HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-13-60 TC MinSPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN February 13, 1960 A special meeting of the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas, was held at the Circle "T" Ranch head- quarters on the 13th day of February, 1960, at 2 o'clock p.m. pu.rusuant to a call of the Mayor, written notice of which was mailed to all of the Aldermen February 9, 1960. Present were John A. McGuire, Mayor, and Messrs. Ben A. Zwald, H. S. Thrasher, A. L. Odom and John A. McGuire, Jr., Aldermen. The Mayor called the meeting to order and announced that a quorum existed for the transaction of business. He fur- ther stated that he had an affidavit from Mr. William L. Mc- Inerney that written notice of this meeting was mailed by him to all of the Aldermen and the Mayor on February 9, 1960, and asked the secretary to attach it to the minutes of this meeting. The Mayor then asked Mr. William L. McInerney, who was present, to act as Secretary of the meeting and take the minutes of the meeting. The Mayor then stated that the first order of business was to provide for calling of an election for the officers of the Town to be held on April 5, 1960, the first Tuesday in April as provided by law. After a full discussion of same the follow- ing persons were unanimously appointed as officers to conduct the election: Name Office Ethel Odom Presiding Judge Lucy McGuire Assistant Presiding Judge Edith Harvey Clerk At the request of the Mayor Mr. McInerney then read the following proposed Resolution No. 7: 16.3 WHOUK"Apars a to the provisions of Title 2 �t4v of the p:wrl sola Civ Statute$ of '�'em"* It it p idea that th +e ell dee hold in eseh Mmialpality in the Stet* of TOXAS on the first ' slay in April of hash Yom, a 4;*W&l eleotioo for the purpose of olooting of flOWS Of said *0161PS11s IM IT RRMVJM BY VM SUO OF A=UKW OF Ta TM OF i Tom, T I* Tom, of r#V4* r' �t hold this Tia` Of �+ges ordo, T the d f Alderson of the daea o to #100tion at ofi'ioors ! tho Tom Of Wostlako# ToUgs to 100 he os T"jld$WO, AvriI 5, ice, Iron the pwp"o c f *Iottlag a War* Z l� +ma a Asha �'C►�k`�''s April rs 1960# or mtU their swoossons #040ems' 41ee A qu&, .fjed. The oandi"tes for ;4wor, � and ��i, v"eiV� the h et � Of VOt;s' OW1 ib* elected to ash offlaos for a tom of one year. 11. the pwvor said ol"tioup tine onti 'Town is bwoby comtitnted one eotIWp si t # the P6-1111* P1400 for sod election "AU 100 the lept on NO= of the Nse Sam eirale 'fit Ranch, within sold Tom,, and said: election sb%n b$ held between the boars of VOC, A,X. said''71 P -R,, 0A the arvromatioxod 4*te, and the f *II pa" , are he hF' 8001otsd W set as oloot" on rrioe s frosidim je ts�►t. F�'+ea�.d� ,��e No person aha l he eligible iror the offices af"ormentioned unless he is quake od oloctor of the Tts'n and has resid" in the dtate of Texas for o poriod of o , the Vwa P six (6) eonths next pr000d� the *lee cess at which he is *looted. 14 � TV . ANY eligible and qualified person ares beaye his a�rer►ea Printed UPOlm the official ballot as as ind opo dent e for the at .ae s h0ia as proyieod for by tiling .biro swornplica.. rice. With the Mot latertt ftW to � S# 1960. The O"Xioatia+n owl state the specific office beivg sought b9 the: �,pii.c� nt tit t lieant is eligible, qualified Viler er 14003 of they state of , to beo"O a eamudate for bold the oftias teeing amt, it ei.eeted.. V. (A) The r9m of the swom application owl be seat# stamiall7 I as follows: To the mayor or the Town at Westlake,* Tema,, hereby arm # ►Rioa- ticru roinave SW DAIMO PrIAZOO an the official ballet OX an iWOVOTA ,.'t Oand#. WU ter tba Office: of to to vatoo Von at tbee Tmm n15, Vo - Sm'O**;n tie�pra'407 of A� 19wj and I hereby cortUly that i bave resided, in the State et Tia for at least t year and in the TMA f . Westlake a Texas* for at least six aeontha Ur iw to the date Of suah ei eetien# an an qualified fied - te awe this a p i "tion and that i am legaiiy gusali- Hod to haid cancra mce,, i'r oiocte . I's ose Statements con in tbi rias APPIII eatim W# tit., Subscribed rend swam to before awe tas day of A* Z►. 