HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-11-04 BOT MinMINUTES OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY SCHOOL BOARD MEETING October 11, 2004 Present: Scott Bradley, President Buddy Brown, Member Bill Frey, Member Fred Held, Member Don Redding, Member Larry Sparrow, Member Trent Petty, CEO Stan Lowry, Attorney Ginger Crosswy, Secretary Absent: Barbara Brizuela, Head of School Item #1: President Bradley called the meeting to order at 8:51 p.m. by announcing a quorum. Item #2: There was no executive session needed. With the Boards consent the agenda was reordered. Item #6: Consider a Resolution authorizing the CEO to enter into a depository contract with Bank One. Mr. Petry explained this item. There was a motion by Mr. Frey, seconded by Mr. Held, to adopt Resolution No. 04-14. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. Item #5: Consider a Resolution designating an investment officer for the Westlake Academy. There was a motion by Mr. Frey, seconded by Mr. Brown, to adopt Resolution No. 04-13. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. Item #7: Consent Agenda. There was a motion by Mr. Brown, seconded by Mr. Sparrow, to approve the consent agenda which included the following: A. Review and approve minutes of the workshop and regular meeting held on August 23, 2004. B. Review and approve any outstanding bills. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. There was a short discussion regarding tabling Item #4 regarding the policies and procedures handbook since Mrs. Brizuela was not present. The Board decided to continue with the meeting and ask Mr. Petty to explain the changes to the handbook. Item #4: Consider a Resolution adopting revisions to the Westlake Academy policies and procedures handbook. Mr. Petty explained this item going through the revisions. There was a motion by Mr. Sparrow, seconded by Mr. Redding, to adopt Resolution No. 04-12. Mr. Frey asked that the following changes be made to the handbook that was given to the Board for review: On page 5, last paragraph, second line, should read, "Eligible students are those of parents residing in Westlake, students whose parents or grandparents are founders or officers of the Westlake Academy and students whose parents are employees of the Town of Westlake or the Westlake Academy." http://www.westlake-tx.org/agendas/sbm101104.htm 11/30/2004 iviinutes or the �cnooi tsoara meeting Page 2 of 2 On page 7, second paragraph, fifth line, should read, "A student will be allowed to remain in the school only until the end of the semester in which his/her parent's or guardian's employment is terminated." On page 24, should read, "Environment: examines our interdependence with the environment and man's responsibility towards it." Mr. Sparrow, with agreement from Mr. Redding as the second, amended his motion to include the above amendments. There was no further discussion and the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Brown requested that all members of the Board receive finalized copies of the Handbook. Item #9: There was a motion by Mr. Held, seconded by Mr. Frey, to adjourn. The motion carried unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at 9:07 p.m. Approved by the School Board on November 22, 2004. f Scott Bradley, President ATT T: G nger rosswy, Secretary u http://www.westlake-tx.org/agendas/sbml 01104.htm 11/30/2004