HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-03-09 BOT MinMINUTES OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES WORKSHOP August 3, 2009 PRESENT. President Laura Wheat and Trustees Tim Brittan, Rick Rennhack, and Rebecca Rollins, ABSENT: Trustees Carol Langdon and Larry Corson. OTHERS PRESENT: Chief Executive Officer Thomas Brymer, Legal Counsel Janet Bubert, Secretary Kim Sutter, Finance Director Debbie Piper, Assistant to the Town Manager Ginger ANvtry, Facilities and Recreation Director Troy Meyer, Head of Secondary Mark Garcia. Head of Primary Jamie Schmitz, Administrative Coordinator Darcy MacFarlane, Director of Human Resources and Administrative Services Todd Wood, Municipal Court Administrator Amanda DeGan, and Management Intern Ben Nibarger. 1. CALL TO ORDER. President Wheat called the workshop to order at 3:26p.m. 2. REVIEW OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS FROM AUGUST 3, 2009, TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING AGENDA. President Wheat introduced the item and opened the floor for questions related to the consent agenda items from the August 3 2009, regular meeting agenda. There were no questions regarding the consent agenda items. 3. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF THE FV 09-10 PROPOSET ACADEMIC SERVICES BUDGET FOR WESTLAKE ACADEMY. I Town Manager Brymer addressed the Board regarding the item. Mr. Brymer advised the Board that staff is working toward moving toward a program based budget format. Westlake Academy Board of Trustes Workshop Meeting Minutes August 3, 2009 1 us-mmm CEO Brynner reviewed the budget transmittal letter and presented the proposed FY 2009-2010 009-2010 budget to the Board. Mr. Brymer reviewed the challenges and opportunities for the upcoming year as he sees them, estimated revenues. expenditures, and other uses. Mr. Brym I er added that the projected ending fund balance is projected to be $5 19,308/45 operating days. Mr. Brymer advised that student enrollment for the 2009-2010 school year ;.s 473 compared to 417 for school year 2008-2009. Mr. Brymer added that the projected enrollment is based on class sizes of I to 18 and I to 19. CEO Brymer advised the Board that answers to questions that cannot be addressed during the workshop will be recorded and distributed to the Board as soor. as possible. Discussion ensued regarding the average cost per student to offer the JB Curriculum, the current organizational structure, IB test registration fees, cost per student with debt service, and IB training for staff. I I 111 110, 1 !1 ilk 111 1 1 1 Management Intern Ben Nibarger responded that the cost per student for Charter schools that he has researched does include debt service payments. President Wheat recommended that the annual debt service payment be included in the cost per student. personnel., training, and new operating costs associated with the Arts and Sciences 0 Center. Trustee Rennhack requested a report outlining Town employee cost/time allocations attributed to the school. It was the consensus of the Board to pernift staff to advertise for one additional IT position. Trustee Rennhack requested budget numbers for the Westlake Academy Athletic Club and the Westlake Academy House of Commons be included in the budget in the future. CEO Brymer advised the Board that a special meeting will be held to adopt the FY 200912010 Academic Services budget. Z- 4. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION REGARDING THE RESULTS OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY PARENT SURVEY. Ms. Karen Falk, representing ETC, Inc. reviewed the results of the Westlake Academy parent sur vey conducted by ETC, Inc. in May 2009. Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Page 3 of 5 Workshop Meeting Minutes August 3, 2009 In summary, Ms. Falk provided the following findings: Overall, Westlake Academy is doing a very good job of providing a quality learning facility. • Areas of Greatest Satisfaction • IB Curriculum • The maintenance of the campus ■ The suitability of the facility for learning ■ Opportunities for parental involvement • Areas of Least Satisfaction • The school lunch program • The extracurricular programs • College preparation process • Areas of Greatest Importance to the Parents, based on the importance Satisfaction Analysis: • Teachers and faculty • College preparation process in Academic progress of their child Ms. Falk addressed questions from the Board regarding the results of the survey. 5. REVIEW AND DISCUSS BOARD OF TRUSTEE POLICIES AND THIMI PARENT/STUDENT HANDBOOK FOR 2009 — 2010 ACADEMIC YEAR. Municipal Court Administrator DeGan reviewed the proposed Board of Trustees policies, and addressed. questions from the Board regarding the policies. The following proposed policies were presented and reviewed by the Board: • Truancy • Access to Student Records ■ Discrimination Policy ■ Student Drivers on Campus ■ Closed Campus Status ■ Questions and Complaints ■ Attendance Requirements and Expectations • Distribution of Prescription and Over-the-counter Medications • Uniforms • Code of Conduct ■ Discipline ■ Bullying ■ Drugs and Alcohol Policy Discussion ensued regarding truancy 1 attendance, and discipline. 