HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-23-57 TC Min REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN FEBRUARY 23, 1957 A regular meeting of the Board of Aldermen, Town of Westlake, Texas, was held at Circle T Ranch Headquarters in Tarrant County on the 23rd day of February, 195T, at 4:00 o 'clock P .M. Present were E. E . Garrett, Mayor, Messrs . R. B. Schooling, Ben A. Zwald, George Harmon, Jr. , and H. P . Thrasher, Aldermen. The Mayor called the meeting to order and asked Mr. William L. McInerney to act as Temporary Secretary and take the minutes of this meeting. The Mayor then asked that the minutes of the last regular meeting of the Board of Aldermen held on January 26, 1957, be read. Upon completion of such reading, the minutes were unanimously approved as read. The Mayor then stated that Mr. Leon Milligan, Town Secretary, was contemplating moving from the city limits and had asked that he be relieved of his duties as Town Secretary. After a full discussion, upon motion duly made by Mr. George Harmon, Jr. , and seconded by Mr. Ben A. Zwald, Mr. John A. McGuire, Jr. , was unanimously elected Town Secretary of the 6o I Town . of Westlake, Texas. The meeting then proceeded to the consideration and adoption of proposed Ordinances. Mr. George P . Gleeson, Attorney for the Town of Westlake, at the request of the Mayor,read to the meating the following proposed Ordinance No. 12: 61 9RDINUCS NO. 12 AN 4RDENAMA Q Ab AM=XQ ITEWTORY AWA SOW. O �► the provisions of Us Acts or 1953, 1j. ,Pam 357 of ter 933 60d.ifieed., ate► ArtIO10 9 0 ; Y3 ' of Tex"S 0. A. OUM014 aid wife.. Ella Wallace Gunnels, yet i of SboBaal,ire perty uea .>e f der Oen e � - APP ie st on' > by I, *w 'pr*vJdod to the Noor Of 114orxen of the Town of Wes,01 p e► T a R re4goating, annexation of the l*WP Wag within A, 3T scre trout of la , xftv or less, out of that-Va. Mitt A survby, Tarrant !ustys Tolmas mid; being more ally deperibod by a to s aSx4 bound* fol $,; at "Lots the present corporate lits 0; 1", Jacer r*A* Tom of Weaa<tlake, TOMW* to i laet 100" 3.4 the ".tb line Of theOuereels said tor"'t ae 30 feet east :Of ibe east line of County Roo so 4WOS I X 00 40' g and following the present a erporate �` � mad �-f t east of and par* ' the .� 1 bt 'said +Cuuaity Road . 4 for a diems+ of T09 feet sorer or lees tete apoint in the nortb line of I herein described*. tr°aecty said point 'bele at, an .011corner of the present corporate limits of said tomi ' 880 400 F with the north line of herein deasa- er .b, o tract ae a south line of said corporate IWts fti a distance of` 9357 feet more or laws to & Point for cornors said point being at the nertbeast oorrier off' %be heroin described tract is the Soot line of ' the 'William Ruff fey; TUNCE 3 OQ 33' W with the east lines of the herein described tract and the William Ruff Survey for a distance of 'e8.8 feat to a Point in the southeast corner of the herein described trach THUdW W 89ie 40' W with the South line of wild tract and, lbe, north lino of the ;. Olonn Turner 160.3 acre tract for a distance of 235 Feast more or less to the point of beginning and eovorring a tit of land w on^ taming 37 acres more or less. It Is the Intent of the above description to cover all of the remaining acresse to the east of a 300 foot wWo strip off the west send of the: Ouaadaals tract that was described in the initial Incorporation of the Town of Westlake. A plat of acid land Showing its location with respect to the 'Torn of Westlake,# Te aao being attached hereto marked MIT "A"Ovand W Adv aaJ4 petition was filed with the Town of Westlake at JM *,m, on February 18, 195Ty *Uich is not loss than five (5) and not more than thirty (30) days :prior to this date j and W OS"j, it Wearing to the Board of Aldermen of the Town at WestlakeTo=w, that *11 statutory requireoeoU in connection with a#.dproposed annexation have �n fulf`i�.�.ed and tb�at the .said area duly gro d into one territory f s not more than r. mile in width sad -that all of "we is "Jaooat to the present Towo Lits of the To" of Westlake* TOX") as IT SMIM BY TME DU" OF AWMtXU W THE TOWN (W THAT,* the property her+eta sbevo described being adjacent and contiguous to the down UsAtaa of Westl"O.4 Tox", beard to hereby annexed and brought aawit .n they Corporate ,bits of said Town and in hereby ,made an integral part thereof THAT the owners and f.nhaWitaaetae of the area heroin aatan+e�ced be entitled to all of the rights and privilogto of other oitisens a d property owners of said Tom and b* bound by all of the acts and ordlaanc** made in conformity thereto„ now in full force and effect avA that which may be hereafter adopted. 3* THAT# the official map and boundaries of the Town of Westlake, Texas, as heretofore adopted and amended, be and is hereby amended so as to include the aforementioned territory as kart of the Town of Westlake, Texas. 4. THIS, ordinance shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after its ,passage and approval by the Mayor and duly attested by the Town Secretary. ADOPTED this , day of February, A. D. 1957, APPROVED: AT`I EST t THE STATE OF TEXAS � TOWN OF WEST"". TEXAS f OUNT'Y OF TARRANT Town Secretary of the Town of Westlake, ems, 36 Fe" ,y certify that the foregoing is a truce and correct copy of Ordinance No. 12, duly presented and adopted by the Board of Aldermen of said Town of Westlake, Texas, at a meeting held on the day of February, A. B. 1951, as same appears in the ml autii`"o said meetingsin Book No, 1,r Pages Wivow MY am An a OF THE TOWN OF WAST", THUS, this the day of February, A. D. 1957. wh s+�r+e i►ry 6 �- I i Upon motion duly made by Mr. George Harmon, Jr. and seconded by Mr. R. B. Schooling the foregoing Ordinance No. 12 was unanimously adopted. Mr. George P . Gleeson then read the following proposed Ordinance No. 13: t 65 '01WIXANCA NO 13 APWAG :O,0X OT' -TIM- cm DOWWARUS I ► ;Jam. 1► + gHOULU api, certain tract at I" out of the W. H. ,dee survey., "A-1145,v situated in Toxvant and Denton �ta�anUos, Tom$, oonsisting `if' aeres, more,b air 1*09, +da crf bed'oh the of icial of the Town of Westlake Texas beim owned by vno A. C. Reath more fully described by,metes and bounds, to-wits BROJOIXG In Tarrant County at the southeast corner pr .the.A. 0. Reath property and being also in the north lime of the W. ed.li m' Survey A-19901 TOWN west with said death's south live and north line of v4, d Medlin a�ey , or a.'