HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-03-60 TC MinMINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN MAY 3, 196o A Special Meeting of the Board of Aldermen, Town of Westlake, Texas, was held at the McGuire Ranch Headquar- ters in Tarrant County, Texas, on the 3rd day of May, 1960, at 4:30 p.m. Present were Mayor John A. McGuire and Aldermen A. L. Odom, John A. McGuire, Jr., Conway Phillips, Ben A. Zwald and H. S. Thrasher. The Mayor stated that the purpose of the Special Meeting was to canvass the results of the Election held on the 5th day of April for the election of Municipal Officers. The Returns of said Election were examined and the following proposed Resolution No. 8 was then read to the meet- ing: 1 / rG' OWTlpN NO. a W SAB, on the 5th day of April, A. 0. 1960o Win - ant to the provisions of Title 28* Revised civil statutes, the Ileotion Code of the Btate of 'occas, and hesol tJ oA o. T he re- totore adopted an the 13th day of F*b aryip Ip after due notice as by Lr provided, the drenera1 Xleatioo to *loot a Payor, plvo Alderawn mid a NArshal tar a tom of one year was heft within the l# its of the Town of Westlake# Texas; and WxVJm s on the�' of My, A. , 1960o at a met- tugof the Board of Aldi o� s+'I�.d Town, the rOSUlts Of said 14etjen ire" eanvassod by the mer in the ,premonoe of the: loard of Aldomm and said oanvaso showed the result thereof was as follows S 12 .l YOR John A. X01%dre 11 votes R. A. Thrasher 11 votes R. To Webster 11 vote,$ z"Id 11 votes johi . A .uiro, +fir. �.1 votes A. 1. 04om - 11 votes MR MM . Wesley may 11 votes , the eanvat* of the "Ault of *aid 1.*410n, bo, and 1s reby aPp' , *Ad that JOA A. du1 big VJM resolved the hl$best s bor of votes for the atloe of r is hereby ol*oter to aldd office Snt 1s to serve as sub offloor for the tom of one y*"from date "or or until bts suo ossor Is Wy *looted and 1 .r"d. THAT H. S. �sber, , ' o We or Berk A. Ri+#MwiC A. X044", 'Ir and A. L. Wax hs iu 'r000lved the hU;best Am- bar of votes i;r the 003.00 Of A140 n VealsY rv*Y bad roeeived the hiShest mmbor of votes for had are he by elssted to #Aid 9frises aM are to serve as suoh officers for the term of one year from date hereof or tnttIl their sueo*ssors aro duly *looted and qt .if-tod 1 TUT, *11 such offieers &" haroby imtruictod to take the oath of offloo'sa by law prow .ded ozd fjlo sudh osttbs wil th the Town d, A rm tids 3rd d4w Of at, 1960. Aft /4z TOR MINUTES OF THE FIRST MEETING OF THE NEWLY ELECTED BOARD OF ALDERMEN MAY 3, 1960 The newly elected Board of Aldermen, consisting of H. S. Thrasher, Ben A. Zwald, John A. McGuire, Jr., A. L. Odom and H. T. Webster, and the newly elected Marshal Wesley Harvey were duly sworn in and signed Oaths of Office before Lucy S. McGuire, a Notary Public in and for Tarrant County, Texas, at McGuire Ranch Headquarters in Tarrant County on the 3rd day of May, 1960, at 4:45 p.m. and then proceeded on with their first meeting. Mr. John A. McGuire, the newly elected Mayor, acted as Chairman of the meeting and called the meeting to order. Upon motion made by Ben A. Zwald and seconded by H. S. Thrasher, John. A. McGuire, Jr. was unanimously appointed Mayor Pro Tem to be vested with all the powers and to perform all the duties of the Mayor of the Town of Westlake, Texas, in the absence or disability of the Mayor unless or until tl-L-:Board of Aldermen. should otherwise determine. The Mayor then stated that the first order of business was to appoint a Town Secretary and Treasurer. After a full discussion, upon motion duly made by H. S. Thrasher and seconded by Ben. A. Zwald, Mr. A. L. Odom was unanimously elected Secretary and Treasurer of the Town of Westlake, Texas. /J�/ The Mayor then directed the Secretary to file the signed Oaths of Office in the permanent records of the Town of Westlake, Texas . The Town Marshal, Mr. Wesley Harvey, then announced that there were several persons he would like to deputize as Deputy Marshals of the Town of Westlake and in this connection submitted the names of the following persons for the consider- ation and approval of the Board of Aldermen: H. S . Thrasher Ben A. Zwald ' A. L. Odom H. T. Webster John. A. McGuire, Jr. J. Glenn Turner William L. McInerney John A. McGuire Upon motion duly made and seconded, the deputization of the foregoing persons as Deputy Marshals of the Town of Westlake, Texas, was unanimously approved . Thereupon the foregoing per- sons repeated aloud the Oath of Office and were duly sworn in as Deputy Marshals of the Town of Westlake before Lucy S . Mc- Guire, a Notary Public in and for Tarrant County, Texas . The meeting then proceeded to the consideration of the adoption of a proposed ordinance annexing new territory to the Town . After a full discussion thereof the Mayor requested the Secretary to read the following proposed Ordinance No . 22: �j� ORDIMCI NO. 22 44t � `1si.N�` y _bre 1" x , bi '� :�.�/.