HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-08-58 TC MinMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN February 8, 1958 A special meeting of the Board of Aldermen, Town of West- lake, Texas, was held at Circle "T" Ranch Headquarters in Tarrant County on the 8th day of February,.1958, at 2:30 o'clock p.m., pur- suant to a call of the Mayor, written notice of which was mailed to all of the Aldermen on February 4, 1958. Present were John A. McGuire, Mayor, and Messrs. George Harmon, Jr., Ben A. Zwald, and H. P. Thrasher, Aldermen. The Mayor called the meeting to order and announced that a quorum existed for the transaction of business. He further stated that he had an affidavit from Mr. William L. McInerney stating that written Notice of this meeting was mailed by him to all of the Alder- men and the Mayor on February 4, 1958, and asked the Secretary to attach it to the Minutes of this meeting. The Mayor then stated that in the absence of the Secretary of the Town he would ask Mr. William L. McInerney, who was present, to act as Temporary Secretary, and take the minutes of the meeting. The Mayor then stated that he had the written resignation of John A. McGuire, Jr., the Town Secretary -Treasurer, who had sub- mitted his resignation because activities required his absence from the Town which he felt prevented him from carrying out the .duties of his office. The Mayor then read to the meeting the letter of •: resignation, which upon motion duly made by Mr. George Harmon, Jr., and seconded by Mr. Ben A. Zwald, was unanimously accepted. The Mayor then directed that the written resignation of Mr. John A. Mc- Guire, Jr., be attached to the Minutes of this meeting. The Mayor then stated that it would be necessary to elect a new Secretary -Treas- urer of'the Town of Westlake and possibly that it would be advisable to also elect an Assistant Secretary -Treasurer of the Town. There- after, upon motion duly made by Mr. George Harmon, Jr., and seconded by Mr. H. P. Thrasher, Mr. Alfred L. Odom was unanimously elected Secretary -Treasurer of the Town and Mr. William M. Moore was unani- mously elected Assistant Secretary -Treasurer of the Town. The meeting then proceeded to the consideration of the adoption of proposed Ordinances. At the request of the Mayor, Mr. McInerney read to the meeting the following proposed Ordinance No. 18: log AWACMIT AND CONTIOVOUd TO THE TOWN OF WEWIAKE T " {' ; PROVIDING THAT SUCH ARNA '# AU MCOU A URT OF SAM TOWN AMD 'THAT TUB QWX= AIM 114"ITANT9 THMU " 03 XXTITM TES. ALL THE rRI UM13 OF V 'CITIi=3 � ' TOM AM BE,BOUXDTHE ACTS AM MINAXORSAW MOV0100 FOR ANUDING AND COU TING THE ICIAL BOMARUS,OF SAID TWX AS RMT ORE ADOPM, AS AXMW a AND PROVIDING TW AN UVICTM DATE. w AS, pursuant to the provisions of the Anter of 1953s, 53rd Legislatures Page 35T.- Chapter 93. codified as Article 9"14-0,9 Revised Civil Statute* of Texas'*J. Glenn Turner and wifae, Sue Reeder Turner, owners of the real property hereinafter described having made application as by law provided to the Mayor and Hoard of Aldermen of the Town of Westla 1m, Tex" requesting annexation of a tract of land consistingof a 64.7g acre tract of land, more or Less, out of the Jesse Olbson Survey, Tarrant County Abstract 5,93 and Denton County Abstract 493, Mate of Texas, and being more fully +d+escri'bed by metes arA bounds . as follows s BEGIMING at a point in the present corporate limits of the Town of Westlake* said point being in Taunt Couunty arA in the south line of the Jesse Olbson 3urvey A-593 In the north line of the William Huff Survov A-,648 at an oll corner in the present corporate limits and the south- east corner of said 69.72 acre tract; TI CS N 890 91' W with the south line of said 69.72 acre tract and the present corporate limits a distance of 1130.56 feet to a point for corner in the creast line of Tarrant County Road No. 4060 as fenced arid the south - West to riser of the 69.72 acre tract; T WNCE N 0 361 1 with the east line of County Road No. 4060 and the west Line of the said 69.72 acre tract a distance of 9685 feet to a point for corner, said point bawl.ng at the northwest aorner of said 69.T2 acre tract and a eorner of present corporate limit* to the Town of Westlake, Texas; 110 Ta g g 890 94' g with the north line of said 69,79 &are tract and ti present eiorporatee limd.ts a distance of 1130,56 feet to a point for corner, said point being at the northeast aornar of said 69.79 *Ore tract *M at an ell earner of prose nt aorpora.to limits; TMH d 00 361 W critic the east kine of said 69.T2 &care taraot and a wost. line of present oorporate limits a dis- tanco f 9686.11 feet to the point of beginning and eoveering a tract of larA o0ataeining approx1jeately 