HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-12-57 TC Min MINUTES OF THE FIRST MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN The first meeting of the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas, was held at Circle T Ranch Headquarters in Denton County on the 12th day of January, 1957, at 5: 30 o ' clock p.m. immediately following the ceremony of swearing in the duly elected mayor, five aldermen and town marshall. Present were E. E. Garrett, Mayor, Messrs. R. B. Schooling, Ben A. Zwald, George Harmon, Jr. , E. T. Dicker and H. P . Thrasher, Aldermen, and H. B. Bass, Town Marshall. The Mayor then called the meeting to order and asked Mr. William L. McInerney to act as a temporary Secretary and take the minutes of this meeting. The Mayor then stated that the first order of business was to appoint a town secretary and an assistant town secretary. After a full discussion, upon motion duly made by Mr. George Harmon, Jr. and seconded by Mr. E. T. Dicker, Mr. Leon Milligan was unanimously elected Town Secretary of the Town of Westlake, Texas, and Mr. E. T. Dicker was unanimously elected Assistant Town Secretary of the Town of Westlake, Texas. The Mayor then presented to the meeting an impression of the corporate seal of the Town of Westlake, Texas, in the following form: Upon motion duly made and seconded, the above form o" seal with the words and figures as set out above, was unanimously approved and adopted as the Corporate Seal of the Town of Westlake, T+:xas. The Mayor then stated that it would be necessary to set a date and the time for regular meetings of the Board of Aldermen. After a full discussion and consideration, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously voted that regular meetings of the Board of Aldermen shall be held on the 4th Saturday of each month at 4:00 o' clock p.m. The meeting then proceeded to the consideration and adoption of ordinances. Mr. George P . Gleeson, Attorney for the Town of Westlake, described the procedures to be followed in adopting ordinances and at the request of the Mayor read to the meeting the following proposed Ordinance No. 1: 2 ORDINANCS NO. 1 IN CONDUCTING X=11* OF T16 BOARD 00 . ' OF THE TOO OF =TJAK2> . ZW j PROMING M TM UFAL OW ALL ORDINANCSS AM RMOMIONS, OR PARTS TMXRWF Iii,0M1oICT MMITH_AND PROVIOUG.FOR. AN DATE. BE IT ORDAIN0 BY THE BOA (W AWMUM OF THE TOWN OF W n AKE, T `AS: A. All meetings or the Board of Aldermmen shall be held within the limits of the Town of Westlake. B. The regular meotinp of the Boardof Alderson sbAll be held. on "the 4th Saturday of each Month at...A:+ *1 clock p.m. The NWer,, of his— own motion, "or on the applic4tiou of three . Board of Aldermen, way call spe tial meetingsby notice to each giber of the Burd of Aldermen.. the A ec reit" and the City Attorney, served personally or left at their usual ,place: of abode. C. Sach amber er of the board of Aldermen shall at every ' meting of this Board be entitled to One vote in person but no pros shall be voted on any occasion D. The mor shall preside at a"'! meetingsof the Bard and: shall with three of the Girard of Alderman oonstitut+e"a quorum for the transaction of businossi and the quorm shall have the power to enact suRah by-laws and ordinances not inooneristent with the laws and constitution of the :State of Td:Xas, as a al be deemed proper for the governing of the Town. II. A. The order of business at regular meetings of the Board of Aldermen shall be as follows: 19' Called-meeting to order. 2. Beeadiag of minutes of previous meeting or meetings. 3. Reading of bills. 4. Reading of communications. i 3 Unrinished business ss. 6. Report of Town +t+E;;tart'. Rrpbrt of J104"l... New .business., Be At all ape eial meetings of they Board of Aldermen* the order of business *hall be as t0llQW4J I Opening 2: Special order at business 3. Adjournwent i . The procedure at all atetlaga ,ot the: board 'Ahall bd In aoeeardaw* with the provision of Roberts galea of Order. VIP All Ordinances *ad re ►lutiOns as►d part$ thOrOOf in ennrlict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict herewith. V. This Ordi"nee *half be in full force! *Lad effect I=wdiately on its passage and approval. Aj)0pTZD this , dey of Januarys A. H. 1:' T A" OVID 21 AST e { 4 Upon motion duly made by Mr. George Harmon, Jr. and seconded by Mr. Ben A. Zwald, the foregoing Ordinance No. 1 was unanimously adopted. Mr. Gleeson then read to the meeting the following proposed Ordinance No. 2: 5 ORDINANCE $0. 2 AN ORDINANCE RICLIVING AND ANNEXINGTIMMMY AIJACM AND CONTIOVOUS TO TO 'OWN OF VZSTLM TZXAS; PR :`HAT SUCH A " , 30JAL-� A PART SAID ,T00 A T"T THE HERS AND IXHABTTA 3.T SH".B& XMITLO TO_AIL THE ?RIn Ql E . C;CTIZM,OF SAID "r AM N.BOUND BY TER,ACTS AM DI CES..X IN MNOT AND OT 0 B9. HMA"ER ADOPTED,s YMMM MOVIVIN0,FM AMINO AND COPMUNG T OFFICIAL BOUMARIMOV SAID TOWN 0 HOU"ORE ADOPTIM AE AXMJWj AIM PEEING VO AN. EWIMIVX DATB. . pursuant to the provisions of the Acts of 1953 53rd lagislature,, Pw T. Cutter 93s codified a8 Article 974-0, Revised Civil-Statutes .of Tex". J'0 lean Vurner wife, Sue Reeder Turner,..owners 'Of then real ,.Property.hereinafter described s having made application as by lawprovided to the Mayor and Board of Alderman of the Town of Westlake, Timm$y requesting annexation of,a `tract of land consisting of. a Q. square mils tract of laW. store or lens, out of the R. RAds A-393 Survey and the J. Bacon A-1565 Survey, Denton Vounty, Togas p and being more fully described by metes and bounds As followasR MINKiNGabet a poin,,,t� In the West line of the E. ase vo Sur ��A�',,93 the West li of the J. Glenn . .. Turner 39.91 acre tract, said point of,beginn ng being the soot northerly northwest corner of the herein described 'tract and 100 foot south of the present corporate limits of the Town of Westlake TACE East and, at all times 100 feet south of and !' parallel to the said eorporate limits to an *ngle corner and continuing.on in a soutbeasterly diree- tion 100 feet southwest of and at all times parallel to the southwest line of corporate limits and ,Mate Highway No. 114 to a point for corner# a dint being 250 feet west of and perpendicular to thhe east line of the , 1AAs ,3urvey A-3933 "f; 3C. South mid at all times 254 feet crest of and parallel to the east line of said ads Survey to a point for corner, said point being in the north line of aa. aemetor,y tract out of said Rads Eurve,yf TEWE retest with the north line of saint aww%ary to _a point for corner said pednt,being at the northweat corner of sold c omeeteeary; THOM nth with the,weest line of co eery tract to aplaint for esorner, said point being in 'the line of .a obunty road into Tfa~ar"ak a and In a.limos 6t the sor,porate limits of the Town of THMS in a westerly and northwesterly direction following the 'north line of said road and corporate limits to a point for corner,, said poiat being in the gest line of the R,► Fade Survey A-83933 TWXCE `North with the west-- line of said .dads Survey ash 'corporate l itz to a' poiat for doraner, Said Point beinr *tAhe northeast corner of the J. Moan Turner-6-V4 acre tract out of the J. eon ,- '?eery -15, 3 T3MWX frith the north lin of said 6-3/4 aadre tract and: corporate 'limits p Sr it 241.67 feet to a point for corner,, said point being in thecenter of .06iterty Road leading to Rwookej TWOR with center of ',esa d';road X ,04 its 9 279.7 toot to a point for corner; TIGME.N 'Be 43' 9 '237.71 feet to a point for. corner, said ,point being in the est line of the A. +ss Survey A+393 and the J. Olean Winer 39,.91 acre tract; TQ � IS N 0 071 wlth�r ythe ■ey,west �l,,,in!e/�ofq'#"id RAd� ialyy Sutvt: � 39',91 Uer tral 'ir it the point of beginning, and covering a tract of load containing 0.266 oqu re miles. A plat