HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-26-05 BOT MinMINUTES OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY SCHOOL BOARD MEETING SEPTEMBER 26, 2005 PRESENT: President Scott Bradley (arrived at 6:05 p.m.) and Board Members Bill Frey, Don Redding, and Larry Sparrow ABSENT: Board Members Buddy Brown and Fred Held OTHERS PRESENT: CEO Trent Petty, Head of School Barbara Brizuela, Finance Director Debbie Piper, Secretary Jean Dwinnell, Director of Marketing and Public Affairs Carolyn Sims, and Facilities and Recreation Director Troy Meyer 1. CALL TO ORDER. Board Member Redding called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. EXECUTIVE SESSION. The Board convened into executive session at 5:32 p.m., as Mr. Redding read the item to be discussed. 3. RECONVENE INTO OPEN MEETING. The Board reconvened into open session at 6:25 p.m., with President Bradley presiding. 4. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE INPUT CONCERNING THE FUTURE ALLOCATION OF SPACE FOR WESTLAKE ACADEMY AND TAKE ANY NECESSARY ACTION. President Bradley opened the public hearing. Ms. Becky Farrell, Ms. Shannon LaRue, Ms. Terri Smith, Ms. Lynell Tysl, Ms. Cindy Loeser, Ms. Michelle Corson, Ms. Julie Timmerman, Ms. Sharron Turner, Ms. Carol Langdon, Ms. Laura Gibbs, Ms. Kim Evans, and Mr. Jim Billington spoke regarding non-resident students being asked to leave the school due to the number of residents moving in and the teacher/student ratio that has been established, how the Board would decide who would be asked to leave first, the plan to place students in portable buildings, the need for a plan (not a proposal) for the high school years regarding parking and classrooms, the desire to see a construction schedule for a new building for the high school kids, the lack of communication, the Blacksmith Apprentice Program, whether or not the Academy could keep it's Charter if students were asked to leave, the future of the Town, the plans for the "much talked about" mall, the creation of the Foundation to solicit funds, the possibility of the Town staff moving back to Solana, the possibility of cutting Town staff, the possibility of decreasing Town staff office space, the possibility of the stakeholders voting on the future of the Academy and the Town, accreditation of the Academy, the assurance of the IBO Diploma Program, the need for a commitment from the Board, incorrect information regarding the TAKS test scores being disseminated, concern for the students receiving a quality education, and the invaluable position held by Troy Meyer. There being no others wishing to speak, President Bradley closed the public hearing. President Bradley explained that options had been discussed and agreed on that maximizes the probability that no one would be asked to leave the school based on residency. He explained that the Town of Westlake depends on sales tax since there is no property tax and that the retail development had not taken place as hoped; therefore, changes in the plan became necessary. He advised that it has never been the intent to place children in portable buildings all day, but only for rotating classes. Other members of the Board advised that cost is an issue for placing the Town staff in portables or moving them to an off-site location, that space is not available in Solana where the staff can be together or close, and that security is a concern. CEO Trent Petty advised that he has asked for a proposal for space from Solana and is waiting for a response. President Bradley advised that the Board is aware of the parking issues and that funds for increasing the parking area (106 spaces) has been budgeted in the 1005-2006 Town Budget. He also advised that the idea of terminating the school at the eighth grade had been discussed and terminated. He stated that Pod F will accommodate classes through the 12th grade, but that some portables may be necessary for ancillary classrooms. President Bradley advised that fees from a mall or retail development could change the Town's and Academy's plans drastically. He advised that the Board is not compensated, that they spend a lot of hours working for the Town and the Academy, and that the Town is supporting the students with monies that could go toward other things. He expressed the need for families to be involved in the education process and the need for donations to be made to the Blacksmith Apprentice Program, but stated that no student would be asked to leave based on the donations of a family to the Program. President Bradley stated that the Academy could keep their Charter, even if they asked students to leave, but that there is not a chance that anyone will be asked to leave. He further stated that