69.T2 acres, It in the intent of the above description to cover all of the 69.72 &cre tract off of the West side of the Jesse Gibson fey A-593 (Tamant County) and A-493 (Denton County) and being the cream land deveribed in deed from M. V. louttirells of al., to Xartha Zvolyn Osteee n dated August, 11, 190' r eeord ed In VOlume 190, Pao 394, Deed Ricardo of Donton County, Texas. A plat of said land PhOwing Its loeatift with respect to the Town of Westlake# T#XaSp being attached hereto mar's IT *A"; and W OAM, said petition was filed with the Town of . Westlake at o0 oI*look .a. on a:. bm-d-aro, 39.x$, which 1a not less ee 5 &O t more .than thirty 0) days pricer to this :date; and w3 't ;S, it eappea:ring to the mrd of Aldemen of the Town of Weatlaka 'few, that all statutory requIromats In e+onneQtion with said proposed annexation have: boon fulfilled and that the said area duly grouped Into one territory is not acre than 1/9 mile to width and that all o sae is cad jaeent to the present Town l wits of the Toga of Westlake,, Texas 14 THAT,* the property hereinabove described being adjacent and contiguous to the *down Limdts of V0*tI& ** Terms; be and is hereby annexed and brought wit'his the Corporate Idalts of said. Tmm *ad is hereby mdee an integral part thereof. 111 2. T T,j the owners and inhabitants of the area herein annexed be entitled to all of the right.* and privilege* of Bather citizens and property owners of said Town and be bound by all 4f the act* and ordinances madee in conformity thereto, now in full force and effect and that which nay be hereafter adopted:. THAT, the official map and boundaries Of the Town of Weotlakej, Texas,, as heretofore adopted and amendeds be and is hereby .amended *c as to include the aforementioned territory as part of the Town of Westlake, Texas. 4. TM, Ordinance shall beams er+f footiv+ee and be in full force and effoot from and after Its passap and approval by the Mayor and duly attested by the Town Secretary. ADOPTED this 8th dray of Fobruar+y, A . p . 19� • APPR e ATTUT x Upon motion duly made by Mr. Ben A. Zwald and seconded by Mr. N. P. Thrasher, the foregoing Ordinance No. 18 was unanimously adopted. Mr. William L. McInerney then read the following proposed Ordinance No. 19: 112 ORDINANCE NO, 19 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF CERTAIN STATE HIGHWAYS AND/OR. PORTIONS OF STATE HIGHWAYS IN THE CITY OF WESTUME, COMM OF DENTON, TEXAS, HEREBY REFERRED TO AS MUNICIPAL MAINTENANCE PROJECT AND AU- THORIZING THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OR OTHER AUTHORIZED CITY O"ICIAL, TO M=UTE AND AFFIX THE CORPORATE SEAL AND ATTEST SANE, A CERTAIN AGREMENT HIEN THE CITY AND THE STATE OF TEXAS, PROVIDING FOR THE MAINTENANCE AND USE OF THE SAID MAINTENANCE PROJECT: AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY AND PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHOW) BE EFFECTIVE FROK AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE. WHEREAS, the Public convenience, safety and necessity of the City, and the people of the City require that State Highway routes within the City be adequately maintainedi and WHEREAS, the City has requested that the State of Texas, enter upon and contribute financially to the maintenance of said project; and WHEREAS, the State of Texas has made it known to the City that it will, with its own forces and equipment and at its sole cast and expense, anter upon and maintain said project, conditioned upon the provisions concerning liabilities and responsibilities for mainte- nance, control, supervision, and regulation which are set out in the form attached hereto, made a part hereof, and marked "MUNICIPAL MAINTENANCE AGREEK'" ; and WHEREAS, said project consists of those State Highways and/or portions thereof which are described and Included in the form attached hereto and marked "MUNICIPAL MAINTENANCE AWMAK'ENT." NOW,9 THEREFORE, HE IT ORDAINED by the CITY OF WESTLAU* TEXAS. 1, THAT the publics donvenience, safety and necessity of the City and the people of the City require said project be adequately main- tained, Q. THAT the State of Texas be and is hereby authorized to enter upon ,and maintain said maintenance project. 113 3t THAT the Mayor, or proper City Official# of the City, be and is hereby authorised to execute for and on behalf of the City an agreement with the :Mate of Texas, in accordance with and for the purpose of carrying out the terms and provisions of this order, in the form attached hereto, made a part hereto, and marked "MUNICIPAL XADn!ZXAWX AORRStMT," The City Secretary is hereby directed to attest the agreement and to affix the proper seal of the City thereto. 