14960. t:) ffivah Sworn application ' be 400 az'.ed With a petition signed by qualified e1 # thou& Imch petition its not required* (C) duob s w om applf.eatfun shall �e o as .ed with an ox"uted 0O of "the ter Affidavit" as required Aarti a.41( . l Slootion x� Cade in Vex 'a . s 1 tatute$* in sub- stantially the fallt ►I "I of t �, of iie t A t„ state of TOX", Imins a, aw' date for the uf`tioo of dool*aa ►` swoar that I Ve of aaet n tative torn o govorawat, *Ad If oloatedo I will amort *ad def" ow orepro"wtative tam of government and shall raaiat wW effort to moveotent f ate+' part thereof I Will Support and defend the 0owtitution amd . two of the V.tad States ark of the dtato, or TOZOM. to and subscribed before no at Westlake* #a .rt" % R day * oe b V1. voters + In the avec five (5) per r cent or overthat qu�liti 7 Y �yi ql tho � ♦o tU►R (Of the VAUre east tu the V"m at the last G*Awga Faection) nomdmto a CoAdj"te, for titer of the ofriiets herein provided by petition oUx64 by suoh votem, such d dAt have hie now Printed upon the. ballot by tilime his Owan eppli"tion, Acoo""Jed1 ' tbo UWolty.Affidavit " - jaabov* set out* with the Royer not later tom► X dnitht s XwOh 5s 1960. 'The Towa Soa"tar7 Mall ftrwAsh SUSh SMILIO*At a fe or aueh *Wlloation. VII. e Of 411 thOSO who brave filed their worn Appli- Oatiotmto. have their aha pwiuted eu +Wht official t►ealot an well as those that are uminated by petition, as caudidet+e$ Oall be /64, posted by the To" secretary in awa, oonsp-tcuous Place at the or. fie* or the sgJA fterotary for i=pOetun or the cello roar at I -Oast thirty () das beef*re the mate of said zlootion. ftt Tem 8"eetary owl pr*s ervo lair a period or tam years all s"u- eeatlotw,, Votitious and other related papers. VI:11. AM *1341ble to tl �'tl.o�►OS b0 iu par vidod for who hasr odMfou realm aw11+e stioo o de" With tho PVvI- sioris of this jotiou# or who to d to al of"lce by potitions shall have his am* prIntAs . an the Official ullotos . AW such person mW taus* his to be witWONA at away *$me 'Wove tbo off ic lal al.qvtsa �*i 0 I'll i1 alit in itl With t TO" dearotau aroque to that *treat over his Oign&- teat: *,y attested to by a Maly Elie.- X0 Ame so withdiamn dall be printed on tbt ballots. The baaellot$ to be used in sold oleation ami be prepared to the ugualor a to provided the elootloa oo4e of dict, Of Tem enacted by the 2951 LOVAslaturo. X. All dried yeten WMIA tbo Ooaamgof tilt a Mita UOU auad IMM of thttake " Vis, e� .have VOel d to t State or U� � a period of em , and to the � ark` westiak for a period of six *outhe � ale UO ` data of the ol+oat�+ bo provi&d for l 'fit entitled to vote at suchae3 ttoza<. X1. Vatift by ,O bsOutee ballot In said election shall eaMence on h 15 , at the Orflo of the TOM rta r, VA106 b8 aut ntao ballot shall olOSS, _St 5 P. K., April 9, 1960. Mul -4- 167 sbm4l mka " 4*11vor om Was rowcod by u* 1lot 'fox mita '41 bo WIxas &P4 i l aaa , %8 We- frfl s a16 Oy Is* provided. The Board of A140rigiOn will Met not 1088 than f iv* and Drt Sd O than movian a following said electiou for the purpose, of ean- va ssi the turns of "Id ole►etIon. XZT1. The