of ssi+d land showing its -lotattion wlth reApaeat to the Town of 'Westlake, Texas, being attached hereto marlmd UNISIV "A"; ate W"Jau, 'Aald';pe'tition'was Mod with the Town of 'Westlake Ott 4:00 p -m. on December 27 1956, which is not. less tham'fi re 5) �t more .than thirty (30) days prior to this date; and WUMMAo it Appaiairing to the ; OKrd. of 'Alddrmn- of the Town of 'Westl e, s.. that all 'ULt0**'rea lr ntia in aonaaeQti OU with saa<td P Po# ' atoi XAt104 have b tn" f 2fill.ed and that tho said �traes, duly a cid i�ita�a arc tertitory is trot some than 1/2 milia I-a-Vidth AW that aid."of $ is adjacent to the prosent TowalUmitp of the Town Of Westlake, EX TT WMAXWO BY TIM BOA OF A10MM OF TkM IWX OF THAT the property -hereinabove desair3tW-b lag adjaaent and contiguous to this 'VOwn Units of 'Welitialct;, Texas,0 be and is hereby annexed and brought withiu-tht"Vorperatt. his of said Town and is hereby made an irate ral past thereof., 2. I', the owners and IMObIUMts" OU thearea, berein annexed be entitled to all ` the riots 40A privl.l sJ-of other attixeos and property 0whers of s"d *To"- and be 'found" by all. of the acts and ord mmees made in aonformity "thereto,, -now"in full force and. effect and that wbioh may be hereafter adopted. 3. THAT the official P and boundaries of the Town of� Westlake Texas 40, heretofore adopted and .aawe ed'y be and is hereby sa nded so as to include the aforementioned tern tori as part of the Town of Westlake, Texas. 4. THIS, ordinance *hall bectme be in full force and effect from.and, after Its pa tage .aaM- approval by the Nayor and duly attested by the Town Secretary* ADOPTSD this +lay, of Jany, A.D. 195; AypRO : ATTUT; TM 819ME'fARY THE STAB OF TR TOWN ,OF wrwwuuo T COM ARUM TO-On cre# y of the Town true and correct-copy .at Ordrime* ; ;� , du ..prebenttd wA adopted by fixe ax 3 Of Aldermah' 'nf -O&O�'' xn'of*vaat�# 'Texas at a Mooting bola �n tills doer. JaC11iawy, .A. �►• 19570 t8 s*ze appeare *in the minu ea said meetingg, in Book o. _, wITNU Ate '`V",TSTLUM TSS, this 'the "Y Or, Sa Y.* A. 1957 . Upon motion duly made by Mr. Ben A. Zwald and seconded by Mr. R. B. Schooling, the foregoing Ordinance No. 2 was unanimously adopted. Mr. Gleeson then read to the meeting the following proposed Ordinance No. 3: 1 10 CRD1fIMZ NO. 3 AN ORDINANCE RRCR t1RC ARO AMMYNG THE M"ITAMS AND T'RRRaT== ADJACENT TO "T TOWN OF 'WMIAKS, TAMU, .ARA PROVIDIN0 THAT SWH ARRA RRCUW RI A PART QF' TRZ,'TOM OF WISTLUE, TXM, AND THAT.TUB RRA RE SIT= TO-U-RIONTS AND.�!�L OF OTHER CITRUS Ha �` TCS. OV WMIA91, TEXAS, AND fO BY-THE ACTS AND-ORDMUMXS C IA IN PVRSUWX TO TIM 28., CHAPTAM I to ltd IMCi &M, M CIVIL. =T = OF TTM30 AM,AMMING AND COKMTIKQ MICS► SOMMARTAS OF -TRE M OF WISTLAXIS .TR R, IAS HOUTOPM ADOrM. AXD PROVIDING. FOR , RCTM RATE. WHEREAS, pursuant-to*Article -974 of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes of Tem, Nrs. R ,B, Carpenter and- other}s, inhabitants of the ama herein described and-who are qusaitiod to vote for members of the State 'l4gislature 0 have heretofore tiled- with the mor and the Board of Aldermen of -the Town of Westlake it Tem, their petition requesting annozation of the said area to the 'Town of Westl , °Tox*s„ such area being, described as followas s �ING at ;a point at the.Utbrsect on of the most westerly north line of the present corporate limits of the town of Wentlalm and the east line' of County Road No. 4060, said point bbihg the most westerly northwest corner of d town; THMM North with the east line of County Road ft. 4060 1A19 feet-to a. point for corner in the north line of the Wm. Ruff Survey A-648; SCR last the north line of said ')Wf Survey to a point for Cerner,' said point being the northe t corner of the Wm. Huff Survey and the northwest corner of the Josue Gibson Survey A-5920m TEME 3outh with the east line of said Huff Survey and the gest line of said Gibson Survey a distance of 155 feet more or less to a point for corner j TOME Ust and at all times 155 feet south of and parallel to the south line of the y, aacon Survey A-1565 to a point In the went line .of County toad No. 4057 and a corporate limit Line of the town of IIS � ` Westlake and oontinuivig an across *#Ad road and corporate lista to a point in' 'tho wast line or the R. Hans 31a reey ,A-�'ro at the intersection of the South It of thee W� Alin`Sut-v ey A�-1958 and the north line of- th+e xrn. of 01M. Twp survey A-1510 and continuing on Sant along the South line of said Nedlib Survey � north llbo of Throop survey to a point f6r cornet' ' sa�.d point being in a n inner Won't lint of the corpor tte limit of the To 'of Nootl e " from't .8 point on the limits of said town will be followeedb T douth a distance of 400 feet to a point for corner j Taw$ East and at all timed 400 feet South of and parallel to the north 414a of Zris. of X. Throo Survey to the east line of the, B. A gwald 136 i *are tract MM Sou with the"*44tw It ''Of said Zr'�Ald rac t U a point for abkner,, 'slay' ln't being- e. Southeast corner of said %wald tract and in the north line of the 4101M A. *aQuiro land.; TaNc,I West with the wouth line of the &U .Zwa d tract and the Wirth.. line or the **Quire--land to a pont for aorr. -aald point being in the est line of County Road So. 308b 3 TONGS North with sad '40untF hoard to a aorrwr In same to the I*Jrt and continuing. oa"Weot with the North line of County Road to Another corner In to the right to*its interseetloft'vith tho.east-line of County ftad No. 4026 And oontibulr*-on North with the east line of as -county roads to a point for cornerA- said point being at the southwest corner of the X# L. Roberts 40 &arse traaCt j IM= Ayawt with the oouth"llna of said Roborts Tract a dicta ee of 2W feet to as point for oorn+er; THME Worth and at Sall times 200 foot east-of wd Parallel to the eft line of County Road No. h to a point for aorn+er# THMM west -and''crossIh&'douh%, Road 4026 at 200 r8*t. *Ad. +�0h ming rah to..a point for oor r, s .d loiht bs _1200 r4et vast of the west line of County Road No.. 402 s South mid at all "time .1200..feast west of and P0411e1 to the"eest line- of...0ounty 1osd No. 4026 to a point .for being to the North line County Road N'o. 4 ; THMN West with the Korth- line of said County Road to a point for corner f said point betog t soutbeast corner of the Wilde Unds In the d., B. Hendricks Survey A-680; THMSMorth with the `east line of :said Wilde tract a diotanee or 1000 feet; M 01 West a distance of 700 feet to a point for corner; TV=-2, Smith And at All UAMS Too feet West or paara1101 to the 60t l e_6f"this' Vildo treat' a etonce or 3000 feet to .e. point fok corner- s d point being In the 'north aline of County Roads 'oto. 46801 VxMZ West with the north.line of 4aid minty Noad to a:'polftt fbr eofter, tidd point 'bei in east line of County N� No. #057; Nora with the east "lire of SaS d County Road to a.:point ter coraa r�► a jpbl t being the-4outhwest 09MOr of the R. D. titer 20 gore tract in the Jesse Gibson Spey A-592 Tway Ustvith the Sauth llbe-'of fid" arV*nter tract a. .etan** of 300 feet to a point for amort WOR North and at all Uses 300 foet' yeast'of and POWallel to the east line of '0ounty'Road, No. 40«57 to o ,point fair-<aorner,, 4"d point being .in the north line of said Carpenter tract; TBPU, 'West a distance of 30 feet to d point for tsorner, as 1091nt being the northwest *orner of said da +enter trach � 3 TH CE "North with "the Mine of County Road No. 4050 to a point for corner; TMOR ' test crossing .said county road and continuing on with the cosrporate' Limi is of the 'ToWn of Westlake to a point tot, corners. said point being in the east lines of the J. Glenn Turner 1..3 acre tract out of the esse Gibson Survey A-5921 'TWCg South cro ing the corporate Limits of the Town of Westlake and continuing on with the east lime of # d' 'Turner tract to a point for corner, said point being: the southeast aorneer of raid Winer tract] THMA gest with the south line of said 'Turner tract to * point for corner, said point being the southwest oorne:r'of said'Turoer tradt and in the east line of the ism. Ruff Survey A-6481 TMOR North with the west line of the said. Turner tract and the east line of said. off Survey to a ,point In the corporate limits of Town of Westlake and oontin- Airr on'and: +orossiag the said corporate 14mi.