HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-09-86 TC MinMEETING OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS A Regular meeting of the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas was held on September 9, 1986 at 7:00 p.m. at the Dudley Ranch in the Town of Westlake, Texas. The following were present: Dale L. White, Mayor Sherry A. Dudley, Mayor Pro Tem Howard Dudley, Alderman Alvin F. Oien Jr., Alderman Ralph Rampellini, Alderman Gerry White, Secretary Scott Bradley, Chairman, Planning and Zoning Absent: Jerry N. Moore The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. Minutes of the previous meeting were read by the Secretary and approved as read. Item #1. Consideration of an Interlocal Co-operation Agreement between Southlake and Westlake concerning ambulance and fire service. The Board had studied the proposed agreement and after some discussion motion was made by Alderman Howard Dudley, seconded by Alderman Alvin Oien to approve the Contract and Agreement between Southlake and Westlake regarding ambulance service and fire service. Motion carried by unanimous vote. (a copy of the contract and agreement is attached to these minutes and made a part hereof) Item #2. Consideration of a resolution pertaining to the installation of traffic signals at the intersection of Trophy Club Drive and S.H. 114. Motion was made by Alderman Ralph Rampellini seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Sherry Dudley to pass and approve a Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute on behalf of the Town of Westlake the agreement with the State Highway Department consenting to the installation of traffic signals at the intersection of Trophy Club Drive and S. H. 114. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Item #3. Consideration of a Boundary Adjustment Agreement between the Towns of Trophy Club and Westlake. Motion was made by Alderman Howard Dudley, seconded by Alderman Alvin Oien to approve the Boundary Adjustment Agreement, as presented, between the Town of Westlake and the Town of Trophy Club. Motion carried by unanimous vote. (a copy of the Boundary Adjustment Agreement is attatched to these minutes and made a part hereof) There being no further business to come before the Board the meeting was adjourned. Att@st: rJIA' -A AI I GgFrry,phite, S retary Approved: ale L. White'--m-Kay-or � rp r � � STATE OF TEXAS �,UUNTY QF DENTON � � � �R���� � BOUNDARY AAJU5TMENT AGREEMENT ��s``` WHBREAS, the Tawn of Trophy Club� Texes {"Traphy Club") artd the Town �"` of Westlake� ("Westlake") Texas itogether, the '"I`awns") ar� duly Ineorporated munieipalities under the laws of the State af Texas and are laeated in Denton County� Texas; and WHEKEAS, pucsusnt ta Ocdinanae No. of the Town of Westlak�, Texas� Westlake relinquished and discontinued rom its extraterritorial jucis- dietion all af that territory which eomprises the corparate boundaries of Trap�y Glub, less a ten (1U) toat strip (the "ten (10) faot strip"} of l�nd whieh genecally surraunds all of the territary lying within Trophy Club �orth of State Highway 114, which ten (10} foat strip Is more aceurately deserib�d by metes and bounds in F�achibit ,�p" attaet�d heceto �nd incorporeted hecein tor ell purposes; and WHEREAS, the ten tio) foot strip is contigvaus a�d adjacent to the corpocate limits of Trophy Club; and .• WHEftEAS, the Towns are authorized and empowered pursuant to articl� 870a. 47.8-1.ia), Yernan's Texas Revised Civil Statutes� as amend�d� to aecamplish mutually agreeable adjustmenta in theic boundaries at areas that are less tt�ar► tive hundred �500) feet in width, and WHEREAS� both Tawns mutually agree that because of the proximity oi the ten i10) foat stcip ta Tcophy Club� said strip af land would be mor� a�equately secved by Trophy Club with eity services; and • WHEREAS, the eespective Town Councils of the Towns have heretpfore determined that this Boundary Adjustment Agreement Is in the best interest of the heaith, safety. marals snd welfare of th� aitizens af the respcsctive Cities +�rtd �have autharized the Mayor af eaeh ot tt� Cities to execute this Agreement. N�W, THEREFCiAE, Por and in aansideration