�dista a of 600 feet to g point' ror corner, TMNU north and at all times 600 feet west or and malel ' sa ck: ner►th's east line r apaint In his rth"im at line, sold paint being in t southwest fine of state ujgoW Xo. 114 as continutft on north and crossing said hIg ay to ai p*Ut In t4 tortheast line of eat. d highway; Tag its a ,southeasterly #'ir'ecti *t *.d bighway ,a point for corner TMA south and *rong said highway to said Heath's aortb#ast earner, and co ntinuingg on aouth with said ' . Sebth''s east line to the point of beginning and'sovoring A tract of land containiag approximately 20 acres. It ie the intent of the above d+eseeription to cover a strip of land 600 feet wide off the out aids of the A. 0. Heath tract and the 104 foot 'wide right-of-way of Staff Highway No. 114 fronting said tract along the north s do. was through error included within the boundaries of said Town, at the time of its itsoorporation on December 97.0 1956; and WHEREW, the Board of Aldaermen, acting in its official e e 'W, ,aYAd for the best Interest and general welfare of the 'Town and its inhabitants flnd that suoh area abnad be detached from the Gorporato Uzite of tho Tom. ��'�g IM ''HG F` ,«H X' �A BY '� ROAD OF A M X10 TIM TOWWq: . TS.� M AM .# ,. ^ FAT the tract of IwA above described be and it is hereVy dot$*d. from°the Corporate oto of the Tom of Westlakep, Tezae and tit such territory be and horoby is no I r „a part of_tba 'Tom of 11 estlakes and the inbubitants thereof 194&y, +t be outitled the rights and privileges of oar oltiseaa reoldir ib t remaining terrltorr O=wrlsiug the Of westlake$ 1'eAAA O tollowiAg sueh dotacbment as bjerelft, Provided. • `,H&TI S the official so and boundaries of the lro*n of Westlake# Toxas' . ad heretofore .adopted arid amended. be I. Is berpby Omaded to ag to detach the aforawationedhaat of land at a part of the Tom or Wetlakeo Tem. '" 3. ordinance shall become effeatly* and be is full for** and effect tram and after its Passage a a�+ wtl by t mar . a dull Att"t44 by Itht Town Seerotuy. +T'.JF thin 4y o Februar,, A - . 1957. `MOT s i THZI 8TATI Or TS TOO WZnLUE0 TIM Q Town &"rotU7 or the Town � t rrt ak+e r r r4 tbat �iip trus sad sow#,t *oW or or"0 No. 13; duly prespa the or dad TOM Of woof e, Tem, at at meting board the y 44y of 70rua y, A. Do 1957* Rs. ss s a 3. the minute ssi+d o l s to book ms►- 1* two OWN OF Uo ♦;,5 f1%1r p1..;.,x W +R^ f �x 11 olu or rob D thU the I I ' Y GRDD"Cz NO. 14 AN OV11"09 'MACH CUMN ARU UOR TIM Tom WALM,; Ta"# ANDPRWIDUOM UTS WMW4kS, 4' etrUin tract 'of Und.*ut of the R. 14ds Su"$y. A- 39 , _ situated. in Denton Countys T""'m06"lotiog or two tenths of an were, more or lees, dosorlbod on the official of the Town of Westlako, beingt, part of a county road right- of-way more fair donaribed by notes and bounds, to-wit j . BEGXXKMG at ,a point In they north line of a aounty rte► ,lwi the t."M of Roanoke, 'fax", and point bel at Us lit t ►fir of a. �. *ore etery trio and 4100 S ;point in present corporate limits of the Tow of Wvstlxke,, Twasi T' east and with the north line of said oeuuty read and the south line of said a+eaetery tract a diptaiwoe of 900 feet to a point for corner; THMS nth and arousing s d. aounty ro" to a point is Its south lif ,g WOO With south line of said county road a 4e of 20. feet to a point for earner TOM norms and eroosiog said south road to the point Of bosianiag and oevorinoo tract of land containing W ro ta.ly two tont ( `i0) of an adore. 45 It -to the Intent of the share description to eovor a part of the aounty road right-sof-wsy running along the south side of the oesetery tract. Said right-of-way Is 40 foot x more or loss, In width by em feet in was throw error Included within the boundaries of said Town, at the tw of its incorporation on $000mber 97, 1956; and WURUSO the mrd, of Aldormon,, v xatf n& in its official e +� ;ty�► for a best interest sad gonoral ualtwoof the Tom And its inhabitants fin. that such area should be detached tram the Corporate 14sits of the Town. 1 now THr�WOREj BE IT UMUM BY THE SO= OF Al"MW OF THE TWN OF la=IJOMO TZW, a THAT,, the 'great of .and above described be and it is hereby 4etae d from ' ►:r r*at+e alta of the Town -of Wostla * TOX"* and that such tarritery be sad hereby is no lunger a pant ear. the Towyn of Westlake. and tho inhabitants thereof shall not be entitled po the rights and ,Vriv l+eg#;e or other citizens romldi% in the rwinlxg terrItoary tri 1%Uw Town Or wostlak+e, Tis r*jj*w1m& such det4chmat rein Wovided. 2, T11 THATO the official mp and boundaries of the TO of Was bake, Tam., as heretotoro ated and ase edy 'be and It fareby seeded as to detach Oa afe►r enitio d tract of as a Fart at the Tewin of Westlelms Texas- 34 ordinance *hail beoo *,Creative and be In full Force and e�gegt Fres and after Its Passage And approval bo the �r art dayttteeted by the Town Secretary. AFM thin = .... .. day or .Felwuaryo A. 1. 3.95T. APPROVIMs ATT83T,t THS 3TATt,W TAW'. TM QW w l Town ge ret yof the Tom Or westla-�Wl j . 