HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-24-07 BOT MinMINUTES OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES SPECIAL MEETING September 24, 2007 PRESENT: President Scott Bradley and Board Trustees Larry Corson, April Gallagher, Don Redding, Pete Steger, and Bob Timmerman. ABSENT: None. OTHERS PRESENT: Head of School Barbara Brizuela, Board of Trustees Attorney Robert Schulman, Secretary Kim Sutter. 1. CALL TO ORDER. President Bradley called the meeting to order at 4:34 p.m. 1. EXECUTIVE SESSION. President Bradley recessed the regular session of the Town of Westlake Board of Trustees meeting at 4:34 p.m. so that the Board might consider the following in executive session. A. The Board will conduct a closed session under Texas Government Code section 551.071 to seek advice of counsel on legal matters involving pending or contemplated litigation, settlement offers, or other legal matters not related directly to litigation or settlement. President Bradley convened the executive session with the Board's attorney at 4:36 p.m. The executive session adjourned at 5:34 p.m. The Board reconvened into regular session at 5:35 p.m. 2. UPDATE ON TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY (TEA) BOUNDARY ISSUE. Mr. Robert Schulman, education legal counsel for Westlake Academy, addressed the audience regarding the boundary issue. Mr. Schulman advised that the school is in a dispute with the Texas Education Agency (TEA) relative to a preliminary audit report, Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Special Meeting September 24, 2007 Page 2 of 2 and as to whether the Agency has the legal right to make a demand for repayment of funds. Mr. Schulman advised that he is working with the TEA to resolve the dispute. 3. CONSIDER HIRING A CONSULTANT TO PERFORM EXIT INTERVIEWS WITH FACULTY, STAFF, AND STUDENT FAMILIES. President Bradley introduced the item and asked for the Board's input regarding the item. Trustee Gallagher expressed her support to proceed with hiring a consultant to conduct exit interviews, specifically in instances where Westlake families have chosen to leave the school, but remain in the Town. Trustee Corson expressed his disappointment with the data collected by the previous consultant and stated that he was not able to draw any conclusions from the report. Mr. Corson added that he felt a statistical analysis was missing from the previous report. Discussion ensued with regard to the need to identify the specific questions to be asked by a consultant in an attempt to determine if the Academy is meeting the goals of the Board. George Ledak, 1220 Mount Gilead, Keller, addressed the Board regarding the item, and encouraged the Board to review how other educational institutions conduct the process. Rebecca Rollins, 13239 Roanoke Road, spoke in support of the item and stated that she feels it is important to understand the reasons why families choose to leave the Academy. President Bradley suggested the Board submit names of companies and/or consultants to conduct the interviews to the Head of School or the Town Manager. President Bradley advised that the Board will receive proposals over the next two weeks, and consider meeting with the selected parry to identify areas or goals to be measured as well as questions that are directed toward those goals. 4. ADJOURNMENT. There being no further business, President Bradley adjourn the meeting at 5:59 p.m. Westlake Academy Board of Trustees Special Meeting September 24, 2007 APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN ON OCTOBER 22, 2007. Scott Bradley, Mayor AT;sL- KimAutter, TRMC, Town Secretary Page 3 of 3