HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-14-07 BOT MinMINUTES OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES WORKSHOP May 14, 2007 PRESENT: President Scott Bradley and Trustees Larry Corson, Fred Held, Don Redding, and Bob Timmerman. ABSENT: Trustee Buddy Brown. OTHERS PRESENT: Head of School B,rrbara Brizuela, Secretary Kim Sutter, DPS Director Don Wilso,i, Facilities and Recreation Director Troy Meyer, Public Works Superintendent Jarrod Greenwood, Court Administrator Amanda DeGan, and P.E. Teachers Mireida Rubayo and Juan Carlos Herrera. 1. CALL TO ORDER. President Scott Bradley called the workshop to order at 5:20 p.m. 2. DISCUSS RESULTS OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY SPORTS SURVEY. Head of School Brizuela advised that a Task Force composed of the following individuals met and discussed the goals and objectives of the sports prograrn at Westlake Academy and the possibility of offering additional sports: Sports Task Force: Head of School Barbara Brizuela, Administrative Assistant Darcy McFarlane, P.E. Teachers Mireida Rubayo and Juan Carlos Herrera, and Westlake Academy parents Mike Garabedian, Wade Hundley, Kevin Maynard, David Rollins, Chris Tucker and Laura Wheat. Head of School Brizuela advised that the Task Force reviewed the feasibility of offering additional sports and input was sought from parents to determine the level of interest for each sport. Board of Trustees Workshop Page 2 of 2 May 14, 2007 Head of School Brizuela advised the Board that the recommendation of the Task Force is to offer the following additional sports for the upcoming school year: - Tennis — Boys and Girls - PYP Golf — Boys and Girls - Baseball - Boys - Six -man Football — Boys An item has been included on the May 14, 2007, Board of Trustees meeting agenda for consideration of a Resolution authorizing the additional sports offerings to the Academy's sports program. 3. ADJOURNMENT. There being no further business before the Board, President Bradley declared the workshop adjourned at 5:53 pm. APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ON JUNE 11, 2007. Scott Bradl , President ATTEST: Ki Sutter, TRMC, Secretary MINUTES OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING May 14, 2007 PRESENT: President Scott Bradley and Board Trustees Buddy Brown (arrived at 6:51 p.m.), Larry Corson, Fred Held, Don Redding, and Bob Timmerman. ABSENT: None. OTHERS PRESENT: Head of School Barbara Brizuela and Secretary Kim Sutter. 1. CALL TO ORDER. President Bradley called the meeting to order at 6:15 p.m. 2. CITIZENS' PRESENTATIONS. Margaret Ledak, 1220 Mount Gilead, Keller, addressed the Board regarding her duty as the government reporter for the Black Cow. Ms. Ledak expressed her appreciation to the Board for their openness and support during her tenure, and advised that this could be her last meeting to report on as there is a possibility she will assume a new assignment in the upcoming year. Mayor Bradley complimented Ms. Ledak for the attention she has shown as the government reporter for the Black Cow. Rebecca Rollins, 13239 Roanoke Road, addressed the Board regarding a Dancing Classrooms program that was recently piloted in the area and requested the Board consider such a program at Westlake Academy. 3. PRESENTATION BY JUNIOR HISTORIANS REGARDING THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE HISTORICAL SOCIETY TIME CAPSULE. Bailey Cockrum, 1825 Broken Bend Road, updated the Board of the activities of the Junior Historians and their involvement in creating and gathering items to be placed in - the time capsule in recognition of the Town's 50` Anniversary. She advised that the Westlake Academy Trustees Regular Meeting May 14, 2007 Page 2 of 3 items will include photographs, drawings, and an autographed sports jersey signed by the coaches and players of the Academy. 4. PRESENTATION BY EDITORS OF BLACK COW REGARDING UIL AWARDS. Brooke Awtry, 609 Morning Glory Lane, Bedford; Taylor Jolissaint, 1809 Broken Bend Drive, Westlake; and Corey Timmerman, 1804 Millstream Court, Westlake, advised the Board of the results of the recent UIL Journalism Awards presented in recognition of the Black Cow, the student produced Westlake Academy newsletter. The students advised the Board that the publication and many of the student participants shared in a total of 28 awards. 5. PRESENTATION BY WESTLAKE ACADEMY STUDENTS REGARDING MEXICO EXCHANGE TRIP. Academy Teacher Liz Bowie read excerpts from the journals of the students who participated in the Mexico exchange trip May 1 through May 5, 2007. The following students also shared their experiences with the Board: - Steven Jolissaint, Morgan Braun, and Melissa Rubayo Ms. Claudia Ourthe-Cabale read two letters written by parents of students who participated in the program. 6. PRESENTATION BY WESTLAKE ACADEMY STUDENTS REGARDING ROTARY SERVICE TRIP. Westlake Academy students Madison Smith, 800 Park Dale Court, Southlake; Madison Dickey, 949 Tealwood, Keller; and Tyler Springer, 1505 Cedar Court, Southlake, addressed the Board regarding a recent rotary service trip to Mexico. The service project for the trip included the painting of a house. 7. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE RECOMMENDATIONS RESULTING FROM THE SPORTS WORKSHOP. Head of School Brizuela introduced the iteirt and advised that a task force composed of the Head of School, parents, two P.E. Teachers and the president of the Westlake Athletic Club, met and discussed the possibility of offering additional sports at the Academy. Head of School Brizuela advised that a survey was sent out to determine the type of sports programs parents would like considered in the upcoming years. Ms. Brizuela advised that that the task force is recommending approval of the addition of the following sports to the Academy's sports program: i Tennis — Boys and Girls - PYP Golf — Boys and Girls - Baseball — Boys - Six -man Football - Boys Westlake Academy Trustees Regular Meeting May 14, 2007 Page 3 of 3 MOTION: Trustee Redding made a motion to approve Resolution 07-07, increasing the sports participation as discussed in the May 14, 2007, workshop and highlighted by the Head of School. Trustee Held seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0. (Trustee Buddy Brown arrived at 6:51 p.m) 8. CONSENT AGENDA. President Bradley introduced the item and asked for a motion. A. Review and approve minutes of the regular Joint Board of Trustees workshop and Board of Trustees meeting held April 9, 2007. B. Review and approve any outstanding bills. MOTION: Trustee Held made a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented. Trustee Timmerman secomled the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. 9. ADJOURNMENT. There being no further business, President Bradley adjourned the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 6:52 p.m. APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN ON JUNE 11, 2007. Scott Bradley, President ATTEST' Kiiy Sutter, TRMC, Town Secretary