44 r y ovr i-"v t e i'o�,g�►� ie a " rue a> o#rrdoy � kina e z I duly presentedamt adopted by the Board of ill dem Of said ?Own Of W**tla ,P Ttx4sv at a seeting hold on the day of `ebruar$P A. D#' 195L same appears in the minuteO said ae+eti ,, is book-No.MOW MY MW AND SXAL OF TM TOO OF WFJTIAUp TJQMp 1, Pages this the r. ©f yebx arx* 4- 1)• �11TOMB Vere i6m II Upon motion duly made by Mr. George Harmon, Jr and seconded by Mr. R. B. Schooling the Foregoing Ordinance No. 14 was unanimously adopted. Mr. George P. Gleeson then read the following proposed Ordinance No. 15: i 72 OAVI C$ $0. 15 AX LM CA $ QE A �=XO TMW �40 T . ) PR OX"Y ' TCIA 44t"' MA"IjW'I 'A. TOO ti j ♦ a '�,pK4y, �� Y A ZD BE AW, ti !a J.j R ;may+�y ^^^M^ !L. r�' �..tflf ' Tax= E r v IpowW Furst to the Provisions of' the Acts of 1953, 53rd giol ture, Pose 35Ts, Oboter 93: codified Article T#-� 0 er e v;,Ll statute* or Tax", Uva T Dicker and wire, We. w T. Dicker,* A.. H. Wildo�% A. H. Wilde and J. Glenn, Tiumor $ x3�t'e,..�� Roeder Tuner, o#Mrs of the real prorpearty hereinafter 404#1 ribed heti ins WOO s plica- tioa as by 140 Provided to the Myor a 'Board. of Alderawra of the Tasv of Westlake, Tem, requostiog waawtiea of the lsxkds lying vithin w 0.8 sore traot or land, nore or lees*& out of the J. ;► A-156$0 0 *. Hunt A-756, d. B. H*vdrICU A' and Jesse Sibson A-592 au r'eys, Tarrant ,meaty, ftaaa, .and being sow ,tulle desarl''bod by„met es d bau srs as toll wa s I � l ING . sa int is the west line of the J. Aaaaxa AWV*y,,IA-1565* $414 point being at the iatorsoo-V on Pt an s►ssnterly prolongation or the ssa;st southerly north Uae of said aw*n 3urvey and is the present eorporate limits of. the Tom or, Woatlakej #fig, Ust with said prolong tioa and ea rater 441" a eearetiau .ag as WI tine s�st OU rly, s�se�rth �i a of said >wesa .�sy t.6 a 1vt for warner In t Brest line of, county read . 40261 THMM southwesterly with euxmve in said oouaty road to by prc iot for ear rAri *.d point being 155 feet bauth of measure$ perpossdioulArly to the south liner or the J. Bacon surrey A-1 53 TMWS Qwest 155 facet south of and At :all tlaox parallel t#, the south live of the saide�Saceea ury ey and the north ! li bf the X', Hunt Survey' A-I56i G. S. Hendricks Survey !A-084 and the ive se Cibe►on Survey A-,592 .a spa int for corner, ;rte$ oiat being in the gest lin of the said Gibson aurv►er TUNCS north and passing the northweest aorner of std albson SurVoy at :155 feet and tontinuing on to the Point Of begiftning wW Oovorlag a tract of land oon- taining ►probate ly 58.8 ssr+es. It is the intent of the sboye, domorot on to cover all the rsmin;lnm lands of I. T. Viakaro J. Moan 'darner and A. IL. i9de out of the,serve menttoned svwyeeys t34t bay* not harSteef*rO been ann+eaeed to'the Town of Westlake, All of the hervinabowee ' tract to adjacent to and folLOWS tb8 Present 10or r*te 11MItS tO the Town Of Woutl*ke, A plat of said land showing its location with respect to the Town of Wetst'laW, Texamo being attached hereto marled MSI' "O3: aad WMMUS, said petition was filed with the Towo of wastla1m at 00 pia. an Fobraary l'8 195T# whieeh is not leers than five ��� and net more th",,Wrty (3 ms's prior to thia date; a 0. W UX RUS* it oppoarlog to the Board. of Aldermen of the Tow of Wes010: ' :+e, s that, all statutoryr�lr-emats in oonagction With said. Ot4VOSOd. anneeaatieen lave boean lf'f:f.l+ed *Aid that the sa .+l area duly good into one territory is aot more than 1/'2 Oile in width *M that 411 ,0f s Is adjacent to the present T"n Limits of the 'down of Westlake,, .,T jO "♦g`M BY TO WAJW OF ALMOOM Off' TJM TOW I 'fMTj, the property hereinabove described being adjacent and Oontigwus to the Town X4 mJ to of Wastl u TexU-v bo and to hereby an Wed *W brought withla the CoMorate ZUits of said Town and is hereby aha integral al past tijire4f. THAT# the :owners and Iahsbitants4f the area heroin annexed be ouUtlesd to *11 of the riots *mld privileges of other ditiseeas and property owners of said Town and be bow by all of the assets and OrdiOMOS Made In QanfQMIty thereto, MwAn full for** and of't'+eeot and theft whloh pay be hereafter adopted. i Upon motion duly made by Mr. George Harmon, Jr.and seconded by Mr. H. P. Thrasher the foregoing Ordinance No. 15 was unanimously adopted. . Mr. George P . Gleeson then read the following proposed Ordinance No. 16: i 76 MIWCR no. lei M. AAR)iiw'Awa KIM IbA MOW, Pursliant do the provisions of the Acts of 1953# . h►t+er 93r eedifI*d # tia1* Oy -'d; Bevised civil at-tunes of Tests, y. Gle» °mer and wife, Sue Bander Turner sodteet fir# real Par'' "`' re jvwkrter,described awing a liettiea as by lam Prided *9 tjw ft"r of 41"nMn of the � of Westlake,, Texas rog"40.49 aaaea t14M of t lei lyi..within a as"*are tit of law *we or lac, out of the "R. a�393 and J. Sutton A44154 Aurveyso Tarrant and To s, and,boing more fully d+ese4bod by metes sad boufts follows o4GINKING at a Paint .in the :Present aorversto limits r the' own of Westlake at the Intersection of the Meat Ano of "tjxp a. gra surypy ,�"39. s said point beim feet south. of'tbo south liaise of oeunty read 1e4diog from„the of Roanoke j Tana east 200 feet £rvm' a»d. at all times parallel to t ►uth line of �d e+euvty road as [ following ng sald Corporate limits to a point for eornor In the southwest line of Mate sway No. 114s TUNCZ soutolwasterly with said bIgheay and corperato Bait* to a point far edrneri said point 4e109 51P foot dt ' aeeasuad perpendicularly f arts m+�st l.i��t or-tor -tbe y. .o►uttoa zureey A-1154 a the C. L. Steele 2461.26 Gere tract TaNcE south with corporate 11mits and 50 feet east of godat all times all ► the Bradt l of said Suttos Aureey and said Steele tract to a point for "reer In Tarrant