HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-02-63 TC MinSPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN March 2, 1963 A Special Meeting of the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas, was held at the McGuire Ranch Headquarters on the 2nd day of March, 1963 at 2:00 p.m. pursuant to a written Waiver of Notice signed by the Mayor and all of the Aldermen. Present were John A. McGuire, Mayor, H. S. Thrasher, H. T. Webster, A. H. Wilde, John A. McGuire, Jr. and A. L. Odom, Aldermen. The Mayor called the meeting to order and announced that a quorum existed for the transaction of business. The Mayor then stated that the first order of business was to provide for calling of an election for the officers of the Town to be held on April 2, 1963, the first Tuesday in April as provided by law. After a full discussion of same the following persons were unanimously elected as officers to conduct the election: Name Office Ethel Odom Presiding Judge Lucy McGuire Assistant Presiding Judge Edith Harvey Clerk At the request of the Mayor, the following pro- posed Resolution No. 13 was read at the meeting: .24D RESOLUTION N0. 13 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Title 28, chap- ter 11, of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, it is provided that there shall be held in each Municipality in the State of Texas on the first Tuesday in April of each year, a general election for the purpose of electing officers of said Munic- palityb NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESQLVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDER- MEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXASt I. THAT the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas, at a regular meeting held this date, does hereby order an election of officers for the Town of Westlake, Texas, to be held on Tuesday, April 20 196 , for the purpose of electing a Mayor, five Aldermen and a Marshal, for a term of one year, from April 2,9 1963 , or until their successors are duly electwd and quallried. The—candidates for Mayor, Aldermen and Marshal, " re- ceiving the highest number of votes shall be elected to such offices for a term -,of one year. II. FOR the purpose of said election, the entire Town is hereby constituted one voting precinct; the polling place for. said election shall be.the Reception Room of the Horse Barn, Circle "T" Ranch, within said Town, and said.election shall be held between the hours of 7:00 A. M. and said 7s00 -F. M. on the aforementioned date, and tYe. following persons are hereby ap pointed�to act as election officers: Ithrel *do= Presiding Judge Uwy No tiro Asst. Presiding Judge With Harvey Clerk Clerk. TII. No person shall be eligible for the.offices tioned unless he is qualified elector of the Town and in the State of Texas for a period of one year,, and in for six (6) months next preceding the election at which elected. .2a/ of oremen - has resided .the Town he is IV. ANY eligible and qualified person may have his .name printed upon the official ballot as an independent Candidate for the offices herein provided for by filing his sworn applica- tion with the Mayor not later than Midnight, VAft=11 The application shall state the specific office being song t by the applicant and that the applicant is eligible and qualified under the Laws of the State of Texas, to become a candidate for and hold, the office being sought, if elected. V. (A) The form of.the sworn application shall be sub- stantially as follows: To the Mayor of the Town of Westlake, Texas, Greetings: I., , hereby make appli- cation Eo have my name printe on the official ballot as an independent candidate for the office of --RT— I to be voted -upon at the Town ec- tion to be held on the day of ­' 19__; and I hereby certify that I have res.ded in the State of Texas for at least one year and in the Town of Westlake., Texas, for at least six months prior to the date of such election, and am qualified to make this application and that I am legally qualified to hold such office., if elected. CANDIDATE'S SIGNATURE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT 1: 9 being duly sworn, depose and say that the statements contained in the foregoing application are true. Signed Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of ., A. D. 2.9 0 Notary Public in and or Tarrant County., Texas _-) ?./_i (B) Such sworn application may be accompanied with a petition signed. by qualified electors, although such peti- tion is not required. (C) Such sworn application shall be accompanied with an executed copy of the "Loyalty Affidavit" as required by Article 6.01(2) 1951 Election Code in Vernon's Texas Civil Sta- tutes, in substantially the following form: I, , of the Town of West- lak—e; —Texas, County of Tarrant,, State of Texas, being a candidate for the office of J do solemnly swear that I believe inanapprove of our present representative form of government, and if elected, I will support and defend our representative form of government and shall resist any effort to movement from any part thereof, and I will support and defend the