#cs to d Point fear corner,, said "point being in the north line of the most westerly- north line of the Corporate ldeaits or the: Iowa of Westlake; TUNCE West wA "f oll.owing' the north line of said: a orporate Limits to 'the point of beginning, and*aovering a tract of larA containing 2.0square miles. A plat of sold land showing its location ,with, respect to Town of Westlake,* Tea as, being Datta gibed hereto marked XXMIT "A" ; and VA *raid'petitl on was accompanied by 'an affidavit exe- cuted, by *rs. it. B. Carpenter and twee or more others, inhabitants of the pare&: described who are qualified, to vote for members of the 3tate , gislature and who by signing said affidavit certified -that said 4titi+oae contaUs the signaaftres of more than fifty pereesnt of the qualified voters residing in such area who have voted in favor of having the ,said area and the inhabitants thereof annexed to and become: a part of the Town of Westlake, Texas; and 1f M82 the mor of the gown of Westlake has certified to the Board of Aldermen of said Town that said affidavit has hereto- fore been filed before said Msyori and "l WMERRA39 it appearing to the Board of'Alderaeen of the Town of W entlaekee, Taxes, that all atAtutory' 'requirementis In connection with eeaeJA proposed annexation have been fulfl,11ee4' and that the sold area duly &roupeed l.nto 'one teerrItory ieee not pore than 1/2 mile in width and that all of same is adjaaent to the present Tofere► atm of the Town of Westla)wo Texasi U IT +UD BY TBX BOARD OF AWXWM OF THE TOWN OF TEM 3 THAT, the property hereeitk4bovt deea, r 'bed. being adjacent and contiguous to theTown Xd=S Of We ttla de, Texas, be and is hereby annexed and brought wit n' the "Corporate. 14mitae of said Town and is hereby made an Integral part thereof. 2. TUT the Inhabitants of the territory herein annexed to the 'fob, of Westlake o Toxas, *hall be Beat "t . to :all the rights and privileges :of other citixent and .bound by a�.� the aota and ordinances made in oanform4ty fiats and' 'paised and adapted in. pursuance to Title 96, Chapter* 1 to 10 Inclusive., Revised Civil Statutes of Texas. . TM official map and boundaries of the Tow of Westlake* Te,zxas . too be corareatad and amended -ao aim to Include the afore- s ntion+ed described .tem tory as part of said Town. ,:. TIMS,, ordinance "11 beams effectiv -Azad 'tie In Zoll force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the mor and duly attested by the Town Secretary. ADOPTIV this day of $anwwym A* Do 1957. APPROVED t A Ma SHCHWARY THE STATS OV TMO TWX OF M , TUM c TAMOT Totm 30erota of the Town or wee'tiake, Texas, do hereby lif-rury-that" Uw foregoing is a, true and ca sect appy of Ordirame duly 'prepentod and adopted by the ;Board of Al.demen' Of bald Vb '*f'W**tl;ake; Texas., at a meting beld an the "- daw of January,, A. 'D. 1957.0 as e appearsis the zi;7ut u' said meeting, its Book. No. : this the day of, Jau"rl, A:. .p. -1957 etre �r�T lb Upon motion duly made by Mr. E. T. Dicker and seconded by Mr. Ben A. Zwald, the foregoing Ordinance No. 3 was unanimously adopted. Mr. Gleeson then read to the meeting the following proposed Ordinance No. 4: I 17 ORVINAXON *0. 4-, A WACM Ate► 0 14 N THE TM OF R AW btu, pursuot to the p"vt s ons ,o the" A4ta of la 974-0, RavUsd i t " 35 tAta� s it Tem,` Z O: Baca ' Od wife, But e+ elt Varner,, and " " Atte ,s ths real Pro"rty tester do#aril d iria + Oppli+ee►�i.+ y last provided q't :ft-r 'S " ' ► ► West; '1'*s,, re"i6stt `.AAA#Ut1416 Of the UrAs lying within A-1154 Bee,y, Denton 1wd Tae r t C ►tiob* fid, sod " l more fuller dessrib dry.. *$ gad b nd$ as frill , o,Iat 1.0 'he not th at line of' tbo Prose t. Corporate .Unita aod Stat+ -Riofty No. 114, said point being 50 font Oast,Of arA ndicular to the West line of the 1. Button MurveyN A-1.154; southeasterly with the-southwest line of said corporate its ►d state , to a point for eoriuor, .$ad poitit being iit the cant line of the J. Sutton Survey VHMg South leaving sem-highway and with tbo east line "of 041d , tttou Sa"s�r and the "Xi ae Of said a+arportte limitsin to a pot f'dr dorae r in the soithesat co rnor of the Sutton fey$ Tag Wiest with the &outh line of *aid- Sutton wog'a distanas of 260.17 'faet ,to s point for toraer, said point being 50 toet east of and Perpendicular to the Most line of said Button survey$ � g TUM,j North and at 41l 'tUass .!jO f+eet' + 't ,ef and ,parallel to the-matt 'line of"4"d " t ip AUry Y to thie p6Ut..of ,b*& .6nLag;'amid 4oveiring ae tenet of land roonta i Q.#A a qww a all**. A plat of OU land AbowIng its 'lodation vith rospect to the Town eebtlskc, " a� Jabeing attad hereto marked it SUB mad petition re$s filed Vith tht 'Towh Of Westlake at l 35 &.a. ,on v000mbor O8., 190,. .whi4h"LA A6t, loss tbaeb five (5) not more than thirty (34) days prior to this date j and 'It,appearing to the ardOf Aldermen of the Town of woet , , that ad l Ataetuto. y r+eolls rar mhos in c hseettlon with as €.e4 ti U00 been ft 3fi . + 444 that tho said duly groapesd into one territory act more tbah 1/2 adl* is width AZA, tat y4ll .Sf *AAeIs,S444- cent to Uw present Tam lUits Of the Yawn of MOON, Thi M IT 80A=V ,RY TU ACM MAWMM OF M MX OF UNA, -TJMAa THAITO the ptape. hearolsabbve d*sdrIb6d'be Ibg &*6ht and eeuti � to the-ft" U"ttt Of tl�0 V�0 .,bei and is hereby annexed ;and broughttblh thb" Obrporat+e. its of sold rows and is hereby made an integral part thereof. j TB&T, the +ars and is ab taehts-of the'4a%edherein smoxeed be entitled to .all of the rights and privileges- of other citizens axid property owners of *A14,"Town wA ordlmmaes made in ebnf`br .ty.,thereto _nowin full force sod effect and that wbich may be bereaftermdaptedo THAT, the offIcUa -AV smdbauudarlos of­the 'fes of Westlake,, 'feaaa,_ as heretofore ad ted be­aud It' bore by amended to as to include a the a torementioned territory as part of the Town of Wontlake, Te 40 'US,, or .uanc `-shall boa*00-Offebtly,6_a 'bei lh tull force wid effect f *W..arttar 04 pe AaSO 'a6d approval by the 'Wwor and duly attested by tho Town *rotary. ADMJW this day of January,, A. D. 1957• ' OVO t 4vm 1; Ile lirmilpi In VW AIT$ 'fid OF WRSTLW, C ri OF -iARUM goeretaky Of the Town Town of wes le ,, TeX".* d0 ' "Vy oimWy'thdt Ub r4wftolng lb a. true and uorroct copy of ord1 140by"t _ �, daily 1r a nt d. and et 's Od Of a .��a Of'.�» ,..' �►�.�!� �t�dt�.�s '�'�, est . mats old on the 1\ sy ► ' t;i . . ►, 1 s as dem appear* uis bT end mc+ tl ;, In Book No. . .. ,...� t.it tb 41w b1", ,awx&v7o A.-J). 