County cad In the north line of the J•. Bacon Avwvoy A-15651 MOCS arrest with corpor t# I$xits and north line of Sa�d_ 8ason Survoy a distance of 54 Vest to a p$.nt for at the SOuthWO.St corner of SAW Sutton Survey and. LA tbo east line or County 30" X*. .,4057a "TOME north with the eorporate' llmitso west line of Said. �uttfon boy a the o f line of am" county ar"oiA prsiarsi;r the county U-no into Denton County to a polaat at the nortbisast oornor or a eery lotj THOCE wort with the marth line of said ,eatery for a "Stance of 250 feet to a point for'oomer, Said. point Ul the R. $ Survey A-393s 'EMS north Frith 'corporate 11mitt 250 feet west of all times parallel to th-6 oaaat U" ' aid. we iuivey to a polat`for torn,ort t .saa id point being 100 feet tram-and measuredperpeadioularly frm the lout est time or atat* HiShwsW NTo. 1145 TOMB northwesterly with'oorperaete IU4ta And 1, 00 feet , t alb. t; eaa . aara lel thwest line of as d hi$hwv to a point for oomer, ae04 Sai�t being feet south of andaeea� I. rpejarly fram V* south line of omaty road: leading from Rasnoko; TUME west with Oorp ►rate ludts and ',VQ tet south of - 0 011 tuos ►aar. *1101 to the south line of Said aouaty road to ,tbe point of ar iap and covering a trarat of .land 000tainingas pr c��eate�y28 acres. it to the latent of the above description to *ower all Of tbre Ining landwor C. L. steel* outof the J. Sutton Aurvoy Aw-1154 arA'J Gleno mer out of the A. Eads. tit"! `+e .A­ 93 aa►a d J Buttaa, Stayey A-1154 not er+e fo + aftn4kXed #o .the iaor* of sstla , Tax". Y A plat of Said 'laud shoola g its looatiou with regpoet'to the Town f 31*std, Te s► being aattaaohod beret* ag ar ' "A"a and, WHIAW, said petition was Filed with the "Tom of, woad+ a at 2aOO p�.ae, .,pn -t obruaary 16# 19 TIP V140h is sat less Us;" dive as not Ao than wrtox .(30� baa priar to this "tot *rA � v WJWMUj It oppeari g to the Board of A'la+e en of the Town of westX4e,, Texas# that all statutory rerquirements in oon ati*n D with said pr*poaed annexation have been f'ulril'led and that the said areas, duly SroVed Into one territory is not more than 1/2 all* In width sad gnat allot ae a m to a Oji teent to tue Present Town Zoite of the Tonn of Wostja ke Tom"; BE BY IM "M 07 Alamm OF TME TOWN OF USUAP, ■ tot ope rtv herbinateve describedbeing adjaaent egad +ont Tam AIts Of Westlakes "fda , be and is hereby annexed and brought vii bxn the Corporato Limit* of said ,Tovm and is hereby made an Integral p;xrt thiroof 2. THAT„ the arae a A tntaiAtants of the area heroin aanexerd be OnUtled to all of the rights, a privileges of lather citizens and p $i$rty oeners of said Tow and be bourA by all or the ante and Ordiftanoes mado 10 004fotmity Vhe ret v now in full fors* effect and that Leh may bye'hereafter -adept+ed.. 3. THAT, the offiolal map and bouaakdax tet of the Town of Westla e,# ""p, Of her*tOfOr+e as Opted AN Ameadedo be and is haroby-mmeaded so As to include the a fore entiomd,tern i-tory as part of the Toch Of Wester Tem", 4. T-JUS, ordinance shall bear* effective aa be in full force and effq;t from *W after its pasprova l by the Jawbr *Wduly atteoted 07 the °fob Votary. ASE thin day of-February. A. D. 1955. ATT&Wt TATE OF T a TON OF WTIA"., TX OOUM OF Tom. ,. I - n t 7 or the Town of westlalm, s � w(+►7�"e wSY BO0 y �* t 'wegoi,� is, at t1� a x r*4 �^ ,�Reta OSI. mite 'r 16$ Pauly presented "opt" by tho Board of Aldermwa of acid Town of W*stl*J4*s Te ass at a meeting k*Xd on the dam' Of Pobruarys A. D. 135'x, as #uw appears In the miaut'*u � d meeting, In D"' k"Nol. 1, page Wl"=3 M HM AW ML OF THE TOWS OF WESTI Ann T SO this the � 44Yof �ebru�: �. .�.. �3�7• ,. 4 Upon motion duly made by Mr. George Harmon, Jr. and seconded by Mr. R. B. Schooling, the foregoing Ordinance No. 16 was unanimously adopted. Mr. George P . Gleeson then read the following proposed Ordinance No. 1'7: 81 >x AN QRDMXCIIbAPATIM BQVMARUS OF TI i MWJ• CT T777AND x WMRUS,p pursuant to tbe order' of the Co=dasloners Court of T*gp+ qounty� Tis go, 28783In : ,_ "Incorporation `ro-080# s T"A or, Wostla�, T@= s dated +�+� r . 1956.* ozoeutod' than so r la aus Brown cou,nt�r � a 0" '�Trratst Co ty,# Texa*, the Tam df44st1ske, 'off, baa duly ,Sn**rpor&_ tad Pw a'.An " tom:; �rtav�ae�r�a� "�it�� , +�hapter ll, of the Rovi>e .'CIVII Statute* of -'�i is aa, appy of #04 order With plat od rieia notes s wins t IW, o sand T via heretofore been filed a "roobv"d in-101=W -AC rage'SiATIP ,eta., minutes of t o=iisinner+ia Court 9f!'Tarr t Cwt , ' , with certified 0610Y".or , bei recorded,'n Volume, 5 �` �ba�8, Dead R000rds., Denton 0punty, " WHKRUSs rine* the inoorporation of said. Toun as afor n- tid � ti ►ar r bay* borax rhe Pur- CiV$I statute$ Of Texas; may+ O THU�`�, bs ITQRUA. M BY THE :BOA OF ALPAUM OF TIM the boundaries of the Town of Westia1m, Tem_ be and a "Joy redefined ate► .f+a lbws s ONCE NO. 17 M1 b a, 'zc, 7 AF 40 " a '. WHMMS,* pursuant to the order of the Cowdsoloners Court P '°�1 ' " 9' '`' ouaty: ` ""' Vc- I ae# . rala ►x ++ a�bti ae rea9ei .ate, k -,,Town ar�P-,w*stl*W0,p Tem � ,daaeted- a��rer 6, 1956, Xo ted b ►e norable "'sor*", count ,tie of Tarrant, , We Countyp Tex" 'fed �a u r',�tls�'t tt� ;;j ria l .a� .!tpat ' ;. .e , h t r f + Revlaaeed 1 clyll Statutes ofT, As, A;,edp$ or #4d 'Order with plat aid field nates showing the U- mita, .of said Tww havia heret*fcr* 'b*ea filed orded in'Vole 6, rages,'AM AM 00-o Minutes f the comda sio rtj w a Court 9,f T4rr q�V'��CO3jmt , � , awithoertifie ,�.