4. The Mayor of the City, having requested in writing that this ordinance take offeat forthwith and there being in fact an emergency and Imperative necessity that the work herein provided for be begun and eased out promptly and with expedition and that the agreement aforesaid shall be immediately made, executed and delivered to the end that such work herein provided for may be begun and carried out promptly and with expedition. The reading of the +ordimmce on three several days is hereby dispensed with and the same shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. ATEA this 8th day of February, A. D. 1958. APPROVED: ATTRSTt MAYOR 114 - iW A%j MUNICIPAL MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT (For Maintenance Only) STATE OF TEXAS () .COUNTY OF TRAVIS O THIS AGREEMENT made this day of , 19 , by and be- tween the State of Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "State," party of the first part, and the City of Westlake , Denton County, Texas, (population , 1950 Federal Census) acting by and through its duly authorized officers, hereinafter called the "City," party of the second part. W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, the City has requested the State to assume maintenance on State Highway routes within such city; and WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of Texas did enact Senate Bill No. 415, 46th Legislature, effective May 15, 1939, authorizing and empowering the State Highway Commission in its discretion to enter into contracts or agreements with the governing bodies of incorporated cities, towns, and villages relative to the location, relocation, construction, reconstruction, and maintenance, control, supervision, and regulation of State Highways within or through the corporate limits of such municipalities; and WHEREAS, the general policy of the State Highway Commission provides that the State Highway Department may assist in maintenance, control, supervision, and regulation of any or all State Highway routes through municipalities with a population of 15,000 or less, and any or all State Highway routes except the congested or downtown sections of those municipalities with a population in excess of 15,000 as shown by the last available Federal Census, conditioned that the City will enter into agreements with the State for the purpose of determining the liabilities and respons- ibilities of the parties with reference thereto; and WHEREAS, the State Highway Engineer, acting for in behalf of the State Highway Commission, has made it known to the City that the State will assist the City in the maintenance, control, supervision, and regulation of certain State Highway routes within such city, conditioned that the City will enter into agreements with the State for the purpose of determining the liabilities and responsibilities of the parties thereto; and WHEREAS, all such agreements made with cities, towns, and villages are for the purpose of maintenance, control, supervision and regulation of State Highway routes, and shall in no way be considered to cover any present or past obligations either real or anticipated concerning such highway routes through municipalities; 115 Form 1038 Rev 9-1-53 NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual convenants and agreements of the parties hereto to be by them respectively kept and performed, it is agreed that maintenance will be assumed by the State over the specified State Highway routes within said city, as set out in the following provisions. Coverage 1. State assumption of maintenance under this agreement covers the State Highway routes and portions thereof which are listed and described as follows: S.H. 114 from the East City Limits (44001 from Denton—Tarrant County Lias) to the West City Limits (11,1000 a distaryce of 2.102 sdlss. 2. It is mutually agreed that on the portions of City Streets listed below, along which marked highway routes have been located as authorized by the City, the City shall retain full responsibility and control for maintenance, improvement, and regulation; and the State shall not be required or obligated to participate therein, except that the State is hereby authorized and hereby agrees to erect and maintain normal route markers and directional and des- tination signs for direction of highway traffic thereon. 3. In the event the present system of State Highway routes within the City_ is changed by cancellation, modified routing, new routes, or change in the City's corporate limits, the State shall terminate maintenance and this agreement shall become null and void on that portion of the routes which are no longer routes of a State Highway; and the full effect and all conditions of this agreement shall apply to the changed routes of the State Highways within the City, unless the execution of a new agree- ment on the changed portion of the routes is requested by either the City or the State. General Conditions _J 1. The City hereby agrees and does hereby authorize the State to maintain the State Highway routes covered by this agreement in the manner set out herein. 