HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-20-60 TC MinSPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN August 20, 1960 A_special meeting of the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas, was held at the Headquarters Building, McGuire Ranch, on the 20th day of August, 1960, at 2:00 O'clock p.m. pursuant to a call of the Mayor, written notice of which was mailed to all of the Aldermen August 18, 1960. Present were John A. McGuire, Mayor, and Messrs. H. S. Thrasher, Ben A. Zwald, H. T. Webster, A. L. Odom and John A. McGuire, Jr., Aldermen. The Mayor called the meeting to order and announced that a quorum existed for the transaction of business. He fur- ther stated that he had an affidavit from Mr. William L. Mc- Inerney that written notice of this meeting was mailed by him to all of the Alderinen and the Mayor on August 18, 1960, and asked the secretary to attach it to the minutes of this meeting. The Mayor then asked Mr. William L. McInerney, who was present, to act as Secretary of the meeting and take the minutes of the meeting. The meeting then proceeded to the consideration of the adoption of a proposed ordinance annexing new territory to the Town. After a full discussion thereof the Mayor requested the Secretary to read the following proposed Ordinance No. 23: Iq 2. ORDINANCE NO, 23 0 0 (t I z 4 s 3! '(folio WkI�ASa PUTSuant to the provisions of the Acts of 1953,P 53rd 14gislature,, Page 357, Chapter 93, codified as Article 974-0,, Revised Civil Statutes of Tex". J. Olen Turner,, owner of the real property hereinafter described, having made application an by low provided to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas, requesting annexation of a tract of land *on- 818tUs of a 213*63 acre tract of land, more or less, out of the Joseph Henry Survey,, Denton County Abstract 529, ftmas Kelly Sur- vey, Denton County Abstract 704 and the T. H. Calloway Survey,, Denton County Abstract 272., State of Texas, =4 being more fully described by metes and bounds as follows BROINNING at a point In the most northerly north line of the present corporate lUdto of the Town of West- Ukeo Texas, $aid point also being in the south line of the Joseph Henry Surveys Abstract 529,, and approxtmatel 1 030 feet vast of Its southeast corners thftce North 1 464 go', East with fence 2,666 feet to a point in the north line of an east -west county road; THENCE last 16.2 feet along north link of county road to a Int for corners thence North 0',1 090 lO* Went 10980feet to a point for corner in the southwest property line of U. S. Government and the Grapevine Reservoir; THENCE with the southwest line of said Grapevine Reservoir and the following courses and distance# with an Iron pipe marking ea oh corners North 600 431 30" west310 feet; North 5r48, 450 East 245.1 feet) North 43 36o 15" West 781.5 feet; North 410 404 West 409.5 feet to a corner In fence on the went line of the T, H. Calloway Survey* Abstract 272, and the east line of the Thomas Kelly Survey* Abstract T04j THENCE South 00 28t 20"., Went with a fence on the line between said Calloway and Kelly Surve s 916 feet to a corners thence Weft with a fence 619. feet to a corner; thence South 0" 561 10" West 2#193.7 feet to a corner In the south line of an eaet-weet county road; /72 THENCS north 890 38' 34" West with south line of said county road, the center of which is the south line of said Kelly Surrey and the worth line of the Joseph Henry Survey, Abstract 529, 602 feet to a corner; BCH South 10 33' 50" with a fence 2„639 Feet to a fence corner, and being in the aouth line of said Henry Survey and the north line of present corporate limits of the Town of Weaatlake SCE East with a fence and the mouth line of said Henry Survey and the north line of said corporate limits to the place of beginning covering a tract of land containing 233.63 acres or 0.3338 *quare miles. , A plat of said land showing Its location with respect to the Town of Westlaake# Texas, being attached hereto scanted Exhibit "A"; and WHEN W,j, said petition was filed with the Torn of Westlake at O'clock p.m. on August 196o, which is not less Umn rive (5) and zot scare than t ( 30) days prior to this datei and WHZPXAS,t it appearing to the Hoard of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas, that all statutory requirements in con- nection with said proposed w exatton have been fulfilled and that the said area dally grouped mato one territory la not more than one-half mile in width and that all of some is adjacent to the present Town Limits of the Town of Westlake, Texas; BE IT it `lak : i -IaiD BY .1" BOARD OF ALDEMM OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE# 1. THAT, the property hereinabove described being adjacent and contiguous to the Town Limits of Westlake* Texas, be and is hereby annexed and brought within the Corporate Limits of said Town and is hereby made an 'integral past thereof. 20 THAT, the owners and inhabitants of the area herein annexed be entitled to all of the rights and privileges of other citizens and property owners of said Town and be bound by all of /Y� the acts and ordinances made In confbrmity thereto, now in full force and effect and that which may be hereafter adopted. 