•'i'y,:.'Tf ' Wag 17r�1}/ � �, #ol'!!.fine 304 Rector`dsi, Penton Opuaty T ; ate. k musop since the 1-noorpora�tibn or said Town a `or ft- t ea ten , a 4 a�ex►t3: ns to the, so-ad, Tam sae been txa�t't d provisions�t ataEf Articles 7 4-a,* "Revi-soid civil statutes of Teams J YAOW Ms 'MWWM, BrL�IT a ,�= BY THE . � ' A ARM OF T S M w�"" Z19* 3,♦ A. . • •r: _ THAT the bo>rAsrieae of tete Town of W estlala , 'ex", be and AM W redefined a ..follt a s FIELD NOTES OF THE To, INCORPORATED LIMITS OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS ^y IN TARRANT AND DENTON COUNTIES, TEXAS (February 23, 1957) Situated in the counties of Tarrant and Denton, State of Texas, being lands located in the following surveys : J. Eads, A-392; W. D. Medlin, A-829; J. Bacon, A-1565; R. Eads, A-393; J. Sutton, A-1154; C. Medlin, A-823; J. R. Michael, A-821; W. H. Pea, A-1045; J. Henry, A-528; W. Medlin, A-1958; Hrs. of C. M. Throop, A-1510; Hrs. of C. Dart, A-2003; W. H. Martin, A-1068; M. Hunt, A-756; L. Boggess, A-196; Josiah Walker, A-1604; G. B. Hendricks, A-680; Jesse Gibson, A-493; Jesse Gibson, A-592; Wm. Huff, A-648; and A. Barnes, A-142. BEGINNING in Denton County at the most northerly northwest corner of the Town of Westlake, said point being at the northwest corner of the Alvin M. Owsley 124. 37 acre tract and in the north line of the R. Eads Survey, A-392; THENCE East 2116 feet with the north line of said Owsley Tract and Eads Survey to a point for corner at the northeast corner of said Owsley 124.37 acre tract and the northwest corner of the Owsley 353.5 acre tract; THENCE N 890 E 5002.78 feet with the north line of said Owsley ° Tract and passing the northeast corner of said Eads Survey to rl a point for corner at the northeast corner of the Owsley 353.5 acre tract in the. W. D. Medlin Survey, A-829; THENCE S 10 E 3414 feet, more or less, with the east line of said Owsley Tract and crossing the south line of said Medlin Survey and passing the southeast corner of said Owsley Tract and across to the south line of a county road leading from the town of Roanoke, Texas, to a point for corner in the C. Medlin Survey, A-823; THENCE N 850 30' E 1100 feet, more or less, with the south line of said county road to a point for corner at the northeast corner of the J. Glenn Turner 119.18 acre tract and the north- west corner of the Medlin Cemetery out of the C . Medlin Survey, A-823; THENCE S 0° 6 ' W 770 feet, more or less, with the east line of said Turner tract and the west line of said cemetery to a point for corner at the southwest corner of said cemetery; THENCE S 770 E 433.33 feet with the south line of said cemetery to a point for corner at the southeast corner of said cemetery; THENCE N 0° 45' W 802.22 feet with the east line of said cemetery to a point for corner in the south line of a county road and the northeast corner of said cemetery tract; (v) east .of and at all Road No. 4041 to a south line of the ppin Tract to ,a point Pippin Tractql, f the Pippin 10.7 rtheast corner; he north line of said northwest corner and 4o4l; f said county road and t to a point .for corner 't; f said Pippin Tract past ofandat all Road No, 4041 to a south lines of the alph Merrill 29.3 icks Survey and Merrill a point for corner in unty road to a point J. A. Medford 20 acre ,-68o; ,f said Medford Tract , and at all times fo. 4041 to a point .d No. 4080; Road No. 4080 and the xact and the W. T. ribson Survey, A-592, ' 10 feet east of the i a line across the .or corner in the south (v) THENCE North 660 feet with aline 310 feet east of and at all times parallel to the east line of County Road No. 4041 to a point for corner, said point being in the south line of the Georgia A. Pippin 10.7 acre tract; THENCE East with the south line of said Pippin Tract to a point for corner at the southeast corner of said Pippin Tract; THENCE North 660 feet with the east line of the Pippin 10.7 acre tract to a point for corner at its northeast corner; THENCE West 660 feet, more or less, with the north line of said Pippin Tract to a point for corner at its northwest corner and being in the east line of County Road No. 4041; THENCE South 660 feet with the east line of said county road and the west line of the Pippin 10.7 acre tract to a point for corner at the southwest corner of the Pippin Tract; THENCE East 300 feet with the south line of said Pippin Tract to a point for corner; THENCE South 660 feet with a line 300 feet east of and at all times parallel to the east line of County Road No. 4041 to a point for corner, said point being in the south lines of the G. B. Hendricks Survey, A-680 and the R. Ralph Merrill 29.3 acre tract; THENCE West with south lines of said Hendricks Survey and Merrill Tract and crossing County Road No. 4041 to a point for corner in the west line of said county road; THENCE North with the west line of said county road to a point for corner, at the southeast corner of the J. A. Medford 20 acre tract out of the G. B. Hendricks Survey, A-680; THENCE West 200 feet with the south line of said Medford Tract . to a point for corner; THENCE North with a line 200 ,feet west of and at all times parallel to the west line of County Road No. 4041 to a point for corner in the south line of County Road No. 4080; THENCE West with south line of said County Road No. 4080 and the north lines of the J. A. Medford 20 acre tract and the W. T. Sharpless 40 acre tract out of the Jesse Gibson Survey, A-592, ' to a point for corner, said point being 600 feet east of the east line of County Road No. 4057; THENCE South 1300 feet, more or less, with a line across the W. T. Sharpless 40 acre tract to a point for corner in the south line of said Sharpless Tract; 7 (vi) THENCE West with the south line of said -Sharpless tract to a point for corner at the southwest corner of said tract and in the east line of County Road No. 4057; THENCE South with the east line of said county road and the west lines of the Ruth Medford 