2. It is mutually agreed that this agreement shall supplement any existing agree- ments between the State and the City for the maintenance or construction and maintenance of the highways covered herein and that this agreement shall supersede such existing agreements only in respect to points of conflict. 116 Upon motion duly made by Mr. H. P. Thrasher and seconded by Mr. George Harmon, Jr., the foregoing Ordinance No. 19 was unan- imously adopted. The Mayor then stated that the next order of business was to adopt the necessary resolutions to open a bank account for the Town with the Mercantile National Bank of Dallas. After a full dis- cussion of the matter and of the officers who should be authorized to sign checks of the Town, upon motion duly made by Mr. George Har- mon, Jr., seconded by Mr. H. P. Thrasher, the following Resolutions were unanimously adopted: RESOLVED, That Mercantile National Bank at Dallas, hereinafter called "Bank," is hereby designated as a depository of this Town and that a checking account or accounts shall be established in the name of this Town with Bank, under and subject to the rules and regulations as from time to time prescribed by Bank wherein may be deposited any of the funds of this Town whether represented by cash, checks, notes or other evidences of debt and from which withdrawals are hereby authorized in the name of the Town, when signed by both the Mayor and the Treasurer of the Town. Endorsements for deposit may be written or stamped endorsement of the Town without designation of the party making the endorsement. FURTHER RESOLVED, That Bank is hereby authorized to honor any and all withdrawals of the Town's funds payable to the officer or agent signing, or countersigning the same, or payable to the Bank, whether such withdrawals are presented for cash or for credit to the personal account of such officer or agent or the person presenting the same, and Bank need make no inquiry concerning any such item. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Secretary shall certify to Bank the names of the presently duly elected and qualifying officers of this Town authorized hereunder, and shall from time to time hereafter, as changes in the personnel of said officers and persons authorized hereunder are made, immedi- ately certify in writing such changes to Bank, and Bank shall be fully protected in relying on such written certifications of the Secretary and shall be indemnified and saved harmless from any claims, demands, expenses, losses or damages result- ing from or growing out of honoring the signature of any 120 persons so certified or refusing to honor any signature not so certified. FURTHER RESOLVED, That Bank is hereby authorized and requested to continue to rely upon these resolutions and the authority granted herein until written notice of any amend- ment, change or revocation has been delivered to the Cashier of Bank and until he shall have acknowledged receipt of the same in writing, receipt of any such notice shall not effect any action taken by Bank prior to the execution by the Cashier of Bank of such written acknowledgment, no such amendment, change or revocation being effective until said Cashier has signed such receipt. FURTHER RESOLVED, That these resolutions and the author- ity herein granted shall pass and inure to any successor or to the assigns of Bank. The Mayor then stated that the next order of business was to provide for a calling of election of officers for the Town to be held on April 1, 1958, as provided by law. After a full dis- cussion of same the following persons were unanimously appointed as officers to conduct the election: Name Office Lucille Garrett Presiding Judge Carol Harmon Assistant Presiding Judge G. W. Ivens Clerk At the request of the Mayor, Mr. McInerney then read the following proposed Resolution No. 3: 121 RES2r UTION NO. WHMEAS, pursuant to the provisions of Title 2+8, Chap- ter ll, of the Revised Civil Statute* of Texas, it is provided that there *hall be held in each Municipality in the State cel Texas on the .first Tuesday in April of each year, a general elle-. tion for the purpose of electing officers of said municipality s THAT the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas,, at a regular meeting held this date, does hereby carder an election of Officers for the Town of Westlake, Texas, to be: held on Tuesdaey. April 1, 1958, for the purpose of electing a