HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-25-59 TC MinMINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN APRIL 25, 1959 A Special Meeting of the Board of Aldermen, Town of Westlake, Texas, was held at the McGuire Ranch Headquarters in Tarrant County, Texas, on the 25th day of April, 1959, at 10:30 o'clock a.m. Present were Mayor John A. McGuire and Aldermen Ben A. Zwald, ., H. P. Thrasher, Conway Phillips and A. L. Odom. The Mayor stated that the purpose of the Special Meet- ing was to canvass the results of the Election held on the 7th day of April for the election of municipal officers. The Returns of said Election were examined and the fol- lowing proposed Resolution No. 6 was then read to the meeting: /50 that the written resignation of Mr. E. E. Garrett as Town Mar- shal be attached to the minutes of this meeting. Thereafter, upon motion duly made by Mr. Ben A. Zwald and seconded by Mr. Thrasher, Wesley Harvey was unanimously elected Town Marshal of the Town of Westlake to serve until his successor be duly elected and qualified. The Mayor then stated that the next order of business was to provide for calling of an election for the officers of the town to be held on April 7, 1959, the first Tuesday in April as ,provided by law. After a full discussion of same the follow- ing persons were unanimously appointed as officers to conduct the election: Name Ethel Odom Lucy McGuire Lucyann Phillips Office Presiding Judge Assistant Presiding Judge Clerk At the request of the Mayor Mr. McInerney then read the following proposed Resolution No. 5: R 139 b'KWHAS, pursuant to the provisions of Title 28, Chap- ter ll., of tie Revised Civil Statute* of Texas, It is provided that there #hall be held In each Municipality is the State of Texas on the first Tuesday InApril of each year, a general *I**- tion for the purpose of 1elooting officers of said municipality.: NOW, TR `ME s BE IT RESt PID BY THE BOARD OF ALDMUM OF THE TOO OF MgSTU , TXXAS s I. THAT the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake,, Texa; at a regular meeting held this date, dvoa hereby order an election of Officers for the Town of Weestlake, Texas, to be held on Tuesday, April 'i, 1959, for the purpose of electing a Myoro five Alderman and a Narshalo for a, term of one year,. from April 7, 19,590 or until their suacessors axe duly elected and qualified. The candidates for mayor, Alderman and Mareshal, receiving the highest nomber of votes shall be cleated to such offices for a term of one year. III YOR the purpose of said election the entire Town is hereby constituted one voting prec not; the polling place for said election shall be the Reception Room of the ,Horst :Saone Circle "T" Rancho within said town, and said selection shall be hold between, the hours of T s OO A. M. and .said T;00 P. K. on the aforementioned oned. +mato, and the following persons are hereby appointed to act as election officers i Ethel Odom Presiding Judge Lucy McGuire Asst. Presi.di.ng Judge Luc ann Phillips, Clerk Clerk Ill. No person shall be eligible for the offices aforementioned unless he is li.t'iod *lector of the Town andhas rosid d inn the Stag , q Texas for a period of one year, and In the Town:for six (6) months next preceding the election at which he is elected. ," 14o IV. AV aelWble and qualified person may have his gate! Printed %Von that official ballot as an independent Ca ndi+ttee for the offices berets provided for by filing his agorae 4ppl ca- tierce with the Mayor not later than X14mUht, Na"h 70 1959 • They appy. 04tion Mall artate, the specific officer beingsought by the p�, O&Ut and that the .applicant is eligible and qa�iunder o Mira of they State of "fes O to boom* a candidate for and bold the offices being stmt, if elected. V. (A) The form of the sworn application *hall be axub- artantl,ally .ran, follows: t To the Mayor of the Town of Wostiske, Tera x o Greetings 3 i,, hmak ereby e s lI**- ti ®, eta pr n d. on the of tiolil ballot aha an independent candidate for the office or , to be: voted upon at tine Tmm e+ i to t c on the Tth day or April,, 19593 and I hereby t+ertify that 1 have resided In the state of '`oxas for at least one year and in the Town of Westlake* Tem, for at least NU months voi='OthU the date o suc h election, and an e�ua'i1fi+e+d appllostjon and that X ant legally equal iflAd to hold such offioe, It erlsctod:. 