the Town and Academy are all in this together, that the Town does not have to stay in this building to keep the school Charter, that the Town has not purchased the two acres adjacent to the school, and that the Town Hall building is "on the back burner." Ms. Langdon thanked the Board for their commitment and asked them to look at all of the opportunities. She expressed her desire for the community, residents, and Town staff to work together. Ms. Langdon also thanked the Mayor and staff for sending out the Board Agenda and advised that she still wants to look to the future. Other Board members advised that the current plans are based on today's information and that changes take place all the time. They advised that the current budget is based on the worse -case scenario and is usually conservative. They advised that they hold the school in high regard and credit its success to Head of School Barbara Brizuela. They further advised that one-half of the Town budget goes to the Academy, that 27% of the students are Westlake residents, that scenario 5A as presented during the budget process was the best option at the time, and that the Blacksmith Apprentice Program is vital for the success of the education of each of the students. Mr. Redding thanked the parents for attending the meeting and directed the Westlake Academy CEO, Trent Petty, to maximize the utilization of existing space for the purpose of Westlake students. It was the consensus of the Board to use the current space for students. 5. CITIZENS' PRESENTATIONS. There were no presentations made. 6. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE NEW 2005-2006 PARENT/STUDENT HANDBOOK. Mr. Sparrow moved, Mr. Brown seconded the motion to approve Resolution No. 05-05, adopting the new 2005-2006 Parent/Student Handbook. The Board commended staff for their work on the Handbook. There was no further discussion and President Bradley declared the motion carried unanimously. 7. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CEO OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY TO ENTER INTO THE CONTRACTS ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A" WITH THE EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER, REGION XI FOR SERVICES RELATED TO WESTLAKE ACADEMY. Mr. Frey moved, Mr. Sparrow seconded the motion to approve Resolution No. 05-06, authorizing the CEO of Westlake Academy to enter into the contracts attached hereto as Exhibit "A" with the Education Service Center, Region XI for services related to Westlake Academy. There was no discussion and President Bradley declared the motion carried unanimously. 8. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ADOPTION OF AN INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT (IPM) PROGRAM FOR SCHOOL DISTRICTS AS REQUIRED BY CHAPTER 1951 OF THE TEXAS OCCUPATIONAL CODE OF THE TEXAS STRUCTURAL PEST CONTROL BOARD LAW AND REGULATIONS. Mr. Sparrow moved, Mr. Redding seconded the motion to approve Resolution No. 05-07, authorizing the adoption of an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program for school district as required by Chapter 1951 of the Texas Occupational Code of the Texas Structural Pest Control Board Law and Regulations. Discussion was held regarding the certifications required to use certain sprays and the documentation that must be maintained. Facilities and Recreation Director Troy Meyer advised that there are no chemicals kept on the campus, that organic materials are used when possible, and documentation is required, even with the use of organic materials. There was no further discussion and President Bradley declared the motion carried unanimously. 9. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION FOR THE ANNUAL REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY INVESTMENT POLICY. Mr. Frey moved, Mr. Brown seconded the motion to approve Resolution No. 05-08, for the annual review and approval of the Westlake Academy Investment Policy. There was no discussion and President Bradley declared the motion carried unanimously. 10. CONSENTAGENDA. A. Review and approve minutes of the Board meeting held August 22, 2005, and the special called workshop held on August 8, 2005. B. Review and approve any outstanding bills. Mr. Redding moved, Mr. Brown seconded the motion to approve the consent agenda as presented. There was no discussion and President Bradley declared the motion carried unanimously. 11. ADJOURNMENT. Mr. Brown moved, Mr. Sparrow seconded the motion to adjourn. The motion carried unanimously and President Bradley declared the meeting adjourned at 8:23 p.m. Approved by the Westlake Academy School Board on LitmLer ! 4 , 2005. Scott Bradley, President ATTEST: G;'an Dwinnell, Secretary