HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-05-10 BOT MinWESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES WORKSHOP & REGULAR MEETINGS April 5, 2010 PRESENT: President Laura Wheat and Trustees, Tim Brittan, Larry Corson, Carol Langdon, Rick Rennhack, and Rebecca Rollins. ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Chief Executive Officer Thomas Brymer, Attorney Janet Bubert, Secretary Kelly Edwards, Head of Secondary Mark Garcia, Head of Primary Jamie Schmitz, PYP Coordinator Terri Watson, DP Coordinator, Stacy Stoyanoff, Secondary Counselor Sonya Barron, Administrative Services Coordinator Ben Nibarger, Municipal Court Administrator Amanda DeGan and Director of Parks and Recreation and Facilities Troy Meyer. Workshop Session 1. CALL TO ORDER President Wheat called the workshop meeting to order at 4:37 p.m. 2. REVIEW OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS FROM APRIL 5, 2010, TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING AGENDA. Trustee Rennhack asked questions regarding the proposed Nepotism policy. Chief Executive Officer Brymer responded regarding the difficulties and possible issues that could arise in a small organization. BOT Minutes 04/05/10 Page 1 of 7 Is everything occurring appropriately? (ensuring that operationally inappropriate things are not occurring.) 3. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF BLOCK SCHEDULING. Chief Executive Officer Brymer and Academy Staff members presented the Block Schedule proposal, Option B. Chief Executive Officer Brymer provided background information and experiences while working with the academy and the variety of student's aptitudes and abilities while providing all students an opportunity to achieve success. Head of Secondary Garcia provided an overview model drawing for the current diploma process and current course offerings. Juniors currently have the option to select Economics and will be able to take Physics next year. If they could provide additional IB selections the students could chose their courses to pursue a higher level of instruction so they could move forward in more areas and personalize their electives. DP Coordinator Stoyanoff provided a breakdown of Option B and reviewed the suggested new MYP course offerings. Head of Secondary Garcia provided an overview of the mini TOK and breakdown of Option B suggested new DP course offerings and reviewed the new student on - boarding process that would include pre and post lottery information meetings with families. Administrative Services Coordinator Nibarger provided an overview of the financial considerations of 16 and 18 students per class. Discussion ensued regarding the options for Higher Level and Lower Level students integrating into the academy. Head of Primary Schmitz provided an explanation of the IB understanding that students learn at different levels and there is differentiation in the class room. Other secondary considerations were discussed such as recess, lunch, parking, and flag. Carol asked about including recess for lower grades. The lunch schedule would not change with the implementation of the block scheduling. Rebecca asked about Seniors leaving for lunch. Staff indicated that a 30 minute period would be tough for students to make it back on time. President Wheat asked if phasing in the classes would defer the new course offerings. Staff stated yes it would delay the course offerings. Discussion also ensued with Attorney Bubert if the school could legally identify deficiencies and set forth a plan for remedial work, if there could be a contingency requirement for admission and the enforcement ability of the parent student contract signed prior to enrolling into the school. BOT Minutes 04/05/10 Page 2 of 7 Trustee Corson asked if Staff could create an Option C . The Board would like to review a scenario that would allow the addition of 5 teachers and phasing in students as if there were no financial restrictions. Chief Executive Officer Brymer stated it could be prepared by the next meeting. President Wheat thanked staff for all the efforts regarding the proposed Block Scheduling. 4. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Board, President Wheat adjourned the workshop at 7:25 p.m. Regular Session 1. CALL TO ORDER President Wheat called the Regular meeting to order at 7:50 p.m. with all Trustees present. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE President Wheat led the pledge of allegiance to the United States and Texas flags. 3. CITIZENS' PRESENTATIONS AND RECOGNITIONS: Becky Rodgers, 1730 J.T. Ottinger Road, Westlake addressed the Board regarding suggestions to increase the quality of food offered by the cafeteria and possibly adding cold and hot service would help alleviate the long line providing more time for students to eat their lunches. Karen Osborne, 1803 Millstream Ct., Westlake addressed the Board regarding how the students compare academically to other ISDs and if adding additional students would be lowering the academic bar. Ange Bumgarner, 1700 Imperial Springs, addressed the Board regarding the pursuit of increasing the number of students in the upper grades. She feels there are issues regarding overcrowding and that should be resolved before hiring more teachers and asked the Board consider the original idea of Westlake Academy was the IB and small class sizes. Marla Goode, 1405 Lizzy Ct., Keller, addressed the Board regarding the addition of Block Scheduling for the fall schedule. BOT Minutes 