HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-30-66 TC MinSPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN July 30, 1966 A special meeting of the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas, was held at the Headquarters Building, McGuire Ranch, on the 30th day of July, 1966, at 11:00 o'clock A.M. pursuant to a call of the Mayor, written notice of which was mailed to all of the Aldermen on July 28, 1966. Present were John A. McGuire, Mayor, and Messrs. H.S. Thrasher, H.T. Webster, A.H. Wilde, John A. McGuire, Jr. and A. L. Odom, Aldermen. The Mayor called the meeting to order and announced that a quorum existed for the transaction of business. He further stated that he had an affidavit from Mr. William L. McInerney that written notice of this meeting was mailed by him to all of the Aldermen and the Mayor on July 28, 1966, and asked the Secretary to attach it to the minutes of this meeting. The Mayor then asked Mr. William L. McInerney, who was present, to act as Secretary of the meeting and take the minutes of the meeting. The Mayor then stated that the principal purpose of the meeting was to discuss the problems which have arisen due to the fact that the County Commissioner in Tarrant County has said that he is unable to maintain — a4-0 — ORDINANCE XO. 36 LOU W NW* the XMVd st tle MA of the TMA Of W►etlska,, 1's , Aosm It s+twrtsable * ;MA the best Interests and feral welfare or the Tom 4JW its Inhabitants that the foll*409 de - woe ,torrit"T be 4"Oo ru 00 a petit or the Tow, somt to `'p"alam of Asts of 19510 53 �* *�r �e 7 1,10 ko tbeolsod civil stats e A trect or 1444 eersaEta�.t ere lave►, t of tbo ;e so 61bego 4%my# A 0 the G* sdr#.e s SaMyo Athe X" "e t s yo A, 56 slVatod Is * t comtyo itati or 'Pimm, tete MINIM at She Intorooetion, or,tbo UMt Jim of sooty R(*4 leo* 40ST slt% tm Nor* lm or 'tit omaty . South 1x* or to co ty *a t olero bei in fto co its or tbo ftum or W"tls ,,* sj WX soutb"StoAly crud S=th Witt s feell tW area oft East Ilse of W4 o os T to *be poiat of its tsr- "Otte* 4th tbo xova 11" or co ty fta# Noo 1 nul loaater,% with 014 Tolle the t tba*rt4*r17 110 of camtr amd X04 4080 ore w a obrr c to tori East OJA xorW'. ***%orly ULU a" following the min or 00 North 11m of 69"tr�:d � is * t o a Pout e'er ** r# saidVol" test t*st Of t latter. seaatloa of the Xorth lbw of Beat � *4d oto# 4060 With the 16st 11110 f �ty Rood No* 4m IVXVCX SVMtb &M 0"OSIA9 0WAtY 2044 bio, 14080 to a Pout is the Se tb lisle of "lei fid $ said poiot beU► to toot Wott or.,- sA rsostum or tbs tmtb lite or comty Read No. 400 With the Wo*t JUW of 0a"ty " Xo,. 