15", T i Upon motion duly made by Mr. George Harmon, Jr. and seconded by Mr. Ben A. Zwald, the foregoing Ordinance No. 4 was unanimously adopted. Mr. Gleeson then read to the meeting the following proposed Ordinance No. 5: I 21 ORDIXAMOR NO v/���y!f�Af AC A WND "SIF.. ,ry�y� .I .S T�� TWO OFWUT LAU PAM @F UU,T�yyOpp+ -AND THAT T �m SH"-BE XNTITW +AND Ate? Al.aOM BY M, ACU AM MUM .;#moi IN PROVOING FOR 10 AN CORUCTING U . . `I I AR ,OF "ID TOO AS HO TOPORE APOPM. AS AXMZDo AND PROMING FOR AW xv=Tra bA . . tai US, pursuant to the provisions of the kats of 1953, 53rd Lnislaturo, Page 357, Chaster 93, '00dified as Article 9T4-0,0 Reevised divii-Ataetutes Qf"Teex"; 4. Olean Turner and wife,, e Reeder Turner, and '. i�rr. ht, .owners of the ma property he n-after described having =sde application "by law provided to the qor"and Board of'Al dleraeen of the *Va of We*tlakie, Texas, requesting annexation of the lands lying 'With'a" 0.1+83 square mile tra4t, more or less, out of the 3: Gibson Bey-A-493, J. Bacon Spey A-1565 and the X. Uds Survey A-393. at and Tarrant Counties, Tex". and being more fully 411serlbed by met*$ and bou as follows-r MIMING at a point in the north line -of thea J, f bsoa"fey A-493 "and the east line of a County Rand beading from Roanoke, said point Or beginning being the most northerly northwest a+orner 'of the herein described tracts TIMCX 3 ! ' 1 with the north line of said Gibson Survey a distance "of 9314:T2 feeat -to a point for oorner, sold point being the northeast corner of the J. Olean Turner 69 gado* traotf Timmax .A 00 9, b with the east line" "of said Turner tract a diasstanee "oaf 2449.16 feet to ,* point for Korner, said point the soutbeast gorier of-tlao Turner 69acre tract and in the penton-*arraea"t County lAue j TV=19 A 890 211 g with the said count. line and the north line of the J. Clean Turner 195,E acre tract out of the J. ibson, J. Maoon' and R. s Survey* a'"d.istaimee of .�fi apt, to ' a_,jp01nt for *ora*r, eta .d f.at beta* the 'aeuthw*�►t "40rher' of t J. Slennn"Turnor'36..53 &ore tract out of the R. $ads Survey a-393; ?ONCE x 310. .45, x Vith"tom West line Of said •53 "ro tract a distance Of 83Y.T feet to a point for sald point being th"tl 6 south UrA of the T. w, atchel .8 aar* tract] V a 890 40, 1 sits► a south line of said 24.8 acre tfaat a distance of 369.44 feet to a point for aerner i TIMM N 00'20 r I a distance of 258.33 feet to a point for c oruer3 TwMIC a 890 40:1 1 a dlfst 440 of 12A3.8q to a-point for cbroeyr, said point being f n -tho present lCiorporate eta of the "Town of tial sad the went line of a County Road.; TMM 3 00 091 A with the sold toroo Ate .. td and the w t lift of County Ream .t diat"oe of 80.44 feet to a point for corner, 'said )point bei.ng in that north line of that Frank Wright 9 acre tract,$ :8 31 890 911 W..*IU. t ►efa ae A Corporate Limits Wirth 111ne of said 244ro tract a distance, of 30 feet to a point ror corner# 09' 1. with the present Corporator LsAU and crossing UwDenton-Tarraht ounty "no at x.99 feet and Continuing on a. distanae of .93 feet to a jp�t for cera° +d point bei � than south nine of the R. I Wds Survey A-3933 Timm x 890 21, W With'the south t the s .d. Uds Survo to a point for corn er, said point beef. in the 'east line of the J. Sibson Survey A-4931 TUMIA 3 00 331 1 with the east line of 'said Gibson Survey a distance of 236.94 feet to A point .for corner, sold, p6int being the southeast corner-of the J. Gibson Survey; dZ3 TMM x 890 21, W with the s6uth Linea of the said fibson Survey to a point for 6ornar a AIA point being the scut est aorner of the ;4. Glenn Turner 8.2 sage tract; TAME NO* 4 -19 with the West line of said 8.9 acre tract-AW the J. Glenn Turner 69 acre traot to a>rip+a nt for corners a ' -w a distavava a of 10.95,55 feet to a poiae�t.f r o0kner,. said point, biing in the east line of County Road leaving Roanokej THRO X 0e 361 g with east line of 'said County Road a: distance br 11.94 toot to the- 'poiikt of be inns:ng eat + veering a tract of landcontaining 0.l 3 squ$" iles. A .plat of said land *bzwing its lomation 'with respect to the 'Tote n of Westlake# Tom;, being attached hereto marked xT %gall j avaebd PAUP said petition was filed with th+t"Town of Wtstlalm t 11 s.00 a a. an ooe>tuber 191 's *hinot lolls thah five and not more than thirt,� Ved els dsy# prior to this dates avec t $, i t pew tai th; - of.,a t t�r n of the Tow of We3stlalr f ., "..that all statutor;v 'requirements' In Obanoction with said propooed. tanozatieh have been fulfilled and that .the said aroa do y wed Into one torrl tdry:,_lae¢ not 'nore than 2/2 mile in width and that All Of same is Ad adent to the present 'pem its of the Town of Westlake, ; Ag IT W,,DAjKM BY THE DOM OV AMMWX 0 TUC "WX (W Mks ,TZUS " ' `v the property here nabov* dosartbod being a ja nt and OOntj4 t� the V ► . tai orf..� tla e T ,� be And JA hereby annexed atnd "broUgh.°t' Within the CorpiortO Limits of said Town and Lis hereby made an Integral part thereof. e2:. THATg the vers and inhabitants" of the' aroaa h*rein annexed be entitled to all of the rights and privileges of other eit3 ens #*;d properV owners of eaid °own-. d' 'be bound 'Oy" 021 of the act$ &ad eadi� maoad et de"in 'eenf+�rsaa3:�ky..t ret; heir �:� ���� force effect and that which may be hereafter adopted, THAT, the off 41A1 Alop #end bounderj** oaf the Towmt Of Westlake, Amended ee se to Jnaludo the-�;�f®romeen ed;;.. d er ie ��ieas p 'P�, se here' fore adopted aud" .ams t�.ex�ed territory as .part -of the Tmm of ,Westla'k ,# Texas. 'EXU, ordinance M11 beeoAe btfet ..An v* d 'be Uk full force and effect f WA-after Its 'Vases. 0A approval by the 1 +�r as duly attesUd by t Town Secretary. ADOPM this duty of ► y, A. D. 1957* AITTXST a TOM TNE S OF Txw I �v� -Vewn Seerotary of tb►e 'Town of Web$like s ex".o. 40' re .IV . 0 V the for*60144 It a t e eerroe pY of n # dUy'preeea t" &"V%" by -the d .ef A + ermez ► ' d.. at s lieeting held on the � , l'957, ee sap appears Aad **be minutt # + said etins, in Book so. �V WnW+"­XY SAM AM, UAB► OF T '"ill WWONAK98, ' UU 2 this the ,�,�'�,, d of 4 y 0 A. ,9, 1957. . Town deem y it Upon motion duly made by Mr. Ben A. Zwald and seconded by Mr. H. P . Thrasher, the foregoing Ordinance No. 5 was unanimously adopted. Mr. Gleeson then read to the meeting the following proposed Ordinance No. 6: 26 wwm ;#biz No. 6, AX ORDINANCR RICAIVIX0 AND ANMING TIRRITORY AWACINT AND CONT1400US TIE TOO OF WMLAU !!`IXUj PSOVI :"THAT SUCH � SUM-S A PART OF SAID . Q0.AND THAT TU OW=3 AND XKWTANTS.'TOWUM Ate,U, SYTITL= .ALL TU fI"MUS QW TOR, CIT ' SAID "U, AND DOMM BY THE ACTS AX.D OROXIMICZA.UN , MOVIDING'FOR AMD CORRICTING THE. , OMCIAL OWARUS, ` AAO TOWN ASTOP RE ADOPT _ A& BXt, ASD' PROVIDING FM AN, i d , pursuant to the #toeevisi ns of the Ants of 1953s 5W logislatureo Pae gee 357, Chopter 93; codified an Article 974-80 Revised Civil'"gtatutbae of 'Te , J 41ea�n Turner andwife, Hue Reeder Turner owners-of "the reit property hereinafter de,sori edt baring wee Application les-.by lean provided to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the Town of 'We stl e, Texas ' requesting annexation of a traeaot of. laud consisting of-a 0:gw5 ae+uwv mile tract of Uud, *are or lees, out,of the Vt. "miff" A448" Survey and the A. es s 'A-142 Survey, „,Tarrant County, Tomes and being more fully des+.eeribed by metes aeu bou s as follows: BUXOM at aae. point at the intersection of- the most westerly south linea of "thea Present corporate limits of 'the o nca, of Westlake P"Texas 4nd"the east line of Couoty.. gem Na. #0601# said poiatqof beginning being `the northwest earner of the herein described tract and of the J. Glenn 'finer `160.3 tore tract out of the 'tea., ftff Surveey..A- f ma a ago AC' W with the south line of said aorp_ *rate limits for a"+diseta nce of 400 feet where the corporate limits turn to the lettand 4ontinuf.ng on with the north 'line of ae*id Turner..114:3 acre .-tract .. 