'ATI OF TMS I, _ , being duly sworn, 00040 *ad say Ma aaeents contained in the foregoing appli**tion are true. Subscribed and sworn to before ate this �". qday of r A. D. 1959 141 (B) Such sworn application May be aoea+ pAnied with t petition signed by Uried eelee tors, al- though such petition Is not muf red, (C) such sworn application shall be accompanied w With On eexeceu od eopy of the " Loy*1ty Affidavit" as mquir ed by Article 6.01(2) 1951 Zloati+on Code in Vernon's Tem Civil, Otatutes# in sub- staantf.ally the f*llQW1 fearmt "1's 's ' of than 'Town of westlAuCes xas Ounty-4rTirrint, stats of T*jmx's being a► candidate for the office of so sol my swearthat SOMY-i in am approve of our present repro- seentative: form of dovermeent, +said it eloct+ieatd, I will support and defend our rope os+entotivo . fora of goverment and shall resist any effort to movement from any part thaereof. and I will support wnd defend tho Oonstitution and , IAwo of the Vatted States *rA of the State of. aas, *Sworn to a subscribed beeror .: . at West e's 'Tezaa, Tar at county, 'TOXXX# this the . day of y A • I% ♦ 1959 • In the event five (5) per tent or ever the "lifieed voters of the Town (of the estXre votes east in the Town at the Iasi General S eeetion) Ow litt a Candidate for either of the offloos mein providod by petition signed by ;such vot*rs, such Candidate x*y have his ummo printed Won the ballot by filing bin sworn applioatIon, **oo"n' od by the 14yaLlty Af ft"vit as herae- imb+oyo set out's with the "r Not lator than Xidnighto march To 1959. The 'Town seeersta xy shall furnish such ,, applf.oarnt a. form of such application The yes of all those who have filed their sworn p11- oatlons to have their names printed on the official ballot an well as those that a noxinatod by petition, as eaaeadlAataes shall be -142 posted by the Town staro in a Conspicuous place the of- ficeof the said soorota. x7ed at Inspection of the Public for at least thirty before the dates of said 91potiou. The Town tooretuft suall preserves for a period of twoyears all applli- Oationst patitiobs and other related p4pera. mill. Any sewn eligible to the offices heroin provided for sft two filed kda *worn applio*ti in s000rdaae oo with the peri- ►tons of this resolution, or xho Is %minatod to aay offf o* by peetitioa,, shall have his name priloted on the offtolal ballotw. Any awash person may same 'h s Now to be Vithdraeq at any time Wore 'the: of tiealal ballots an pr'inted,# by filing in vritieag with the Town Secretary aost to that Ofeat over his signs- t�., duly attoste d to by Notary Publics... So us=* so wi-thdrawn shall be printed on the 'ballots. The ballots to be used In said election shrill be prepared In the manner and form as provJ ded la the election codes: of the State of Uxaas oaeaated by the 19,51 Legislature. X. All qual f i+d voters w1thin the weaning of the conxtitu- tion and. Laws of the State of 'fes, who have resided in the state of Tons for as period of one yearo and in the Town of Wostlakp for a period of six months prier to the date of the oloatian r-ola provided. for #s ell be entitled to rote at such election. ':`OU148 by ?absontoo ballot in odd a lection shall es moa** on March 17 195_ , at time csffiao of the Town Secretary, Westlake sa . Voi as by absentoea ballot shall 4,10se at 5 P. X.