of the mutual pramises and benefits tlowing to both psrties to this Agreement� the reeeipt and suffieieney ot whiah is t�ceby aeknowledged� the Town ot Traphy Club and the Town af Westlake do hereby C4NTRACT. COVENANT� WARRANT and AC3RE� as follow�: Section 1. That all of the above premises are faund to be true and correct and are incorporated into ttze body ai this Baundary Adjustment Agreement as if capied in th�ir ez.. ����ety. Section 2. Westlake hereby disannexes, diseontinues and relinquishes from its eorporate jurisdictian all that certain ten (�0} foot strip of landt togeth�r with all extratecritorial jurisdiction attached thereto, as described in Exhibit "A�" attaehed hereto and incorporated herein for all �rpases, and grants Tropby Club all of its rights, powers and privleges in and to sueh strip of land, Seetion 3. Tcophy Club hereby aeeepts from Westlake and exereises corporate ju�Isdietion over that �ten (10} foot strip of land deseribed in Exhibit "A," and agrees to pravide and perform all neceS�ary munieipal anti governmental services and funetions in and ta ��:' � strip. � EXECUTED this the y day of S.�P,�.FirIA,�,2 , 18�6. T4WN t1F TRQPHY CLUB� TEXAS By: Meyor, Town a Trophy Club� Texas TOWN OF WESTLAKE� TEXAS . By: ..-- Ma or, Town o Weskl e, Texas METRfJPLEX ENC�INEERiI'Vt3 ENGINEERING • I.AND PI�ANNING STANFORD "81Jq" HAtJPTMANN, P.E., RPS, PRE$IDENT ,�,k l�l ,�f %� �,�{ l, F I E L D N 0 T E 3 East Tract i � �' i � • • • SURVEYING .r.a.� 7�50.� Tawn of Westlake 09 September $6 Boundary description for a tract of land in both Denton and Tarrant Counties, Texas, and being within the following DenCon Caunty 3urveys: J. Henrq, Abstract Number 52$; and M. Medlin, Abstract Humber $32 and said land lying within the follawing Tarrant County Survey; W. Medlin, Abstract Number 195$, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: B'�ginning at a point North 36 degreea 32 minutes 30 secands West 12.53 feet from the most southwerly southwest corner of a 307.91 acre tract conveyed to Rolling Green Co., Inc. in Volume 514, Page 222 of the Denton County Deed Records; Thence following the south and east li.ne of said 307.91 acre tract, paesing 10 feet in�ide of and parallel to same, 5outh 89 degrees 28 minutes East 468«7 feet, North 03 degrees 07 minutes East crossing said Tarrant and Denton County line at approximately 280 feet, and in all, 344.4 feet to a point Id feet North of the line com�on to said W. Medlin and J. Henry Survey�, and 3outh $9 degrees 42 minutes Ea�t 145.9 feet, and North QO degrees ll minutes 30 seconds East 3830.0 feet ta a point 10 feet West of the northeast corner of said 307.91 acre tract, said point being in a public road; Thence following said raad to the North, passing IQ feet West of and parallel ta the center line of same, North 00 degrees 08 minutes 50 secands West 2727.1 feet ta a poine; Thence departing said road, passing 10 feet outside of and parallel to that certain 12.548 acre tract conveyed to Larry W. Garr, et ux in Volume 662, Page 604, Deed Records, Denton County, Texas, South 89 degrees 58 minutes West 557.8 feet, and North 598.6 feet, and North 30 degrees Q2 minutes 30 seconds East 284.5 feet; Thence parallel and 10 feet inside the east line of a 16.42 acre tract conveyed to Larry Carr, et ux by the previously rnentioned Volume and Page, Narth 00 degrees O1 minutes Weat 152.7 feet, and North 56 degrees 48 minutes East 582,7 ieet, and North 00 degrees 09 minutes West 39.9 feet to a point 10 feet Sauth and 10 feet West oi the northeast corner of said Carr 16.42 acre tract and a southeast corner of previously mentianed II.S.A. property for Grapevine Reservoir; 1123 FORT WORTH DRIVE • DENTON, TEXAB 76205 • (e17J �e�-14'IB • METRO 430-16,�J2 250 SOUTH STEMMON�'u- * SUITE 300 • LEWISVILLE, TEXAS �6067 • [214) 221-2418 J.�.� 7b50.2 continued P��� � Thence follawing said U.S.A. property line, passing 1Q feet South of and parallel to same, the fallowing courses and distances: South 89 degrees 17 minutes West 596.3 feet; South 89 degrees 38 minutes 30 seconds West 362.