HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-01-67 TC MinSPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN June , 1967 A special meeting of the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas, was held at the Headquarters Building, McGuire Ranch, on the day of June, 1967, at 11:00 A.M. pursuant to a written Waiver of Notice signed by the Mayor and each and every of the Aldermen. Present were John A. McGuire, Mayor, and Messrs. A. L. Odom, John A. McGuire, Jr., A. H. Wilde, H. T. Webster and H. S. Thrasher, Aldermen. The Mayor called the meeting to order and announced that a quorum existed for the transaction of business. The Mayor then stated that the first order of business was to consider the granting of a Franchise to Lone Star Gas Company to furnish and supply gas to the general public of the Town and the environs thereof. He then presented to the meeting a copy of a proposed Ordinance in this connection and after a full discussion thereof the Mayor requested the Secretary to read to the meeting the following proposed Ordinance No. 38: — 37.L- ORDINANCE NO. 38 AI OJ.J)DWm .C'IlAI'1'DG to LOll ftAl CMI C<lCPAIt, ... OOUOMTIOI, US 1000II8OII .AD AI81GIS, 4 JIWIOJI181 '1'0 JUBIUB AD IUPl'LY ClA.StO ,. GIDIAL JIU8LIC %I' TIll fCMrOP UftLIU, DD'J!QI AID rADA.I'l ~, tIIU,iID IB IIVDOIJ f-4~J HlO'9'DDG rea I'D IA1H81' or A raaa_.. fOIl ,. till 0'1 m ....., ALLUI ADPUBLXC WAD, .. ItOYDDG raT If IJIA:LL. D LIIU OF ODD .. .___, BICUTDJG .G Y.U.ODI fADS. . If 0II>>.I8) .. m 8QAJG) Of ALIJ.IIlmI or 'III I'M' 01 UftLIU,!'lXAJU 8Ift1C8' l.l'bat tale TOR of ".tlUe. "... J be"~J' ea.U.e4 "T0WIl," Mrebr pate \0 .LaIIe Star ... ~, .....~ ea1.le4 *0-... ,..".. JI 1.. ........ ad. ...!.pat ...., to 11M u4 _..". .u.. pre.et .... Man......., &UeJa, bl.cbnr-., ,.U.o Jtluea, "Uet~ .... IJ'OUD4t ot T<nra tor tbe ptU'pOh ot ~. ....4....., _v.Rb&, opera.t1D&u4 I'IQl6ClIta tbentA1a4 \boreaa ,1pelbe. .... aU ot_ _p. ,.-teaaat ............... u4 ""'8V1to deU.. U4 ..u au to "..- '00', t1l... u4 oorporatlca., lacl,.,'-.&ll -. ..enJ. JdtUc, ctbla the tVwrlt. col'fOl'ate Ualt. ua4 taw. ........... ~ J .w. .....t be1q pw.ltect tor .. tenlot ""-....fly. (2'> ,-.r. 11'_ MAl.n. \be kte of the ftDal P".... .... .~ or thU "'~~uee. 1ICf1Ol I. .~. ,ball lAr, ___wa, oou~t,opeN.W u4 q... plaoe 1_ pipe" aiu. la.\en.l. aD4ot_ ..}'MDt M U to lnerfve .. UtU. .. poI.llale 1d.tit tJoattio &ad.ball p~ oJ.ee.nllp aDd Fe- n... to _~t. ot1.~...~oOll4ltlOA. at 1t. .,.t,all t_~... tan. u.4ot_r ....... ..ld.eh 1t .,41.tvb" !he locatloaot aU ae.1na, pipe., 1a~ -' .... ..~t e..;pantebtJJ. be t.t.u4 ~ tbe ~.l.lon ot tbe .~ of Al...... or.. &1lthorUe4 .~ttee 01' __t appolate4 lI.1 _4 1ov4. 8BC'rI0If 3. WheD e~ ah&U __ or ... to '- .....___'t10l11 or .ball pl.ue .___'ion, 11l ... ..v.et, ..u.q .. 01;.hel' ,..lie place. tM ,.Uo IhaU be proteow .., ~_. UI4 11.lht. plaoe4. encte4 a4 .....1.ae4 .. .