4 total distae ncee of 9531..94 feet to .'a point fear torn+er, said saint "being the rthe,est corner of said Baer 164.3 acre 'tract and its the east line of, the Wm. stuff Surveys ITHCH a 00 42' g with theA"t lin es'of the Turner 1614.3 acre: tract and the Wm. W Survey a distance of X19.45 feet to a pa3int tar'. sorner in the A, ernes a'Sway A-1490 's"d point-belt* i ca,the north line Of a County 'Road a th® 'soUthetst aerner of the J, Olean Turner 160.3 acre tract; TIMME p .890 36, W with north :inn' or ,said p+ma�caty aA d a to ►ae 7 - feet to_ .a pt lat for aa»ert3e z', said poilit 'being at the turn of said County Road to the left; Tf 9 301 it . a distance of 433.33-foot to a paint for o0 raaer, said point being in the south line of the Wm. Ruff Survey aA448:; TON4 x ago (*$ W with the a oath )-ine -of naa u Ruff rve;Y'a distabbe of 1€30.55 "fact to a point Xor. corner, Aald point being the southdast oomer of 38 acre tract out of the ..dim. Ruff Survoyj TIM &' p 461 With the east line of said 38 aQtV tract a dia�ta a of 951*39 feet to a ,point �"dr �aornaer In the northeast corner of said 38 &are tract; THWX 0 ell W kith the Mortka line of said 38 &are tract and **at northerly souW ALuee of thee "J. Olean TuAm*r 160.3-s4re tract aA distance of 1824.44 Feet tib a :,*Ia�t for caa�rnerx "sa d point b 14 � east line County Road No. 4060 and the nerthmest aomear of said 38-mAre tract and a southwest corner of said turner tract; TRMX X 00 381, S lith.tba east line of 'sac id Cant Road-,^ dlstonoe of 225.01 feast to the polot of beg an ming, and covearig; a tract of land aent"a ing 0.9505 a qu re all**. A plat of soiO land showing its location with res .ect the'Tosn of Westlake, Te :s being attached Mroto mar d' V '003 aad gMWAP Bald petition eras. filed with the Vowa of Westlake at lla<19 a.m. oa cembber ; 1 56, Which 'is Uot love than five (5) and net more than thirty t301 ditys prier to this dateand WUL". it Appearing to the Aaard of -AUlo men of the Town of ` iestlakea, Tezaa, that all statutory arequiremen'ts to connection C�4 with Said proposed'AnAOXAtion have been rulfilled" and that the said area duly' grp red, into one .tarritery Is not-more thAft 1/2 mil* in width aid that all a# 'Is adj4dent to the present Town ate of the ''own of eater, 'fie"; IT ORDAIM BY THE BOARD OF AWVJWJi OF TH& TOWN OF �w THAT, the property hereinabova d+enerib+ed being exit aad contiguous to the 'fes ldmita of WeetlakeUX"s bo a is hereby ann d amd br*U&t within 1*"Corporal of said Town and in hereby made an integral part thereof. 2, THAT, the owners and. Inhabitaete._of'th.e' d herein annexed be entitled-to all of the r ghU And priv1le$*#' of other altinona a property ire of Town and be bEe�. by ail of the ante and orad .na aeo In Oonforr .ty .thereto,; .new'in full force and efteat a,W that vhlah may be hereafter adopted.. THAT* the orfloW camp and boundaries ' the Town 'of eatiake, Uaa,; as heretofore meted. and .aaaended, be" a d. to ftby axondod so, as to include "toe afforementioned territory as part, of tl, �n Of Westlake* Texas. 4- TM3,, orriin +e shall beasme effeetive be in full force ad effect frac and.,after Its passage a6d approval by the XaYor and ,duly attested by the Town secretary, ADOPTU this +day of January# A. D. 195T. APPROM t Im ATE OP TSM � Trot (W xjo T 6w a umr ` ate. TO Secretary of 'tube Town of wo-s$�s `, " rstry" that the rortgolps to a truo and. car et 'Jay"of oaz�iRie R ., u�y✓proi+eat" and adopted b7 Mourd of �►�rxen Of'*aiii�°� -of" +* t lake 'Eckes, at a meeting held ori t„ ' of J'=a A 1 `D. 1957$ . *ppox" fo t as �to�� mesh, , in BOOIC me. thiaet of, Ja ary, A.. p. ,.95T. , +ire y i 30 ONVIONCH NO. 7»; AN 000MA �dMINQ AND AWRIXING VOMITORY AD'ACINT AND CONTIGUOUS TU 'W OF WM T=A&$ MOVINQ. TRAIT WCH, ARZA. A PRT OF 3A3p_", 'N,AND " W THK VAN= AND . TILUX40F SIA".U INT11LU TO A" 'THE mlyll"Ns OF QTm.CIT1ZXX3.or SAID TOM =.BOUND BY TIM, ACTS AND fl3 .ROW IN An TO, U, ApQP=j FURTM T` NM AKWING AND CORRICTIN4 THE. . ADOPTAD, AS , AND PAOVIVING TOK AN. X"=T1T1 DATE, WHO3gAS, purowmt to the provisions o the Acta of 1953, -53 , stature, Page 357 Chapter 9., oodifted Article 974-4Revised Civil StrQos of Texas J-4 Olean `Turner and wife, Supe Reeder Turner,, larry 36*11gson .abd 'sa`ife-,# Radio Johnson Seeligson, &ad Alvin *. Owsley And wife-, Lucy Sall 0woley, owners of the real ,preperty hereinafter des arlbed haying a appli"tion as by lair proviA_md' to the .-ani+d ;Soar. of Aldemen of the Two of Westlake, Texas'. requesting acne tion of the lame lying within SL 0.,30- she mile trot of larA, more or loss,, out of the + . dlin A-8� Survey, - the AK — Michael A421' .Survey and the V. X. Pea A-1 5 Xu veyr Denton Coimtys ''T+exas, and being more ftlly described by =tea and_bounds asp foll*W$s I3Md at a point in the center of county road leaving the town of Ronoke-end at the somon corners of the J. I*" Survey A-39 , W. P. Medlin Survey A-a2 C. mecilin Survoy A-823-and the "J- -Sutton Survey A-1154,0 Said point of beginningbeing hl In an easterly line of the present corporate llmlU *of the tow of Westlake, Texas-" the northwest corner of the -herein described TMCS last with the north line of the C. ;Medlin" Survey A!.-893 a distance of 24 .5 Feet more or l6as -to d point for-corner in Uxt east line of the Alvin X. Owsley 353.5 &ore trt4 TMUCE S 110 S and with the east line of said bley tract ;a distance of, O Feet more -or less to a point for corner in the sduth line of county road leaving the tow of S.a►anoke; 3 � TRW,X X ,850 Sol W and with the south linea of said . oo"ty road d" Tatar** O . 1190 foot =are or logo to a"point..for aornersaid point "boing thele northwest titornor of the ftIa Atory aad'the oorthetst ager of the J,. glmaa Turner 1.19.18 acre tract# TUMS g 00 06' Iii' with the yeast line of olid Turner tract a wast lino of Mad-cemetery a i t"C a of T70 feet jaere or loss to a point for corner at tho southwest corner of Medlin C, atery# Tag S T70 R with the south line of said 'cometery &, distance of 433.33 Feet to a point for corner and at the southeast corner of cemoteryj Cg N 00 45, 'W with east l 'of said -Oftmetery a djot,anceo :of 8A2: feet-'so a, point :for doiraer I the south line of county r : Uaving the town of Roam# VOM S 770 g with eeuth line or ,said caounty, roads V mid eaaj seat line of Cv, *"lin gamey X23 end 000- timang on icor a Mame of 1830 Feet ire or l+eea td a point*for aoratr at'%be northeast corner of the Aarry 4. of-i'Von A..TT acre tract out of the J. Klohceel g rvey A-8211 TSR 3 00 15 X.with the east line of 3erel;igeen tract' d *""I the ®+oath line of­aaid Mei reoy' and continuing on for o d, St�+e of 2315 feet more or lees U a point for corner In the V. It. P" Survey A-114550 ;said point bei in the nor�aet line oft pros ent.oorFporiate lWtA of the + ` Westlake e and .fent northeast of and perpta"cular to the northeast line of State NIXbXAY NO, 144$ TAMS h TWO 15' W following the present corporate Units az4 '900 feet northeast of and at al;l.' tis pa .l.l.+el to the northeast line of said huAvjw� a distance of 93304 more or loon tO a poit►t_.for corx��er iW ,t,b e- gest Iii* of the Marry a. ,Seelignon 82.43 ware tract and the east line -of the J. *loon jhwaer 119.18 aerie tract out or the C. Min ,&WveY AM3231 Tums x o9 o6 S w:Lth the mast 11ae 'of said Turner U"t -and *Oxt Sires of said-4e011gsdn tract to a point for"corwri said p+Qint "belOig, 600 feet northeast of and s eadicular to the northeast JIM* of Bute,: sway o, 1141 TUMS northae>estOrly 600 toot northeast st of and at all times"paralje l is the-northe t 'line ne #41da to a phia�►t for'e rher, ,asAU pola2t being in the Veaet ae' of l . the . aaep > r 119.18 &are tract and the C. Xedlin Survey A-823i ACX 'hearth wItb the said west Une* and the center of A; co",ty road ihto 'Rotwka..a ,1starae si '935 feet mOre or lase is' than 'po nt'of bogifting and'e ver og a tract of laird containing 0,.358 aqUare oda. It U the taeteut of thd.as hersia described tract. tO cover...alb. of the Alvin w. -Owaloy 474. acre .tr"t j the north65 acres of"fie J. Glean Vizor. 119.18 aeore -tract a that a,OU 73.5 eases of the W O. 