HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-12-97 TC Min249 TOWN OF WESTLAKE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN MAY 12, 1997 Present: Charla Bradshaw, Member Fred Held, Member Abe Bush, Jr., Member Scott Bradley, Mayor Paul Isham, Town Attorney Terry Morgan, Special Counsel Ernie Hedgcoth, Town Engineer Ginger Crosswy, Town Secretary Absent: Dale White Carroll Huntress Howard Dudley The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by Alderman Bradshaw. Item #2: Consider the appointment of a Mayor Pro -Tem. Motion by Alderman Bush, seconded by Alderman Held, to appoint Alderman Bradshaw as the new Mayor Pro -Tem. Motion carried unanimously. Item #3: Consider and approve minutes from the Special meeting of May 8, 1997, May 9, 1997 and the Emergency meeting of May 9, 1997. Motion by Alderman Bush, seconded by Alderman Held, to table this item until the Board has time to examine the minutes. Motion carried unanimously. Item #4: Citizens' Presentations: No one wished to address the Board. Item #5: Consider the motion of Scott Bradley for a new trial and order on same. The Aldermen constituted themselves into a court under Section 21.002 of the Local Government Code for the purpose of considering and taking action on Mayor Scott Bradley's motion for new trial in connection with the judgment entered April 29, 1997, on that certain complaint filed April 14, 1997, by Alderman Howard Dudley. Mr. Bradley read into the record his motion for a new trial that was filed in the Town Hall on May 5, 1997. Alderman Bradshaw read into the record the Order Ratifying and Confirming the Grant of a New Trial to Mayor Scott Bradley. Motion by Alderman Bradshaw, seconded by Alderman Held, to sign and enter the order granting Mr. Bradley a new trial and ratifying the action taken by the Board sitting as a Court under Texas Local Government code Section 21.002 on May 9, 1997, which action 250 May 12, 1997 Regular Meeting Page 2 granted Mr. Bradley a new trial on the complaint filed by Mr. Dudley, and vacated the "judgment" thereby.. Motion carried unanimously. The Board signed the order granting a new trial and ratifying the action taken by the Board on May 9, 1997. This order was then filed with the Town Secretary. Paul Isham, the Town attorney, addressed the Board requesting that in light of the order being signed, it would be appropriate for Mayor Bradley to resume his role as Mayor and presiding officer of this Board of Aldermen. As Mayor Bradley took his place at the podium there was applause from the audience. Mr. Bradley thanked the Board and the audience for their support, and promised that this is only one more step in reclaiming the lands that were fraudulently taken from the Town. Don Redding asked the Board how soon the new trial could be scheduled? Mr. Isham stated the date would be set by the Board. Item #6: Consider and take action to terminate Wood, Thacker & Weatherly as Town attorney in accordance with Texas Local Government Code Section 22.077. Mr. Isham told the Board that items #6,7 & 8 should be reworded to include ratifying the actions of this Board on May 8, and May 9, 1997. Motion by Alderman Bradshaw, seconded by Alderman Bush, to ratify the termination of Wood, Thacker & Weatherly that was done on May 8, and May 9, 1997, and to terminate Wood, Thacker & Weatherly as Town attorney in accordance with Local Government Code Section 22.077. Motion carried unanimously. Item #7: Consider and take action to hire and reinstate Paul C. Isham as Town attorney. Motion by Alderman Bush, seconded Alderman Held, to ratify the action of May 8, and May 9, 1997 that hired and reinstated Paul C. Isham as Town attorney and in the alternative to hire and reinstate Paul C. Isham as Town attorney. Motion carried unanimously. Item #8: Consider and take action to hire Terry Morgan and Freilich, Morgan, Leitner & Carlisle as Special Counsel to the Town for some of the pending and contemplated litigation matters; and to consider and take action to reinstate Terry Morgan and Freilich, Morgan, Leitner & Carlisle as counsel for the Town regarding land use matters. Motion by Alderman Bradshaw, seconded by Alderman Bush, to hire Terry Morgan and Freilich, Morgan, Leitner & Carlisle as Special Counsel to the Town for some of the pending and contemplated litigation matters; and to reinstate Terry Morgan and Freilich, Morgan, Leitner & Carlisle as counsel for the Town regarding land use 251 May 12, 1997 Regular Meeting Page 3 matters; and to