HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-09-09 BOT MinMINUTES OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING February 9, 2009 PRESENT: President Laura Wheat and Trustees Tim Brittan (left at 7:10 p.m. due to a family emergency), Larry Corson, Carol Langdon, Don Redding, and Rebecca Rollins. ABSENT: None. OTHERS PRESENT: Chief Executive Officer Thomas Brymer, Head of School Mark Rosevear, School Attorney Stan Lowry, Secretary Kim Sutter, Administrative Coordinator Darcy MacFarlane, Public Works Superintendent Jarrod Greenwood, and Finance Director Debbie Piper. 1. CALL TO ORDER. President Wheat called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. President Wheat led the pledge of allegiance to the United States and Texas flags. 3. CITIZENS' PRESENTATIONS. Mrs. Beth Bonham, 1818 Broken Bend Drive, Westlake, addressed the Board regarding the proposed field trip policy, specifically regarding the number of field trips per year, chaperones for overnight field trips, and the ratio of one teacher to 10 students. Mrs. Melissa Sircar, 804 Timber Lake Circle, Southlake, addressed the Board regarding the proposed field trip policy, specifically the chaperone/student ratio, excluding parents from participating in field trips, overnight trips, policy for students who utilize alternate transportation, and consequences for parents who do not comply with the policy. Ms. Sircar requested the item be tabled until the concerns raised by the parents can be addressed. Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Page 2 of 4 Regular Meeting Agenda February 9, 2009 Mayor Wheat read letters regarding the proposed field trip policy submitted by: - Lizann Cundall, 2811 Manchester Lane, Grapevine - Ann Dunlap, 800 Victoria, Southlake 4. CONSENT AGENDA. Mayor Wheat introduced the consent agenda and asked for a motion. a. Review and approve minutes of the School Board of Trustees regular meeting held on January 12, 2009. MOTION: Trustee Redding made a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented. Trustee Corson seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. 5. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A POLICY REGARDING THE WRITING, AMENDING AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE PARENT/STUDENT HANDBOOK. (Tabled at the January 12, 2009, meeting). CEO Brymer presented the item to the Board. Mr. Brymer added that the policy would charge the Academy staff with identifying and making amendments to the handbook as needed. MOTION: Trustee Redding made a motion to approve Resolution No. 09-04, adopting a policy regarding the writing, amending, and distribution of the parent/student handbook. Trustee Brittan seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. 6. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SUPERINTENDENT OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH THE REGION XI EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER TO JOIN IN A MULTI- REGIONAL PURCHASING COOPERATIVE (MRPC). HOS Rosevear presented the item to the Board, and added that the agreement permits Westlake Academy to purchase supplies at discounted prices. MOTION: Trustee Corson made a motion to approve Resolution No. 09-05, authorizing the Superintendent of Westlake Academy to enter into a contract with the Region XI Service Center to join in a multi-regional purchasing cooperative. Trustee Langdon seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. 7. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A POLICY REGARDING THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR PERSONNEL DECISIONS. CEO Brymer presented the item to the Board and stated that the policy is consistent with today's practices and as well as TEA guidelines. Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Agenda February 9, 2009 Page 3 of 4 CEO Brymer addressed questions from the Board regarding the policy, specifically regarding the salary scale and the selection process of new personnel. Trustee Corson suggested the policy be revised to clarify the Board's role in setting compensation and the selection process for the hiring of section heads. In response to Trustee Corson's suggestion, Town Manager Brymer recommended the following changes to the policy: 1) Add c.) All compensation will be in accordance with the Board approved salary scales and establishment of new positions shall be approved by the Board. 2) Add d.) The Board shall have input into the process utilized for the selection of section head positions. President Wheat suggested language be added to item b) to qualify the word `qualifications' to include qualifications as identified by the Board. Town Manager Brymer suggested inserting language to further define qualification as those established by the Board. MOTION: Trustee Corson made a motion to approve Resolution 09-06, adopting a policy regarding the responsibility for personnel decisions with the changes 1) add c.) All compensation will be in accordance with Board approved teacher salary scales and establishment of new positions shall be approved by the Board, 2.) add d.) The Board shall have input into the process utilized for the selection of section head positions; 3.) Insert (Excepting those that may be established by the Board) following the word qualifications under Policy Description (b). Trustee Redding seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0 (Trustee Brittan was not present for the vote). 8. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A POLICY ESTABLISHING BOARD PARAMETERS FOR SCHOOL SANCTIONED TRIPS. CEO Brymer presented the item to the Board, and stated that the policy is intended to create the framework for the Board's endorsement of field trips to pursue, promote and enhance IB learning goals for Academy students as well as sets out the parameters by which trips will be conducted. Board discussion ensued regarding the need for parent input regarding the policy. HOS Rosevear recommended teacher input be sought as well. MOTION: Trustee Rollins made a motion to table consideration of the item pending discussion at a future workshop. Trustee Langdon seconded the motion. Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Agenda February 9, 2009 Page 4 of 4 The motion carried by a vote of 4-0 (Trustee Brittan was not present for the vote). 9. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS. No items were presented for consideration. 10. BOARD CALENDAR. Mayor Wheat reviewed the Board calendar. - 2009 Westlake Academy Foundation Gallery Night, An Evening at the Louvre o Friday, February 20, 2009; 7:00 prn —11:00 pm at the Marriott Solana Hotel - TEA Charter School Orientation Session I o February 23-25, 2009; Austin - 12th Annual Charter School Conference o April 13- 15th, 2009; San Antonio Marriott Rivercenter Hotel - TEA Charter School Orientation Session II o May 4-6, 2009; Austin 11. ADJOURNMENT. There being no further business before the Board, President Wheat asked for a motion to adjourn. MOTION: Trustee Rollins made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Langdon seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0 (Trustee Brittan was not present for the vote). President Wheat adjourned the meeting at 7:23 p.m. APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ON MARCH 9, 2009. Laura Wheat, President ATTES Kim,Sutter, TRMC, Town Secretary