'seelipan 2.4 'acre tra'at out or the '41., ftdlin S%rve A42-3 alb. 6f the wry 0. t Oligo I4.77 Aare tract_OUt the s R. Miobael Survey A-$.23,-and 'thO O h 6.35 acres Of .the .rry eei i"a 30.05 mare tract out` of the W. W. `Pea Aurvey A-4145, also the "testy Mad facing the +waslety and Baer lams is Included. A plat of sad load showing Its 'loca'tion with respect to #he ''toito eat' Westlake,, Te s being attached beret* marked �'"al�#s WOSEA3,0 said petition eras filed w1th the Town of Westlake at 3 s F-m- an Oe4omber 29# 1 ,�­whlob t o not lass than Vivo (5 and not more thaw to rty 30)*'s prior to this date 3 and WIWJWAX,r It appearing to the 'Town ry requirements Alderman 'in oonnecti.o;n Of W*Stlas"e, ` �► that "ea3.: s tn9xt3 with said prop d aaft"U i have asap fulfilled a that 1b e mea d ara a � ► lato ent" torritory' is amt` ,area teas 1A mile In Width a ` that all of s ' .is 'adjaceat to the preseact Town Unats of the "horn of Westlake* 'TeX,; BE TT MAIC Iff THE MAM W AWUM OF TU M OF W "T A, .T i THAT* the property hereinabovt de>ssribed' bo3.n$ adjacent and sonti o" to the Town U, Slits of Westlake,, "TOxas, be and is hereby annexed and brought within the Corporate. Idmitsa of said Town and is hereby made an integral ;part thereof. 2. VNAT v the owners and i itantsof tho-area heroin annexed be entitled th"all of the rights and privilogee .sof other citizens and property owners of said ..town and be bound: by all of the acts and orditaoaa a in oonforaa ty .thereto, 'now*in full force and effect &W that which may be hereafter adopted. 3. TIAT,O the offigial wo and boundaries of the Town of 'Westlake ' eaas,. to heretofore adopted and amen, be and is hereby amended so as to Include- the Aforementioned territory as part of the 'own of Wastlake v Tex". TRIS, ordinance #hall became off,f,ective.and be In full force and effect from and mer its passage e a approval by the Myor and duly attested by the Town $ecrotary. AVOPTJM this -day of Jany A. 1). 1957. APPROYM i ATT i �[ Sr lil T ATS TM Or W&MA"s TXW 1�6mrri W T Town Secretary at the Town or �e�l"o CLO ftrSbTo3Xy"tbat the foregoing i true rrdet **jPy � MMOO #[ :: ftly �pre**Ated adopted by .tbo board of .AldOrm*u "OF"ate at a mooting mid oY4o ay- of Janv;wy*� 'A,. -;I o 1957� r 'a.-'vg" this the d4W of Januoxy, A, fid. 195x. _ I Ls i TOM S 090. 3.4 W with the mouth lire..of 'es 4d Roeder haat a distance of 9511.11 Feet to a point: for corner; X 04' 15' W and at all tuna 9511011 feet west of pa rjaui to t **At-line of o traeet _.to. the point of beginning and ooveering a tract of Land containing A plat of **14 law ohowing .its location' with report to the ,Town of Westlake, Toxmzp being attached hereto mar dl It '"Anj and WSXRM,# said petition was filed with t 'faxen of Westlake at 3 t l5 P.m, on cember , J �, Whi th is not less than t1ve (�� and not more than thirty ( days prior to this da01 and ., W S, it appearing to the Boal of Aldermen of they Town of 0014 , Tams, th .t: all stag %6ry requirements nts ire connection tion w1th said proposed nett ­ f filled tlt said area duly groInto one' Urritbry not- more than 1/9 stle in wSAth and that all of sam to mgUadent to the present Town 14alts of the 'Tow ofWestlake,* Vezaaj BE IT amna BYTa Dun + _ 0 W `. s .T THAT; 'the pr�rty hCr*1�aVee described being adjacent aaed cent � "dee" U to Of Vegtl�� fexam, .bb and Is hereby annexed and brought vathin 'thy Vo orate. ,Umito of mold Town and is hereby made am integral part thereof. IAT o the owners and iahabUmto of the area berein'sanexed be entitled: to all of the riots and privi ea of 'ethor citizens and property owners of said own atd be bout by .all of the aeta and ordinance# made in conformity.ty thereto ' now'in full force and offoet and that *h1 ch may be 1wroaftor adopted, �y TRAT, the offlaial =W sad boundaries of the Town of...b'aeot:l.ake Tex",,, an heretofore adopted and *mended, be and to hereby *mesa ;I 1 i so as to InolUda tba aftremationod territory as pant of the Tow or West.lako, Texas, . 4.s TXM,, derCiaanaa shall be*om offsative and be 14 full force Aad effeat frau after its passast A approvqI by the Wor oj%d duly attested by the Town ar*tary, ADOPMthis day Of Jjwuary# A. D.. 195T. Af4 A ' IM STATX (W TJW "WN -or WESTLM, Tu 6M OF T' 'TOM 804"tAtv 'Of the Town Of Wostl a i r 3�yt t t f ra Aa ► . true and asrroat "py "of ala tae Now. , duly -proxonUd and . . . Adapted by t . Board of Alderman or -s,& s �of"-WaAtl�� Texas, at a ting bald on the 1� y of Ware ry, fit.... $957* as time p ears In the m3.aut+oin o said mottug,, in Bookpages , 0 .. .,,, ► Wln=S W KM AND-ML W VU'VOW CW 'Y %A"41 s tie the 4Ay of $amaaryj, A.-D. 195 i Upon motion duly made by Mr. E. T. Dicker and seconded by Mr. R. B. Schooling, the foregoing Ordinance No. 8 was unanimously adopted. Mr. Gleeson then read to the meeting the following proposed Ordinance No. 9: 41 ORDUMM$ NO. 9' ITM; PROM .TUT .$9011 AM• &HAJJ6,M0Qft A PA 6Y 4M.TWX.AJM ', RAT TX9 0WXM AND t +` -0 : , " "m 'fax* VAUTAU -FMAXMIM AX0 'all 4"19UL I . ADOPTO-AS AMMSDo A= PROVIDING w'imiu, pum nt to t Ce Zoviasf.o t of the anter -19530 ; 53rd a t�o357 r `93, codified as a ieie--W4_0, yloed 'Glvll Statutes of exa t ,H. Rarmans Jr. ' aif'o Carol varmon. :Okwners of the ftal vroptrty heft immot..deAdUbed havi-mg -fie a lloation as, by ;parr provided: to­the ftyor and Board of Aide n of the To f Westlake*' Texat,, re aeti ann+e�ation of_ a tra4t of l ,nonaf.eting of:a .Aq� mile tract v: i f :rye or loase, out of the bra. of 0- X. +"rp a-1510 Survey and the W d i a a-i' ur, Voy, .'arrant._ auntJV, T �, -and being more f ly 0soribed by tutee and bounds as repots RUINS at a point in'tba preerentdint Aea�rerts 11z :to of thko.toxaa of westlaims, Tom„ Ing tt the northwest corner of the' . H. Narmoay "Jar. 120.8 acre tract out of the tars. of 0. X. Thrroop -Survey a-1510i U oast following ,present corporate lftits and with the north line,* of said men "tura t and Thtftb &arvey a distance of 950 feet, more or lose to a point for corner; MN south with present aonorate 11mite a distance *taw feet to a point for +earner; T CS *&at with said corporate 11mite andvmaxlmg county road No. 3088 and oontiming on to a point for corner at the no7k"t "t corner of the fir. H. Fai n, Jr. 3.83 acre tract out of the W. Xedlin Survey #-1586,1 i TEME South with, east line of said 3.83 aeras tract to `the sauthoaxt aaerneer west with south Base' of said 3»83 acre tract U %he 'Oonter 'line of oouaty road No.' 36N old Point- for Oopher, said pAnt hey:, In the east line .df Ira.. of . *. Throop rvey ��# Tums south With *, ► Ilse of a d T. hr*" Survey td scpo nt'fer "Mer at the southeast corner of the @. R. Rov"n 190.8 aeere tract; iMMIC Nest with south line of said Harms tract to Its soutbusat ooraaer : sgid 'polnt being In An inner east line of the present torporate limits of the town of ustlaml VNU= north with the west lin* of S . aft 190...8 At 3 .t aect *,A tho..e t `- e6iae+�rdt�a. unitt to _the nt Of bog ani: p and eoVerisK a tract of lend eon- tae,ining 0.1 square Miles. Xt is the 1vUn r thered aabove described tk"t U sever the deo h. RavuftJr. 