ratify all of these actions as they were taken on May 8, and May 9, 1997. Motion carried unanimously. Item #9: Consider and take action to open a new checking account at the Westlake Branch of the Keller State Bank and authorize the signatories. Motion by Alderman Bradshaw, seconded by Alderman Held, to adopt Resolution 97-36. Motion carried unanimously. Item #10: Consider and take any necessary action with regard the Town's account with TexPool. Terry Morgan stated that this item was attended to in the above Resolution 97-36 in Item #9. Item #11: Consider and take action on an ordinance repealing all ordinances and resolutions concerning any disannexations, release of extraterritorial jurisdiction of the Town, and joint resolutions and agreements for release and acceptance from the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the Town into the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the Cities of Fort Worth, Roanoke and Southlake, which were approved by the Board of Aldermen at the meetings of May 2, May 8, and May 9, 1997, including, but not limited to, Ordinance No.'s 272 thru 282, 285 and 286 and Resolution No.'s 97-5 thru 97-27, 97-29 and 97-30, and including specifically any predecessor ordinances, resolutions or actions for the property described in the above listed ordinances and resolutions, including without limitation property descriptions contained in the ordinances and resolutions listed in exhibit A attached to the notice of the meeting. Mayor Bradley read into the record the letter that he filed in the Town Hall today vetoing the actions taken at the May 8, 1997, meeting that was chaired by Dale White. Mayor Bradley also told the audience that there is a letter, filed today with the Town Secretary, stating his dissent to the actions taken by the purported Board of Aldermen chaired by Dale White on May 9, 1997. Terry Morgan told the Board that the wording of Ordinance No. 287, which the Board had before them, should be changed. Mr. Morgan then read the ordinance as it should be written. Motion by Alderman Bradshaw, seconded by Alderman Bush, to adopt Ordinance No. 287 as read into the record with the deletion of the first four paragraphs beginning with "Whereas". Motion carried unanimously. Item #12: Consider repealing Resolution No's 97-31 thru 97-35, indemnification of Carroll Huntress, Howard Dudley, Jerry Moore, Al Oien and Dale White. Motion by Alderman Bradshaw, seconded by Alderman Bush, to repeal Resolution No's. 97-31 thru 97-35 which purport to indemnify Carroll Huntress, Howard Dudley, Jerry Moore, Al Oien and Dale White, and in the 252 May 12, 1997 Regular Meeting Page 4 alternative to ratify the repealing of these resolutions as previously done on May 8, 1997. Motion carried unanimously. Item #13: Consider an ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 283 which purports to repeal the grant of a franchise to the Lake Turner Water Supply Corporation. Motion by Alderman Bradshaw, seconded by Alderman Held, to repeal Ordinance No. 283, which purports to repeal the grant of a franchise to the Lake Turner Water Supply Corporation; and in the alternative to ratify all previous actions to repeal Ordinance No. 283 as stated in the record at previous meetings. Motion carried unanimously. Item 414 - Consider repealing Resolution No. 97-28 purporting to approve the settlement of the boundary disagreement lawsuit between the Town of Westlake and the City of Roanoke. Motion by Alderman Bradshaw, seconded by Alderman Bush, to repeal Resolution No. 97-28 purporting to approve the settlement of the boundary disagreement lawsuit between the Town of Westlake and the City of Roanoke; or in the alternative to ratify all previous actions that repealed Resolution No. 97-28 as previously stated in the record at previous meetings.. Motion carried unanimously. Item #15: Consider an ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 284 and any predecessor ordinance purporting to change the official boundary map adopted by Ordinance No. 253, specifically including actions taken by the previous Board of Aldermen on May 2, May 8, and May 9, 1997. Motion by Alderman Held, seconded by Alderman Bush, to adopt an ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 284 and any predecessor ordinance purporting to change the official boundary map adopted by Ordinance No. 253, specifically including actions taken by the Board of Alderman on May 2, May 8 and May 9, 1997, meaning the Board constituting members other than Mr. Bush