Constitution and Laws of the United States and of the State of Texas. CANDIDATE'S SIGNATURE— Sworn to and subscribed before me at Westlake,, Texas, Tarrant County, Texas., this the day of , A. D. 19 a Notary Public in and for Tarrant County, Texas "M In the event five (5) per cent or over the qualified voters of the Town (of the entire votes cast in the Town at the last General Election) nominate a Candidate for either of the offices herein provided by petition signed by such voters, such Candidate may have his name printed upon the ballot by filing his sworn application, accompanied by the Loyalty Affidavit as hereinabove set out, with -the Mayor not later than Midnight, Hav-0-b-9L, 19-fao The Town Secretary shall furnish such applicant a form Of such application. VII. The names of all those who have filed their sworn appli- cations to have their names printed on the official ballot as well as those that are nominated by petition, as candidates shall be at., 3 posted by the Town Secretary in a conspicuous place at the office of the said Secretary for inspection of the Public for at least thirty (30) days before the date of said Election. The Town Secretary shall preserve for a period of two years all applications, petitions and other related papers. VIII. Any person eligible to the offices herein provided for who has filed his sworn application in accordance with the provi- sions of this resolution, or who is nominated to any office by petition, shall have his name printed on the official ballots. Any such person may cause his name to be withdrawn at any time before the official ballots are printed, by filing in writing with the Town Secretary a request to -that effect over his signa- ture, duly attested to by a Notary Public. No name so withdrawn shall be printed on the ballots. IX. The ballots to be used in said election shall be pre- pared in the manner and form as provided in the election code of the State of Texas enacted by the 1951 Legislature. X. All qualified voters within the meaning of the Consti- tution and Laws of the State of Texas, who have resided in the State of Texas for a period of one year, and in the Town of West- lake for a period of six months prior to the date of the election herein provided for shall be entitled to vote at such election. Xi. Voting by absentee ballot in said election shall com- mence on Ib , 19 , at the office of the- Town Secre- tary, Westlake, Texas. Voting by absentee ballot shall close at 5 P. M., March 34, 19• XII. The election officers above named shall make and deliver the returns of said election in triplicate, one being retained by the presiding Judge, one delivered to the Mayor of the Town, and one delivered to the Town Secretary. The ballot box containing the signature stubs from ballots used in said election shall be delivered to the District Clerk of Tarrant County, Texas, and other ballot boxes and election records and supplies shall be preserved by the Town Secretary in the proper office as by law a /v provided. The Board of Aldermen will meet not less than five and not more than seven days following said election for the purpose of canvassing the returns of said election. XIII. The Mayor is hereby directed to give notice of said election which shall be signed by the Mayor under the attest of the Town Secretary, and shall state the purpose of the election, the Officers to be elected., and the Marshal--' shall post a pro- perly executed copy of the election proclamation at the polling place herein provided and two copies at two other public places within the Town. Such notices shall have attached thereto a certified copy of this resolution. XIV. Said election shall be held and conducted in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas for the holding of General Elections for State and County Offices except as otherwise pro- vided by Chapter 1.19 Title 28, and the 1951 Election Code of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas. ADOPTED this day of A. D. 19 APPROVED: ATTEST.* MAYOR TOWN SECRETARY After a full discussion of the foregoing Resolution No. 13, upon motion duly made by Mr. Thrasher and seconded by Mr. Odom, the foregoing Resolution No. 13 was unanimously adopted. The foregoing form of Order and Notice of Town Election was then presented and read to the meeting: az f1s, ORDER AND NOTICE OF TOWN ELECTION THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT TOWN OF WESTLAKE ELECTION ORDER I, JOHN A. I98MIRE , Mayor of the TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS, by virtue or the power vested in me by law, do hereby order that an election be held in the Town of Westlake, Texas, on April 2 , 19 i , being the first Tuesday thereof, forfhe purpose o elect ng the following officers of said Town - A Mayor, five Aldermen and a Marshal, for a term of one years, from: April 2 , 19_61, or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. The can- didate for Mayor, five Aldermen and Marshal receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected to such offices for a term of one year; And, that said election shall be held at the Reception Room of the