3. THAT] the official map and boundaries of the Town of Westlake, Texas, as heretofore adopted and amended, be and Is hereby amended so as to Include the aforementioned territory as part of the Town of Westlake,, Texas, 4» THIS ordinance shall became effective and be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the mayor sad duly attested by the Town secretary. ADOPTED this loth day of August, A. D. 1960. APPROVID3 Upon motion duly made by Mr. Zwald and seconded by Mr. Thrasher, the foregoing Ordinance No. 23 was unanimously adopted. The Secretary then read the following proposed Ordi- nance No.. 24: i y5 ORDMNCS NO. 24 ` t ,,.E 4 :"� ° i' �1k t" #* t ► E .:q E to Stu k t `O N. r, c#" 144;4M!! ;It E :.I,i` ..t q it;4 ,Its 10it t"tt t o, WHERUS, pursuant to the provisions of the Acts of 1953, 53rd legislature, Page 357, Chapter 93, +codified as Art - tole 974-0, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, Frank A. Schultz and wife„ Betty Schultz, -dere of the real property hereinafter described, having *ad* application as by lair provided to the Xayor and Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas, re- questing annexation of a tract of laud consisting of a 247-11 &core tract of land, more or leas,# out of the A. V. Veltus Sur- vey, Denton County Abstract 15". and the Plason Wiles Survey, Denton County Abstract 1339r State of Tezoaa, and being more fully described by notes and bounds its follows t BSCIMIWC at point at the most northerly north- east corner or the prevent corporate limits of the Town of Wostlake, Texas, samoe being also at the north east corner of the :. N. Denson Survey, Abstract 3591 CS South 09 11' West with present corporate lisdt�t of its 3 o 85.' feet to most southerly uthweat corner d Feltus Surveys thence South 371 37 1 Sast with a Peace and south line of said 2eltus Survey 1#628.3 toot to a comers TSMC$ .North iso 040 last with fen+ee 1,636.3 teat to a +ecamerj thence Nortgh 890 3+6' West 2*066.9 foot to a comers thence North 1 051 West 304 toot to a comers thence North 89 6, west 1 !J3.0 Feet to a ao +e � e hN6rth 1 ' Fest 2 feet to a oomerj TCN North $go 92' Wont 2,938.7 feet to a corner in the Went line of sold Wiles Survey and the east line of the � Burr�ess Sura y, Abstract 33; then** South OF 41► West with dividing line between said Wiles and Burress Surveys 1,638.6 fret to a corner In the center of access road to this tract of land and a southwest corner of said Wiles Survey; THENCS South Wiles Survey Wiles Survey and 880 38+ last with 64() feet to an inside at the northeast 176 south line of said corner of said comer of the B.B.B. t C, B, g, Survey, Abstraat 154; thence South C 45' west with the dividing linens between -said Wiles and B,B,B, & C. R, B. Survey* 144,53 Feet to most southerly southwest corner of sold Wiles durvoy, aaaase being at the most northerly northwest comer of the present corporate limits of the Trina of Westlake; TMMCE South 890 251 Met with north line of said corporate limits and the south lime of said Wiles ,Survey 4,448 feet to the place of beginning* containing a tract of land containing 247,11 acres or 0,3860 square miles. A plat of sUd land showing its location with respect to the To= of Westlake, Teaas, being attached hereto marked lzbOlt "A N; .and WMMAS,* ,said petition was filed with the Town of Westlake at . z% ' o t clock p,=. on August /& 3.960, which is not less thAn rive (5) and not more than t prior to this date; and WMFOW A it appearing to the Board of Alderoen of the Town of Westlake,, Texans, that all statutory requirements In con- nection on with said proposed a exati oan have been fulfilled and that than sad area duly grouped into one territory in not more than one-half mile In width and that all of sum to adjacent to the present T« Mats of the Town of Westlake,$ Tezasj BE 1T OMADM BY Tis BQAM OF ALMOM OP TRE TOWN OF WESTLAKEo T=M t 1. THAT, the property heraelnabove described being adja- cent dja-cent and contiguous to the Town its of . Wostlake,, Teiis, be ;and to hereby annexed and branght within the Corporato Uv is of sold ft -m and is hereby she an integral part thereof. e. THAT the waors.and inhabitants of the area herein annexed be entitled to all of the r ht$ and privileges of other citizens and property emmers of said Town and be bound by all of the acts and ordivanaes jade in conr6rxity theretop now in full force and effect and that which my be hereafter adapted. 197 THAT* the official my and boundaries of the Town of Westlake, Texas, as heretofore adopted and amended, be and In hereby mended so as to include the afoxfinentioned territory as part of the Town of Westlake# Texas. 4. 'SYS ordimmae &hall become eff *ctive and be in full force and effect from and after its passage andaapproval by the Mayor and duly attested by the Town Secretary. ATT Ti AflOPTID this 20th day of August, A. D. 1960. APPRD=s Upon motion duly made by Mr. Zwald and seconded by Mr. Webster the foregoing Ordiance No. 24 was unanimously adopted. There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was, upon motion duly made and seconded, adjourned. / � 4 SECRETARY AFFIDAVIT AS TO MAILING STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS WILLIAM L. McINERNEY, upon his oath, stated that he mailed on August 18, 1960, a copy of the attached Notice of a Special Meeting of the Board of Aldermen of Westlake, Texas, to each of the five Aldermen of said Town and to the Mayor of said Town at the address of each within said Town. William nerney SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME, this 19th day of August, 1960. My Commission expires June 1, 1961. Jun C. Tilley, Notaryblic Ing/; d for Dallas County, Texas /0Q