4026; — a tla. - 2UMS Meet and Southwaso t o r;ly with and follow - Ing the wr►aaders of the South line of Count brad No, 400 to Its 1eltorsaeetioa with the t Nese of Qot moad iso. 041s S tVA%b nand fOXIONl#legg the Sash ILDO of $arid county load so, 4041 to a point " feet Sub or wo South lbw of the $# D. xOndrialm sur ps van= Sant a Uast"O* of 300 feet to a point for aeox rj "MX South and at all tis*$ 300 foot Ust of andparollol to the Ust Use of qty 'fid po,.1 & wata +e of feet to aat pant for ooa er in the South Bone of said Oo S. loadrioks dae N West with the Smtb Itme of $aid *.A, trials Sa aY and Orosolog County 14*4 XO. 4041 to a point :tor oar las t'e West linea of Oaeautf Soled po" 40411 S r With and follower tie West line of duty and X0, 401 to its Isterseetion with the sauth lum Of %be Z .A.. O"alord arwae mot out of Us S. X. Haeadviaks pwvsey# S j MMS West with the South line of said J. d. a point for so ri %V9MX Sorth and at all time 200 toot Went of as �ra lel to tine O ll of water a ed 1to a point for oar In is South Uvw or COMO **a No. INXWX West with MA following the Som 1t" of County moad X00 O to a point for *or - Nor,, said Paul; b elaag feet X"t of the X60% lie or do"tr R004 So. 4ws TJM= daub 1300 feet to a point for oorasors saidbaiaeg in '%be south lift or thew*T14 dh#..r.s. toot out of the Jesse Oib►oa Swov y t j $ West with South lie Of said WIT, Sharp ss toot to ea point at Its SwUmootim wtu *be Sept 1s" or county *M4 No. OSTJ — 3 <13 - TMOS South with mlRNA follfiwlag the Jost Use or said County Road N©, dam' is s point for ssrslmer at the Nortb>rast Sarver of Us Martis W 6-AorII Tmet out of the Jose* dihs om Svmy* A492 i S RAO With the North Use of saidMar- Le, Wood Tmet a diotaftoo of 900 f+e+et to t point or ssr"r) S South and at all C trs 900 fsert frm and parOLLUI to %b* JFA*t 1140 Of 0 1' d No, #tom' to a point for as1 r is t um or the said vArSU ilk ro Tm6tj Tam West th tbie South xuw or said Xaa" '4 Wood 644 mot and tr4woUM. Covot` Read 0 4th"` to a polat for as1rmor is the A*st Ume of id Cts!` R*44J TRZWX North with and followlat the Went um of county led * 4w, to a point for $sr. rO!d r st Swt�tt �t1E42'mr Off" the X} -C# W tO�'�►r *1* Tmst out or tb* Joe** OUGO ► d1MY# A 92 West Idth the South Una of said R.C. W1mUrwltr T, v*ot ,a OAtmoo of 200 fast to a iot rev *O rj I fto North to a point for earmer is the Xortb 11or *ala 1,40 winterta r Tmat lw Jet of n tun or xa h,C, WimUr r t to the Northeast sawl of nam & beInS to the &st lig of County Road No. 4w- 1 Nth .# Xortbe"torly vdtb amA fol- bo s a t+ rs or, tbo West Um o county Msadam'' to Its Intorsoo-tion with the North of Vent ceanty Ow Us South Of ate" vs tyj tums sot With staid North 1106 of rraat d"Oty wd sr"wift aaid qty %*d No. **T to tb Polat of m1 . A ;plat of said, ttorrtt ► sh�+� its oaatl with at to ` � Of ' 34110 hs1 a t%&0% d hs Cts * 1e� VU*d zoibit: *d" ,; k4l(l- **Id Uarri orr oomso apprmimtstly 47 "to "pasrttt std ad oini qg tb* �e of at Is "blu r wn*b thatro a- ft r t as * ( 001aid v*63,40060 + suarss atrwtvm for * rx two (9 a*a of s tsrritery amt fia w rr Oats i WvO � SUA*4 ia� rlsma s a tais structures *W alio * *ars of 0*14 territom 404 Wuxm# It to the Amit of Aldormen or the Tam oat 611 s atuto r"au is #Omet,14M trite gra +visa atimam s or territory bavo [8Tjjlj;ai.:..1 4PI: q! + fta% *a,Jd t*rrit r horaimAbow Os0rlbo+d bel *aja*a ftt &M4 000tiguaW to the jUlts ,of