HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-08-04 BOT MinMinutes of the School Board meeting MINUTES OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY SCHOOL BOARD MEETING March 8, 2004 Present: Scott Bradley, President Buddy Brown, Member Bill Frey, Member Fred Held, Member Don Redding, Member Larry Sparrow, Member. Trent Petty, CEO Barbara Brizuela, Head of School Stan Lowry, Attorney Ginger Crosswy, Secretary Absent: No one. Page 1 of 2 Item 41: President Bradley called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. by announcing a quorum of all Board members. Item #2: There was no executive session needed. Item #3: No action was needed since there was no executive session. Item #4: Citizens' Presentation. No one wished to address the Board. Item #5: Consider a Resolution adopting an extended school day for the 2004-05 academic year. Mr. Petty expl4ined that this item was discussed at the last meeting with the Board deciding to extend the school day for 45 minutes but requesting more information as to whether to add to the beginning of the day or the end. Ms. Brizuela told the Board there was a survey sent out to the parents by the House of Commons asking their preference as to where the additional 45 minutes was added to the school day. With 88% of the parents responding 43% preferred an 8:00 a.m. until 3:45 p.m. school day, the other parents were split as to their preference with 8% of the parents opposed to lengthening the day at all. There was a motion by Mr. Sparrow, seconded by Mr. Brown, to adopt Resolution No. 04-05. which would make the school day as follows: Kindergarten - 8:00 a.m. to 2:45 p.m., Grades 1-7 - 8:00 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. Item #6: Review and approve minutes of the regular meeting held on February 9, 2004. President Bradley told the Board that there is a correction in front of them that has been suggested. There was a motion by Mr. Brown, seconded by Mr. Held, to accept the minutes with the correction added. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. Ms. Brizuela was asked to tell the assembly about the five trophies she had in front of her. She said the trophies were won at the Odyssey of the Mind competition held last weekend. Westlake Academy entered six teams, which was the most teams by any school except for Southlake, and these six teams came home with five trophies. Out of 22 trophies Westlake Academy won five. Everyone present gave Ms. Brizuela and her students a hand for their accomplishments. http://www.westlake-tx.org/agendas/sbm03O8O4.htm 5/11/2004 Minutes of the School Board meeting Page 2 of 2 President Bradley read a card from Margie and Jack West regarding the TML dinner the Town hosted at the Fidelity campus. Ms. West was very complimentary of the Westlake Academy which they toured during the evening. President Bradley told the audience that Ms. West is the person who lays out the Pathfinder, the Town's historical journal. Item #8: There was a motion by Mr. Frey, seconded by Mr. Held, to adjourn. The motion carried unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at 6:10 p.m. Approved by the School Board on May 10, 2004. Scott Bradley, President ATTEST: '1 Ginger Crosswy, Secr(t ry 0 http://www.westlake-tx.org/agendas/sbm03O8O4.htm 5/11/2004