*, April 4j, 1959• Tbo election oft i;oors above Mmod shall mak* and deliver the returns a said election In trip 1f.aeato, one beef. rotas. by the pr+eaef Ai e, one delivered to the "r or Toon, *ad one delivered to the Town **rot y. The ballet baa containing the s tum stube< from ballots used In saJA election shall be do- livered o-lie d to the Distriet 01e3b of Tarra t aouaty'* Tem, arA other ballot berms amus eelection Gorda W supplies shall be preserved by the Town Seccretadry to the proper office as by law provided. The 143 Board of Aldermen will meet not less than five and not more than won days following said election for the purpose of canvassing the returns of said elaotion. XIII. The Myor is hereby directed to give notUe of said elee- tion which shall, be signed by the Mayor under the attest of the Town Secretary, and shall state the purpose of the eUcti.on, the Offiaers to be opted, and they Marshal *hall past a propeerly ox- #auterd copy of the election procxlamtion at the polling place bier*in provided and two copies at two other public places within the Town. Suoh notices shall have attached thereto a certified copy of this resolution. x1', 3a44 election ecti;on shall be held and oonduoted in aceordance with the kers of the State of Tea for the: holding of general *leec- tions for state and County Offices "oept as otherwise provided by Chapterll,, Title 28, and the 1951 glecti.on Code of the ibevised Civil statutes of 'Texas. ATTEST: ADOPTgp this day of February, A, D. 1959• APPROV s z After a full discussion of the foregoing Resolution No. 5, upon motion duly made by Mr. Conway Phillips and seconded by Mr. Thrasher the foregoing Resolution No. 5 was unanimously adopted. The following form of Order and Notice of Town Elec- tion was then presented and read to the meeting: 344 TIM BTATI OF TMUS TOWN OF WISTIAKE EbSTION MEE T, John A MaduIre, Mayor of the 'Town of Westlake,* Texas,, by virtue sof the power vested in as by lav, do hereby order that as election be held In the Town of Westlake, Tax i on April To 1959, being the first Tuesdjkv thereof* * for the purpose of *looting the following officers of sild Towns A favor, five Aldermen and a Marshal,, for a term of one year, from April To 1959, .+fir until their sue.- . . cessors ftoo duly elected trAqualified. The csandi-' plate for lir, fIv+e Aldermen and Narshsl receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected to such offices for a tern of one ;dear. Ate, that said elect .on shah, be hold at the pec tion Rof the Rorse Win, Circle "T" �►ch, n "id Town, and 4s following otmed persons am hereby iepp©inted Managers thereof, to wits Presiding Judge Asat. Presiding judge Clerk .: Clerk The Marshia is hereby directed and Instructed to post a prop*r17 'aaacuVM copy of this order and notice of election at the Reception Room of the Horse Barn, Circle "TO Unch* the Vls4o who" this election will be hand, mid at two other public places within he tTown. Said notice shall be posted 30 dayit before Eche date of said election. Signed and executed this the day of February, A. D. 1959. ATTXST t ; vu'w a es e� 145 Upon motion duly made by Mr. Thrasher and seconded by Mr. Odom the foregoing form of Notice and Order of Town Elec- tion was unanimously approved. The meeting then proceeded to the discussion of a proposed ordinance granting a telephone franchise to the South- western Bell Telephone Company. After discussion of same it was determined that the matter would be passed and no action taken upon the matter at this time. There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was upon motion duly made and seconded, adjourned,. avor -146- Secretary Upon motion duly made by Mr. Thrasher and seconded by Mr. Odom the foregoing form of Notice and Order of Town Elec- tion was unanimously approved. The meeting then proceeded to the discussion of a proposed ordinance granting a telephone franchise to the South- western Bell Telephone Company. After discussion of same it was determined that the matter would be passed and no action taken upon the matter at this time. There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was upon motion duly made and seconded, adjourned.. Secretary -146- RESOLUTION NO. 6 WHMMS* on the 'nth day of April, A. B. 19 9, pursuant to the provisions of Title 28, Revised Civil Btatuteae, the Zloo— tion Cade of the State of Texas, and Resolution No. 5, heretofore adopted on the 21st day of February 1959, after due notice as by lax provi4od, the General Rleotion to Rloot a Mayor, Five Alder- men and a Marshal