HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-27-64 TC MinMINUTES OF THE FIRST MEETING OF THE NEWLY ELECTED BOARD OF ALDERMEN APRIL 27, 1964 The newly elected Board of Aldermen, consisting of H. S. Thrasher, H. T. Webster, A. H. Wilde, John A. McGuire, Jr., and A. L. Odom, and the newly elected Marshal, Wesley Harvey, were duly sworn in and signed Oaths of Office before Lucy S. McGuire, a Notary Public in and for Tarrant County, Texas, at McGuire Ranch Headquarters in Tarrant County on the 27thdayof April, 1964, at 2:00 P.M. and then proceeded on with their first meeting. Mr. John A. McGuire, the newly elected Mayor, acted as Chairman of the meeting and called the meeting to order. Upon motion made by H. T. Webster and seconded by H. S. Thrasher, John A. McGuire, Jr. was unanimously appointed Mayor Pro Tem to be vested with all the powers and to perform all the duties of the Mayor of the Town of Westlake, Texas, in the absence or disability of the Mayor unless or until the Board of Aldermen should otherwise determine. The Mayor then stated that the first order of business was to appoint a Town Secretary and Treasurer. After a full discussion, upon motion duly made by A. H. Wilde and seconded by John A. McGuire, Jr., Mr. A. L. Odom was unanimously elected Secretary and Treasurer of the Town of Westlake, Texas. a7(" The Mayor then directed theSecretary to file the signed Oaths of Office in the permanent records of the Town of Westlake, Texas. The Town Marshal, Mr. Wesley Harvey, then an- nounced that there were several persons he would like to deputize as Deputy Marshals of the Town of Westlake and in this connection submitted the names of the following persons for the consideration and approving of the Board of Aldermen: A. H. Wilde William L. McInerney H. S. Thrasher John A. McGuire J. Glenn Turner A. L. Odom John A. McGuire, Jr. H. T. Webster Upon motion duly made and seconded, the deputization of the foregoing persons as Deputy Marshals of the Town of Westlake, Texas, was unanimously approved. Thereupon the foregoing persons repeated aloud the Oath of Office and were duly sworn in as Deputy Marshals of the Town of Westlake before Luch S. McGuire, a Notary Public in and for Tarrant County, Texas. The Mayor then stated that he would like to take up a matter which had been called to his attention by several of the citizens of the Town. He stated that there was some concern that automobile racing events and other sporting events might be undertaken within the Town Limits, and that such events would be open to the public, which could create a nuisance and be detrimental to the welfare of the citizens of the Town if not properly supervised. After a full discussion of the matter, the Mayor presented -277 i to the meeting a proposed form of Ordinance providing for the licensing of such events by the Board of Aldermen. After a discussion thereof, the Mayor requested the Secretary to read to the meeting the following proposed Ordinance No. 29: qV ORDINANCN NO. 29 AN ORDINANCS TO PRMIDE FOR THTC I,ICXX3INC OF CIRTAIN $NTNNTAINUNT PRWWTd WITHIN THUG CORPORATE LIMITS OF To TOWN CF WXBTLAX9, SAB, the police protection provided for the Citi- aeons of the Town of Westlake is l mited j and NHNRNAS, certain public entertainment projects way create a nuisance and the Board of Aldermen have determined that in the best interest and general welfare of the Town and Its inhabitants certain procedures be promulgated for the law- ful licensing of such ontertaianwat proj*ots 3 NOW, TNNRVORN, BZ IT ARAAIN i BY THB AL=PJMN OF TUB TOWN OF WIST , , TZW i 1. That no circus* eaaraival, horse racing evont, auto- mobile or drag racing events or fair ublah is open to attend.- ante by the public generally, wiothor or not any Pere or other admission chargee Is made, shall be conducted within the cor- porate stets of the Tom of Westlake, Texas, unless the same shall have been licensed by the hoard of Aldermen of the Toon of Westlakee, Teaaa►s attar a public hearing for which written notice shall have bon published for at least two weeks prier to such hearlag by being posted at the usual places where notices of elections of the Town of Westlake have beam here- tofore posted, and after such Board of Aldermen shall have established a proper licensing fee therefor. 2. TUU ardinanoo shall bedome Ofrootive and be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor and duly attested by the Tom Secretary. 11RZST: ADOPM this „ day of April, A. D. 1964. APPROi 4 17' TO aT►:a or qua comm Or runner 1* A. L +TWX, Tom Soaro ry of tho Tom of Wostlalms ToUs, to bor*W **rtify that the femSo$ is a tr* "d O*rftot *Opy of Ordin#Aoo No. 99p duly present*d dad adoptod by tho Soard of Aldorm u of said Tom of W"tUke, Tom, at 4 mWag old on tho 97th da of 4prilo 1964, as ads apes in tho minntos of s414 s t- bw* in look No. Q, Ves 279,-2 . WITXZU Xr MO AIM SUL 07 TO TOO OF WBOTUU, d, this thio ddy of A 1900 0280 Upon motion duly na de )y Mr. Thrasher and seconded by Mr. Wilde, the f oreg>ing Ordinance No. 29 was unanimously adopted. There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was, upon motion duly made and seconded, adjourned. A. L. 0 iom, SECRETARY 02 8 /