HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-25-07 BOT MinMINUTES OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES WORKSHOP JUNE 25, 2007 PRESENT: President Scott Bradley and Trustees Larry Corson, April Gallagher Don Redding, and Bob Timmerman. ABSENT: Trustee Pete Steger. OTHERS PRESENT: Head of School Barbara Brizuela, Secretary Kim Sutter, Town Manager Trent Petty, Finance Director Debbie Piper, Human Resources Manager Todd Wood, Facilities and Recreation Director Troy Meyer. 1. CALL TO ORDER. President Scott Bradley called the workshop to order at 4:06 p.m. 2. PRELIMINARY BUDGET DISCUSSION. Teacher Salaries President Bradley introduced the item and advised that, according to a recent newspaper article, local school districts are increasing teacher salaries for the upcoming school year, and advised that Westlake Academy's objective is to maintain salaries within three percent of area averages. Head of School Brizuela presented the Board with the following salary information regarding first year teachers in the area: District First Year Starting Salary with Bachelors Degree % increase over last year Westlake Academy $41,636 / Current current Northwest ISD* $46,322 / 2007-08 3% Board of Trustees Workshop June 25, 2007 Page 2 of 4 Birdville ISD $46,000 / 2007-08 4% H -E -B ISD $46,000 / 2007-08 4% Tnignest to the Mate Discussion ensued with regard to whether teacher stipends should be a consideration in salary comparisons. Human Resources Manager Wood stated that salary surveys are based on base pay. Trustee Corson expressed his support for the international teacher stipend; however, he stated that stipends should be considered from a compensation standpoint. Head of School Brizuela added that international teachers receiving a stipend are required to give something back to the school through service. Trustee Timmerman recommended that a dollar value be assigned for extra duties given to international teachers as to lower the overall amount of stipend. Human Resources Manager Wood advised that each year, staff conducts an extensive evaluation process for both the Town and the Academy to ensure that the overall benefit packages are competitive within their respective industry. Health Care Coverage President Bradley advised that the Board should address the disparity, if existent, between health coverage for Town employees and Academy employees. Town Manager Petty stated that he feels there is not an issue of disparity between the heath coverage offered to Town employees and Academy personnel. Head of School Brizuela advised that Academy employees are eligible for health coverage through Active Care at one of three levels. Human Resources Manager Todd Wood presented the Board with information relative to the current health insurance coverage, and explained the process for evaluating coverage for the Academy and Town personnel. Mr. Wood advised that the health coverage for the Academy is compared against health coverage options from surrounding school districts and the Town's coverage is compared against the coverage offered by surrounding cities. Mr. Wood advised the Board that 55 districts compose Region 11, and of those 55 districts, 48 participate in the State's program — Active Care. Mr. Wood further advised that employer contributions begin at $255 to a little over $300 per month, and Westlake contributes a higher premium than 34 of the 55 districts. Board of Trustees Workshop June 25, 2007 Page 3 of 4 Head of School Brizuela presented the Board with information from International Schools Employee Benefits plan (ISEBP) and proposed the idea of offering secondary health coverage. Trustee Corson stated that as long as it is not in violation of the current program, he supports pursuing the option for secondary health coverage. Fund Balance Head of School Brizuela advised the Board that the current year fund balance of 51 days will not be achievable in the 2007-2008 school year as the following new positions have been added: a PYP Principal, part-time High School Counselor, and the equivalent of two and one-half (2 1/2) teachers. Mrs. Brizuela advised that the per -capita student funding amount does not apply to the positions of the PYP Principal and the part-time High School Counselor. As follow-up to budget discussions last August, Trustee Corson inquired as to the salary allocation of Town employees as it relates to the true cost to run the school. Town Manager Petty advised that the salary allocations are not reflected as a line item in the school's budget and that work logs are being kept by the Town employees to illustrate a much clearer picture of the time and cost allocations associated with the Academy. Trustee Corson expressed his desire to understand the true cost to run the school. Head of School Brizuela advised that a line item budget will be presented to the Board in August. 