for aec term of out year was hold within the lim- its of the Town of We:stlak3e # Texas; and WHIRMS, on the 95th day of April, A. A. 1959, at a meet- ing of the Board of Aldermen of said Towno, the results of said Election were; canvassed by the Mayor in the presence of the Board of Aldermen and said canvass showed the result thereof was as follows: FOR "Y John A. McGuire 10 votes �y FOR Ami H. P. Thrasher 10 votes - Beta A. Zxald 10 votes Odom A. L. l0 votes Conway Phillips 10 votes John A. NoGuire, Jr. 10 votes MUNAL George Rer on, Jr. 10 votes qn R'�RT �. a T.s G 'P t x.l� BY R�F- BOARD '� <�dO O THE THAT# the convass of they el*sult of said eleotion be, and is hereby approviced, arA that John A. McGuire having receivedthe highest number of votes for that office of Mayor is hereby elected to said office and is to serve as such officer for the term of one year from date hereof or until his successor is duly *looted and e�.if l od. THAT# R. P. Thrasher, Ben A. gxald,, A. L. Odom, Conway Phillips and John A. McGuire, Jr. having rooelved the highest num- beer of voters for the offl.00 of Aldermen and Oeorg* Harmon Jr. having received the highest giber of votes for An4hal aro hereby elected to said offices and are to serve as such officers for the /�5'/ term of one year from date hereof or until their successors are duly *looted and qualified' THAT$ all such officers are hereby instructed to take the oath of offices am by haw provided and file such oathe with the Town Secretary, this 25th day of April, 1959• A1T%STi Upon motion duly made by Mr. H. P. Thrasher and seconded by Mr. Ben A. Zwald, the foregoing Resolution No. 6 was unanimously adopted. The Mayor then announced that it was now in order for the newly elected officers to take over the management of the town and that he would be glad to entertain a motion for ad- journment of this meeting. Whereupon upon motion duly made and seconded, it was resolved to adjourn. APPRO F� i Mayor f secretary AFFIDAVIT AS TO MAILING STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS WILLIAM L. McINERNEY, upon.his oath, states that he mailed on April 21, 1959, a copy of the attached Notice of a Special Meeting of the Board of Aldermen of Westlake, Texas, to each of the five Aldermen of said Town and to the Mayor of said Town at the address of each within said Town. am McIffiETrfney SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me, this�24th day of April, 1959• r Jufie' C. Tilley, Notarl Public and for Dallas C ty, Texas My Commission -expires June 1, 1959• J-� MINUTES OF THE FIRST MEETING OF THE NEWLY ELECTED BOARD OF ALDERMEN APRIL 25, 1959 The newly elected Board of Aldermen, consisting of H. P. Thrasher, Ben A. Zwald, Conway Phillips, John A. McGuire, Jr. and A. L. Odom, and the newly elected Marshal George Har- mon, Jr. were duly sworn in and signed Oaths of Office before Lucy S. McGuire, a.Notary Public in and for Tarrant County, Texas, at McGuire Ranch Headquarters in Tarrant County on the 25th day of April, 1959, at 10:45 o'clock a.m. and then proceeded on with their first meeting. Mr. John A. McGuire, the newly elected Mayor, acted as Chairman of the meeting and called the meeting to order. Upon motion made by Ben A. Zwald and seconded by H. P. Thrasher, Conway Phillips was unanimously appointed Mayor pro tem to be vested with all the powers and to perform all the duties of the Mayor of the Town of Westlake, Texas, in the absence or disability of the Mayor unless or until the Board of Aldermen should otherwise determine. The Mayor then stated that the first order of business was to appoint a Town Secretary and Treasurer. After a full dis- cussion, upon motion duly made by Conway Phillips and seconded by H. P. Thrasher, Mr. A. L. Odom was unanimously elected Secre- tary and Treasurer of the Town of Westlake, Texas. /` b The Mayor then directed the Secretary to file the signed Oaths of Office in the permanent records of the Town of Westlake, Texas. There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was, upon motion duly made and seconded, adjourned. 161 Secretary