9 acre tract, the C. L. Medford 9 acre tract and the La Vern Wood 3 acre tract to .a point for corner at the northwest corner of the Margie Wood 6 acre tract out of the Jesse Gibson Survey, A-592; THENCE East 200 feet with the north line of said Wood 6 acre tract to a point for corner; THENCE South 219.8 feet with a line 200 feet east of and at all times parallel to the east line of County Road No. 4057; THENCE West with the south line of said Margie Wood 6 acre tract and continuing on and crossing said County Road No. 4057 to a point for corner in the west line of said county road; THENCE North with west line of County Road No. 4057 to a point for corner at the southeast corner of the H. G.. . Winterbauer 40 acre tract out of the Jesse Gibson Survey, A-192; THENCE West 200 feet with the south line of said Winterbauer Tract to a point for corner; THENCE North .with a line across said Winterbauer Tract to a point for corner in the north line of said tract; THENCE East with north line of said Winterbauer Tract to a point for corner at the northeast corner of said tract and in the west line of County Road No. 4057; THENCE North 1320 feet, more or less, with the west line of said county road to a point for corner at the northeast corner of the Erleen M. Current 40 acre tract out of the Jesse Gibson Survey, A-592; THENCE N 890 201 W 1320 feet, more or less, with the south line of the J. Glenn Turner 40 acre tract and the north line of said Current 40 acre tract to a point for corner at the southwest corner of said Turner tract and the northwest corner of said Current tract, said point also being in the east line of the J. Glenn Turner 81.3 acre tract; THENCE S 00 21' W 1325 feet with the west line of Current 40 acre tract and the east line of the Turner 81.3 acre tract to a point for corner at southeast corner of said Turner tract; (vii) THENCE S 890 54' W 1335.54 feet with the south line of said Turner 81.3 acre tract to a point for corner at the southwest corner of said Turner Tract and being .in the west line of the Jesse Gibson Survey and the east line of the William Huff Survey, A-648; THENCE S 00 21 E 3261 feet, more or less, with the east lines of said Huff Survey and the J. Glenn Turner 60 acre tract to a point for corner at the southeast corner of the J. Glenn Turner 8.33 acre tract out of the A. Barnes Survey, A-142, said point also being in the north line of a county road; THENCE N 890 36' W 750.55 feet with the south line of said Turner Tract and the north line of said county road to a point for corner at the southwest corner of said Turner. 8.33 acre tract; THENCE N 00 301 w 433 feet, more or less, with the west line of said Turner 8.33 acre tract to a point for corner at. the northwest corner of said Turner Tract and in the north line of A. Barnes Survey and south line of Wm. Huff Survey, A-648; THENCE N 890 08, W 100.55 feet with the south line of said Huff Survey to a point for corner at the southwest corner of the J. Glenn Turner 60 acre tract, out of said Huff Survey; THENCE N 00 461 E 951.39 feet with the west line of the J. Glenn Turner 60 acre tract to a point for corner at the southeast corner of the J. Glenn Turner 92 acre tract; THENCE N 890 26, W with the south line of said Turner Tract to a point for corner at the southwest corner of said Turner Tract and in the east line of County Road No. 4060; THENCE N 00 38' E 2225 feet with the west line of said Turner Tract and the east line of said county road to a point at the northwest corner of said Turner Tract and continuing on north 00 401 E 712 feet, more or less, with the east line of said county and the west fine of the Gunnels Tract to a point at. the northwest corner of said Gunnels Tract and the southwest corner of the J. Gienn Turner 98.8 acre tract and continuing on north 00 421 E 1619.44 feet with the east line of said county road and the west line of said Turner Tract to a point for corner at the northwest corner of said Turner Tract and in the north line of the Wm. Huff Survey and the south line of the Jesse Gibson Survey, A-593; THENCE s 890 21' E 1147.22 feet with the north lines of said Turner. Tract and Wm. Huff Survey and the south line of Jesse Gibson Survey A-493 to a point for corner at the southwest corner of the J. Glenn Turner 8.3 acre tract out of the Jesse Gibson Survey, A-493; g � (viii) THENCE N 00 191 E 236.94 feet with the west line of said 8.3 acre tract and crossing the Tarrant County line into Denton County to a point at the southwest corner of the J. Glenn Turner 69 acre tract and continuing on north 00 36, E 2437.22 feet with the west line of said 69 acre tract to a point for corner; THENCE N 890 24' W 1095 feet, more or less, to a point for corner in the east line of a county road leading into the Town of Roanoke, Texas; THENCE N 00 36' E 11.94 feet with the east line of said county road to a point for corner in the north line of the Jesse Gibson Survey, A-493,• THENCE S 890 24' E 2314 feet, more or less, with the north line of said Gibson Survey to a point for corner at the northeast corner of the J. Glenn Turner 69 acre tract; THENCE S 00 29' W 2449.16 feet with the east line of said 69 acre tract to a point for corner at the southeast corner of said 69 acre tract; THENCE S 890 211 E 1480-56 -feet to a point for corner at the southwest corner of the J. Glenn Turner 37.43 acre tract out of the R. Eads Survey, A-393; THENCE N 30 45' E 837.77 feet with the west line of said 37.43 acre tract to a point for corner; THENCE S 890 40' E 369.44 feet with the most southerly north line of said 37.43 acre tract to a point for corner; THENCE N 00 201 E 258.53 feet with the most easterly west line of said 37.43 acre tract to a point for