HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-26-07 BOT MinMINUTES OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES WORKSHOP WITH WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION BOARD MARCH 26, 2007 PRESENT: President Scott Bradley and Board Trustees Larry Corson, Don Redding, and Bob Timmerman. ABSENT: Board Trustees Buddy Brown and Fred Held. STAFF PRESENT: Head of School Barbara Brizuela, Secretary Kim Sutter, Academy Coaches Mireida Rubayo and Juan Carlos Hererra, Finance Director Debbie Piper, Public Works Superintendent Jarrod Greenwood, Facilities and Recreation Director Troy Meyer, DPS Director Don Wilson FOUNDATION Members Becky Rogers, Laura Wheat, Julie Timmerman, Bill MEMBERS Greenwood, and Ange Bumgarner. PRESENT: FOUNDATION Foundation President Rick Rennhack and Foundation Executive MEMBERS Director Ellen Ray ABSENT: OTHERS April Gallagher, Mike Garabedian, George Ledak, Kevin Maynard, PRESENT: Dave Rollins, and Wade Hundley. 1. CALL TO ORDER. President Bradley called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m. With no objections, President Bradley reordered the workshop agenda to discuss item 3. Board of Trustees Workshop Page 2 of 2 March 26, 2007 3 DISCUSS CURRENT AND FUTURE EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES OF THE ACADEMY. Head of School Barbara Brizuela presented a brief report outlining the philosophy used to select the extracurricular activities of the school. She stated that an emphasis is placed on both team and individual sports and the students were surveyed last year to determine the areas of interest. She added that the number of students available to participate in the activities has also been a deciding factor in the activities offered. Discussion ensued with regard to the pros and cons of selecting to participate in activities through the Christian Schools Athletic Fellowship (CSAF) and/or the University Interscholastic League (UIL) programs and the consideration of travel time to the various facilities to compete. Additional discussion took place regarding the need for a plan for the future outlining the additional activities that would be offered to the students. 2. DISCUSS AMENDING THE WESTLAKE MUNICIPAL CAMPUS MASTER PLAN. Mr. Michael Bennett, representing Gideon Toal, outlined three options for the Westlake Municipal Campus Master Plan to those in attendance. Discussion ensued with regard to the pros and cons of each plan. It was the consensus of the Board to direct staff to proceed with estimating the cost for two of the three options presented. 4. ADJOURNMENT. There being no further business before the Board, President Bradley declared the workshop adjourned at 5:35 pm. APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ON MARCH 26, 2007. Scott Bradley, President ATTEST: r r' Ki utter, TRMC, Secretary MINUTES OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MARCH 26, 2007 PRESENT: President Scott Bradley and Board Trustees Larry Corson, Don Redding, and Bob Timmerman. ABSENT: Board Trustees Buddy Brown and Fred Held. OTHERS PRESENT: Head of School Barbara Brizuela, Town Manager Trent Petty, and Secretary Kim Sutter. 1. CALL TO ORDER. President Bradley called the meeting to order at 6:09 p.m. 2. EXECUTIVE SESSION. President Bradley recessed the regular session of the Town of Westlake Board of Aldermen at 6:10 p.m. so that the Board might consider the following in executive session. A. The Board will conduct a closed session under Texas Government Code section 551.074 to discuss personnel matters. President Bradley convened the executive session at 6:11 p.m. The executive session adjourned at 7:01 p.m. 3. RECONVENE MEETING. The Board reconvened into regular session at 7:02 p.m. 4. EXECUTIVE SESSION ACTION. There was no action taken. Westlake Academy Trustees Page 2of 3 Regular Meeting March 26, 2007 5. CITIZENS' PRESENTATIONS. Margaret Ledak, 1220 Mount Gilead Road, Keller, addressed the Board regarding the Westlake Academy student trip to Costa Rica over the spring break holiday. She expressed her appreciation to the Board for the opportunity and the experience. Rebecca Rollins, 13239 Roanoke Road, Westlake, addressed the Board regarding the need for activities for students in the higher grade levels, and suggested a student -led a' cappella choir. George Ledak, 1220 Mount Gilead Road, Keller, suggested that the Board consider expanding the scope of The Black Cow, a newsletter compiled by Westlake Academy students, as a communications newsletter for the entire Town of Westlake. 6. HEAR REPORT FROM HEAD OF SCHOOL REGARDING WESTLAKE ACADEMY FIELD TRIP TRANSPORATION GUIDELINES. Head of School Brizuela updated the Board on a pilot program to address the needs of residential trip transportation for the Academy. She advised the Board that currently ground transportation is required for trips to Sky Ranch, a trip to Mexico, and a trip for the MYP each year. Ms. Brizuela advised the Board that, whenever possible, Westlake Academy will continue to use the services of bus companies that have vehicles with seatbelts. 7. CONSENT AGENDA. President Bradley introduced the item and asked for a motion. A. Review and approve minutes of the regular Board of Trustees workshop and Board of Trustees meeting held February 12, 2007. B. Review and approve minutes of the special Board of Trustees meeting held on February 26, 2007. C. Review and approve any outstanding bills. MOTION: Trustee Redding moved to approve the consent agenda as presented. Trustee Corson seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 3- 0. Westlake Academy Trustees Page 3of 3 Regular Meeting March 26, 2007 8. ADJOURNMENT. There being no further business, President Bradley asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. MOTION: Trustee Redding moved to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Timmerman seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 3-0. The meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m. APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN ON APRIL 9, 2007. r� 6=0 IN .o I ATTE S Kim S er, TRMC, Town Secretary