, to engage and authorize the law firm of Neligan & Averch, L.L.P. to proceed with the appeal on the bankruptcy dismissal. Motion carried unanimously. 292 August 11, 1997 Regular Meeting Page 2 Item #6: Review and approve minutes from the regular meeting held on July 28, 1997. Motion by Alderman Bradshaw, seconded by Alderman Bush, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Item 97: Citizens' Presentations: No one wished to address the Board. Mayor Bradley announced that there would be no meeting on August 18, 1997. The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, August 25, 1997. Item #8: Review and approve any bills paid or unpaid. Alderman Held asked if the Board could see the bill from Cantey & Hanger, L.L.P. Mayor Bradley explained to the audience that any bill that is kept in the Town Hall becomes an open record. Therefore to keep outside parties from examining the detailed attorneys' bills they are being kept at the Town attorneys' office. This item was then tabled until after the second Executive Session where the Board can examine the attorneys' bills. Item #9: Consider and take action to approve payment for election personnel at $6.00 per hour. The Town Secretary announced that this would be for 16 '/2 hours at a total of $99.00. Alderman Bush announced that he'w6uld abstain from voting on this issue since members of his family were the election officials to be paid. Motion by Alderman Held, seconded by Alderman Bradshaw, to pay the election personnel as stated. Motion carried - 3 for 1 abstention Abe Bush, Jr. Item # 10: PUBLIC HEARING concerning the budget for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1998. The Mayor opened the public hearing by asking if anyone wished to address the Board concerning the budget. No one wanted to speak so the public hearing was continued until the next regular meeting. Mayor Bradley told the audience that this item will be on the agenda for several weeks to accommodate anyone interested in addressing the Board on this matter. Item #11: Consider and take action to amend the budget for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1998. No action was needed on the item. Item #12: The Board reconvened into Executive Session at 7:55 p.m. The Board then reconvened into open session at 8:15 p.m. August 11, 1997 Regular Meeting Page 3 Item #13: Consider and take action with respect to any of the matters listed in Item #2. This item was not needed. Item #8: Motion by Alderman Bradshaw, seconded by Alderman Held, to pay all outstanding bills. Motion carried unanimously. The bills to be paid are as follows: Barton-Aschman $ 8,708.19 Cantey & Hanger, L.L.P. 56,933.62 Charles Haynes, CPA 14,646.35 Ditto's Mail & Graphics 446.00 Goins, Underkofler, Crawford & Langdon 49,893.65 Keller Citizen 60.00 Keller Office Supply 99.98 KPMG Peat Marwick, L.L.P. 36,950.00 Lloyd, Gosselink, Fowler, Blevins & Mathews 1,139.27 Maguire Partners 818.00 Metroplex Engineering Consultants 2,267.00 Neligan & Averch, L.L.P. 59,407.47 One Hour Delivery 20.95 Paul C. Isham, Esq. 22,445.15 Solana Education Center 250.00 Southwestern Bell 195.16 Texas County Printing & Services 200.76 Wooten Productions 125.00 Item # 14: Other business: No one had any business to discuss. Item #15: Motion by Alderman Bradshaw, seconded by Alderman Held to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 8:17 p.m. Scott Bradley, Mayor ATTEST: Ginger Crosswy, Town Secretary 294 MINUTES AND CERTIFICATION On August 11, 1997, the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas convened in a regular meeting at its regular meeting place in Westlake, Texas. The roll of the duly constituted officers and members of the Board of Aldermen was called, which are as follows: Name Scott Bradley Charla Bradshaw Fred Held Abe Bush, Jr. Title Mayor Mayor Pro -Tem Alderman Alderman all of whom were present thus constituting a quorum. Among other business, a written Ordinance bearing the following caption was introduced: AN ORDINANCE CANVASSING ELECTION RETURNS OF THE SPECIAL ELECTION HELD ON AUGUST 9, 1997, TO ELECT TWO (2) ALDERMEN TO FILL THE UNEXPIRD TERMS OF TWO VACANCIES ON THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 22.010 OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE. After due discussion it was duly moved and seconded that the Ordinance be adopted. The Presiding Officer put the motion to a vote of the Board of Aldermen, and the Ordinance was adopted by the following vote: AYES: 3 NOES: 0 ABSTENTIONS: 0 The Presiding Officer then declared the Ordinance to be adopted. MINUTES APPROVED AND CERTIFIED TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT and to correctly reflect the duly constituted officers and members of the Board of Aldermen, and the attached copy of the Ordinance is hereby certified to be a correct copy of an official copy thereof, on file among the official records of the Board of Aldermen, on the 11th day of August, 1997. [SEAL] By:' Ginger Crosswy, Town Secretary Town of Westlake, Texas