Moor is hereby diractod to $11►e neticat of said election which awl he *1800 vy the VAdWW the etteest Of. the Torn $* rotary* 4ad + MIX astute► the e of the election,, the atfiae to be oYected,, I the I awl post a PvPorly eZoauted ecpY of the o letstion pvc1smation, at the polling Ple0e herein provided a two copies at two gather pUblie plot*06 within the Twa. Such rt o*g SWI have sttaohed thereto► a eartifiod. #e"pY of this resolution. Said election sWI too held and CoAfteted In accor o with the laws of the state of Texas for they bolo of G* r�ai oloctions for Mate s �t7.Off Dox eze"t esa otherwise pro- vided by OWter Us Title , and the 2951 X1,00,10A CAW10 of the Uvised Civil Statutes Of Tem . a", AZOPTIM that.' �uy of Feate, A. D. 196o. i I - x As After a full discussion of the foregoing Resolution No. 7, upon motion duly made by Mr. Thrasher and seconded by Mr. Zwald, the foregoing Resolution No. 7 was uanimou.sly adopted. The following form of Order and Notice of Town Elec- tion was then presented and read to the meeting: -5- E AND NOTL= tF WldC'ZQT THX STATE OF MAS COONTY OF TARRANT 1* dem A. MaGuiro j X'" of the Tcwn of Vestjako j Texas, by virtu* of the pwoor vested in mo by law,* . do b*roby order that an eliseti n be hold in e Tom of Westlake, .Taub * OA April 5,o 19W* b*im they first Tuosday thdrootp for the Purpose of eI*Cti the following Officers, of said To"t A Nayoro five Ald ate: a Marshalo ter a o sof one rear* Irrm April 5,* 1,964, or until their euc� earsaws ftly a octed " qualified. candi- date for 3+ 'j fivo Aldermen and KarsW, receiving the a+ st *w of votes l be e1 ea�tei t such offices e'er at tom or ono year, Aird,, that said election #Wal be held at thet3e�3rt�.��3 then Nie �, e� dirc *T11 Rte� , in Mdd 4 a�td ina persons are borO7 appointed Kanagers tharoor# to wits si+ st F s�ng "ft* Cx Clark Mlii Naahal is bwwoby dir*ct d a qtr ttod to post a p P4*l7 ezeesnt+ed 0017,040 t A"bioe� of election at the Ito tion of tho Rose Win, die O "" Xanah,O tm, plwo Idwre this olootion W1 11 bei - OVA at , two vthw geeblio plea. within, the "M".Wq d SOU00 ZUi be posted s "f o tho emote ref 4Uned and Ozefttod this the day of ftbmaryj A, Di 1964. f , /.0 Upon motion duly made by Mr. Zwald and seconded by Mr. Thrasher, the foregoing form of Order and Notice of Town Election was unanimously approved. The meeting then proceeded to the consideration of the adoption of proposed Ordinances annexing new territory to the Town. After a full discussion thereof, the Mayor requested the Secretary to read to the meeting the following proposed Ordinance No. 20: f%'r ORDZMCE 00. 20 ftrtaiA t at of land situated in Denton .v oomalpting,of 39 and 65%00Acre or less, ate. being a Part of the whiz of wayof the softy road rumble along the hest I line or the 1.1 Befit S 'ey a-529 the +sem sstato RiVwxy *o. 19.' the ri d B'» S. RjOm ' No. S Othen n County RosA No. 2 were fully d eser .bed. bymete* and bola, to wit I B$ �d at a pd tJX the Forth U*aa of the J. IVA$ 3*ry ' . A-392,* t Alvin 9. Owsley 124.3T I taraot W4 the present oorporato is f the Town of W"t1a j said Volat also being 60 test soft or X009 Bast wt the Northwest oorper of sald oorporate 1jimits sad the A.VU X. 0101or . '' aer+e traet and U the Bast line of a gounty I TONCE worth with the East 3t" of sald sow t Vead . ramift ram'aloft the Nest Ilse of the J. Kort' wr- Vey yA--529. +�p� 9190 foe% ; ry��l, less to a nt+, tete Southeast JL 'P�^.. the old tato . 