3. DISCUSS ADJUSTMENT TO THE SECONDARY GEOGRAPHICAL BOUNDARIES FOR THE ACADEMY AND RETENTION OF STUDENTS PENDING TEA APPROVAL THEREOF. President Bradley introduced the item and advised that when the Academy first opened a number of students enrolled who did not reside within the secondary geographical boundaries. The finding was self-reported to the Texas Education Agency and the Academy was advised, via a letter received on February 6, 2007, that an amendment could be submitted requesting a change to the secondary geographical boundaries. Mr. Bradley advised that the deadline to submit the amendment for the 2007-2008 school year was February 1, 2007, and a request to waive the deadline was subsequently denied by the TEA. President Bradley advised that the number of affected students has decreased from 10 to five (5), and that the TEA has ruled that the students can remain at the school; however, funding for the students may be withheld. Head of School Brizuela advised that the cost associated with allowing the students to remain at the school is estimated to be $6,057.87 per student/year. She further advised Board of Trustees Workshop June 25, 2007 Page 4 of 4 that the school might be required to reimburse the state funding provided for the last six weeks of the 2006-2007 school year. Trustee Redding inquired as to amount of potential exposure and the anticipated legal cost. Head of School Brizuela advised that the budget includes $15,000 for legal cost each year, and the potential exposure is $30,000 for the upcoming school year (5 students at $6,057.87 per year). As part of the budget process, Trustee Corson requested information be provided to the Board with regard to the distribution of students by residency as he feels it will provide a sense of the areas where the students reside. Trustee Timmerman inquired as to how the budget shortfall would be handled. Head of School Brizuela replied that she believes that donations will be made to the Westlake Academy Foundation in the name of the children. Trustee Corson asked if Mr. Schulman would be hired for only this particular issue or if he will also be consulted on other matters. President Bradley responded that Mr. Schulman would be contacted regarding other educational related matters as they may arise. A resolution has been included on the June 25, 2007, Board of Trustees meeting regarding this item. 4. ADJOURNMENT. There being no further business before the Board, President Bradley declared the workshop adjourned at 6:08 pm. APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ON AUGUST 27, 2007. Scott Bradley, resident ATTEST: im S tter, TRMC, Secretary MINUTES OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES SPECIAL MEETING JUNE 259 2007 PRESENT: President Scott Bradley and Board Trustees Larry Corson, April Gallagher, Don Redding, and Bob Timmerman. ABSENT: Alderman Pete Steger. OTHERS PRESENT: Head of School Barbara Brizuela, Town Manager Trent Petty, Town Secretary Kim Sutter, Finance Manager Debbie Piper, Facilities and Recreation Director Troy Meyer. 1. CALL TO ORDER. President Bradley called the meeting to order at 6:23 p.m. 2. CITIZENS' PRESENTATIONS. There was no one present wishing to address the Board. 3. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE RETENTION OF CURRENT STUDENTS WHO WERE ACCEPTED IN THE PAST BUT WHO RESIDE OUTSIDE THE CURRENT SECONDARY GEOGRAPHIC BOUNDARY ESTABLISHED BY THE ORIGINAL CHARTER; AND THE RETENTION OF ROBERT A. SCHULMAN OF THE LAW FIRM OF FELDMAN AND ROGERS TO REPRESENT THE ACADEMY IN MATTERS RELATING TO THE EDUCATION CODE. President Bradley introduced the item as asked for a motion. MOTION: Trustee Corson made a motion to approve Resolution No. 07-08, authorizing the retention of current students who were accepted in the past but who reside outside the current secondary geographic boundary established by the original charter, and authorize the retention of Robert A. Schulman of the law firm of Feldman and Rogers to represent the Academy in matter relating to the Education Code. Trustee Gallagher seconded the motion. Westlake Academy Trustees Special Meeting June 25, 2007 Page 2 of 2 Trustee Corson inquired if the Texas Education Authority has taken the position that the students cannot remain at the school. President Bradley advised that the original position of the TEA was that the students must leave the school immediately. Mr. Bradley further advised that the TEA revised their position to allow the students to remain until the end of the school year and subsequently to allow the students to remain at the school with the possibility that the Academy will not receive funding for the students. Head of School Brizuela advised that an amendment request will be filed with the TEA prior to the February 1, 2008, deadline for the 2008-2009 school year. Trustee Corson inquired if timing of the amendment would jeopardize the argument for funding. President Bradley responded that the TEA denial was with regard to waiving the deadline for submission and not denial of the amendment request. Trustee Timmerman stated that the proposed draft letter to the TEA addresses the student waiting list for the Academy and inquired if this implies that some type of judgment has been made by the TEA to the amendment in general. President Bradley stated that Mr. Schulman does not feel this is the case. VOTE ON MOTION: The motion carried by a vote of 4-0. 4. ADJOURNMENT. There being no further business, President Bradley adjourned the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 6:34 p.m. APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN ON AUGUST 27, 2007. Scott Bradley, resident ATTES i Sutter, TRMC, Town Secretary