120.8 suers trAtt out of the grs. d;. M. ThroopSuivoy fess 34.9 versa included In the original intorporation of 'tbia towel of W estlakt,, Tem trA a 3.83 mAre tract out of the W. Medlin Survey A-3588. A ,plat of said load showing Its loomtion`Vith re"eat to the 'vdwn of Westlake, Toxas, being attached hereto asked Ma=IT *A"; . and Wit ,0 d&4 petition was filed with the Town ' Wiest at 3415 p .a. .on . eea er g9j, 19 , wh th to not I ecru` thsh �Ciye (5 and not more thaa thirty (��d'm prior t+w this. datej and x- it appearing to the Boa of Aldtrmn of the sof Westlae", '"fexas, "at 'all atatuUwy req�Armonts in aonnaeetien with amid proposed r a .tlan have been fulfilledamt that the. Bad area Auly, : ed Into-one territOry to not 'awe l,{ mile in width WA tbALt fall of same is-adjacent to the present Town Lunt of the Tom of W estlaake Tex") BR IT ORDATM= By THE BOM 40 OF TU "wN OF W&STUM .TUAt a i THAT ' the prapert,7 heratuabove deescrlbed.being aedJacent and cout4pAoto the-town its of Weeat1a , Teems, be and is hereby annexed and broUght Wit#aln' IsImits, of sold and U berebi made an Integral part tbo of THAT* the owners and Inhabitants of the``tea herein Annexed beentitled- t4 4al of the -rites and pr�.y9lOgees" other eltittas and property owners of said.T�.at 'be bound"by all of the atts and ord canoes armee in Si On 'or .tyr -thereto,,' now ;Ln full force and effect and that ash may be hereafter opted. THATo the offIcUL110ap and bourAartox of they Twa of'..Westla , Texans As ; c"+1ofo e adoptod wi d 'umadgn4 p be sod. to hereby =ended ado aeb to luee de the aftromnationed territory " part of the Toto of Westlake,,* ' eerdtatuce shall loacom ef€oat ve.AW be in full tore+e and *Xfeeat from and''af"ter its pae a e aid 4preeV4 by the ftyOr Aw duly attested by the Tom Soaretary. AROJM t .s dV of Jamar A. P. ' 2 is s SMRV ARY. i TU STATS OF ISKA TNN OF WZ3TJA=, T=U COMM OP TARKM Town +� �arY p►� � 'TQMr� or wastl , Tom* o �'ra a ' r # the fo rWi i i In& is x true and +meat copy moi" Ordinance go. 0,0 441' 'pro"'.00 t and .epUd ,by the Board of a et`a .d Tom Or`wetter: Tex", at a m"'Ung ne2d on' the 40, of .J U' Ys A. D. x0,T,► . issm sppoarsinthe mimi ee OrAmad meeting, is Book Se. fin=d IAT unAxD- suL op 'bus-Twx OF WASTIAUs Tim" this t LA4.,,,day of, Ja Aary, A. P. .. 957. e ey Upon motion duly made by Mr. R. B. Schooling and seconded by Mr. Ben A. Zwald, the foregoing Ordinance No. 9 was unanimously adopted. Mr. Gleeson then read to the meeting the following proposed Ordinance No. 10: 46 ORDcI NO. 10 AW, AC JNT AND Clg 0g 1)-TU TOWN Of WUTLAU "fes; PRS O-"SHAT SWR,ARM SNALL SWC, A PART OF S A.ID_"POWN.AXD THAT TO OWNUS AND A 3_T :F Ste.DR. ==TLO TO ALL T= PRIVX14M OF QT=- C1TXW3OF UM TM* AND TJN..Aag .AND IORDIWOSS .NOW ZW FICIAL IU_ "ID TOWN AS ROMFORE ADOPTO, A8 ANERMs AND PROYOXXG FM ;AN WWA1W, pursuant to the provisionsof the Acts of 1953, 53r Jagislature.9 ,1 oge 357, Chapter "93, codified as Article 974-d1, Revised Ci'& Statutes of 'Pae , Alyin 'N. Owsley " wife, Lucy ill Oasley., ov aers of the *-*ae►lroves rty bereinafter dee- eribed having made application as by , provided too- the''mor . . amd Board of Alderoea of the town of Westlake, Texas.. 'requ"ting annexation of a tract of .laud- consisting of a 0.462 aqwwe mile tract of land,, more or less, out of -the J* Rads, A-392 Ivey. and the W. 1►. Medlin A-899 Survey, Seaton County, T ems, and being mare fully described by metres and bounds 45 follow$ RBGMXKG at a point in- the present corporate limits l.ts of the .town of Westlako, was, said: point being At the common corner* of the:J. Haft Survey A-392 W P. Nedlin Aurvoy A»82. +t. '..Sutton Survey A-ll ae the C. Medlin fey A- 3J TIMS north with present-aorporaste limits and the sin litre between the J. Kads aid'W. 10. Medlin Survey a distance of 680 -feet to a point for corner$ TZMA west with. prosent corporate limits a distana,e of 660 feet to ase point for oerner; THOCH south Stith" preasent corporate _limits a distance of 660 feet to a ;point for :c6rner in the north line of a county road into the town of Roanoke; TAME west and leaving present corporate limits mid f'+collowing north line of sa9.d county road to l.te int6r- section With the northeast line of State Highway *o. 114' O&LA point botog'1395 feet most of' the southeast Borne r of the Alvin X. Qws l*y 124.37 acre tract out of the J. U40 Auz vey A-3921 rams northwest with the northeast line of said dtete IUOway X0. 114 'a distance Of T14 toot to a point for ea►ortwr at the southwest ooraa*r of the said Waley 124.37 acerae grants Ti=g N io !21' W with the Feat lift 'of said Owsley traNe+st a distancee of 9402 toot to a point fer 'corner dt the northwest corner of said Owsley'trach said- point 'being in the worth line of the J. loads Survey A-39 2i TXWR east with the north 'line of said tae Survey -and sloy tract a distaaft of 2116 fit- to ths' sotthwest corner of the Alvan .. Owsloy 353.5 acre ttreatj A_'N 090 zwith t north line ot' said Owsley tract Vaesaaslaeg 'the nort wast cora r 'of the W. "0. X"lis urveey and coal on with the' north lint of sold rol*,V tract aad the din ave r a distance of'5 2;?6 feet to thea rtho"t corner of the ley 353.5 acre tract for point for corner TXM,1 d VO g with the east line of said el 353*' tract to a point tor eorb er 4.n the south live of the W. V. A+ed In ,Survey A429 j TAW Wont with the south 13ao of said-Aedlin Survey to tho point'of begivaing cera t'ooverlag a tract of land oontaining 0.462 square s lees. It In 'the Intent of the hea<raa insbove de3ssribod tit to cover all of the Alvin-g. ..ploy lands to the oteche u rveey.d-392 land the W.' p* l dlin qty A429 ,soap- taining 3016,.P,5 ros ' : pti a-10 a Ore 'trdot that . . was .tacsludod in the original inaorporatt on of the town of Westlake* Tem. A plat of sold land showing Its location ,aith arospOo't to the'Towu of Wostla kos "*",, leering attach beret* marked XX I "A"i - and u-g W 9, said Petition was filed ori the a► of Westlakeat a t more art' ) ys prior t h s "to j xtA -(5) S ItarUAS to *40 Board a f aer n of tha- TO of Westlake' _T""o. that all st� tory x 04roments_lu oonneation with said EIVY 1er"d annex atton bav* been fulfilled""aid. that the aid area . � a � territory is not »4oro 'thbn �./' mile s width � �t 441 of own is al ,dal dent to the present Town vitae of the Toad of Westlake, Texas] U IT MAIM UY Tim DOM OF AMM CW Tim 1. TUT, the property b*reInabey* debarihed` bol -adjaaedt 404tiguous to that Town ,&Uits of 'Wostla , U"'M bit, and Is hereby i annexed a br�ht withl� a a Cotsaor+ate .�' t of add Town ;w d Is hereby made an integral pat thereof MT# that owners and Lahabfaants' of the'area har ein annexed d. be entitled to all of the rights sAd .privilege.8 of other eitizons and property awa*rs, of Mand`Voe as be :bo It any 'aall Of the Otto off."noes 'made in oonfomity "theroto*— now is full foroo and effect *W that which may be hereafter ado $. i THAT,# the oftioW �wW and boundaries of ' he town of WestlAke# 'fob,, " heretofore o4opt+ied a aamead+eda ..*zA Is ho rebj Amended so as to inolode the aforementioned d territory as part of the Town of Westlake* Toza*a Md, ordimmoo 'shall beoome af'f"eetiee a bye d.d full f orae aa►d ottoet from and; after Itaaa< passage, s"rovaal by the �r andduly attested bar the Town Sept y. ADOPTED this ,�:��day 8f January,, A. D. 19,7. APPROVOi AUT Town TM STATE 4W TUAs T TEXU COMM OF TARRANT Tear ere tar� e ' this Town Of wostlak*, I� t Fe_� "that the fore,�eing is a true arid correct copy of O i het .7. # Mily .preaent6d "and. #4*pted by -the eat Aideraa�en f *aid..�e "of' **t�.� , '��a, at a inot�ng ld *aka ' w �day of J. "+1, A* 'A* 3.' 37, as same a ppea s 14 the minutea c� said meeting,, in Book Ne. this the .,k;a day of, JanwY, A.-D. 1957. ww"n lizRrw � U Upon motion duly made by Mr. E. T. Dicker and seconded by Mr. H. P . Thrasher, the foregoing Ordinance No. 10 was unanimously adopted. Mr. Gleeson then read to the meeting the following proposed Ordinance No. 11: 51 ORDI"N l 14. 11 AN ORDXXMV RSCA �7 i{NG AND AM=$$ A #+ XX# ADAC; '�" 0ONTIQUO 3 4 O TOWN 10� WM T� PRMIM.THAT 'CR AM_ HT1-MM A PART 0 RAID.TOWN, AJM THAT THE 0WXM AND AND M W BY,'QHS, AC'S AM ORDIXMICS PRMrMUO FOR AKM=Q AM CORRICTINO THS O"I IAL BQVXDARr=. ` SAAS -- TOPORE AI PM. AS AMMIDs AND PROYMING NQS► AW MM DATA. . WH&Rus, ;pursuant to the provisions of the Acts of 1953. 53rd 4gl slag s .Sage .357: OWWtor 932 c*difieed as Artiole 974-0, Revised Civil-Stttutees of "Pe , J. Olean Turner and wife, Sue Reeder !f rher* X: 1. Reeder aid w*f+s;.jlIzabeth Reeder, J. A. Reeder a wIte Z� DeWees Reeder, W.