1,01 TmM ugh 390 39' Bast with said soutlWast line of bas feet ar"e or leas to a Point in the Solath 3AA& of a oomity road runaing Test and West a1DV6 the North Ufte of the J. Reary Survey A- 3 THOCE Ust with said &Oath 11" of Oou try mad: 130 ftet.moro or lose to sornerof seamy road to the Worthi themoo Borth with the Rast line *t oewwty road ming aloft the Bost side Of the T. roily zvmyey easel of 4 State 16n, toot *are or sBtt i � �e � ► TMW with satd southoast live fitshMoy *ad with to to the left e25 root re or leas to a Out) th+ ac 000tiawdsg an With sad high- way Soft aitt a h - w Worth 150 55" - Met I�2 . feet bore or loss, rth 155 45' Bast 1+629.5 feet more or less to a point In /7/ the Worth line of the T. Kelly Survey A -T'4 sad the South lijw of the S. Grab Spey A-4 said polut be - Ing feet Vest of the Northeast **=er of said Kelly Se reyj i=cz North , o6# West 1+6604 feet to *,point ;in the ,Southeast UM of the old U. S. =40waY NO. SM thon,ce, to a zortbeasterly Alre*tioa with saf.d Southeast Ible of 116bway 20201T foot to it Points tie f oll wfa g the Soathaast IUM of Old V. -,S. RLaW go. "377 and a 0 501 +carve to the left 670.31 feet to a..pefratf TMCE With said Southeast Itoe of hl I ay -North it 47 ,est 47,38. # feet, North 8 *4# bast 301.5 feet Worth 1� #7# "West x'9.8 feet to A, PCIAt, of "tr" to the ,.eft$ thohee with said to ow to the teft'and Fant rsht or way line of bighway 306.0 Ir eet to a polat,o said point helm at Intersection with Wiest line of Desmon* Covaty Road No. 2.; E with 'fest lU of said oa ahtZ read 50o 59' West 135 toot to a Point of Ourn la rVaO theme with Une of said road and a eM a 100 curve to tUe left wboaeo reava red.Is 618.8 feet to ast Waet of teat') thenoe st with South lice of said nos ty road 5690 ftet more or X ss to a poIxt South of -the eXtended East 'l ie of the A. B. DwJcs Survey A-3,684 TMMCR Worth 90 feet and crossIng said oow4y road to a point le the Worth Usm of s i thence 'Nest with North line of said eounty road 5690 feet awre or less* to as pplat of owe in roadi theme with Jim of salad road and a 140 owe too the rpt whose r0diu s Is 528.6 feet to a Wat of twat) tie with Est lIxe of County Road No. 2 Worth 00 594 Wast feet to a POIAtj TMCElorth $90 011 West 140 toot to' e e titer liar of cid.'g. S. IMeway No. ,VTj thence south esterl3r with the osuter l hi* of sad ay a to out" to the risht 350 feet to a Point of tM900tp **xtUuJA9 with the *eater line o► f said hfthwo South .1e 4T# 'fest 5118.2 toot to a point of or a .lh ws' At ulft with a Qo 50" oho to the ri 't tai ' e point In theNorth line of the T. Kelly Survey A -704j CE East with said Worth Use of the Kelly, O - . to- a Point lea the West Uxe of old State � NO. 101 t a e with said Best linehof"' , ' Sou �,�V � Bast :.$29. r feet, South ,15 5 hest IT82.6 to a Point of Intorseetloa wM the West line of a o4vaty road to the South,) /Z2_ SCE South nth the said 'West Une or county road 9011 toot more or leas to a .point of iatearaseestion with the Hearth Une of a aounty road to the Vest j thence heart w1th the said North Ifte of county .road 1435 feet more to lose to a point; TTCB South and arousing said oounty road to an terse*Uon with the Nortbmst line of t Old state aigh"Y so, 103 thence South 9'� 39 * Went 'its the said Northwest Iine or bighwov 02 toot more or loss to an intereectiou with the west une or a coimty read to the South; thence south with said Vest line of oo=ty road 230 reef more, or leas to a point In the present oor- porat+e 21miis of the Tom of Westlake, Texas; SCE Sast 60 feet more or lose to the voint of being And covering a tract of land eout`alfti 39'.65 acres or 0.1619 square mi lew; is deemed advisable and necessary to be included w1thin the bound.