Horse Barr.., Circle "T" Ranch, in said Town, and the follow- ing named persons are hereby appointed Managers thereof, to wits Mel Odom Presiding Judge Lucy McGuire Asst, Presiding Judge With gd•rvgy Clerk Clerk ELECTION NOTICE The Marshal is hereby directed and. instructed to post a properly executed copy of this Order and Notice of Election at the Reception Room. of the Horse Barn, Circle "T" Ranch, the place where this election will be held, and at two other public places within. the Town. Said Notice shall be posted 3o days before the date of said. election. ' Signed and executed this A. D. 19 ATTEST - e day of , 4 i rc MAYOR, TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS TOWN �14 Upon motion duly made by John A. McGuire, Jr. and seconded by Mr. Webster, the foregoing form of Order and Notice of Town Election was unanimously approved. The meeting then proceeded to the consideration of the adoption of proposed Ordinances annexing new territory to the Town. After a full discussion thereof, the Mayor requested the Secretary to read to the meeting the following proposed Ordinance No. 27: CRpINANCR NO. 2T 'I= Al � i Er n b b 1 -;A0 i r . Q 9 4 t i ce, pursuant to the provisions of Title 28 of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, 39th Legislature, as amended,, after notice as required by l.aw, the board of Aldorseen acting in its off tial eapaeity and for the `lost interests and general welfare of the 'foray and Its inhabitants deem it necessary and advisable that the following tract of land be included within the boundaries of said Town, said tract betag described by metes and bound* as follows t 10.33 ae re a more or lose being the right-of-way of State Highway No. 114 adjacent to and along the northeast aide of the Corporate its of the gown of Wastlake, said acreage being In Denton and Tarrant Counties, Texas* out of the following Surveys t W. Medlin, A-1958$ J. Henry, A-5281 W. M. few, A-1045. IWIRCM at a point in the southwest Liao of st0*,HighvaY No. 114 and the present cor- porate limits sof the Town of Westlakoo said point also bein the northwest corner of the Johan A, McGuire 29.8 acre tract out of the W. H. Pea Survey, 1�4 5 TMWE dine north and crossing State Highway No. 1.14 to a point in than northeast lino of said highway; THMS southeasterly and rellowinrg the north- east line of said highway to a point In the east line of the Nre . of C. N. Throop Survey, A-15103 TANS= due South and crossing State Highway No. 114 to a point In the se outhwes t line of said highway] said paint also being in the present corporate limits of the Town of Wastl.ake3 THB northwesterly and following the south- west line of said highway and the said corporate limits to the port of begin.ng and containing 14.33 acres, more or less or 4,01+143 a plat of said land showing its location with respect to the Q e<f Toren of Nestlako, Toxas, being attached hereto and marked Zxhibit "A"i and W=RUSs it appearing to the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Weastlake, Texas, that all statutory requirements in eenneotian with said proposed ,annexation have been ful- filled and that the said area is not nor* than one -halt wile in width and that all of said is adjaeont to the present Turn Limits of Westlake, Texas. BE IT ORDAIM by the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, !Texas: I. THAT, the property her+einabovo described being adjacent and oontiguous to the Town Limits of Westlake, Texas, be and it is hereby annexed as brought within the Corporate Limits of said Torn and is hereby made an in- tegral part thereof. 2. THAT, the official map and boundaries of the Town of Westlake, Texas* as heretofore adopted and amended, be and it ler hereby .amended so an to include the afore- mentioned territory as part of the Tern of Westlake, Texas. 3. TRI3 ordinance shall become +eff e+e tiv* and be in full force =4 effect from vA after its passage and approval by the Mayor and duly attested by the Torp Secretary. ADOPTED this tend day of March, 1963. APPROVED: ATPBdT: Nffiu- re, XXM b r ,o ter! T STATE OF TBAAd COUNTY OF TACT I, A. L. ODOM., Town Secretary of the Town of Westlake, Texas, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and oz 5/9 correct copy of Ordinance No. 27, duly presented and adopted by the Board of Aldermen of said Torn at Westlake, Texas, at a meeting held on the 2nd day of March, 1961, as sane appears in they minutes of said meeting# in Book No. 2, pages . xzTUSS Mac HAND AND 3RAL OF TM$ TOWN OF VZSTLUMo T 8, this the 2nd day or March, 1963. a 6v Upon motion duly made by Mr. Thrasher and seconded by Mr. Wilde, the foregoing Ordinance No. 27 was unanimously adopted. The Secretary then read the following proposed Ordinance No. 28: -2S-1 MUMS NO. 28 l O F e , '4�tff' It8 WHRRMs puraeuaaart to the provisions of the Acts of 1M, 53rd Legislature,, P ee 357 Chapter 93, Codi feed as Article 974-0* Revised Civil Statutes of Z, :HX"Ilo """ and his res 0`��.14 Xueller, and W. T. RiFggi.�i.� *nd his ��,y�►�1�i4+f� e.