HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-25-96 TC Min162 TOWN OF WESTLAKE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN MEETING NOVEMBER 25,1996 Present: Scott Bradley, Mayor Carroll Huntress, Mayor Pro -Tem Fred Held, Member Howard Dudley, Member Paul Isham, Town Attorney Dennis Wilson, Town Planner Ernie Hedgeoth, Town Engineer Don Redding, Planning & Zoning Commission Member Bill Greenwood, Planning & Zoning Commission Member Larry Fuson, The Hogan Corporation Rod Kelly, Barton-Aschman Associates Absent: Al Oien, Member Jerry Moore, Member Ginger Crosswy, Town Secretary The Executive Session of the regular meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m. by Mayor Scott Bradley. The Board adjourned the Executive Session at 7:05 p.m. and reconvened into open session at 7:20 p.m. Item #1: ''he minutes of the October 14, 1996 regular meeting were approved as presented. Item 42: Citizens' Presentations: David Bryant of Hughes & Luce, L.L.P., representing Hillwood/Willowbend, Ltd asked if there has been any action on a Town budget since the last Board meeting? Mayor Bradley stated that the Board will take action on adopting a budget after the more pressing items before the Board have been attended to. Mr. Bryant then told the Board that the Local Government Code requires a budget regardless of ad valorem taxes as stated at the last meeting. Mayor Bradley then stated that legal advice given to the Town is not consistent with this information, and if Mr. Bryant has reference to any particular legal authority, then the Town would like to see it so that it can take the authority into account. Mr. Bryant did not cite any particular authority for his proposition. Item #3: Consider approving the site plan proposed by Maguire -Thomas Partners for the next phase of PD -1 (Solana), including without limitation any 163 November 2:,, 1996 Regular Meeting Page 2 variances to the Unified Development "-ode as may be reflected in the applzcadon on file wi-di :': 7o -mi. Richard'I iffilmari of Maguire -Thomas P a.'mei. gave a and asked for approval of the site elan as presented. Dennis Wilson, ciie Town Planner, told the Board that he had reviewed the plan n nd _otrnd it acceptable with *wo (2) variances. Dor. Redding iafonne:' ;ie r,)axd Hat the Planiiing and Zoning C ori w,ission region:t e,. ;e,' approval 2 -the site plan. Motion by Carroll. Huntress, secondk.d `.y : zo: -G:-d D°idilev, to approve the site plan as re ;ares` d, s'itli r.} r. w 'J.17Z :_. c: s _e"_; : ed ;.n the application. Motion carried lznonimously. Item #4: Consider adoption. of proposed v_dinance 260 whereby the Town of Westlake, Texas, and Soutl.;i.esteni Bel', Telephone Company agree to amend Ordinance No. 191 to pro for a longer term and to add termination and other provisions as a result of the changes made by the Public Utility Regula -tory Act of 1995, 74h Leg., R.S. Ch. 231, Tex. Sess. La -,.,j Serv. 201'7 (Vernon) (tc be codified as Tex. Rev. Civ, Stat. Ann. Art. 1446-C-0). Motion by Howard Dudley, seconded by Fred Held, to adopt this Ordinance. Motion carriers un^nimouciy. Item 45: PUBLIC HE ..:.1 ^ r:s:der rezoning frorn a R-40 `'Estate Residential" Zonc io i2 ..00 ` o _. i*y ,esidential" Zone certain tracts of lalzd situated c.rst of :'gar.e toad and bordering the R-200 "Coun`zy R.Ls: aen .i l" Lone o:: Shelby Estates or, the north and east borders of Shelby i,,st_:tes. The, hearing was opened for public conurrent. Darcy Ande •--, or "_ll;ance.-Development spoke against this rezoning. No one else uosired to speak, The Board continued this Public Hearing in an open status iintil the regular meeting of December 9, 1996. Item #6: Consider adoption of an ordinance rezoning certain property situated east of Pearson Lane and south of Dove Road and bordering the R-200 "Country Residential" Zone of Shelby Estates on the Shelby Estates subdivision's north and east borders, from the R-40 "Estate Residential" Zone to the R-200 "Country Residential" Zone. This item was also continued until the regular rneeting of December 9, 1996. Item #7: Consider approval of the application from Maguire -Thomas Partners for a variance to the sign ordinance to permit construction of the sign for La Scala Restaurant at 3 Village Circle, Westlake, Texas, in accordance with the plans filed with the application. Richard Kuhlman of Maguire- 164 November 25, 1996 Regular Meeting Page 3 Thomas Partners told the Board that the sign would conform with the Town's current ordinance in overall square footage, but since the name La Scala is short, the request is that only two (2) of the letters be taller that the ordinance permits. Motion by Fred Held, seconded by Carroll Huntress, to -approve the variance request. Motion carried unanimously. Item #8: PUBLIC HEARING to consider adoption of land use assumptions for population and employment growth in Westlake for the purpose of establishing impact fees for water, wastewater and roadway facilities. The hearing was opened and Dennis Wilson, the Town Planner, discussed the work done by the Impact Fee Advisory Committee. He explained how the current numbers were arrived at and went through the next steps in the process of establishing impact fees. Susan Mead of Jenkens & Gilchrist, representing JNC Enterprises, asked whether the Council of Governments had been consulted in arriving at the proposed numbers. Mr. Wilson said they were consulted first. David Bryant of Hughes & Luce stated that impact fees only apply to capital improvements put in place by the Town as to water and sewer. Therefore, the Circle T shouldn't be included in these since Lake Turner MUD's 2 & 3 will be providing these services on the Circle T Ranch. Mayor Bradley stated that the Town is working to secure a CCN to furnish water and sewer to all territory in the Town's boundary. The proceeding to obtain the CCN is pending at this time and this matter will be made clear when the proceeding is concluded. Mayor Bradley asked if anyone else wished to speak. No one else desired to address tte Board, so the Public Hearing was closed. Item #9: Consider adoption of land use assumptions for population and employment growth in Westlake for the purpose of establishing impact fees for water, wastewater and roadway facilities. Motion by Carroll Huntress, seconded by Fred Held, to adopt the land use assumptions. Motion carried unanimously. Item #10: PUBLIC HEARING to consider adoption of revisions to the Unified Development Code revising planned development zoning district regulations. The hearing was opened for discussion by the public. This Public Hearing was held open and continued until the regular meeting of December 9, 1996. 