- aftes of said. Tmm; mad VREFUS , the Board of A1dermm, act ' ' la Its official capacity&, and for the best interests sAd Xe welfare of tbe A its b'lt is fid that such area Is adjacent to the present Town lAxits Of the Val of Vestla e, Teams and- should he ac ed sad Vrevght within the boundaries of w.d * a plat of 5414 lqud ShOWIMS its location with respect to the. Town of Feat- d.ske, was be$n sttaaked beret* wed U44bit, "Awl BE T ORDAIM tw the mrd. of Alder of the To of Westlake" tae . 3# the proper`' hereinabove desorieed lxdg adjacent and contiguous to the Tom eta of Westl +e$ Texas* be and is hereby afte ed and brom&ti with tho . Corporate . Lis is of said Town and to hereUy mode ah tategral part thereof. . 2. MTs the Of'flaial imp $Ad bo d&Kos of the TOm of vestll**1 0 Texas# as heretofore adopted &vA smeadedv he and Is hereby amended so as to include the aforementioned territory as port of tha Ta of WestUke# Texas, THIS ordinance shall become effective and be in full force and ef'f'ect From and after its passage sad approval. by the yor ,and duly attested by the Town Secretary. !'P�? ATTEST s ADOPTED Utz day of Febrvary, A. Do 1960# KAy0R • w Mi TOWN SECIMARY Tim STATE OF TMCAS I VOMM OF TAMIM .# wn SecratuT of the "Town or Yeavist.i * dri " e � nllxy that the foreei)lug is a true =4 eomat copy of OrdU=oe * duly p soutada adoptedb7 the Board of Aldemenof said Town of Vostlakel, TaUss st a wears"Uns ' old o thethe { ��yy11th 4s or W ► oFeb y ., A. ID * as � �I9i VITUSS MY HW AIM SFAL OF THE TOM OF WISTLAUs TEW, tUl is the ..h day- off"b��: A. D. 1960, Upon motion duly made by Mr. Zwald and seconded by Mr. Thrasher, the foregoing Ordinance No. 20 was unanimously adopted. The Secretary then read the following proposed Ordinance 21: ORDINANCE NO. 21 fY �J ,!' � x !► M. r t!a W .7 1-4 VIUM"s purgalnt to that proytoloax of .the Aute of 1953,P 53rd IegisIgtWe, Page 357', Mo ter 93, eoWted as Article 9T4-0, Revised Vivil Stxtute8 of Texas p PrAu` A. Schultz and 11 ife# Betty S#hvltx, owners of the real p"perty hereinafter dteieorihed having made application an by law provided to the r and -Board of Aldexwn of the Tom of Westlake* Tama, re eater annOZation of a tract :at land consisting of 4.47T.71 acre tract of laadj, more or lesa, out Of the A. Be DmWs Survey, Ston Gouty Abstract 368, the J. O. Norman Survey, Denton ty Abstra of 959r t B.B.B. & . R. -R. Surveys �' , tis %gtract .187 t the J. No Dewma Surv+ey, Ston County Abstraot 35% Mate of Temp and hte- more Ealy described by metes and Us=& as followaa a read � " In t Worth UPC of o County Went along the South; line of the A. B. s Sarver A -W an to the East line of said aux-vey .+d point also heir at the met rtherIY Northeast oorner of the present corporate limits of the Tom of Westlake) TMMCE alovs the NortkL Ie of oosnty road South 890 06, Ust feet,, jortu Ir 36, Nast 846.5 .feet, Nortih 141 t 1:2,8 feet to o int .at the 804%heast 00rhOr' of the Sckvjts A acne traet out of thee » C. Ne- eawan Survey A -9 09i 'thasee North East . feet to a point at the Xortbmst . ceraer of the 7TA *are Sohnits pct .and the Southe"t comer of the B.B.B. h C. N. W. jsur 'y A -1 8T and the Fri A. ,Schnitz. 