~l .aM SA the ....t Gt 11lI.., tQ &rq PO" OJ' ...... '" .. ~ '" ..... .t \be ecaI'tnIetlon. o,...t~ or _~ot \be .... 4:.lJtrt~ p1Iat or.,._ ot ~, OOIIpaWUall ~ D4 __ 1Iua1ea, feND ".... aa4 aU 11.&bllit,J b ~1_ tblrew1th. ~.., IM1l ftpI1r. OUD _&114 "anon to ."PP1'Q1tS.aa\e _..1 ..... 41\1. all ~ ad. aU.,. 41A1II"'bed -4viDe tbe ..~ton .... J'QIilr of ita ......trl.lN.\1aa .,..... IIQDOIJ ~. Xa .oI1\S._ \0 the.-,.. ..... tor .... n,pp11e4. eaa... ,..,. _-- ad. at... J'eUOIlIoble eb&rpa,ftle. and "~t1oa' tor ..m"nD4en4 ill \he .0000uct ot 1t1 ....100.., lacl~.. ..... tor sent", ...."" 111 ,he .........'1. ot _,..1 ......ni... .u<< .,. requ1n. 'bet.. t\lrI:l1.~ -.nl.., * eucut10n or .. ceatraet thpeator. ~ .ball .ftthe rl.lht to ecmtn4t with each outaaer with reterence to 'he 11lt1ttJ.l&tloQ. of ,.4 :pIPellttor, uy ... aU of the au plplDg -'a18- ,,~~'f4: !,.~/,~..~~-;,~..,.. .,.". __ .ia;..........".. ~~tq.~ ..~..... '-)... m...,...'.... i~.:.III~:....''J..t ....~ _"'~.W. '~., ....... 44... ;..... ..).,t...,.. '..... ._I'I'Yft'''' 1.._ 't . ..' > . . .'. . ._--IYII'4J ~~.. :~,.~.~n..', .,~........ ~?1n .!.._~ '..lbe ....;~.. M"4..~~.~~....." ....,:H,....>>.~.UIJJf...~....~...... M~'., ..~;"'*j~. r"JIIUI' r 1iJ,,~ ~I :.,....... aDd IIf".'."fJ.t.PM''-, ...............,'..... .... '.. .~__ ~~~;I.JUI.. .....,~...4,.. -'iSflltl_ cd.....~IWt._ ~,~.~. ~ l.... ...,~. ..i.4WU..14......;r.. ..,~. . ")"" <.,- .. '." ...." .. '.' ,.--..-"!,...,-./':,!, ;,' .. ~.." 'J '~', *,',;,~Io",,!,, .[.' . , /t-'. ".' \- ';,.'C" ~..,.- "';"'~ ' l' '. .:i'-',,',-,-,"i ':._,,';""~ 1"',"'- '.,~,'~-".J;.,. ,:~,."," .;"_,, "_,-..,, ".;i '",~",";'",<";. 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'tIi,E .~; tl1 tl%;rcr~~. tc:l1~ril, .~ .'7"~;;~!" ~,~~~.':l~"d_"""'i-_,In..f_",_"';,("'__' ~J"!,;,tft:" fOi"'~.""~""-"1....~so..:'t.lIlf'-: ~17 "f4lat*e'"i,lr~,::DfIl'Mi'~ .. &UM",:,lJ,JrIty,d:ril". ~f'" ~cM*'.;;"'C"s.\:,....~ '" ..:.....~ O$lte..,;;.,....:_;ll1l~...tf._~~... ~''^f'. ~t......"'......., .11_'iio....,~.lo.a..o.j,,~...A.,-..._ _'_~"'~" ......A ........:, ..' ..."'."'!! ....,;;(...... .. ,,:,v' .... ~~pw;,'".......,,,,..,..~,.......,,.-.. '.-. _ ......','.~ ~ '.:.' . ." ~<,.IM_I.,,, .wR",~8f f'('....-u,~__.b~ .......".......5,.. 'Mc:~.e.it';,.we.,~ ....i;.. ".....s~;av.rOl'fil.. 'IlJ.LJII7 "dW." ~~;:.1\f;..........,.(_.....'it.....PJU....i....;.... .......e4i:...... M ~ e ~,).;;~~,)'r .~t: ~;.c4~: ! Z1J~J.1J".~,~:.J," ~~.l.fr~:,:~~..~" ,-. ~'"f:,,f,l~~i.t. i ;.::.::~,~t ;~~.'::..~ :&. ;:I: :".1 'f..J;}t~,,:r.~ 'l..,.... i.,"": I."'.. the.". t..,::,".". ;~.'..;:"'li'f:J"li.=.'"".'.';:.;;;!:';"\(._':... ....'..~.l,.,gf'):.'. ...... ..' '. ." . t..:.,f-;..?L'" .;:,,~,i"" ~"'l~' . '1,~'Wi:f"".''';._;...''''i' ....~'~:-.nd ~.~r........__.J.t..v.a.,~~ _}"~il'_.i":_ .;M~ ,'''';'' ;)_:oI~""\"'I..t\l'.. ..~,.... ......~';.);~.f..,;~. =;l'::~ ~=~-:~~r~~:'~::r=~~.:O~~::;*:;~ C~ tral tbe .ue of .... to its dcDeat10 IJld o_rc1&l con...ra Ylth1a~':~~i~.,"\MtA~~ (_....aq.'