tbt Tom be art it in b►rstby 414- o UaM a pert of %be TOM of Wratla1w,, Togas; M 'tat the arrIcua map aad Ocavdax7 of tho Tawo of mostula,r 1*000 " vetoro" seta *ad tstas4040 bo O*d it is beroby asaa as is Usaontlim Ue Ooromwtiowd tar ter at a part Of the TOM of btu o ass �w mayor or- the Tom of Westuka'p TOsas tobo"by aatba s avA a eta tt ter au r on OrOor an the SIMUS or 00 to" lommil to that off"t Owt to '*Vaaaaaa b" boon 44Y lots* k ► s OrdJuaboo Oall oasa O ttact VS, awl to ftil tons m4 otfoot trom SrA OtOr M "46490 s by the Xasr, aaly sttsstatt by tM Tom i�rteve" , sm or ssLd Oar � b *owtof tbet 'fes �atl AM , a , 1121 , k,24 1121 Tt VXZ%W# tbo Boost of Aldorawn of 00 TOM *r ik*tlAlw# It #dvi"1010 am $a 00 boot I"O1Pt►s d Xerox Walton of 0 Town Om Its IWOUtafte that tb* fsll Ulam o" Acts O' ILM 3 14jam* civil d " e A m t or UM SMUIN 's* AOVO, or 10"s out ottlao SOLM of Q' It; fta* dA-4,510# Roirs of V.. Port dors A 003.# V Am Sumrt Urmat c a d or f sp Witt 1xm= at s POUA 1s t It IUW st dome $wad *s, 4W6,0 "I'd pam be r"t South of 010 410tor"Otion of the ftst U100 or "" comtr dors 10 o bo s Pmt �t 'of9ger of . Vis, South with flswlAg US X"t 21ees "of std dty load * 4W6 s Osm std the s Its jdladier With 0 X� 4 Y Rftd X04L 30ftj vowx tarty with A roue 1m of Comaty Road #Ifs►. 3080 to sa auslo s+ ex at 4mj4 teat) "Will8 der with tslot Soot ` It" duty a �sad . 300 to an Ongto oovmor st ss j d t imad Asoutboante'rly with s 9`011orw 00 1�.�1� Of 01*SO h sr fl #3` ►edt is Its Usst with *64 West W of d%Y stead No. 3OWs 3 <,17 ", mlg North *W XorthWtstarly with a following tba -r* or 0 o% LUN or *aid Comty Road No .300 to a point tar *r„ "SA VOIN"t bOUS to* WOO or the Northwest ar west laor of the 4. 1914m o 4r .8310A S mat out or the W. " svwvoy.#,I,.Iwj Sam% and ti t m follow1p4 tbo North lies`Or GO R* Urm", Jr. S*03-Aiaro "of is * point M the Northeast ownwr or suab Satz amtb with tbe dant Um* of erai+d 9920. Xmr , Jr. IM—Aora Vftot to a polat at the f;outblist 06mr or oastb Wit; 'IW West lata the Scutt am of Harem 3*63-4*m tmat to & fit at tbo Scat bm*t air or such Traot* 4*SA paint �o bolft to the t of 00ty � +. ; Soattt oad,SvAtboamtorly with and toles Read�the Of tho 11"s line" I tCt�ty * to i sAto"loo"em with the x Um or cry lama NOWT" 30Wam *+ tom s"d 4gX Omd gip►, 3006 to 0 't lot the South U or 0a14 fVAM2944. t "=X West with and Mlewliw the 3 ,too or city %aa fo, 3060 to its f ate action With the "fit lift or gout d W ,t .l South witb SmA following the Bast t 0 saU caaxxty *oaa a "*Uwe* or t foot to a VoUst for air; ' t &Oro** county Road Mo, IOU to the West 11ime of otter gouty Road t t from su0b st Uii a d"Umo or wo toot to a PoUnt for 6"Mr 1XWE liars OVA at ail twos 200 trot fr4ft "M1101 to the WOO haat of a so" a to a voint for oormor is tba is* or comtlr leo, 30W; x Vest a" ftftvostorly With and vol ow. U %be mkmAomor t or Ott Rmd X00 3080 to aof t r io + r at its , r000t V.tb the Mastli or tbo *, M, "toe * * ter Tmot out or the Mrs. off` C.M. throop Sarve , A-15"i 