HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-31-64 TC MinSPECIAL MEETING OF THE October 31, 1964 A special meeting of the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas, was held at the Headquarters Building, McGuire Ranch, on the 31st day of October, 1964 at 11:00 o'clock A.M. pursuant to a call of the Mayor, written notice of which was mailed to all of the Aldermen October 26, 1964. Present were John A. McGuire, Mayor, and Messrs. H.S. Thrasher, H. T. Webster, A. H. Wilde, John A. McGuire, Jr. and A. L. Odom, Aldermen. The Mayor called the meeting to order and announced that a quorum existed for the transaction of business. He further stated that he had an affidavit from Mr. William L. McInerney that written notice of this meeting was mailed by him to all of the Aldermen and the Mayor on October 26, 1964, and asked the secretary to attach it to the minutes of this meeting. The Mayor then asked Mr. William L. McInerney, who was present, to act as Secretary of the meeting and take the minutes of the meeting. The meeting then proceeded to the consideration of the adoption of a proposed ordinance annexing new territory to the Town. After a full discussion thereof, the Mayor re- quested the Secretary to read the following proposed Ordinance No. 31: a89 ORDINANOg NO. 31 t � v WIMMS, pursuant to the revisions ions of the Acts of 1953. 53rd Legi.slature�, ftge 3M Chapter 93, codified as .Article 914-0s, Revised Civil Statutes of Toad, Rollie Green Company„ Ift . , a Texas oarporation, om er of the real property boroinatter described having made appli.oati:on ez by law ;pro- vi4od to the lkyor and .mrd of Aldinan of the Town of West- Vie, 'int. , requesting annexation of this lwi4s ,lining within at 0.1237 square ailo traot, more or Less, out of the W. ff. Post Sur'1 oyr A-1045, "ed the ,� . R. iUobx*l Surveys, A-8 X, Denton County, 'ears, and bring mare fully d+esorlbed by notes and bids as follows $ A 45.7'88 wore tract out of the northeast offer of the W. R. fta Surveys, A-1045 located in Denton County, Texas and a 36.581 sere tract out of the southeast *omer of the ;. R. Niahstal Cur- voy, A-82.1,# l9oated In .Denten Count, ifaxass, and described ats followst INKM st the intersection of this oast li of said fta Survey ai d t wast Lina of the J. itom*r Surveys A-598, with the northeast right- of-way of State Ughway, No, 114 sad Present Corpozoates Limits of that Town of Weestlake,# 'exas, raidoi.nt also being the soautheas�t eaar of said 45.758 acre tract) "MMI N TOO 501 W with the northeast Kght•ofw way of void Suter Raw and said corporate its 1480 foot nom or lass to the: southwest earner of said 85.T88 acro tracts SCD North with a tong* and crossing the north line of said idea 8urvoy sad the south Lina at said Xichaol aurvoys 2520 foot more or less to the south line of a County Road at the northwest eamer of said 36.581 were tracts aye TWON $ 780 901 $ along the north line of said 36.581 gars tr"t and the Oouth lune of said Dowty Road 366 toot nose or loss to as angle oorAer thersistj TAMM S 89 RTI X with the north alae of said 36.581 &oro tra t and the ra�tth line of said County Road 104 toot J%Or* Or lOss to the north- east soar of said 36«531 arra► trs+ats said point boing a +o+amor to the Present Cor orat* Units and In the east line of said Mi.+aha ol. Survo a and the vast line Of raid ArY guru, ey; TXMX South with the lane betwoon Said Xonryq .ohteeol. and .oat du!roC 2890 feet war* or less to the point at �logiaa�»ag and ooatsining a total of 6f . 39 domes or Qae T square miles. A plat of sat.+d land showing its looxtlon with rosp+ect to the TOivi of W*Stl*Joo Tem' 'being aatta�tahed hereto v rhed HIM WXWXM , said petition drawn f-11041 with the Town of Westlake at : ��. x a tomer 26 A �, shiob is not loss thaw five C �) � r►r than thIrty (0) days prior to this dater f and WJMXW,t it appearing to the Board of dlderaeer>a ot the Irom of West , acesr than all statutory roquiremonts in omeotl.ou with said proposed *nnozation have boom fta - Filled and, that the amid aereae, duly grouped tpaed l.nto ease territory is not aore than lj mile in vldth and that all of *arm adjaoent to the present TOWA Unit$ of the 'tom of xestlaho nae 1. '" r,, that property imoinabove dosortbod being sAjaoont &-rA aoutlguous to the Tom qtr of Westlakes, Texass be and to hereby mumerd end bit within the Cor- p mts Units of a id Town dad is hereby made an intogral part thereof. s. TUTip the osmorr and Inhabitants of the spea horein annexed be entitled to all of thetar and pr vile es of other ol'tisons and property omormr�+ " se3.+ Town and bound by all Of the &,at* and +orrdinsnoes made ;in oonformity thereto* now in full foroo and oft'oct owd that which way be hereafter adopted. a1i TMT, the a!ftieial map szd bowftKes of the Town of Westlake# was, ax herototore adapted *Ad "eAded, be and it hereby a aftd pro air to include tbo aforwoutioxwd territory ox part of the Tom of Westlake, ft=*. 41 TIM Ordinazoo *hall boo ► +avro ative and be la full foroo and effect from sad after its passage *nd approval by the mor and duly attested by the town dearetar8. ADOYM this day of 1964, IM17MI711—a i�T'TAUI) �Ij�#KTIII-YiW-5 a A?MOVXDs a 9a. Upon motion duly made by Mr. Odom and seconded by Mr. Thrasher, the foregoing Ordinance No. 31 was unanimously adopted. There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was, upon motion duly made and seconded, resolved to adjourn. ACTING SECRETARY C.? y3 AFFIDAVIT AS TO MAILING THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS WILLIAM L. McINERNEY, upon his oath, stated that he mailed on October 26, 1964, a copy of the attached Notice of Special Meeting of the Board of Aldermen of Westlake, Texas, to each of the five Aldermen of said Town and to the Mayor of said Town at the address of each within said Town. i.2 Lliam L. M&rnerney SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME, this 27th day of October, 1964. My Commission expires: June 1, 1965 Helen Mitchakes, Notary Public in and for Dallas County, Texas a s/ October 26, 1964 To the Board of Aldermen Town of Westlake, Texas Gentlemen: Notice is hereby given of a special meeting of the Board of Aldermen to be held on Saturday, October 31, 1964, at 11:00 A.M. at the Headquarters Building, McGuire Ranch, for -! the purpose of considering annexation petitions and any and all other business that may come properly before the Board. Yours very truly, JOHN A. McGUIRE JAM: hm