HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-06-97 TC Min178 TOWN OF WESTLAKE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN MEETING JANUARY 6,1997 Present: Scott Bradley, Mayor Carroll Huntress, Mayor Pro -Tem Howard Dudley, Member Al Oien, Member Jerry Moore, Member Paul Isham, Town Attorney Ernie Hedgcoth, Town Engineer Terry Morgan, Town Legal Advisor Charlie Haynes, Town Auditor Jim Schiele, Town Auditor Bill Greenwood, Planning & Zoning Commission Member Charla Bradshaw, Planning & Zoning Commission Chairperson Ginger Crosswy, Town Secretary Absent: Fred Held, Member The Executive Session of the regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Scott Bradley at 6:30 p.m. The Board adjourned the Executive Session at 6:50 p.m. and reconvened into open session at 7:06 p.m. Item #1 : The minutes of the. December 19, 1996 special meeting and the December, 27, 1996 special meeting were approved as presented. Item #2: Citizens' Presentations: No one wished to addmss.the Board. Item #3: JOINT PUBLIC HEARING of the Planning and Zoning Commission and th—: Board of Aldermen to consider amending the Comprehensive Plan to provide for the rezoning from R-40 "Estate Residential" Zone to R-200 "Country Residential" Zone certain tracts of land situated east of Pearson Lane and south of Dove Road and bordering the R-200 "Country Residential" Zone of Shelby Estates on the north and east borders of Shelby Estates. Paul Isham, the Town Attorney, explained to the Board that the Unified Development Code states that the Comprehensive Plan must be amended so the land use chart in the Plan will be consistent with any zoning changes made by the Board. Mayor Bradley told the assembly that the error in the original zoning around Shelby Estates was made on the land use map in the Comprehensive Plan. Upon further examination of the map in the Comprehensive Plan there have been other errors discovered, so in the future there will be a new map created to be inserted in the Comprehensive Plan to correct these errors. Darcy Anderson of Alliance Development Company stated that they 179 January 6, 1997 Regular Meeting Page 2 understood the history of the error which necessitated the rezoning of the area. He also stated that Hillwood/Willowbend, Ltd. would like for the Board to give consideration to allowing the developer to recapture the density lost on its property as the result of the rezoning at such time as Hillwood/Willowbend, Ltd. begins to develop its property. Mayor Bradley replied that the Board could not make any future commitments. Mayor Bradley then closed the joint public hearing. Item #4: Consider amending the Comprehensive Plan to provide for the rezoning from R-40 "Estate Residential" Zone to R-200 "Country Residential" Zone certain tracts of land situated east of Pearson Lane and south of Dove Road and bordering the R-200 "Country Residential" Zone of Shelby Estates on the north and east borders of Shelby Estates. Mayor Bradley asked the Planning and Zoning Commission if they had a recommendation on this item. Charla Bradshaw, Chairperson of the Planning and Zoning Commission, told the Board that the Commission recommended amending the Comprehensive Plan to be in compliance with the rezoning the Commission previously recommended. Motion by Al Oien, seconded by Carroll Huntress, to adopt Ordinance 261, amending the Comprehensive Plan as stated. Darcy Anderson of Alliance Development Company asked how the open space would be dealt with in the area being rezoned? Mayor Bradley said that an interim land use map has been prepared that will be used until the corrected map to be inserted into the Comprehensive Plan is adopted. Mr. Anderson was then furnished a copy of the interim map showing the open space locations. Motion carried unanimously. Item 45: Continuation of PUBLIC HEARING to consider rezoning from R-40 "Estate Residential" Zone to R-200 "Country Residential" Zone certain tracts of land situated east of Pearson Lane and south of Dove Road and bordering the R- 200 "Country Residential" Zone of Shelby Estates on the north and east of Shelby Estates. Mayor Bradley reopened the public hearing that was continued from the previous meeting by asking for comments from the assembly. No one wished to address the Board so the public hearing was closed. Item #6: Consider adoption of an ordinance rezoning certain property situated east. of Pearson Lane and south of Dove Road and bordering the R-200 "Country Residential" Zone of Shelby Estates on the Shelby Estates subdivision's north and east borders, from the R-40 "Estate Residential" Zone to the R-200 "Country Residential" Zone. Mayor Bradley asked Charla Bradshaw, January 6, 1997 Regular Meeting Page 3 Planning and Zoning Chairperson, if the recommendation made by the Planning and Zoning Commission at the last meeting to adopt the proposed rezoning still stands. Ms. Bradshaw stated that this continues to be the recommendation of the Commission. Motion by Al Oien, seconded by Howard Dudley, to adopt Ordinance 262, effecting the rezoning of the property in question. Motion