mayor, five Aldermen and .e. Marshal, for a term of one year, from Apri i, 195$, or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. The candidates for Kayor, Alderman and Ma hal:, receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected.to such officers for a terse of one year. II. VOR the purpose of said election, the entire Town is hereby constituted one voting precinct* the polling place for. -)said election *hall be the Reception Room +cf the Horse Barn, Circle "T" Rsach, within said town, and said election ' shall be hold between the hour* of TsO A. N. and said 7sOO P. R. on the aforementioned dates and the following persons are: hereby appointed to act as election officers: 4,V61446 . G IQRFTl Presiding .Judge Ansa. Presiding Fudge .le''• /V�NJ' Clerk Clerk No ;person shall be eligibles for the offices aforementioned unless he is qualified elector of the Town and has resided in the State of Texas for a period of one year, and in the Town for six (6) months neat preceding the election at which he is elected. 122 ANY eligible and qualified person may have his .name printed von the official ballot to an Ind pendent Candidate for the ccffices herein provided for by filing his sworn application with the mer not later than Midnight, March 1, 1958. The application shall state the specifics office 'being -sought by the appileant and that the appli- "at Is eligible aced qualified under the Laws of the dtat+e cif Teiueav to beck a candidate for and hold the office being sought, if selected. V. (A) The fom of the sworn application shall be substant- ially as follows To the Mayor of the Town of Westlake# Texas, Greetings: 1, , hereby make application to sivwmy printed on orficias ballot as an 1,T dopeadent candidate for the offiae of , to be voted upon at the Town Election to be held 55 e lgt day of ,April, 19583 and l hereby certify that 1 have resided in the state Of Texas for at least one year and in the tbn of Westlake 'few, for at least six months prior to the date of such election, and. am qualified to make this application and that l am legally qualified to hold such office, if elected. STATE OF TEXAS CGUM Off' TARRAMT 1, being duly sworn, depose and s t trw s a omen s con wined in the foregoing application ore true. signed subscribed and sworn to 'before me this dory of , A. D. 1958. '�: � - .- It 123 (U) Such sworn application may be aocorepaniead with a petition signed by qualified oU tors, although such petition is act required, (G) h sworn application shall be s e+emotniecd with 'Oxecutod copy of the . "Zopyalty Affidavit" as required by Article 6.0:L(g) 1951 Election C do In Vernon's TeXas CMI Statutes, in substantially the following forms "I., , of the Town of Wes +etas,, Voubty of Ta—rhwt., State of Texas* beeing a randidate for the office of do solely swear that I believe in tfid ipprove o our present representative form of goverment,, and If eleeeted, . I will support and defend our present- aative team of ,government and shall resist any effort to movement from any part thereof,, and I will support and defend the constitution and laws of the United States and of the Stage of Texas. V1. In the event five (5) per cent or over of the qualified ed voters of the Town (of the entire votes east in the "Tom at the last Ooneral. Election) nominate a andidatex for either of the of - f loos herein provided by petition ao►%d by such eot+ers, such Can - "date m' have his name printed upon the ballot by filing his sworn applloat .on, savoWaniod by the Loyalty Affidavit as here- istabovee meet out, -with the Xayor not later than Xidnight, March 1, 1958. The Tom secretary shall furnish such applicant a form of such application* YI1. The names of all those who have filed their sworn arkppl.i- eations to have their eaEames printed on the official ballet as well as those that are nominated by petition, as eandidatos shall be 1.24 posted by the Town Secretary In alt conspicuous place at the of - file of the sold Secretary for Inspection of the Public for at least thirty (30) days before they date of said Bieect on. The Town Secretary *ball proseervea for ae period of two years all aaappli- taati.eearaeae, petition* and other related Vapors. Vill. Any person eligible to the Office a herein provided for who filed his sworn application in accordance nce with the provi. *ions of this resolution, or who in nominated to any office by petition,] Oall have his nam printed an the official ballots. Asw such person my cause his name to be withdrawn at any time before the official ballots are printed, by filing in writing with the Town Secretary a request to that effect over his signa- ture, duly attested to by a Notary Public. No name so withdrawn shall be printed on the ballots. IX. The ballots to be used its said election shae.11 be prepared ed in the manner and tom as pMVJLded in the election *odea of the State of 'fess onacted by the 1951Legislature.