$ feet; Sauth 89 degrees 07 minutes Wesfi 281.3 feet; South 11 degrees 45 minutes West 501.5 feet; South 88 degrees 57 minutes West 3G2.6 feet; North Ol degrees p4 minutes West 494.0 feet; South 89 degrees 29 minutes 30 seconds West 610.3 feet; South 28 degrees 59 minutes West 1384.7 feet; Narth 10 degrees 12 rainutes West 1222.8 feet; South 89 degrees 33 minu�es 3d seconds West 1734.3 feet to a point; Thence Narth 30 degrees 3$ minutes West 11.6 feet to a monument marked E-100; Thence following the actual U.S.A. praperty line, North 89 degrees 33 �inutes 30 seconds Easfi, 730.3 feeG, being the northeast corner af tha� certain tract af land eonveyed to Jau►es E. Redman by deed recorded in Volume 668, Fage 465 of the Aeed Records of Dentan County, Texas; Thence North 89 degrees 33 minutes 30 seconds East 101$,2 feet; Thence Soufih 10 degrees 12 minutes East 1,203.1 feet; Thence Nozth 28 degrees 59 minutes East, 1,362.4 feet; Thence North 89 degrees 29 minutes 30 seconds East, 626.0 feet; Thence Sout� Ol degrees 04 minutes East, 493.95 feet; Thence South 88 degrees 57 minutes East, 324.6 feet; Thence North 11 degrees 45 minutes East, 501.5 feet; Thence North 89 degrees 07 minutes East, 289.3 feet; Thence North $4 degrQes 38 minutes 30 seconds East, 362.8 feeC; Thence Nort� 89 degrees 1� minutes East 506.4 feet to a point at the northeast corner of said Carr 16.42 acre tract in the west line of a public road; J,O.� 7650,2 continued page 3 Thence South 00 degrees 09 minutes East 55.35 feet, South 56 degr�es 48 minutes West 5$2.7 feet, South OQ degrees Ol minutes East 150.0 feet, South 30 degrees 02 minutes 3Q seconds West 2$4.45 feet, South 586.0 feet, and North 89 degrees 58 minutes East, passing Che southeast corner of said Carr 11.598 acre tract at 632.$ feet, and in �11, 657.75 feet to a point in khe center line of a public road, said point being the nartheast corner of that certain tract conveyed to Eugene Zale, Trustee, in Volume 624, Page 431, Deed Recards, Denton County, Texas; Thence South 00 degrees 08 minutes 50 seconds East 2737.0 feet to a goint in the center line of Medlin Road, and South 00 degrees 17 minutes 30 seconds West 3840.0 feet, and North 89 degreea 42 minutes Wes� 19b.4 feet, and South 03 degrees 07 minutes West 344.5 feet to the mast southerly southeast corner o� the aforementioned Rolling Green 307.91 acre tract; Thence North 89 degrees 2$ minutes West 470,8 feet to the point for corner; Thence North 36 degrees 32 minutes 30 seconds West with the nartheasterly right—ai—way of said Highway 114 a distance of 12.53 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing approximately 4.0 acres of lsnd . John M. Hili (214) 754-86Q7 Hutchison Price Bayle & Brooks A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS AT LAW Mayor Dale White Town af Westlake P. 4. Box 27 Raanoke, Texas 76262 3900 FIRST CITY CENTEF DALIAS, TEXAS 752�1-4622 (214) 75A-8600 February 24, 1988 Re: Baundary Adjustment Agreement - Tawn of Trophy Club, Texas Dear Mayar White: AUSTIN OfFiCE: 1108 LAVACA STREET, SUITE 40Q AUSTIN, TEXAS 78701-2118 �si2) a��-4�2� pAUAS TELECOPY NUMBER: (214) 754-0840 Enclosed please find one (1) copy of a Boundary Adjustment Agreement between the Tawn af Westlake and the Town of Traphy Club regarding the ten foot (10') strip surraunding Trophy Club for your review. The map that yau sent me reflects that Westlake, in addition to annexing a ten foot (10') strip; also annexed a thirty foot (30') strip of land along what would now canstitute the western edge of Trophy Club. If that is the case, we will need to amend the Agreement to reflect that the thirty foat (30') strip of land, from Highway 114 to the point where said strip af land interseets with the ten foot (10'} strip of land, is also a part of the Boundary Adjustment Agreement. I do not, as of yet, have a metes and bounds description of either the ten foot {10'} strip ar the thirty foot {30') strip. Prior to executing this Agreement, we will need to attaeh a legal descriptian of the territory whieh Westlake is disannexing. We greatly appreciate Westlake's cooperatian in regard to this Agree- ment, and hope to conclude the matter as quickly as possible. Sincerely, HUTCHISON PRICE BOYLE & BRC}UKS �� ��•r�r� • JMH/lc Enclosure ce: Mayor Jim Carter Mr. Paul Isham