165 November 25, 1996 Regular Meeting Page 4 Item #11: Consider adoption of revisions to the Unified Development Code revising planned development zoning district regulations. This item was continued until the regular meeting of December 9, 1996. Item #12: PUBLIC HEARING to consider adoption of revisions to the Unified Development Code revising subdivision and platting regulations. The hearing was opened for public discussion. No one offered comment and this Public Hearing was continued in an open status until the regular meeting of December 9, 1996. Item #13: Consider adoption of revisions to the Unified Development Code revision subdivision and platting regulations. This item was continued until the regular meeting of December 9, 1996. Item #14: Consider adoption of the revised water and wastewater master plans. Larry Fuson of .The Hogan Corporation, the Town's water and sewer engineering consultants, presented proposed revisions to the current water and wastewater master plan that the Board adopted in 1992. Mr. Fuson stated that (1) the land use assumptions furnished by Dennis Wilson had been incorporated; (2) wastewater is developed by drainage basins, constructing gravity sewer lines flowing to the north; and (3) the proposed water plan is more complex, Water supply will come from Ft. Worth, being part of the Northeast Tarrant Regional water supply system, having two pumping stations and ground storage tanks. Two major alternatives were also presented. Alternative A would change the location. of the ground storage tank and add another elevated tank. (Another alternative is joining with Southlake on development of a pumping station.) Alternative B would split the Town into two (2) pressure zone systems. This would reduce the height of elevated storage tanks required to meet fire insurance requirements. The Board indicated that it would like to consider all aesthetic alternatives to the normal elevated water storage tanks. After an extensive question and answer session this item was tabled until the December 9, 1996, regular meeting. Item #15: Consider adoption of the revised thoroughfare plan. Rod Kelly of Barton- Aschman explained changes from the previous draft of the thoroughfare plan. Don Redding told the Board that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended adoption of the revised thoroughfare plan. 166 November 25, 1996 Regular Meeting Page 5 Many questions from the audience and the Board were answered by Mr. Kelly and Dennis Wilson. Motion by Fred Held, seconded by Carroll Huntress, to adopt the revised thoroughfare plan with the following exceptions: (1) removing references to "darkened concrete" on pages 5, 12 and 15, and (2) deleting the reference to . policy 1.4 on page 5 that reads "avoid privatization of streets within the Town." Darcy Anderson of Alliance Development Co. asked the Board to reconsider driveway access requirements in the future. Motion carried unanimously. The following Items #16, 17 and 18 were carried over to the December or January Meeting: Item #16: Consider the request from the Roanoke Library for a contribution to its operating costs. Item #17: View film presentation (Kelly Bradley, Executive Director), and consider the request from Metroport Meals on Wheels for a contribution. Item # 18: Receive a presentation by Bonita Turner, Executive Director, and consider the request from Roanoke/Trophy Club/Westlake. Chamber of Commerce for a membership contribution. Item #19: Consider an interlocal agreement with Tarrant County for road repairs. Motion by Howard Dudley, seconded by Carroll Huntress, to approve an interlocal agreement in the same form as the previous agreement made earlier this year. Motion carried unanimously. Item #20: Consider joining the Bureau of the Census in a list -building partnership program in preparation for the Year 2000 Census. Motion by Carroll Huntress, seconded by Howard Dudley, to approve joining in this partnership. Motion carried unanimously. Item #21: Consider an interlocal agreement with Denton County for a cooperative purchasing contract for the 1996-97 fiscal year. Motion by Howard Dudley, seconded by Carroll Huntress, to approve this agreement. Motion carried unanimously. November 25, 1996 Regular Meeting Page 6 Item #22: Consider extending the employment of Terry Morgan as special legal counsel. Motion by Carroll Huntress, seconded by. Howard Dudley, to extend the employment of Terry Morgan. Motion carried unanimously. Item #23: Consider a service contract for the Town's copy machine. Motion by Howard Dudley, seconded by Carroll Huntress, to approve the contract. Motion carried unanimously. Item #24: Consider a service contract with Lexmark for the Town's laser printer. Motion by Howard Dudley, seconded by Carroll Huntress, to approve an on-site service contract. Motion carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m. These minutes were transcribed from notes taken by the Town Attorney in the absence of the Town Secretary:.. APPROVED: Scott Bradley, Mayor ATTEST: Ginger Crosswy, Town Secretary