- X. All qualified voters within the moaning ring elf the Constitu- tion and Laws of the State! of Texas,. who have resided in the State of Togas for a period of dam Yews and in the Town of Westlake for a period of sit months prior to the date of the election herein provided for shall be entitled: to vote at such esleoti9n. U. Voting by absentee ballot In on March 110 1958, at the office of the Texas. "doting by absentee ballot shall -.9. X11. said election shae,ll commence Town Secretary,, Westlake,, close at 5 P. S., March 29' The election officers aebovee named shad make and deliver the returns of said election in triplicate, catie, one being retained by do presiding :udgee, one delivered to the Mayor of the Town, and Oft 4o3.iv+erod to the Town Secretary. The 'ballot box containing the si. tura stubs from ballots used in said election shall be +d®- livers o the District Slant of Tarrant County, Texas, and rather ballot boxes and election records and supplion shall be preserved by the Town Secretary its the proper office as by law provided. The .12.5 RRVU M MICE OF TOWN R 'LMION THE STATE OF TEAS CCS OF TARRANT TOWN OF WESTLAKE R1=10N ORDER 1, John A. wire, Myor of the Town of Westlake, Toxasp by virtue of the power vested its male by law, d® hereby Corder that eta► olostion Uo helm in the Town of Westlake, Toxas, on April 1i 19580 being they tirst Tuesday theroof,, for the purpose of *looting the following officers of said Towns A ftyer., five .Aldermen and a Rttrshsl, for a term of one ,tea'„ from April I 3 , or until their success- ors are duly oleetred and "lMod. The candidate for ►, Siwe .1dar"n and *$"h&l receiving the highest +tuber of votes shall be elected to such offices for a Um of one year. And,, that said election shall be heldat the Rooeptiea ROOM of the Norse Barn, Cele Of" Ranch,. in said 'Town, and the following named persons are hereby appointed Manwre thereof, to wit G UG/Gl ,#Rk TT Presiding Judge GA -_G I- A$st. Presiding Judge cz_ k, / Clerk Clerk XMICS The Xarshal is hereby dire e id and instruated to post a prvp- +early muted copy of this order and notio a of *1eation; at the Recep- tion Rom of the Iierse Batu, Circle ."T" Ranch, the place where this i` eta will be held, and at other public places within the 'fes. d notice shall be pasted 30 days before the ditto of said election. $Igned and ozeauted this the day of February, A.D. 1957. aTTT s WTOR., fo—wn if Weitltke.. Texas 127 Upon motion duly made by Mr. H. P. Thrasher and seconded by Mr. Ben A. Zwald, the foregoing form of Order and Notice of Town Election was unanimously approved. The meeting then proceeded to a discussion of the poss- ibility of obtaining fire apparatus for the Town and in connection therewith of obtaining the Twelve Hundred Dollar ($1,200) grant from Tarrant County for the maintenance of a Volunteer Fire Depart- ment. After a full discussion of the matter, upon motion duly made by Mr. George Harmon, Jr., and seconded by Mr. H. P. Thrasher, the Mayor was authorized to investigate the possibility of obtaining discarded fire apparatus from a larger city or arnW or air force in- stallations and was granted the authority and the power to act with- out further authorization of the Board in the purchase of such equip- ment. There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was, upon motion duly made and seconded, resolved to adjourn. 00 " � � � �� � -I, :: ��_ _�' �� � Act f ng etre ary u"e 128 AFFIDAVIT AS TO MAILING STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS WILLIAM L. McINERNEY, upon his oath, states that he mailed on February 4, 1958, a copy of the attached Notice of a Special Meeting of the Board of Aldermen of Westlake, Texas, to each of the five Aldermen of said Town and to the Mayor of said Town at the address of each within said Town. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me, this 8th day ---I of February, 1958. %/ Notary Public In and for Dallas C nty, Texas My Commission expires: JUNE C. TILLEY June 1, 1959 February 5, 1958 To the Board of Aldermen Town of Westlake, Texas Gentlemen: I have been requested by Mayor John A. McGuire to notify you of a special meeting of the Board which has been called for February 8, 1958, at 2:30 o'clock P. M. to be held at the Headquarters Building, Circle "T" Ranch, for the pur- pose of calling a general election for officers of the Town as required by law and for the purpose of transacting any and all other business that may properly come before the Board. Yours very truly, Wil am L. nerney /�?O