carried unanimously. Item #7: Continuation of PUBLIC HEARING to consider adoption of revisions to the Unified Development Code revising planned development zoning district regulations. Terry Morgan, the Town's legal advisor, explained to the Board that the ordinances are still being revised and no action can be taken on items #7, 8, 9 or 10 tonight. Mayor Bradley asked if there were comments from the audience. No one addressed the Board. The public hearing was continued until February 10, 1997. Item #8: Consider adoption of revisions to the Unified Development Code revising planned development zoning district regulations. Mayor Bradley continued this item until February 10, 1997. Item #9: Continuation of PUBLIC HEARING to consider adoption of revisions to the Unified Development code revising subdivision and platting regulations. Mayor Bradley asked if there were any comments on this item. No one addressed the Board. This item was continued until February 10, 1997. Item #10: Consider adoption of revisions to the Unified Development Code revising subdivision and platting regulations. This item was continued until February 10, 1997. Item #11: Continuation of PUBLIC HEARING concerning the budget for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1997. Mayor Bradley stated that there would be no action on this item tonight to enable everyone to examine the revised budget. He told the assembly that the revised budget includes the Town's 4A and 4B Development Corporations, the Texas Student Housing Corporation, Lone Star Public Facilities Corporation and the new Municipal Hospital Authority, even though the last two have had no activity as yet. Darcy Anderson of Alliance Development Company asked when the 4A Development Corporation would commence? Mayor Bradley stated that the Town has received it's first check with the 4A tax money included. David Bryant of Hughes & Luce, L.L.P., representing Hillwood/Willowbend, Ltd., 181 January 6, 1997 Regular Meeting Page 4 asked what projects were on the horizon for the Lone Star Public Facilities Corporation? Mayor Bradley told the audience that there are negotiations in process with three different parties, but he cannot mention any names in a public meeting. If all goes well the Corporation could acquire as many as three different properties and the funds from this Corporation would actually flow into the Town's general fund. Mr. Anderson asked what the $157,000.00 under capital projects is for? Mayor Bradley answered that this is the commitment the Town has made to the City of Southlake for the Town's share of the cost of the N-1 sewer line. Item #12: Consider adoption of a revised budget for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1997. This item was continued until the meeting on February 10, 1997 to allow interested parties to examine the revised budget and comment at the next meeting. Item #13: Consider a resolution appointing Scott Bradley, William Greenwood, Howard Dudley, Fred Held, and Craig Bradshaw as directors of the proposed Westlake 4A Corporation, and authorizing the Town Attorney to file the articles of Incorporation. Motion by Carroll Huntress, seconded by Jerry Moore, to approve Resolution 97-1. Motion carried unanimously. Item # 14: Consider extending the moratorium on acceptance or processing of petitions to rezone land to planned development districts or to amend existing planned development districts. Terry Morgan, the Town's legal advisor, explained to the Board that this process of revising the Town's ordinances is taking longer than originally anticipated because the property owners have requested more meetings on the ordinance revisions, making these extensions necessary. Motion by Al Oien, seconded by Howard Dudley, to adopt Ordinance 263. Mayor Bradley asked for comments from the audience. David Bryant of Hughes & Luce, L.L.P., representing Hillwood/Willowbend, Ltd., told the Board that Hillwood/Willowbend, Ltd. thinks it sends the wrong message to adopt any moratorium in the first place. Mayor Bradley responded that the reason for the extension was to allow the property owners more input into the revision of the Town's ordinances. Motion carried unanimously. Item #15: Consider extending the moratorium on acceptance or processing of all applications for subdivision or platting of land and exceptions thereto. Motion by Al Oien , seconded by Carroll Huntress, to adopt Ordinance 264. Motion carried unanimously. 182 January 6, 1997 Regular Meeting Page 5 Item #16: Other Business: Paul Isham, the Town Attorney, stated that the meetings scheduled for January 20, and 27, 1997 could be canceled since the moratoriums had been extended. Al Oien suggested that the Town and Alliance Development Company write letters to urge the new County Commissioner, Glen Whitley, to pursue the resolution of the dispute between Tarrant and Denton Counties as to where the county line is located. There being no further business to come before the Board the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m. ATTEST: 1 _� 'm M v . . -14 APPROVED: Scott Bradley, Mayor