04/05/10 Page 3of7 Julie Timmerman,5925 Mahotea Boone Trail, Westlake, addressed the Board regarding the addition of increasing the class sizes and to bringing on all of the new students at on -board at once. Debra Ziegler, 14000 Allen Trail, Roanoke, addressed the Board regarding Block Scheduling and the addition of an entire class per grade for next year. 4. CONSENT AGENDA a. Consider approval of the Board of Trustees meeting held on March 1, 2010. b. Consideration of Resolution 10-02, Approving a Nepotism policy. c. Consideration of Resolution 10-03, Approving a new 403(b) administrator through the Region XI Benefits Cooperative. d. Consideration of Resolution 10-04, Adopting a policy relative to the use of academy facilities for non -school affiliate groups. e. Consideration of Resolution 10-05, Adopting of the Primary Assessment and Reporting Policy. f. Consideration of Resolution 10-06, Authorizing the CEO of Westlake Academy to enter into an agreement with Parker School Uniforms as the Academy's preferred vendor for shoes. Trustee Rennhack asked items a and b be removed for discussion. Trustee Corson asked item f be removed for discussion. MOTION: Trustee Brittan made a motion to approve items c, d and e of the consent agenda. Trustee Corson seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. MOTION: Trustee Brittan made a motion to approve the item a amending the minutes as discussed. Trustee Langdon seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. MOTION: Trustee Rennhack made a motion to approve item a of the consent agenda. Trustee Rollins seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. Discussion ensued regarding the policy and the effects of hiring relatives could have on a small organization. MOTION: Trustee Brittan made a motion to approve item b of the consent agenda. Trustee Rollins seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 3- 2. Trustees Corson and Rennhack voted in opposition. MOTION: Trustee Corson made a motion to approve item f of the consent agenda adding language that families are not required to purchase uniforms from Parker Uniform. Trustee Langdon seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. BOT Minutes 04/05/10 Page 4of7 5. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF INFORMATION REGARDING THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY SENIOR CLASS OF 2010. Head of Secondary Garcia, DP Coordinator Stoyanoff, and Secondary Counselor Barron provided and update on the graduation ceremony, the number of graduates and colleges they will be attending. Counselor Barron provided a College application update showing that 100% of the Senior Class has been accepted to at least one college and collectively the class has been offered over $2,300.000 in scholarship monies. DP Coordinator Stoyanoff provided an overview of the Senior Class stating 21 of the 24 seniors will be sitting for all of the IB exams and faculty predicted 71% of the students will pass the IB exams. He also mentioned that the month of April is designed for students to study for the IB exams and scores would be available for viewing in July. 6. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION 10-07, ADOPTING THE 2010-2011 SCHOOL CALENDAR. Chief Executive Officer Brymer asked that this item be removed to be reviewed again with staff and the faculty. MOTION: No Action 7. DISCUSSION OF THE QUARTERLY FINANCIAL DASHBOARD REPORT FOR THE QUARTER ENDED FEBRUARY 28, 2010. Chief Executive Officer Brymer provided an overview of the dashboard. 8. CONSIDERATION RESOLUTION 10-08, ADOPTING A FIVE (5) YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN FOR WESTLAKE ACADEMY. Court Administrator DeGan provided a presentation and overview of the revisions made to the plan. Discussion ensued regarding the timeline of implementation, presenting updates to the board, times to review the complete plan, adding additional benchmarking opportunities and financial feasibility information. MOTION: No Action 9. DISCUSSION OF BOARD OF TRUSTEE GOVERNANCE AS ILLUSTRATED IN DR. BRIAN CARPENTER'S AN INTRODUCTION TO EFFECTIVE CHARTER SCHOOL GOVERNANCE, CHAPTERS 1-2. BOT Minutes 04/05/10 Page 5of7 10. BOARD CALENDAR - Bandana Bonanza May 1, 2010 - Election Day May 8, 2010 - Board Meeting May 10, 2010 - New Board Trustee/Council orientation May 12, 2010 - Texas Charter Schools Association Conference May 12-14, 2010 - Westlake Academy Graduation May 23, 2010 - Decoration Day May 31, 2010 - Board Meeting June 7, 2010 - Board Budget Retreat — Off Site June 18, 2010 (Friday 9:00 — 1:00) - Board Meeting (adoption of budget) August 16, 2010 11. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Rick Rennhack Home Schooled children participating in WA sports. MOTION: Trustee Brittan agreed to place the item on a future agenda. Carol Langdon A student parking lot with student only access off of Ottinger Road. MOTION: Trustee Corson agreed to place the item on a future agenda. BOT Minutes 04/05/10 Page 6 of 7 12. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Board, President Wheat asked for a motion to adjourn. MOTION: Trustee Rennhack made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Rollins seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. President Wheat adjourned the meeting at 10:15 p.m. APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ON MAY 10, 2010. ATTEST: 4yi4aln& Kelly ,Edwards, Board Secretary ''6,�= 44e-� - Laura Wheat, Board President BOT Minutes 04/05/10 Page 7of7