629..98 acre tract I TIMOR w th the USt ).fie or said su"oy and Schultz . Traet North j 461Ust 53.50 foot to a point " at the North- east comer of said survey and Schultz tract) thence with l7s the Korth line of the H.S.B. 64. R. R. SurveyA-187 sod t lira* A. Sitz 629x.98 aare tract Noh 251 W*xt ' .5 f00% to a point at the Southoast e+ raor of the J. I Deus= Surve A-359 and the prim* A:* S.ts .x.59.11. acre ttctj SCE with the last tae of said Reason Survey and Sebults tract North 00 111 Sast 1555.5 feet to a Point at the Northeast oonor of the :- N. aFP Sur' oy sod the F:*sx* A. Schultz 159.11 acre traot1 tom» wi t the North Une ot the 1. N. Denson SWVOY A-3 9 aad. the Fra* A. Schultz 1.59.1.x. acre tract North 9° 251 West 1833 feet more or leas TWOR South 00 461 West 8695#5 feet to a PoJAt, In the North line of a oomty road rw=lag Hast am heats . saidt also heIn the South line of the 'rax A. Schultz 1:57.66 acre tract and In aat North Uoe of the present oorporate its of the Tom of Westlaw er " s g TjoWel with Xorth of an v ty road d sorp�aar- ate l vatae llae South #9P 06" 14wt 11341 more or less . to the pe t Of hem. , and eover� a trot of a *M+'&WVg 47T.11 . arra jr 0.7416 square xix.es. A plat of said und iia no losat" tll "$"awt to tm-Town of Vestls e, Texas ten attsobedbereto mai*ed 1004t '"A"i . and wanwo said petition Was filed W I V4 ' the ' OVA of West - 1- at RE00 ovalookVia. on February 1960, which is not less 0M fd.ve"" M -4;d not cage thM. thirty days prior to thls lotto_$ and _ VZUUW,, it appearjag to the Doard of Alderman of the t Of illestla o's �aB, Vat &Ustaaktutor�r req"re ntae In +Rovaee"- t .on with said proposed awwsatd,on have been Milled a vA that the said area duly Seed Into one territory In mot more th , -halt mile in wi th and that all of same is adjacent to the preset Tom Units of the Town of Vestl4ce# Tsxass 31. TU,T,r# the p ► r +'' here$mgbove devarlbod beUW adjacent *Ad sunt ow to the its of WOOtlak0o Texas, he *nd is hereby annexed and brought with the Corporate Limits of said Town and is hereby made an IntoSral part thereof . f7G 2. THAT, the oars and Inhabitants Of the area herein ameaed be , entitie+d to all of the rights and privileges of other citizens and property emwr8 of said 'owl and Im beams by *11 of the astaa and ardimaucees as de In ooufaxi4ty tb er@to, now is full force and effect and that which say bee hereafter adapted, TUT, #►he efticial ,wae�p and ► darie>�s of t Tom'of Weaaet- la ke, Texas$ aRama ore adopted sheretosad a"nded, be and is hereby aanaesaded ae as t4 include the aforementioned territory as part of the Town of os l*e, Texas. 40 THIS ardiowo* shall berms effective full force and effect from and after its paaasaa Se sad approval by the Kaayor and duly attested by than Town Secretary. ATT s ADOPM th v 13th d of Febraaryj, a D�1960. 17-7 TEE STATE OF 10 A. L. Wear Tom 3*0retary of the Twoof Vest,lake, Texas, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true aid correct copy Of Ounce No. 21,0 duly prosented And adopted bg the Board Of A160=04 Of 5a14 TOM of -W*8tI*k0* TOUS, Wa*eetlngheld on the 13th day of .February, . A.. , D.. 1960, ms *me appears in the min- ates of :said neeti , in. Bek Wo . 10 Pages W T NESS !giSAS AMD SEAL OF THE TOWN OF WESTUXE,, TEXAS, t .e the 13th day of Feb . A . ID • 1.960. Upon motion duly made by Mr. Thrasher and seconded by Mr. Zwald, the foregoing Ordinance No. 21 was unanimously adopted. There being no further business to come before the meet- ing, it was, upon motion duly made and seconded, adjourned. �r SECRETARY AFFIDAVIT AS TO MAILING STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS WILLIAM L. McINERNEY, upon his oath, stated that he mailed on February 9, 1960 a copy of the attached Notice of a Special Meeting of the Board of Aldermen of Westlake, Texas, to each of the five Aldermen of said Town and to the Mayor of said Town at the address of each within said Town. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME, this 12th day of February, 1960. My Commission expires June 1, 1961. /79 Ju ' C. Tilley, Notary Public I.nf and for Dallas Co ty, Texas