corner; THENCE S 890 40' E 1243 feet, more or less, with the north line of said 37.43 acre tract to a point for corner in the west line of a county road leading into the Town of Roanoke, Texas; THENCE North and west with the west line and south line of said road to a point for corner; THENCE North and crossing said road to. a point for corner in the north line of said road and the south line of a cemetery tract out of the R. Eads Survey, A-393, said point being 200 feet east of the southwest corner of said cemetery; THENCE East with the north line of said road and the south w line of said cemetery to . a point for corner in the east line of the R. Eads Survey; (ix) THENCE N 00 09' W with the east line of said Eads Survey and the east line of said cemetery tract to a point for corner at the northeast corner of said cemetery; THENCE N 890 19' W 811.11 feet with the north line of said cemetery to a point for corner at the northwest corner of said cemetery; THENCE S 10 28' E with the west line of said cemetery and passing the southwest corner and crossing a county road to a point for corner in the south line of said county road; THENCE West and northwesterly with south line of said county road to a point for corner, said point being 350 feet east of the west line of the R. Ead-s Survey, A-393; THENCE Southwesterly 150 feet with a line at 900 angle to left of said county road to a point for corner; THENCE Northwesterly with a line 150 feet southwest of and at all times parallel to the southwest line of said county road to a point for corner in the west line of the J. Bacon Survey, A-1565; THENCE North with the west line of said Bacon Survey at 200 feet, more or less, a point in the center of a county road leading into the Town of Roanoke Texas, and continuing on with said cednter line north 00 1�' E 1222.22 feet to a point and north 0 12' E 279.72 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 880 431 E 237.71 feet to a point for corner in the west lines of the R. Eads Survey and the J. Glenn Turner 39.91 acre tract; THENCE North 00 07' E with the west lines of said Eads Survey and Turner Tract to a point for corner in the south line of Dallas Street (a street leading from the Town of Roanoke, Texas) and being at the northwest corner of the Turner 39.91 acre tract; THENCE East following along the south line of Dallas Street crossing State Highway No. 114 at 1100 feet and continuing on with the South line of a county road for a total distance of 4625 Feet to a point for corner in the J. Sutton Survey, A®1154; THENCE North and crossing the county road to a point for corner in the north line of said road, said point being 660 feet west of the east line of the J. Eads Survey, A-392; THENCE West with the north line of said county road to a point for corner at its intersection with the northeast line of State (x) Highway No. 1141 said point being 1395 feet west of the south- east corner of the Alvin M. Owsley 124.37 acre tract out of the J. Eads Survey, A-392; THENCE Northwest 714 feet with the northeast line of said State Highway No. 114 to a point for corner at the southwest corner of said Owsley 124.37 acre tract; THENCE N 10 21' W 2402.0 feet with the west line of said Owsley Tract to the point of beginning, containing approximately 3996.46 acres of land. I, �.5/ 1?iC� do hereby certify that the field notes herein, takefrom maps prepared from field surveys and Courthouse Records are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. ';_'mss ordim mao approved by the Xawor &nd OUStp hY the Town ;I shall be spud upon the minutes of the Town of Weat4+e;.DeTomo, *AdA`+eert Pim re thsrset shall be recorded to tbi ed Rene s of Turaut ,�at+en ounties, Tax";. h r 3+ THE mp marked =]:T ",A" &rA attaahed hereto 10 4e01ar*d to be., a ofetje�.al , 9.r.' r Tom of WestlakeTax";; sod � copy of subh p *hall be" ►bted iii- the eff#e of thcTawft. 4. manses and rovolutionsia soallst herewith *hall be *ad ".Aeby plod to the oxk* rt of gush 604flUt.. PAS and APPROW this day of Februu's A. D. 195' • ATT ' t 411 ire THE STATE OF T looms Y,i y 1s 'John A. MQUires Jr.,p Town Searetary of the Town of West3 , T+X,"s ado hereby qortipy that the *Vo ^ad tore- , tri -Ordibov*e ;*0. l � is a true and CEre t y s said C��C' juju& the said hoa*Urieb Of the Town a Vestlake, SMd Denton CoUntieS ' To=*. Tarrim PU40 AM UPRM= BY THA IWARD OF .A.I Of the A PO '�. ;9�hb"m .�' e the meati t$ 0 Do Town of Wofst�* Of 7, t4 its odrept on-��u l' flea $ P, I WIT,=$ My HM ANDrITIM' SF OFTHETO gip' � y TEM, this day:.a� Vorwy ,.ADs, I9 i O ' a. tae W estlake* '. . Upon motion duly made by Mr. H. P . Thrasher and seconded by Mr. R. B. Schooling, the foregoing Ordinance No. 17 was unanimously adopted. The Mayor then stated that the next order of business was to provide for the calling of an election of officers for the Town to be held on April 2, 1957, as provided by law. After a full discussion of same, the following persons were unanimously appointed as officers to conduct the election: Lucille Garrett Presiding Judge Carol Harmon Assistant Presiding Judge Edith Harvey Clerk At the request of the Mayor, Mr. George P . Gleeson then read the following proposed Resolution No. 1: 94 MTMBAS, pursuant to the provisions of Title 2b, Chapter 11,, of the Ro rlsed Civil Statutes of 'I#xas, it is provided that there shall be held in *ash Municipality in the State of Tena* ow the firsts Tuesday In .April of each year, a general election for the purpose of electing officers of said municipality: NOW, TiMIXF()EX, 139 1T ]RESOLVIA BY THE WARD or ALDERMEN 14 .'ill TOWN OF UESTLAKS, TX AS: I. Th T the isoard of Aldermen of the Town of Uostla ko, Texas, at a regular sooting held this date. does hereby