~.i~lI =:=.~1:t4~r;:: :=~==~.::::.~vn::r~=l pa)'aellt .hall be tor the rights ud privilege. berelnpante4 \0 ~ 1nclu.d1ag exp:ress17, w1tbout liIdtatlon. the right tQue the .tr..t., -2~ )'. "V' , ~ '." - ~'7 .'- alley. U1d pubUc "'.,.. of lald Town. ADd 1 t 18 al.o .,re..17 &&reed that the atorea&1d UU1\1&1 '8IM.rt ab&Jl be 1.11 Ueu of &Dy &Dd &ll other &ad additlonal occu.patlon tax... ....eDeIlt ad tnDchise \axes, or charles (whetber lened ..a &11 ad Yalorem, speclal or other character of tuor charle), 111 11eu of mualclpal 110enae u4 laspectlO1l tee., .treet tu.. and street orall.7 rental.s or obu'les, an4 all other and addi tl...1 Il1D11clpal tans. oblL:raea, leYiea, teea &D4 rentaU of w'batsoeTe1' kind aDd cb&r&ct.er wb1ch'fom IIq bIpo.. or hereafter be autbarl..4 to 1...,. aD4 coUut, ueeptiag oaq \be uv.al .eoeral or apecltJ. ad 't'8.lor-. taxe., which Tow 1. authorl.. to 1e"7 aII4 Uzpose upon real and. persOlUtol property. .Ao\11.d Town DOt have the 188&1 power to apoee that the p&.JIIlent ot tbe tOftlo1D& ... ot ..eJ IhaU be in lieu ot tau.. 11.0..... .toe., atnet or alley natala or cba.l'l.s, .......nt or tnaoldae \.8. or c:baraea d'oreaa1d, then Town -.re.. tbat it ldUapp17 80 aueh of aa14 ...aot aoI14I7 patd aa ..., 'be nece8- s&:17 to Nt-1st)' ~'s 011111&\10118, 1f WJ.1. to pay aJI7 Illcl:l taxes, lleG.ea, charge" t.... rental., ....ementOJ' fraDCb1ae taxea or ebarg.s. In ortler to 4etend.De tlle arcas receipt. reoelve" by ~..,. traa the sale of.... (upresa17 eu111111ag tile aale ot p8 to 1a4WJtrial &ad goveroment.a1 cOll....r.) W1t:b111 the etorport.te Umits of Town, Ccrapan:f agl"ees tbat on the AM date tbatpqaeats a.re -.de aa proY14e4 in the preced.1D& pe.n.graph of thi. Section 9. it wU1 file with the Town Clerk a sworn report s~ tbe aro.. reeelpt.reoelYe4 tnm the .u.le of .... to ita dcme,n.le u4 a_ro1&l OOI)......1f1t1l1n sald corporate u..1te tor tbe caleD4ar ,.ear P'Me41ras;the ateot pafDJnt. fovD..,.. if 1 t .ee. t1 t. haTe 'tbe boob md. reoorUot ~ eXUlIMA by .& hpresent- at! Te of aa14 TOW'll to aaoertatn the cort'eet:De.8 Gf the nom reports &peed to be tiled hereln. Becelpts tram ..lea to aovenuaeatal ."1'8 orCOD.....rs sball tD.- elude all those recelpts derived trcm tbelale of p. toteder&l, state, count,. or c1t,. &Of~l"DIleJlta or hraaohellaad .u.b..,:v1.1ons theret. sc!lool cl1.trict. or other st.a1lar tiatrleta, 1t belllg tbe 1D.teDtlon to 1Dcl\14e vitl:dD the tera "lOYe:J'DlleDtal ".1'$ U1d eOfJ.s..r.tl all tu-n.pporte4 1I1.t1 t.1lt101l. .0wne4 or open.te4 411'"~ or 1a41reetly by aU 10ftl"n- aents &Ad bnacbes or subd1viaiODs thereof, such as s~l..eol1e.e., hosp! tals,eleemos7DU'J la8t1 tv:ttoas, &I'JQ7 or tn.1n1Dg OUipS " airports, cotD'thouae, oit, ball .d other b.tltutlC11l1 of au or a1lR11Ar k1Dd &D.4 cba.r&eter. "'Industrial us.rs 01" 000..,..1"'." &8 tler.1m _ed, are those genen.lly and 0~1.7 classified. as aucb .. C~. ...3- - 3 7.s - '!'be p&7IIeJlt Derein pl"OV'14ed shall be tor the period .January 1 to Deceber 31 of tbe r..pecrt1Te ,.ear 'a..t tbe ~t 1. BAde. SBCnOlflO .COlltp&Df aball tile 1101 wn tt._ &C4eptuce of tbi. tnaclU.. or41rlaDCtt w1tbtn 11n,. (60) .,..af'ter 1ta t1n&1 paaaage and approw.1 by Rid Town. . PA88B .AID APPROVBD OIl this the A..D. 19_" A'J.'ftS'f I day of , Seer.tar)' Ma70r Town of Westlake, Texu STAB or TIDS 5 COUftY Of DI9frO!l 5 .COOlft'Y OJ' TAIMliTt I, ,SeCX'etary of the Totm. otWe.tlake, I)ento. .1a4 tuTaDt e..\.le8, !".t do _reby cert1t;r tlat ~&boYe aa4 toreco!ns i.a __ a.a4 correct oopy of aD orti.D.aace puae(! 'bJ "e Board of Aldermen of the ..'.t'Qwa of We.tlake ata .....1on be14 OIl the _ ot. . . .1. . . .. .' . .' 19_,.. 1t appear. Of record 1n the N1au'tel of 8&14 JQar40f Allel'alen, U1 Book ... pase . .... . WIftISS MY IAIf1) AID 8&AL OF SUJ) ~.. this the I A.D. 19_" day of 8ee"ta.l7 Town o.f We.tJ..ake, 1'eu.& ...4... - 37' - Upon motion duly made by Mr. Wilde and seconded by Mr. Webster, the foregoing Ordinance No. 38 was unanimously adopted by the Board of Aldermen. The Mayor then stated that the next order of business would be to consider the adoption of an Ordinance fixing and determining the rates to be charged by Lone Star Gas Company for gas to consumers within the Town. He then presented to the meeting a proposed form of Ordinance in connection there- with. After a full discussion of the matter the Mayor re- quested the Secretary to read to the meeting the following proposed Ordinance No. 39: - .3 77- t..Q� ORDINANCE NO. 39 AN {3It.DZ1t = FInno An IdS:T`i iUaNG TBE Ww" 819RVIcE "AT" To BE Cii R= y-OR SSA IS OF RA.TURAL GAS TO RESIDEXUAL AND C CIAL CON M3 WTITHIN THE TOWN LIF.ITS OF Wlsl,'3TT:AKE s DEIMM AI? TAW= .'OMI s TVWo PRQ'YIl3IRC FCS Tlig If`i WHICIJ tS`L�CH RATE PAY BE C1WGMp ADJUSTED AND A ." WED AM DECLARING AN EMM=y. BE IT ORDAIBy THE OF ALDM OF TIMT N GF STLA s TMLFiR�3 AB t SECTION 1. Effective with the first gas bills rendered on or after the day of s lg f the general service rate br salea of natural gas rendered to residential and CQM1- merci&l consmers within the town limits of Wcstl&M by JAO* "ar Ciera Ceaaganys a< Texas corporatians its successors and +assignas is hereby fixed and deten4ned as follows: First 1 idcf or Fraction thereof $2.1W. gross; $1.�7 not React 2 Mef ti 1.3(= groes; 1.17 ger Mcf not Next 7 Mcfig 1.4222 grass; per Mef not Next 15 Mcf d .8555 s; •'7'C per kef not Reit 25 Ma 0 .7444 mss; X7 per Mcf net Over 54 Mcf (8 .6889 gross; .62 per Mef net No gess bill will be rendered to any residential Or c0merci&l cOnGuMar serverd under the above rate not Consuming WW g&Z during, monthly billing, period. ADJUSTV"T The amount of each not monthly bill cmputed at the above stated rates shall be subject to the follcwift MIJUs nt t Plus an sent equivalent to the ',QrOPOrtitanate part Of any neer tax, or in- Creaeesd taus or any Other jovearUme"U1 IMPOSitims rentals fear: or ebarge (except states 00untYs city tsAd special district ad valorem teases and taxes on net iacaeser) levied, ansessead or imposed subsequent to jgnu&ry 1, 2`?