HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-12-88 TC Min75 MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS A Regular Meeting of the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas was held at 7:00 p.m. on the 12th day of September, 1988 at the Dudley Ranch in the Town of Westlake. The following were present: Dale L. White, Mayor Sherry Dudley, Alderman Alvin F. Oien, Alderman Carroll Huntress, Alderman Gerry White, Secretary Paul C. Isham, Attorney Scott Bradley, Chairman, Planning and Zoning Absent: Howard Dudley, Alderman Ralph Rampellini, Alderman Mr. Edward Walts, attorney representing IBM was also present. The meeting was called to order by the Mayor at 7:05 p.m. Minutes of the previous meeting were read by the Secretary and approved as read. The #2 item on the agenda regarding the cable contract was con- sidered first. Town Attorney Paul Isham, Mr. William Marks Sr. and Mr. William Mards Jr. reviewed the contract with the Board. Motion was made by Alderman Carroll Huntress, seconded by Alder- man Sherry Dudley to pass and approve,4,_,as written, Ordinance #171, an Ordinance granting a franchise to Cou'nrty Cable Limited Part- nership, an Arkansas Limited Partnership, doing business as Planned Cable Communications Systems, to operate and maintain a Cable Communicationssystem in the Town of Westlake. Alderman Carroll Huntress and Alderman Sherry Dudley voted for the motion. Alderman Alvin Oien voted against the motion. Motion carried by majority. Item #1. Consideration of a Resolution to participate in a Tax Abatement for GTE. Motion by Alderman Alvin Dien, seconded by Alderman Carroll Huntress to adopt Resolution 417-88, a resolution declaring that the Town of Westlake, Texas elects to become eligible to participate in Tax Abatement in accordance with the Property Redevelopment and Tax Abatement Act (Article 1066f of Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes). Motion carried by unanimous vote. 76 ri Item #3. Ciscussion of letter from Mr. Bob Minyard. Motion by Alderman Carroll Huntress, seconded by Alderman Alvin Oien that a letter by written to the owner of certain property on Aspen Lane stating that a complaint had been received by the Town regarding the unkempt condition of the property. Letter to further state that the Board of Aldermen request that the property be mowed. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Item #4. Consideration of a Resolution to seek designation as the management agency for wastewater collection and treat- ment. Motion by Alderman Carroll Huntress to table for further study. Motion died for lack of a second. Motion by. Alderman Alvin Oien seconded by Alderman Sherry Dudley to adopt Resolution #18-88, a resolution that the Town of Westlake seeks designation as the management agency for wastewater collection and treatment within its corporate limits in Denton and Tarrant Couties in accordance with the requirements of Section 208 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended; providing it is stated in the contract that no money be promised or paid until grant has been approved, and authorizing the Mayor to sign the contract. Alderman Alvin Oien and Alderman Sherry Dudley voted for the motion. Alder- man Carroll Huntress abstained. Resolution adopted by majority vote. Item #5. Appointing a Mayor Pro Tem. Motion by Alderman Sherry Dudley to appoint Alderman Howard Dudley Mayor Pro Tem. Motion seconded by Alderman Huntress. Motion carried by unanimous vote. There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. Approved: f ale L. White, Mayor Attest: errkOKW51te,rretar