HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-17-60 TC MinSPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN September 17, 1960 A special meeting of the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas, was held at the Headquarters Build- ing, McGuire Ranch, on the 17th day of September, 1960, at 2:00 o'clock p.m. pursuant to a call of the Mayor, written notice of which was mailed to all of the Aldermen September 15, 196o. Present were John A. McGuire, Mayor, and Messrs. H. S. Thrasher, Ben A. Zwald, H. T. Webster, A. L. Odom and John A. McGuire, Jr., Aldermen. The Mayor called the meeting to order and announced that a quorum existed for the transaction of business. He fur- ther stated that he had an affidavit from Mr. William L. Mc- Inerney that written notice of this meeting was mailed by him to all of the Aldermen and the Mayor on September 15, 1960, and asked the secretary to attach it to the minutes of this meeting. The Mayor then asked Mr. William L. McInerney, who was present, to act as Secretary of the meeting and take -the minutes of the meeting. The meeting then proceeded to the consideration of the adoption of a proposed ordinance annexing new territory to the Town. After a full discussion thereof the Mayor requested the Secretary to read the following proposed Ordinance No. 25: Ci ORMUN I NO. 25 t4i R $ :0 14 w WHMMS# pursuant to the provisions of the Act* of I53s 5, d logislature, Page 357# Chapter 93• codified as Article 974-G., Revised Civil Statutes of Te as, a. Glenn Turn4er# oar of the real property herelna iter desorf.bed„ having made application as by law provided to the Resor and Board of Alder of the Town of Westlake, Texass requesting annexation of a tract of sand con - 519t ng Or a 25..056 acre tract of land more or less out of the Ca . Survey, t:ntoxunty Ibstract 972, arnd the R. AllenSurvey, Ston boty Abstra4t 17s State of Te s, and be- ing more fully described by metes and bout as followo l BIGINUM at a point in the east line of the pies. eat comorat4e limits of the Ton of Westlake, Texas, said point being North 00 094 10" West 489.4 feet from the mouth line of Gaf d Calloway Survey and the north Eine of the Joseph Henry Survey,, Abstract 529; THMCE North 00 090 10" West olong present coz-.. poraete lits 1,46$.6 feet to a point In the southwest lie of U. S. 0overomutt property and the Grapevine Reservoir) thence with the lines of V. S. Government property and Grapevine Reservoir the following caoux es s South 64° 431 300 last 332.3 ,feet j South 49P 38, 23" 7 .last 497 feet] South 160 23' 22R est 151.5 feet;South gr 45' 37"' 401.9 feet North 650 41' 52" st 336.7 feett North 30 1 22 Istat W.8 feet,j South 770 3p, 48 st 43#.8 feet; Sough 50; 08 Reat 229.1 feet to a corner$ , 'iR—1 South 00 43+ 10" fast with a fence 574,8 feet to a oornerl thence South 860 57► 40'" West with fence 1,,494.2 feet to thelace of begln�:ng and con- taining 25.56 stores or .0394 square miles. A plat of said land showing its location with respect to the Town of Westlake, Texans being attached hereto marked ambit "A"; and WHEN, said partition �' led with the Town of West- lake at i; ; ADOPT S this ..�,�.Z; �' day of .,..,14" , .,�..,p A. D_ 1960, ATT T s AP'PROMt Upon motion duly made by Mr. Zwald and seconded by Mr. Thrasher, the foregoing Ordinance No. 25 was unanimously adopted. The Secretary then read the following proposed Ordi- nance No. 26: ORDINANCE NO. 26 AN ORDINANCE RECEIVING AND AN=CING TERRITORY ADJACENT It x t e t t ,1; e e 'st" ;*`• iei c �t: .r:.. e� • .a1~ .s:x � e� a e ,ta :1 1'44 1"'114 4 N AV e •�� ei t ,4. b ' r f A ii ' to " i 9:ta'1"t;: N WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Acts of 1953• 3rd Legislature, Page 357, Chapter 93 codified as Arti- cle 974-4, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, , A. SCHULTZ and wife BETTS SCHULTZ, owners of the real property hereinafter descrlbel, having rade application as by law provided to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake$ Texas, re- questing winexation of a tract of land consisting of a 133.35 acre tract of land, more or less out of the Thomms