3 V8 - =Wx South with the Ut line of "Id AoK. Tate U» I-Aars 'motet to a point for as smmor at the Southeast eora*r of said ';tWract; TSMX West with the South lloe of, said d*X. I ttre West passing the Southwest *Omer of s#ast Traot*ad rRrr canty load No, 3035 to a paint ter sisvw West lime of County Raid Xos 3035,; rtb with 0" following the West LUO of Cott ltd uo» 303 ► to itsistert* "tio n With , tb* dWAU ILAO of a OMO Rmd Xoo 3080j TUNDS Northwesterly and Vest wltb mad rolloving the aRan"" or test# South lis or sC3otplaty mad No, 3080 to an solo oomer of said fted; laws North with and following the test ,lt of catty Road no, 300 to an OWU *Omer of await Read; West with *Ad folloWles the 4tsath ,Se of 0040ty dyad Xos, 3080 to a owe t rl d Na 00"tisr i With stsaft to l �daNorthar With tho W"t lUW of countr mad so. '40261 'tis North of ase fi.lwoug tho West lae of COMtV issd *s* AW6 to a,ps�lat for a tor; srue A int bei s0 feet $*a* o the 10"Vo+ess use of the Woot 11" of County sma i01 AW6 With the North 3110 of the Rrs* or cisco", roob torr d -1510's oateed; ,d Ust with the aorporsto lli t<o orms- 149 OrttitOtir Rod no,. 4M6 to the point of mogissuls, A Mat of said torruary #bowi.ng its 3matton with rospost to �ITOM of WesstUk* bei at obed motto use M%rk ed i lbit Wmams* said tervitory oos rl ii► a�� m ly 30 "res o f sage and ad orad the lines of t � deb to �s�b ted ream there am r eraor the* me osomptoA rosetdes b>n.lrs strue-turo for every two (a) soms of stmt territory and tsior that th o 30* Uplod y+sroldo ose or busimmt At ettu tt s on any me 1 of ssld to"Ito ; artist — 3 elf - It *rim to tkw board of Ald+ nwvk of tw 'tea tett &h eta utoq ro a4moos►ts to 4omestloa with said pro wd disoonti m e a tawltory #1!tve a ftlttll*d j °lett said sorritory i{ erl inabo" 4"O ribed b* *dJ800 tt aeA costigu ms to tb* Units or #bo Tow bo and it is b eroby dig• a mt1mod as a part of th# Vow of W*stlalte, 'd'a1 x"j p. ftat the Ora %alai *AV a bo daOr or the town of v0stlako,, fo # " b e"tarors iadapOted oa sz&4,, be and It 1s boreby amended rs "- to 4144m r tbo afor*Wt1 t#O rhos r ss r part or the Tw4m or Wontlaboo ftwo l 3• Ow 1a yor or tbf ftor hest kwo 'Waage is boroby autbor,4 xed OSA ALrrsto4 to *Ater *a mer = the ltiottos Of ib* Tom Ca it to t1w orftst that this drd1macb teas boom dam► rMsOC 4♦ This draaamo a a n bresmw orraa tt *AvA ibe to wx roroo mw orroot rimm ow aur its oweap mod apprawl loy the may',, duly &t*mtsd by tho Tom Sooroftryp and tbo **try or said Or4or = the Klmatss of Two COWN11, Al)OrTXD VIM$ "Y or 2966* — 3 s -a - July 28, 1966 To the Board of Aldermen Town of Westlake, Texas Gentlemen: Notice is -hereby given of a special meeting of the Board of Aldermen to be held on Saturday, July 30, 1966, at 11:00 A.M. at the Headquarters Building, McGuire Ranch, for the purpose of discussing and finding solutions to the County road maintenance problem and any and all other business that may come :properly before the Board JAM: hm Yours very truly, JOHN A. McGUIRE 3�;- 3-