HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-13-04 BOT MinMINUTES OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY SCHOOL BOARD WORKSHOP AND MEETING December 13, 2004 Present: Scott Bradley, President Buddy Brown, Member Bill Frey, Member Fred Held, Member Don Redding, Member Larry Sparrow, Member Trent Petty, CEO Barbara Brizuela, Head of School Ginger Crosswy, Secretary Absent: No one Item #1: President Bradley called the workshop to order at 3:05 p.m. by announcing a quorum. Item #2: Hear and discuss a report from the President of the Westlake Academy Foundation Board concerning the Blacksmith Apprentice Program. President Bradley introduced Mr. Rick Rennhack who told the Board that the program has generated $255,000 which includes the matching funds. 85% of the Academy families participated with 100 % participation from the Town employees and Academy employees. There were 27 Academy families who did not participate and after the first of the year they will be contacted to find out if this issue should be addressed differently next year. Item #3: Hear and discuss a report from the Head of School concerning the use of funds received from the Blacksmith Apprentice Program for current school year 2004-05. Ms. Brizuela stated that these funds would be used for operations to cover the budget shortfall. She said that she would like to hire one additional teacher but she intends to stay within the budget. She told the Board that the Book Fair was a huge success in selling over $10,000 in books to 167 students. The Academy will receive 25% of this in cash and $1300.00 in kind. She reported that there would be a sports camp held during the Christmas vacation, spring break and the summer break as well. The Academy will be starting a math program in the near future as an after school program. Item #4: Hear and discuss a report from the Head of School concerning the recent IBO and ECIS visits. Ms. Brizuela said the IBO consultant was here for a PYP visit on November 22 and 23. She stated this was a very productive visit and proceeded to give the Board the steps that would be followed to obtain the IBO designation for the Academy. She then explained that the Academy has submitted a membership application to the ECIS and that was the reason for their visit. Item #5: Discuss desirability of establishing an early childhood center for three and four year old children. President Bradley told the Board he placed this item on the agenda to get everyone's http://www.westlake-tx.org/agendas/sbml2l3O4.htm 2/23/2005 minutes or the acnool 13oarct meeting Page 2 of 3 opinion before pursuing this matter. He said there are several questions that will have to be _ answered before it will be known if this is even possible and he would like the Board's direction before he begins this process. After a lengthy discussion the Board asked President Bradley to gather information regarding these questions and put this item on a future agenda to discuss again. Item #6: Hear and discuss a report from the CEO on the legislative agenda. Mr. Petty spoke outlining the items that he sees as the important matters that Ms. Jody Richardson, the Town's lobbyist, should concentrate on this year. Mr. Brown left during this item. Item #7: Hear and discuss a report from the CEO and the Head of School concerning schedule and financing of future staffing and campus expansion. Ms. Brizuela stated that as the older students reach the 12th grade there will be policy decisions to be made regarding the funding of the IBO exams. The Academy can either charge the student for the cost or seek outside funding. Mr. Petty briefly explained his ideas for classroom expansion during the next two school years. Item #8: Discuss future planning issues for staff consideration. President Bradley asked for anyone's ideas or comments regarding the future of the Academy. There were several ideas mentioned including an exchange program for 5th graders, a career fair, and a sister school program. Item #9: The workshop was recessed at 5:45 p.m. Item #10: The Board reconvened into the regular meeting at 6:05 p.m. Item #11: The Board recessed into executive session at 6:07 p.m. as President Bradley read the items to be discussed. The Board reconvened into open session at 6:09 p.m. Item #12: There was no action needed coming out of executive session. Item #13: Citizens' Presentations: Kelly and Mark Mayhew, of 2650 Dove Road spoke regarding the policy stating that if a family moves out of Westlake their child has to go into the lottery the next year. They have lived in Westlake for 3 years and have a child who started kindergarten this year. They would like there to be some time limit that if a family lives in Westlake and a child attends the Academy for a certain time period the child would be allowed to stay in the Academy if the family has to move out of Town. Item #14: Special Recognition: This item was moved to a future agenda. Item #15: Hear and discuss a report from the President of the Westlake Academy Foundation Board concerning the Blacksmith Apprentice Program. Mr. Rennhack gave the Board an update on the program stating that at the next Foundation meeting he is going to put forth a motion that the Foundation write a check to the Academy for $100,000. (See Item #3 for details.) The Board thanked Mr. Rennhack and his committee for their efforts given to this program. Mr. Rennhack thanked Mr. Petty and Ms. Carolyn Sims for their work as well. Item #16: Consider a Resolution approving the annual audit report from Weaver and Tidwell, L.L.P. for FY 2003/04. President Bradley stated that the representative from Weaver and http://www.westlake-tx.org/agendas/sbml2l3O4.htm 2/23/2005 Tidwell, L.L.P. has not arrived due to traffic problems and this item will be moved to a later time on the agenda. Item #17: Consider a Resolution adopting an amendment to the Parent/Student Handbook. Ms. Brizuela explained this item to the Board. Ms. Brizuela was asked if the section of the amendment that reads "Girls in Grades 1 - 7" could be changed to "1 - 12" so it would not have to be amended again next year. Ms. Brizuela directed the Secretary to change "1-7" to read "1 onward". There was a motion by Mr. Frey, seconded by Mr. Redding, to adopt Resolution No. 04-16 with the noted correction. There was no further discussion and the motion carried unanimously. Item #18: Consent Agenda. There was a motion by Mr. Held, seconded by Mr. Sparrow, to approve the consent agenda which included the following: A. Review and approve minutes of the regular meeting held on November 22, 2004. B. Review and approve any outstanding bills. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. Item #16: Mr. Jerry Gaither with Weaver and Tidwell, L.L.P. arrived at this time and Mr. Petty introduced him to the Board. Mr. Gaither gave a report on the annual audit for FY 2003/04 that has just been completed. There was a motion by Mr. Redding, seconded by Mr. Held, to adopt Resolution No. 04-15 which approves the annual audit. After a short discussion the motion carried unanimously. Item #19: There was a motion by Mr. Held, seconded by Mr. Frey, to adjourn. The motion carried unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at 6:35 p.m. Approved by the School Board on February 14, 2005. Scott Bradley, President ATT ST: Ginger rosswy, ooecret ■❑ http://www.westlake-tx.org/agendas/sbml2l3O4.htm 2/23/2005