Burgess Survey,, Denton County Abstract 35, State of Texas, and being more fully described by metes and Oounds as followst BEGINNING at the mast northerly northwest corner of the present corporate limits of the Torn of est - lake, Tema$, same also being in the east line4msaid Buirress Survey and the went line of the Moon Wiles Survey, Abstract 1339; T=CE North 00 41' Mat with a fence and the dividing ;line between the said Burr+eass sad Wiles Sur- veys�24,.6 feet to a corner at the northeast earner of said Burress Survey►; THENCE North 889 49' West with a fence and the north line of said Burresas Survey l p l6T..4 feet to a corner in the southeast right of way line of US. Highway No* 37ti TE CE South 220 261 West with said highway r ht of wV line 2,# 209.3eet to a port; then,oe with a 20 021 curve to the left and along said highway 10102 feet to a corner; %SCF South 410 431 Mot with feet to a corner* saw beim in the to this tract of land and also being of said Burreass Survey; C-5 a fence 214.9 center of access road in the south line THENCE South 880 38' Fast with canter of sold road and .south line of said Burreas Survey 2 096.4 feat to a corner at the southeast corner of the Burreas Survey and a southwest corner of the Pinson Wiles Survey, same also being a corner of the present corporate limits of the Town of Westlake; THENCE Borth 00 41' East with the present cor- porate limits and the dived line between the .Bur - rens and the Wiles Surveys 138.j6 feet to the place of beginning and containing 133.35 acres or 0.208 square miles. A plat of said land showing its location with respect to the Town of Westlake, Texas, being attached hereto marked Erlilbit "A"i and WHEREAS, said petition wad with the Town of Westlake at � n o'clock *".M. on / 1960, which is not less thaBrive (5) and not more than tEr y (30) days prior to this date; and WHEREAS, It appearing to the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas, that all statutory requirements in con- atecti:on with saaid proposed annexation have been fulfilled and that the said area duly grouped into one territory is not more than one-half mile in width and that all of sums Is adjacent to the present Town Limits of the Town of Westlake, Tem; BE IT ORDAINEB BY THE BOARD OF ALDER= QIP THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE,, TEAS x 1. THAT, the property hereinabove described beating adjacent and contiguous to the Town Limits of Westlake* Texas, be and in hereby annexed and brought within the Corporate Limits of said Town and is hereby made an Integral part thereof. THAT,, the owners and inhabitants of the area herein annexed be entitled to all of the rights and privir.l:eSes of other citizens and property owners of odd Town and be bound by all of the acts and ordinances made in confOmmity thereto,# now in Ball force and effect and that which may be hereafter adopted. 3. THAT, the official map and, boundaries of the Town of Westlake, Texas, as heretofore adapted and amended, be and is _' c G hereby Winded so as to include the aforementioned territory as pest of the Town of Westlake, Texas. u. THIS ordinance shall become effective and be in Full force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor and duly attested by the Town Secretary. ADOPTED this 7 day of =v t,, A. D. 1960. ATTSSTs Upon motion duly by Mr. Zwald and seconded by Mr. Odom the foregoing Ordinance No. 26 was unanimously adopted. There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was, upon motion duly made and seconded, resolved to adjourn. ,-2o7 AFFIDAVIT AS TO MAILING STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS WILLIAM L. McINERNEY, upon his oath, stated that he mailed on September 15, 1960, a copy of the attached Notice of a Special Meeting of the Board of Aldermen of Westlake, Texas, to each of the five Aldermen of said Town and to the Mayor of said Town at the address of each within said Town . William L-:'NcInerne SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME, this 16th day of September, 1960 . v June C . Tilley, Notary Public In and for Dallas County, Texas My Commission expires June 1, 1961 .