# Nary A Rigg p *more or the real property hereinafter described having *ad* applioa». tion to by law provided to the Neyor and board of Aldermen of the Town of West, Texas, requester annexation of the lands lYljw within* a 0.08956. square mile tract, moro or Ieess, Britt of the Hm . of e. M. ihroap Survey, A-15 .4, Tarrant C aunty* Texas, and being mom fully described by metes and bounds as follows: A 57.32 acre tract of land out of the Mrs. of 0. M. Throop Stamey, A -►1510 located it Tarrant ouuty Texas and described as fallous s i i Md at at concrete monument +Boner in the present Corporate Undta of the Town of VestlaWr and In the south lice of the 0. 11. moa 3.200 8 acre tract and the north line of the W. J. "rpootor tr,"t, std point &Uo bei at the northeast comer or the here deasori bad. tmats THU= with the east f'�line lof said T - 32 sere,tract as f olloas s as 200 16 1 39"R M-3 3 f'eeet to a eancrete: moat comer, d IV 10' WE 142.:3 feet to a concrete moment oorner; 3,260 ' "X 9T.9 test to a concrete mov t oomerj a 23 36 f W41021W 33.5 feat to a +eoncrete monument corner* 580.3 feet to 4 concrete monument eomea!r in the northeast line of County Mad No. 3080 and a point In the Present Corporate Limits of the Town or Westlakaj ' WWZ in a northwesterly and southwesterly direction t`ollowerisrg said county road and Corporate Limits to the southwest corner of said 5T agree tract and being also the southeast comer of the John A. Naftire 83.47 acre tract; A C-2- TI=CX W to 55'- 30'W 1914.3 foot along the West line of said 5T.32 acre tract line of said Corporate Units and the east line of said Nefti,re treat to a eonente, wOm=ont corner In the south line Of the S. R. Harmon treed TXWX X 86o ' 34"X 1449.5 feet along the north lint of said 5T « 2 aear* tract Wwo of said Corporate Limits aid the south line of said 8armon Out to the point of boginning and oontainiog 57.32 acres or 0,08956 square silos. A plot of said land showing its location with respect to the Town of Weentlalw o 'Tem s 'being attached hereto marked XXHXWT "A" i and U , said petition was filed with the Town of Westlake at 2140 ?.X. on February 22, 163 which i n not lose than f lyes (5) And not nor* than thirty 303 � days prior to this dates 3 and WBXIMSN it appearing to the Board of Alderson of the town of Wresetl X*o acs, that all statutory requirements In eonnoction with said proposed aussexation have, been fulfilled and that the said area duly grouped into one territory .Is not more than 3/2 mile in width and that a.l,l of some is adjacent to the present ftm Limits of the Town of N i tl.a se * x"i ST TT OJAWW BY THS BOA" 00 AI=M= OF TO TOWN OF l.. THA'f, the property horelitabove described being adjaeeeeat aced eantiguous to the Taim 14mi.ts of Westlake p T*rAso bra sod is hereby ann+ezed and brought within the Corporatre Limits of said and is hereby made an i.nteegral pert thereteof. 2. VHATj the omors and inhabitants Of the area herein anneared be entitled to all of the rights and privileges of other alti z*ns and property earners of said Town and be bound by all of the acts and ordlaawas evade in conformity thereoeto, now In full fore* and offoot diad. that whiab may be heserersfUr adopted.. 3. THAT4 the official map end boundaries of the Town of W+es tlalea, Texans as heretofore adopted and sase'aded s be SMd in hereby amended so as to include the aforementioned territory as part of the Town of WeestItkep Texas .,2_,6--3 4. rias @rdiname *hall become effective and be Ax full force and +effect from and after its Waage e and approval by the Mayor and duly attested by the Torn deeretarY. AD4no this end day of Xarch, 1963. ATCB$Tc 9 ° "A A. -1 A. L. O j Tovn \'+retary o h* TO O +Re#t * Te as,o do hereby Bert that the foregoing i4 a true and 00rMet appy of Or iname pa. �, duly presented and adapted by the Board of Aldermen of said Tom of W'eatlabe„ aed, at a Swetisg bold on the 2nd day of No". h, A. D. , +y1963, as eon appears In the minutes of said me*tIng.0 k Mo • ,p Pages M WITX= NY RM AND OX" OP M WN OF WXSTUU, , this the 2nd day of qhs A. 0., 1963. . L. 0—MIS 11A iii i Upon motion duly made by Mr. Thrasher and seconded by Mr. Wilde, the foregoing Ordinance No. 28 was unanimously adopted. There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was, upon motion duly made and seconded, resolved to adjourn. A. L. Odom, Secretary ,2 ss TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS WAIVER OF NOTICE OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN We, the undersigned, being the Mayor and all of the Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas, do hereby severally waive notice of the time, place and purpose of a special meet- ing of the Board of Aldermen and do hereby call said meeting and consent to the holding thereof at the McGuire Ranch Head- quarters in Tarrant County on the 6th day of April, 1963, at 2:00 P.M., and we hereby severally consent to the transaction of any and all business that may come before said meeting, in- cluding the adoption of a resolution canvassing the results of the municipal election held on Tuesday, April 2, 1963. . Mc Gui re, 4 LDERMEN: H. S. Thrasher �v H. T. Webster I t/4. Wilde ! Mc Gui re , r en s� L. Odom o25G MAYOR