HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-08-67 TC MinMINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN April 8, 1967 A Special Meeting of the Board of Aldermen, Town of Westlake, Texas, was held at the McGuire Ranch Headquarters in Tarrant County, Texas, on the 8th day - of April, 1967, at 11 o'clock A.M. Present were Mayor John A. McGuire and Aldermen H. S. Thrasher, A. H. Wilde, A. L. Odom, H. T. Webster and John A. McGuire, Jr. The Mayor stated that the purpose of the Special Meeting was to canvass the results of the Election held on the 4th day of April, 1967, for the election of Municipal Officers. The Returns of said Election were examined and the following proposed Resolution No. 22 was then read to the meeting: . —36g- RB.I' OLOTIOIi M4. 22 WH$RSA$, on the 4th day of April, A. D. 167o cant to the provisions of Title 28, Revised Civil pursuant the Sleation Cede of the $tato of Texas, and Resolution No. 22, heretofore adopted on the 25th day of February, 1967# after duo notice as by law provided, the General Slec:tion to *lest a Mayor, Five Aldermen and a Marshal for a terve of one year was hold within the limits of the Town of Westlake* Toacasf and WHSRSAS, an the ? r#day of April, A.D., I ', at a meeting of Lias Board iaf Aldermen of said Town, the results of said Election were canvassed by the Mayor in the presence of the Sward 0 Alderman and said canvass showed the result thereof was an fellows: FOR MARSHAL Wesley Harney 11 votes THRRRFOREs BE IT ROOLVID BY THE BOARD OF ALDZRM OF THS TOWN OF WZSTLAKIC v T R: That, the canvass of the result of said Xleation be, and is hereby approveds and that John A. NoQuire having received the hUhoxt number of votes for the offloo of Mayor is hereby elected to said office and is to servo as such officer for the term of one year from date hereof or until his successor is duly elected and qualified, That, H. S. Thrashor, A. H. Wild*, A. L. Odeam, H. T. Webster and John A. MeeQuiro, Jr., having received the highest number of votes for the office of Aldermen and Wesley Harvey having received the highest number of votes for Marshal aro hereby slootod to said offices and are to serve as such officers for the tern of vmegyeear from "to hereof or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. FOR MAYOR John A. McGuire 11 votes �t!►R ALDIR I AI 11 I I� I Y IYIIF IN IYIII� S. S. Thrasher 11 votes A. H. Wilde 11 votes A. L. Odom 11 votes H. T. Webster 11 votes John A. McQFuirr, Jr. 11 votes FOR MARSHAL Wesley Harney 11 votes THRRRFOREs BE IT ROOLVID BY THE BOARD OF ALDZRM OF THS TOWN OF WZSTLAKIC v T R: That, the canvass of the result of said Xleation be, and is hereby approveds and that John A. NoQuire having received the hUhoxt number of votes for the offloo of Mayor is hereby elected to said office and is to servo as such officer for the term of one year from date hereof or until his successor is duly elected and qualified, That, H. S. Thrashor, A. H. Wild*, A. L. Odeam, H. T. Webster and John A. MeeQuiro, Jr., having received the highest number of votes for the office of Aldermen and Wesley Harvey having received the highest number of votes for Marshal aro hereby slootod to said offices and are to serve as such officers for the tern of vmegyeear from "to hereof or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. That, all such officers are hereby instructed to take the oath of office as by .law provided and file such oaths with the Town Secretary. ADOPI'S'D this day of April, 1067. APPROVBDs TOWN 3RCRETARY -- 3 67- i Upon motion duly made by Mr. John A. McGuire, Jr. and seconded by Mr. H.'S. Thrasher, the foregoing Resolution No. 22 was unanimously adopted. The Mayor then announced that it was now in order for the newly elected officers to take over the management of the Town and that he would be glad to entertain a motion for adjournment of this meeting. Whereupon motion duly made and seconded, it was resolved to adjourn. APPROVED: o MA R — 36 8- A. L. Odom, SECRETARY MINUTES OF THE FIRST MEETING OF THE NEWLY ELECTED BOARD OF ALDERMEN April 8, 1967 The newly elected Board of Aldermen, consisting of H. S. Thrasher, A. H. Wilde, A. L. Odom, H.T. Webster, and John A. McGuire, Jr., and the newly elected Marshal, Wesley Harvey, were duly sworn in and signed Oaths of Office before Lucy S. McGuire, a Notary Public in and for Tarrant County, Texas, on the 8th day of April, 1967, at 11:30 A.M. and then proceeded on with their first meeting. Mr. John A. McGuire, the newly elected Mayor, i acted as Chairman of the meeting and called the meeting to order. Upon motion made by A. H. Wilde and seconded by H. S. Thrasher, John A. McGuire, Jr. was unanimously appointed Mayor Pro Tem to be vested with all the powers and to perform all the duties of the Mayor of the Town of Westlake, Texas, in the absence or disability of the Mayor unless or until the Board of Aldermen should other- wise determine. The Mayor then stated that the first order of business was to appoint a Town Secretary and Treasurer. After a full discussion, upon motion duly made by John A. McGuire, Jr. and seconded by H. T. Webster, Mr. A., L. Odom was unanimously elected Secretary and Treasurer of the Town of Westlake, Texas. The Mayor then directed the Secretary to file the signed Oaths of Office in the permanent records of the Town of Westlake, Texas. The Town Marshal, Mr. Wesley Harvey, then an - pounced that there were several persons he would like to deputize as Deputies Marshal of the Town of Westlake and in this connection submitted the names of the following persons for the consideration and approval of the Board of Aldermen: A. H. Wilde John A. McGuire, Jr. J. Glenn Turner H. S. Thrasher H. T. Webster William L. McInerney John A. McGuire A. L. Odom zc�k cA.,, fEH Upon motion duly made and seconded, the deputization of the foregoing persons as Deputies Marshal of the Town of Westlake, Texas, was unanimously approved. Thereupon, the foregoing persons repeated aloud the Oath of Office and were duly sworn in as Deputies Marshal of the Town of Westlake before Lucy S. McGuire, a Notary Public in and for Tarrant County, Texas. There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was, upon motion duly made and seconded, adjourned. A. L. Odom, SECRETARY APPROVED: I John A . cGuire, MAYOR May 31, 1967 To the Board of Aldermen Town of Westlake, Texas Gentlemen: Notice is hereby given of a special meeting of the Board of Aldermen to be held on Saturday, June 3, 1967, at 11 o'clock A.M. at the McGuire Ranch Headquarters in Westlake, Texas, for the purpose of considering a proposed franchise to Lone Star Gas Company and for the purpose of transacting and considering all such other and further business as may properly come before the Board. Inasmuch as this is a rather important meeting, your attendance is urgently requested. Very truly yours, JOHN A. McGUIRE, Mayor Town of Westlake, Texas JAM:hm