° ; r •• bb.. �, n rr �" a� �' err �r�• Y4' ,`t,`. w •'��� �. x � � :r�� •���� � rr� �� jrr i° �, � � � �� fir; •b � � `d; .� a � s,r, � MAIR91#4 WWUU$ a pursuant to the provisions of the Aots QP 1953,o 53rd Logilllatwv# Page 35T* Chapter 93m .,ttod as Article 9" -*, Revised Civil Statute* of Tom, lxvmk A. Schultz and ft, Batty Schultz,, owners sit the real property hereinafter described having made application as by lav provided to the Nayor and Boal of Aldermen of the Tmm of Westlake* Toxas requesting amwmtion of a tract of land oonslaasting of a 46.44 acre tract of lanai,, aaaocrs or loss* out of the A. B. Baas 8urvsy# Ponton County Ala- stmot 368s the R*Oowm and Pitcook Survey#Denton Vounty Abstract 9580 than B.B.S. & d A.R. Survicey, Zmaton County Abstract 187 and tho I. N. Denson graDenton County abstract 359.,0 State of Tsaas, and being more fully described by suss and bounds as fol- low olto s BUM= at a point in the North lane of the J. R. nac,-O Survey A-359 and the Frank A, Schultz 159.11 acre trq ot, said paint being at the u9st northerly northwest corner of the present corporate limits of the owf Westlake* Vis; tbancae with the Routh line of O"d Denson survey and 8 tai tr ct North 890 25' nest 2615 feet more or less tea' point at the northwest surmor of said Ponson Survey and Schultz tract] t me with the West lines of the J. g. meson Survey A-359: the B.A.B. A 0. R.R.aurvaeyy A-187 and the' A. dshu.ts �9..11 sero and 629.98 a ore tracts South oO 45, West I.T toot to a poiaaat at the $outhvost oomor of said B.S. i. & d*-R.R, Survey aat dt Schultz 629.98 aeerc traatcst$ TMCI with the South line e survey A418 and the PrW* A North 8 26 r Xast 120.1 toot /d�, Of the B.A.B. a d. R. R. Schultz 629.98 arra tract T iOR with the West line of the Irv* A. Schultz 'rT7#4 *erne and 15''.66 more tarots out of the Xceowaan and f;,t000k Survey A-958 &M the A. B, Danko Sm vey A-368 mO e9' west 1922.46 feet to a point In the forth line of a oomty road ruanaraing east etar'a<d west *long the South line of said Vanks duxovsya said point also beir% the *outbvest corner of the d+ehul.ts 157.66 *or* tract " being 1n the Borth line of�the present corporate lU d.to of the Tom of WestIskojo Fe ss TWOS with the north line of said county road and the present eorporato lata South 890 a6r Ust 2502 tarot =ore or .loss to a point at on sigl+e corner of 0 d ao 6 lio tsl thence with the oorporate ll .t* of the T! wnn or Westlake north o* #b# watt 8695.5 toot to the point of bo Uml.ango and covering a tract of .*Snd oontalan ,ng 546A acres or 0.8538 stere a dltes. A plat of s"d .1.a shming its location with respect to the Town or Woutl eo '*sus, being attaehod hereto mrked ambit "A"; and J000IMs said petition was $%l.+aed with the Tom of heart- lake at 500 o0clooX p.n. on April 271969�, vb1ch .o not less than Vlve (5 and not acme than thirty# ( ) days prior to this date$ am WUMM# it appearlag to the Board of AIderomm of the Tom of Westlake# Tejo that all. statutory requirements in con- nootion with said proposed amozation have been fatill.ed +end that the w,44 arm dulyup*d into one ter to to not more that one-half aadllre in wi and that all of same - a adJacent to the prevent its of the Town of WostlAke,g T ; dJ M IT MAIM BY THE 'BOARD OF AIMMM OP THE TMM -Of TIM,o TAM 10 TMT, the property horeinabove desor bed bei adjacent and eontlsuous to the 'own 1 A4ts of iestlake,* Terms be and to hereby *=ozed a4 brought within the Corporate Uatts of sad 'own md Is hereby =de an intogral part thereof. 2. THAT,* the owners and L1 bit is of the area herein ann*xed be entitled to all of the riots and privileges of other arlt ions and property owners of said '%11n and be bound by a1.1 of /ify the dote and ordinances =%de In conformity theret .,t now in full force and. effect and that whieh may be hereafter adopted. 310 THA ,O the official map and boundaries of the Town of Westlake,, b, as heretofore adopted and amended,, be and Is hereby amended so &a to include the afoxvuentioned territory as part of the Town of We st lak e p Texas. 4. THIS ordinmoo bbl "become effective and be In full force and effect from and after Its pa sW and approval by the mayor and duly attested by the Town $***eta , this 3rd day of Wyp A. Do 1960 TIM +FATE OF TOU OOMM OF TARRM I, A. L., OdomO Town Secreta7 of the Town of Westlake Te o do hereby aertllly that the forogolx%g is a true and oor ct copy of Ordinance • 22# d'il.ly presented and adopted by the Board of Aldermen of sold Town of Westlake, 'fe y, ata meetlag holt on the 3rd day of XAys A. P, 19600 as items appears in the Idnutom of said meta► In Book No, 1,* Page WrMW NY RM AND SUL OF THS TM OF WBS%UU* TM=s this x ; 1960. Upon motion duly made by Mr. Webster and seconded by Mr. Zwald the foregoing Ordinance No. 22 was unanimously adopted. There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was, upon motion duly made and seconded, adjourned. SECRETARY 191