HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-02-69 TC MinREGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN September 2, 1969 A regular monthly meeting of the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas, was held at the Guest House, Circle "T" Ranch, on the 2nd day of September, 1969, at 7:30 P. M. Present were Ben A. Zwald, Mayor, and Messrs. S. B. Cathey, D. G. Burger, A. L. Odom and H. S. Thrasher, Aldermen. Mayor Zwald called the meeting to order and announced that a quorum existed for the transaction of business. The Mayor stated that the first order of business would be to consider the draft of an ordinance submitted to the Town of Westlake by the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company which provides for the pay- ment by said company of a sum of money equal to two (2%) per cent of the annual gross receipts from business in Westlake in exchange for the right to maintain certain poles, wires, cables, and other appur- tenances across, on, over through and above the streets of Westlake. Mr. Skiles explained that a Texas statute provides that city ordinances such as Westlake's Ordinance No. 40, providing for a street usage rental, may not be enforced against telephone companies, and South- western Bell voluntarily submitted a draft of an ordinance for con- sideration in lieu of said Ordinance No. 40. Mayor Zwald suggested that perhaps the 20 year period provided in Section 11 might be reduced [/ e- to 10 years, and that provision should be made for payment during the current year for the 12 months next following rather than a payment being made at the end of the first year the ordinance is in force if adopted. Mr. Burger suggested that since Southwestern Bell is the largest telephone company in the area it would probably be best to enact their ordinance even if the 20 years were mandatory. Mr. Cathey stated that full services to Westlake residents might not be available from the company if the Town Council insisted upon a time period of less than 20 years. In concluding the discussion of this matter, Mayor Zwald requested that Mr. Skiles contact John B. Moore, Manager of the telephone company, and ask if he might, if at all possible, attend the October meeting of the Board of Aldermen in order that cer- tain questions could be asked of him concerning the proposed ordinance. The Mayor next told the Board that the Town of Southlake had given him a copy of the map of their corporate area and that he felt a copy of the Westlake map should be provided Southlake. Mr. Skiles stated that a map would be sent to Mayor Zwald in order that he might person- ally deliver it to Southlake. The next matter raised was that of the continuing problem of the infringing Southlake City Limits sign located on Highway 114. The Mayor stated that attempts were still being made to rectify the situation. Mayor Zwald next stated that he had for sometime felt that the Town of Westlake should be enlarged so as to incorporate the area lying between that portion of the town bisected by Highway 114 and that por- tion of the town further to the North connected solely by old State Highway 10 and old U. S. Highway 377• It was stated that the Town of Southlake was rapidly annexing all available property bordering its bounds in every direction and was now second only to the City of Ft. Worth in land area in Tarrant County. Each of the Aldermen then agreed with the Mayor's suggestion that the limits of the town be "squared." Mr. Burger suggested that many people would quickly agree to annexa- tion if only the cost of having their property surveyed was not involved. He stated that perhaps it would be wise to annex the property of those desiring annexation merely by survey. It was also mentioned by several of the Aldermen that personal notification of the procedures included should be given those who might desire to enter the bounds of Westlake,, and that such notification would be far more successful than notice by mail. The Mayor requested that the Town's attorneys determine the pro- cedure for annexation and advise the Town Council at the next meeting accordingly. The next matter to be raised was that of the proposed development of a portion of the Wilde property by an unknown developer. Letters from Mr. Claude Griffith, a Realtor in Ft. Worth, were read by Mr. Skiles which indicated that plans were being made to construct 400 homes on said property, and the developer had expressed concern as to the provisions of water and sewage facilities for these homes. Mr. Burger suggested that Mr. Griffith should be contacted regarding the type of homes to be constructed on the tract. Each of the Aldermen agreed that some restrictions or minimum requirements should be estab- lished prior to permitting such a development to be undertaken. Mr. Cathey noted that long range plans for Westlake should include the tp4 l4 *1 — establishment of a zoning ordinance. Mr. Zwald suggested that Mr. Skiles contact Mr. Griffith and ascertain the plans of the developer for the area, and see if he might be willing to attend a meeting of the Town Council in order to answer certain questions concerning his plans. The final matter to be considered by the Board was that of fire- fighting equipment. Mayor Zwald noted that two grass fires had endan- gered his property during the month of August, and had it not been for neighboring towns and their facilities, his farm would have been de- stroyed. e-stroyed. Messrs. Burger, Cathey and Odom stated that the wisest plan would be to continue making donations to neighboring fire- fighting units each year as they were more than willing to assist in times of emergency and such procedure would appear more economical and efficient than if Westlake were to attempt to establish a voluntary unit. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Mayor Zwald. APPROVED: f l� B. A. ZWALD, May A. L. ODOM, Secretary TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS WAIVER OF NOTICE OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN We, the undersigned, being the Mayor and all of the Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas, do hereby severally waive notice of the time, place and purpose of a special meeting of the Board of Aldermen and do hereby call said meeting and consent to the holding thereof at the Circle "T" Ranch Guest House in Denton County on the 9th day of October, 1969, at 7:30 o'clock P. M., and we hereby severally consent to the transaction of any and all business that may come before said meeting. B. A. ZWALD Cj MAYOR ALDERMEN: DEWEY G.� RGER S. B. �,*THEY G. H. H. HARMON, JR. c H. S. THRASHER 4-5-0—