order an election of of ficove for the Town of Westlake, Texas, to be held on Tuesday * April 2, 1957, for tdo purpose, of elooti-ne as mayor, finer Alelormen and a MarsUal, for a terra of one year, from : prll 1, 1957, or until their successors are duly *leaned and qualified. The candidates for Royer. Alderman and Marshal, , receiving the highest number of rotes sthpll be *tooted to s£xch offices for a terse of one year. _ lX. FrIl the j rpose of said election, the entire Towne it heareb,y, constituted one voting precinct; the polling place for sz,.td election *ball be the ReadquArtors Building, Circle eTr Roach, within sold Towns and said election shall be held between the hours of 7:00 A. N. and said 700 P. N. on the oforomentionod date, *ad the following persons arp hereby apgainted to sot as election offloors t Lucille Garrett Presiding Fudge rm n Assn. Presiding Judge rrrrrr.w dIth .HaLX�.Y. .,, r w .... . . Clerk Clerk lll. (A) No person shall be eligible for the offloes aforementioned unless be is qualified slootcer of the Town and has resided in the State of Tax** for a period of one year, and in the Town for xis (�) months need preceding the election at which he is elected. 95 (a) Such sworn application way be accompanied with a petition eidteed bir 'quollfied electors, although hou*b such poti tion is not requiare,d. 10 y Such sworn application shall be accompanied with an executed cm701.2 ' 19.51 y of the "Loyalty ;�ffidaavIt" as required by Article 701.2 ' 19,51 Election Code In Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, in substantially the following feral •I• . of the Town of vo;tlo:ke. Ta►xas. 0ounty of Tarrant. !State of Tn►x**, bei-ng a candidate for the office of , do solemnly shear ftn t I believe in and approve of our present representative form of itowrernawernt, and if elected, X will support and defend our roprosentativo form of government and shall rosist any effort to noresent from any part thereof. and Z will support and defend the Constitution and .Laws of the United Metas and of the State of Tozoi. C.AitM ATS e d :SIGNSA'I'UO R Sworn to and subscribed 'borer* no at W*stloke, Texas, Tarrant County, Teras, this the day of , .at. D. 1937• VOTARY PV13LIC XX AND 'AIR Y,1. ,Any Candidate for either of the orfy;iowes heroin provided for may have his masse 1ri.nted upon the ballot on application to the Mayor. suoh application to be furnished by the Town -Secretary and that some Whall contain the signatures of five {3) percent of the qualified voters of the 'Towyn, of ,the entire votes east in the Town at tile: last general eleetton. ,wahjoh ajpplicstiean shall be accompanied by tho loyalty affidavit as hereinabove set out. Vil. The nears of all those Who have filed their sworn applications to have their names printed on the official ballot as well as those that are nominated by petition, as candidates aiiall be posted by the Town Socretery in a conspicuous place at the office of the said secretary for Inspection of the Public for at haat ta►i.rty (30) days before the dote of said Sleation. The► 'Town Secretary shall pressure for a period of two years all applications, petitions and otteer rotated papers. 97 copies at two of"r rublic places within ibo '11�w�.,,� . Such notices shall la*vo attached thereto a certified Gory of 1t'�ls resolution. XXV. sold election obs11 be hold and conducted in accordance with the low* of the State of Towns for the .holding of general Olect-i onS for Stote and CouMity Offi0e2 eXoept ee Otherwise provided by Chapter 11, Title 28, and the 1931 ylocti on Coda of the Revised Civil Statute* of Texas. ADUPTID this ,� day of February, A. D. 1937- ,VPR+G VJ%V 5 MAYOR After a full discussion of the foregoing Resolution bio. I upon motion duly made by Mr. George Ham eu, Jr. and secondedby I r ' ,11. P. Thrasher the foregoing Re$olution NO. 1 was unaklmdWily IL-. Gleeson then presented and. read to the meeting the following fors of Order and Notice of Town Flections 99 MOE Ali (?L TOWN ; (.t THE STATS LST TEXAS I COUNTY 01" TARRA11T , � TOWN OT WE aTLAKE T. 1. 8. Garrett. Mayor of the Town of W*Gtl*ke. Texas. by virtue of the power vesttod in aay by lare do hereby order that an election be hold in thea Town of restlxke. Teams. on April 2, 1937, being the first Tuesday thaereof, for the purpose of electi09 the following officers of said Towns A Mayor, live Aldermen and a Marshal . for • term of one year, From April 1. 1937, or until their sucooessor , are duty elected and qualified. Ttw candidate for Mayor. five Alderman and Xershal receiving the highest number of vat*$ shall be elected to such offices for a tarsen of one year. And, thrt said election shall be bald sat the fleadquartars wilding* Circle "TO Ra+ncb.. in $aaid 'Town, and tba following nameaed persons are hereby oppointod nogers thereof, to- wi.t = Lucille Garrett Presiding Judge Carol Harmon AS15T. presiding Judge Edith Harve Clerk Clerk EL1�C 1C1� g�'1C Time Marshal is horoby directed and instructed tea post , & pro- perly executed copy of this order arad notice of election at the Headquarters building. Circle °T" Ranch, the place wteere this eleo#ion will be hold, and at two other public places within the T*wm- said notice staall be pasted thirty days before the dote of said election. Signed and executed thine tete day of February. A. D. 1.937• MAYOR. Town of Westlake , Texas. AT TE qT s 100 Upon motion duly made by Mr. H Y . Thrasher and seconded by Mr. R. B. Schooling, the foregoing form of Order and Notice of Town Election was unanimously approved. There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was, upon motion duly made and seconded, resolved to adjourn. Acti Secre ary APPROVED: i E. E. Garrett, Mayor 101