7orkshop Meefin�g Mitumtes A Ugu ugust 3, 2009 UMM Director of Human Resources and Administrative Services Wood addressed the Board regarding the Disposal of Surplus Property policy. CEO Brymer advised the Board that an item has been included on the August 3, 2009, regular meeting agenda for consideration and approval; of the proposed policies. Trustee Brittan suggested the formation of a conunittee to the review and recommend amendments to the Charter • President Wheat stated that a Charter review is imperative to bring the Charter up to date and accurately reflect the practices in place today. Legal Counsel Bubert stated that she spoke with the TEA regarding their preferences for Charter amendments. Ms. Bubert advised that the TEA does not have a preference with regard to submitting Charter amendments or submitting a new Charter document. She added that the TEA is more concerned with substantive and non -substantive changes. Discussion ensued with regard as to how to proceed with regard to amendment/resubmitting the Charter to the Texas Education Agency (TEA). CEO Brymer recommended the Board consider the passage of a resolution appointing and establishing the size and composition for a Charter Review Committee. Mr. Brymer added that the Committee should be provided specific areas of the Charter for consideration of revisions. • Wheat directed Legal Counsel Bubert to review the section regarding advisory board representation to the Board. 7. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS. There were no items submitted for consideration. There being no further business before the Board, President Wheat adjourned the work -shop at 7:16 p.m. Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Page 5 of 5 Workshop Meeting Minutes August 3, 2009 Laura Wheat, President , To-vSecretary MINUTES OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY August 3, 2009 PRESENT: President Laura Wheat and Trustees Tim Brittan, Rick Rennhack, and Rebecca Rollins. OTHERS PRESENT: Chief Executive Officer Thomas Brymer, Legal Counsel Janet Bubert, Secretary Kim Sutter, Finance Director Debbie Piper, Assistant to the Town Manager Ginger Awtry, Facilities and Recreation Director Troy Meyer, Head of Secondary Mark Garcia, Head of Primary Jamie Schmitz, Administrative Coordinator Darcy McFarlane, Director of Hunian Resources and Administrative Services Todd Wood, Municipal Court ,Administrator Amanda DeGan, and Management Intern Ben Nibarger. President Wheat called the meeting to order at 7:37 p.m. Irlisr 111!1111111111!11 eliell!''linj 1111• OLUMN '110VAML a. Review and approve minutes of the School Board of Trustees workshop and regular meeting held on June 1, 2009. Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Page 2 of 4 Regular Meeting Minutes August 3, 2009 b. Review and approve minutes of the School Board. of Trustees Governance Retreat held on July 2, 2009. C. Review and, approve minutes of the School Board of Trustees special meeting held on July 14, 2009. d. Resolution No. 09-11 - Consider a Resolution approving amendments to tf-3 Board of Trustees Westlake Academy Proof of Residency Policy No. 09-(U," related to residential leases, 11 e. Resolution No. 09-1.2 - Consider a Resolution approving an amendment the Board of Trustees Westlake Academy Admissions Policy related length of service of faculty. I Resolution No. 09-13 - Consider a Resolution approving changes to t1i Westlake Academy Persom-iel Manual. MOTION: Trustee Rollins made a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented. Trustee Britian seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 3-0. ��XWU 13 11M I USLI X1%TJ UN WN H U)IM N 2 OR 10 1 It I 1'JkU DRI V W-1 24 WXWER 1101 CEO Brymer stated that the FY09- 10 budget includes projected revenues of $4,156,170, and projected expenditures of $4,056,468. There being no on requesting to speak-, President Wheat closed the public hearing. 6. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION ADOPTING ADDITIONAL TRUSTEE" POLICIES FOR WESTLAKE ACADEMY COVERING THE FOLLOWIN TOPICS: I President Wheat introduced the item and announced that the Board reviewed and discussed the policies during the August 3, 2009, workshop. a. Truancy b. Access to Student Records c. Discrimination Policy d. Student Drivers on Campus e. Closed Campus Status Regular Meeting Mi August 3, 2009 f Questions and Complaints g. Disposal of Surplus Property h. Attendance Requirements and Expectations i. Distribution of Prescription and Over-the-counter Medications j. Uniforms k. Code of Conduct 1. Discipline m. Bullying n. Drugs and Alcohol Policy MOTION: Trustee Rennhack made a motion to approve Resolution No. 09-14, adopting additional Trustees policies for Westlake Acad,=y. TTustee Brittan seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 7. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS. There were no items submitted for consideration. r tsllllff��M NO 111.3 Back to School Night o Thursday. August 20, 4-6 p.m. First day of School o August 24, 2009 Sam and Margaret Lee Arts & Sciences Center dedication o Friday, August 28, 2009, 8 a.m. Vaquero Baja (fundraiser for the Academy) o September 14,2009,330 p.m., Vaquero Westlake Academy Gallery Night event o February 26.2010 Westlake Academy Graduation o May 23,2010 CEO Brymer announced that the Board of Trustees will host a faculty appreciation break -fast and convocation on August 21, 2009, at the Academy campus. There being no further business before the Board, President Wheat asked for a motion to adjourn. MOTION: Trustee Rennhack made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Rollins seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Page 4 of 4 Regular Meeting Minutes August 3, 2009 President Wheat adjourned the meeting at 7:44 p.m. LI Sutter,'FRMC, Town Secretary T Laura Wheat. President