-Ralph . errill and .wIf+e, rJorenee X. Er�*�ll; � -R. 3. Thr hOjr O Wife's (lel a 0rarher , o*"rs Of the, real pre►- erty bereibarter eser ems' uaving ms4e ,applieation " 'by law provided to the XVor and- Board of -Alderaen of the TOVU Of WestlakjeTerms r64%watiog as�.tion .of the ids lying withih a'03408 square mile tract of laad, more or less, out of the 0. $. Resdricks A- 4, L. gg+esg A-196 axA Josiah Walker A-1604Survey&,, Warrant CountYs Texas# and being more fully described by notes and bounds follows s bXgj=jNG at a point at the northeast cdrsear of the Vit. Ralph rrill 0 acre tract' is the T*. Baggess Survey A14*1 , said point of beginning beingis .a south"line of the present oorp€�rat+e limits .of the taws of Westlake and the northeast corner of the herein described trach THUGS-3 0 15' g with: the east line of said leerrill tract 'pwmisg. Its southeast ,00rse�r at 1T63.89 feet cost suing on for a total distance Of 5654 feet more or less along this ].in* extended across the 1. R. Roeder 3.54.99 and 177.53 aer+e t3raots to a point for oara+er is the .south line of said Roeder ITT.. acre tract out of the JOzIjgih Walker Survey- A-16 04j 'O .d 890 411 R with the south lin of said Roeder � tftct,*ry'djatawe .of 1216 �"ee%_.��upre ' less to d. point ter aor r-at a soufolw*st earner O Us NO M. Rooder 17T.53 *sr* 'trostj ,flW= R Qe g6 o W with the most l-ftes-of the Z. R, 77 Reeder 1 ..53 and 154.99 acre tr**U a dist ee. sf 3891.6T_Beet to'a Point for osftor at the northwest car r Of the If R. Reeder 15*, re'trot, said point being to tie south lin of the it. zoggoos ,purvey and the north line of the Josiah Walker Swyey3 Toms Rest with the south dine of the said Boggess xullvow Passinsouthwest'oo er and continuing on with the south "lane of'the d. . Resdr s SorV'sy *"O to a point for rher, said. pol6t WAg its the south 1010 of the "W. ah Re' -1111Aeft-1111 99.3,40re treat ash 10 feet ssst At the present corporate limits of the town of Vests TSS north lid feet east of an at 'All times parallel is" the x"d 0orpo tw lWto a dime of 660"ftt to a at for coroar In the south line of the ftorgia A. Pippin 10.7 acre tract TUMg east with the south line of ssi+d tigpin treat to e, point at the southeast torne3r of said tract, TIUR north with the east line of thea PUPIn IDIOT . ac treat to a int_,for esr ,r, �sai,V iat "ice the : rtt car of the Copia tract and in the south ;.ice of the X. _R. Thrasher 40 aware trot; TSOM West with the nth line of the said Thresher trust to a point for eerser In tie present *orporate Units, of the town of Wtstlakoj R north following present corporate limits to a Rout for corner; "nal east rolio s "rVorate li .tit_ to_.a point f'dr 4orrar, said point beta 'in the east line or the a. R. 1tet ricks &=-fey TRWE aeduth With the "St-1164 " 'S94d 2enditbkA -Survey SAd IrOl]owl the present cgrpd►jrate 'ij$dtae� to h 'point for corner at the a1or %ft*xt �aern+er'of � 'V. Ralph Merrill 60 #4re traet out of the 1. Boggess Su vey3 T east ,with the north Une of the said Merrill tra�st"fit volic nog t present e�b rate" i tae td► the int-of'beginning aaslr4 coytring ae tract of land Cont ring 0.3408 square miles*' MIS the intent of the he~reia .bov+e deadribecd tract 'to tov+ear the neat 107.20 re s 'of' t X. X. Roeder 1�.g9 +� a ,Y"`e Marto out at t ' +eaeth dael >r,A%"elv A-46,04, the b;. ph +ea�rrr .11 tat + t...ot the + Wil' A-1 ; the aontk*"t '94.6 aer*s of t V. ,mph se;wrrill 29,-3 *00 tra of . the' sot r tt £.3 #Lanes of tbo a, 3. r-40 aore tract oat of the 0. B. lri oar A480. A plat of said land showing its location with reopect to tho Tow of westl , 'Texas', being..ittacbed reto n4rk;ed XU : and. ,WRMRU} 401d petition was i'ilod with the Toa : of Westlake .,at 115 a.ae. on Janna ry957* which is not 1+est. than 'fivo ��� and not more thaw ,thirty bal days prier to this date; and WMWUs it appearing to the wird of Aldermen of the '.own Of adeaetla a "2*9ang, that 411staetutory retluirw nts ie oaaat ati n with said p��ted'Armes tion bane heevs flab��.+ed seed that ..' e id sa *"aa +duly' ,� +d into 'oat terry tory-ja rt'sore, %b" mile in addth alr4 "t .'t &411 of sae Lit w out to the ,present TGWU Umits of the Towaot W esti ake, Texas) BE XT OADADW d BOARD or fw Tug TOWN or W&STLAKE, . Ws ll►IT, the property hereinabove a described) being adjacent and contiguous to tl* Town Vitae of,Weetl , ;, be.. 40id is her by annexed And-b t ra#.th nthe a rp ►ram to "its of $ 'down a Is hereby =We an Integral part thereof. THATv US Viers amid inhabitants of the..s >k heroin tuna ed is entitled` to aid: of tip rWIti AM VrIvii st-'*V atbsr altiZeas and propetty 0~4 of t"d-To 14 .tv sit or the "toe and ordinances Made -is 66arom#y 'in .rull force mid effect and that which mW be rafter atdopUd- TH&T,, tkr+e ArtieUa" and boundaries or the TPIM Or W*Otlakre, T""* as r*t4r M ai a *d., be aW JA hotoby al m elided so as to Awlude tie ar+srae matioviod territory As part of the Town of Westlake, Te=*. or .mmee"'ahall beo c OrreeUVO- and'be ib full rbree and erroot' Ceram t"ter ,its paste 46d Approval ty thy: Sayor and duly attesU4 .by the Town teretsry.. AD&TXD this day Of JanuarY, A. RSM1957-i AVT :STI 0 tau TOO M W&STIAU* T COMM 1W TARS " Town 3eer�etae r 't►r the 'yawn of st Se s by #air ` t the` foregoing. it a. riru C i'r at..400,Y_ . 1i, du Y preik eutod roA sdaptoAt ) dby the Board of art bss as �o ,'�� v As sama Appears in the miuutsaidmectingo in Book No. . wrrjmu, a" CW THE OF WMLMp TSM0 this the qday of. Jimm ry, A. .9 195T . Town MaRtary 5 Upon motion duly made by Mr. George Harmon, Jr. and seconded by Mr. E. T. Dicker, the foregoing Ordinance No. 11 was unanimously adopted. There then came up the matter of retaining Mr. George P . Gleeson as counsel for the Town of Westlake. After a full discussion of the same and upon motion made by Mr. Dicker and seconded by Mr. Zwald, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: RESOLVED, that Mr. George P. Gleeson be retained as counsel for the Town of Westlake for a period of six (6) months commencing the 15th day of January, 1957, and to be paid a fee for his services of $100.00 per month during such period. The next matter to come before the meeting was consi- deration of fees to be paid the elected officers of the, Town of Westlake . Upon motion duly made by Mr. Dicker and seconded by Mr. Zwald, it was unanimously voted that the five aldermen, the mayor and the town marshall each be paid $1.00 per year for their services as elected officers of the Town of Westlake . Mr. Gleeson then stated that it would be advisable for the Board of Aldermen to elect a mayor pro-tem to serve in the absence, if any, of the elected mayor. Upon motion made by Mr. Zwald and seconded by Mr. Dicker, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: RESOLVED, that Mr. George Harmon, Jr. be, and he hereby is duly appointed Mayor pro-tem and shall be 56 vested with all the powers and shall perform all the duties of the Mayor of Westlake, Texas, in the absence or disability of Mr. E. E. Garrett, Mayor, unless or until the Board of Aldermen shall other- wise determine. There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was, upon motion duly made and seconded resolved to adjourn. c ng etre ary APPROVED: E. E. Garrett, Mayor Schooling Ben A. a d or on, Jr. r E. Dicker r H. P. T r her Aldermen 57 ---00000--- TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS ---00000--- ---00000--- MINUTES OF THE MEETINGS OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS ---00000--- ---00000--- INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS ON DECEMBER 27, 1956 ---00000--- RECORDED IN THE MINUTES OF COMMISSIONERS COURT TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS IN BOOK 46, Page 473