(E;s upon or allocable to the Cao* 'ss distribution opermtituus s by any neer' or a n"d laws, O rdinAUCe or Contract- loch gross monthly bili sbal.l be adjusted proportionately. ComP&Wv at Its option, traa►y forego the applieetion, of this adjustment; hovevers ftil- ure of Ccap&W to aVPIY such adjustment ,ball not coa3titute a4 waiver of company's right from time to tiMes Or at any times to make such ad jusstu*nt s in wholca or in parts in an;+t subsequent current monthly bill that may be aPPlicable to such bill. Met rate slall appiy to all bills paid within ten. days from s►onthiy billing; date.. In addition to the aforesaid mate#, Company shall have the right to col1ecit such reasonable charges as are u"essary to Gond t its business and to coxry out its rewxomWe rules &W regulations In effect. The above rats is aPpliaable to each residential and acmervial conamer per wnth or for wW part of a mouth for ch ffae is used at the saw location. SECTION +2. the rase ae t forth in Secti ou 1 my be obanged and amaded by either the Tcnm or Compaq fornishiag ,gas in the wuuwr provided by lair. service hereunder is svbject to the order* of regulator7 bodies h&viag jurit4ictioul, a ud to the C 's Rules and. aftulations Currently on rile in the Canpatwoo office. T1011 3. 'Me fact that there is an imperative public need for an ordinance fixing and determinixg the rate for gas and W sarvice fwmished to resi4eutlal uW c : arei&1 consumers creates an tbargency &W the readin6 stied 1waage of thin ordinatwe at tie separate wetuas is bereby sAxopeaded and tlAs ordiname, stall take effect "d be 3n full force fxv a and after the date of its .passage at a sinale meeting and the approval thereof by the Mayor. PASSED AND APPWVY&D on this the day of , A.D. 1- . ATTIC t s Tow of Weetl.ak.e, Texas STATE OF TXXAS COUNTY OF DENTON � Cot3nTy Or TAptft N is , of the Tem of Westlma.k+es, Denton and Tarrant Counti exa, Texasp hereby certify that the above and foreeai; ; is sa true and correct copy of an ordinance passed mid approved by the Board of Aldermen of tbas Town of Westlake at a session hold on the sial` of , 1 } , as iteappe s of record. its the Minutes of id Board of Alda in �..... ,..,, : ...,_..a,.,• WIT Y IMM AND SEAL OF SAID T` ' s this the day of Uecretaryf Tawn o Wea$t * 0 Texas w2_ w Upon motion duly made by Mr. Thrasher and seconded by Mr. Wilde, the foregoing Ordinance No. 39 was unani- mously adopted by the Board of Aldermen. There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was, upon motion duly made and seconded, resolved to adjourn. A. L. Odom, Secretary AP ROV n J ohn A. eGuire, Mayor