HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-22-07 BOT MinMINUTES OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES WORKSHOP WITH WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION BOARD JANUARY 22, 2007 4:00 P.M. ADMINISTRATIVE CONFERENCE ROOM - TOWN HALL 2650 J.T. OTTINGER ROAD PRESENT: School Board President Scott Bradley and Trustees Larry Corson, Fred Held, Don Redding and Bob Timmerman ABSENT: Trustee Buddy Brown FOUNDATION MEMBERS: Foundation President Rick Rennhack, Members Becky Rogers, Laura Wheat, Julie Timmerman, Bill Greenwood, and Ange Bumgarner, and Foundation Executive Director Ellen Ray. OTHERS PRESENT: Town Manager Trent Petty, Town Secretary Kim Sutter, Debbie Piper, Facilities and Recreation Director Troy Meyer, Public Works Superintendent Jarrod Greenwood 1. CALL TO ORDER. President Scott Bradley called the Board of Trustees workshop to order at 4:08 p.m. President Rick Rennhack called the Academy Foundation Board workshop to order at 4:10 p.m. 2. DISCUSS THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007. Board of Trustees/Academy Foundation Joint Workshop January 22, 2007 page 2 of 5 Foundation President Rick Rennhack opened discussion regarding the approval of the budget. He recommended, as required by the bylaws, that the budget be presented annually. He suggested the budget be considered prior to or at the same time as the Academy budget. Foundation President Rick Rennhack stated that the objective of the Foundation is to raise funds and asked for clarification with regard to the Board's expectations. He stated that the Foundation is currently raising funds for the construction of an Arts and Science building. Mr. Rennhack noted that funds were included in the budget for a new soccer field, and stated that the Foundation has not raised funds for this purpose. Trustee Larry Corson stated that the funds to construct a soccer field are included in the town's General Fund budget. There was some discussion with regard to the necessity of a soccer field as it relates to the IB program. President Rick Rennhack stated that minutes of the Board designate the soccer field as a priority and asked how the priority was determined. President Scott Bradley responded by stating that the Town set the priority. Foundation President Rick Rennhack expressed his concern with regard to the expenditure of a soccer field as he feels there is not a shortage of soccer fields. Trustee Larry Corson responded that that soccer field is part of the town's capital expenditure program, and staff will report before the Board before expending the funds. Facilities and Recreation Director Troy Meyer stated that the need for a soccer field was brought forward by the Head of the School as a future need. Trustee Larry Corson recalled the item being brought forth in contemplation of future growth of the Academy. This would allow for the Foundation to concentrate on raising funds for the Arts and Science building. There was discussion regarding the source of funding for the Academy. Trustee Larry Corson noted that Charter schools do not receive the same level of funding from the state as public schools receive. Trustee Don Redding stated that the Arts and Science building was not included in the original plans for the Academy. President Scott Bradley advised that two more phases of development are planned; however funding was expected to be generated from retail development. Board of Trustees/Academy Foundation Joint Workshop January 22, 2007 page 3 of 5 Trustee Larry Corson stated that the Town cannot guarantee there will be funding to move forward. Foundation President Rick Rennhack inquired as to how the Foundation should proceed going forward. Trustee Don Redding responded that short of a referendum to decide the priorities, he could not answer the question. 3. CONSIDER CHARTER DOCUMENTS, GOALS, AND MISSION STATEMENT OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION. Foundation President Rick Rennhack opened discussion by reading a proposed vision statement for the Board's consideration. "The Town of Westlake recognizes that the Westlake Academy is a key asset to the Westlake Community and is therefore committed to the Academy's success as an open enrollment Charter School utilizing the International Baccalaureate curriculum. Consistent with the Town of Westlake's original intent of creating a model educational program of the city, state, and the nation; the Town will do everything in its power to provide funding for the Academy's operational shortfall and its capital requirements. The Town of Westlake created the Westlake Academy Foundation and supports its fundraising efforts on behalf of the Academy. " President Scott Bradley asked the Board if they would like to recommend any modifications to the statement. Trustee Larry Corson expressed his concern with regard to the statement "the town will do everything in its power to provide funding ... ' as the town is limited by its financial capacity, and asked if "everything in its power" includes assessing a property tax. Mr. Corson recommended the vision statement be revised. President Scott Bradley stated that the statement should include a commitment from the Town and suggested language be added to imply a commitment consistent with public purposes. Foundation member Laura Wheat asked for clarification as to the purpose of the Town and the Foundation's role. President Scott Bradley replied that the original intent of creating the Foundation was to raise funds to cover the capital needs of the Academy, while the Academy would generate funds to cover the operating expenses of the school. He added that circumstances have since changed with regard to development that would have supplied funding for the Academy. Board of Trustees/Academy Foundation Joint Workshop January 22, 2007 page 4 of 5 There was discussion with regard to the need for an Arts and Science building as it relates to the IB diploma program. Mr. David Jenkins advised that three (3) fully functioning labs are a requirement for the IB diploma program. Trustee Larry Corson added that the Head of School has also identified other future needs of the Academy, including a lunch program and athletic fields. The Foundation expressed their desire for a level of commitment from the Town with regard to the Academy. Trustee Larry Corson asked if there is any flexibility in using Hotel Occupancy Tax to build the Arts and Science Building. President Scott Bradley responded that the Arts and Science building could conceivable fit within the definition of what can be applied to performing arts expenditures. Trustee Larry Corson stated that construction drawings are needed by next month in order to have the facility built by the fall of 2008. There was discussion with regard to issuing debt to fund the construction of the building. Town Manager Trent Petty advised that the funds could be borrowed, but the town must be willing to pledge the ability to assess a property tax if, for whatever reason, the debt cannot be paid. Trustee Don Redding stated that he firmly believes in and supports the school and has since day one and believes the Board of Aldermen would agree. He added that the Aldermen have a sensitivity of responsibility to all citizens. Foundation President Rick Rennhack inquired if it was conceivable that the building could be constructed by the fall of 2008. Mr. David Jenkins advised that construction drawings would need to be started in February 2007. Foundation member Julie Timmerman inquired if a science room could be added to the existing facilities. She furthered stated that residents need to be assured of the commitment from the Town or they will not donate funds for the construction of the Arts and Science building. Trustee Don Redding advised that plumbing needs for a lab may be an issue if an attempt is made to use existing facilities. There was some discussion with regard to the publication of a newsletter for the purpose of communicating openly with residents regarding the Town and the Academy. Board of Trustees/Academy Foundation Joint Workshop January 22, 2007 page 5 of 5 Foundation member Laura Wheat read the proposed vision statement for consideration by the Board: "The Town of Westlake recognizes that the Westlake Academy is a key asset to the Westlake community and is therefore committed to the Academy's success as an open enrollment Chartrr School utilizing the International Baccalaureate curriculum. The Town of Westlake created the Westlake Academy Foundation and supports its fundraising efforts on behalf of the Academy. " Trustee Don Redding made a motion to approve the mission statement as read. Trustee Bob Timmerman seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. 4. ADJOURNMENT. Trustee Fred Held moved to adjourn the workshop. The motion was seconded by Trustee Bob Timmerman. The motion carried unanimously. There being no further business before the Board, President Bradley declared the meeting adj ourned at 5:3 8 p.m. APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ON FEBRUARY 12.2007. ATTEST: Secretary Gni Scott Bradley, President