and Ms. Bradshaw; and in the alternative ratifying the prior disapproval of that ordinance by the Board that included Mr. Bush and Ms. Bradshaw as members. Motion carried unanimously. Item # 16: Consider and take action to disapprove payment of any legal fees approved by the Board of Aldermen on May 2, May 8 and May 9, 1997. Motion by Alderman Bradshaw, seconded by Alderman Held, to disapprove payment of any legal fees approved by the Board of Aldermen, that did not include Mr. Bush and Ms. Bradshaw, on May 2, May 8 and May 9, 1997, and in the alternative to ratify the action of the Board, that included Mr. Bush and Ms. Bradshaw, which action disapproved payment of any legal fees as previously stated in the record at previous meetings. Motion carried unanimously. 253 May 12, 1997 Regular Meeting Page 5 Item # 17: Consider and take action to approve payment of legal fees. to Boyle and Lowry, L.L.P. in the amount of $5,343.75. Mayor Bradley told the audience that this is the fee for the law firm engaged by Ginger Crosswy, the Town Secretary, in the action that was initiated by four Aldermen in an attempt to force her to maintain two ballot boxes during the recent election. Motion by Alderman Bush, seconded by Alderman Held, to approve payment of legal fees to Boyle & Lowry, L.L.P. in the amount of $5,343.75 Motion carried unanimously. Item #18: Review outstanding and paid bills. No action was taken on this item because the Board had received nothing from the Town Secretary to review. Mayor Bradley stated that the new Aldermen have requested that this item be placed on the agenda for each meeting. Item #19: Consider and take action on a resolution declaring that the governing body of this municipality shall meet regularly at 7:30 p.m. each Monday at the Town Hall or a meeting room close by. Motion by Alderman Bush, seconded by Alderman Held, to adopt Resolution No. 97-37. Motion carried unanimously. Item #20: Executive Session: The Board convened into executive session at 8:30 p.m. The Board reconvened into open session at 9:40 p.m. Item #21: Consider and take action necessary with respect to any of the matters pending in item #20 above or other contemplated actions against parties involved in actions to destroy the Town. Motion by Alderman Bradshaw, seconded by Alderman Bush, to substitute new Town attorney Paul C. Isham in all currently pending litigation in which Wood, Thacker & Weatherly, P. C. or any attorney from their firm has appeared for the Town; and to further ratify all actions to the same effect that were taken at any previous meeting of the Board which included Mr. Bush and Ms. Bradshaw. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Alderman Bradshaw, seconded by Alderman Bush, to terminate all counsel engaged by Wood, Thacker & Weatherly, P. C. to take any action with regard to representing the Town of Westlake or any Aldermen in their official capacity, and to ratify all actions to this effect adopted at any previous meeting of the Board which included Mr. Bush and Ms. Bradshaw. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Alderman Bradshaw, seconded by Alderman Held, to terminate the law firms of Kelly, Hart & Hallman, and Fielding, Barrett & Taylor; and George Staples with regard to any representation of the Town of Westlake or 254 May 12, 1997 Regular Meeting Page 6 any Aldermen in their official capacity, and to ratify all actions to this effect adopted at any previous meeting of the Board which included Mr. Bush and Ms. Bradshaw. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Alderman Bradshaw, seconded by Alderman Bush, to authorize Town attorney Paul C. Isham and special counsel Terry Morgan to take any appropriate action that they deem necessary to protect the Town, the Town's legal position and the Town as described in Ordinance No. 253; and to ratify all actions to this effect adopted at any previous meeting of the Board which included Mr. Bush and Ms. Bradshaw on. Motion carried unanimously Motion by Alderman Bradshaw, seconded by Alderman Held, to instruct Mayor Bradley to contact Martin Rochelle with Lloyd, Gosselink, Fowler, Blevins & Mathews, P. C. to actively pursue the application for a certificate of convenience and necessity from the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission. Motion carried unanimously. Item #22: Motion by Alderman Bush, seconded by Alderman Held, to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Scott Bradley, Mayor ATTEST: Ginger Crosswy, Town Secretary