HomeMy WebLinkAboutWA Strategic Planning Presentation Westlake Academy Strategic Planning Retreat Strategic Planning Agenda A. Review and Revise Mission, Vision & Values B . Review formatting of strategic plan with IB standards & pr.actices,, BSC and dashboards C. Discuss ways to integrate the strategic plan 5/29/2011 I Westlake Academy- 2010%11 Strategic Planning Retreat 3 Mission Westlake Academy is a nurturing, community-owned International Baccalaureate charter school whose mission is to achieve academic excellence and to develop life-long learners who become well-balanced and 5,119/2011 responsible global citizens. What is our purpose, why do we exist, Westlake Academy - 2010/1:3. Strategic Planning Retreat Ell 5/19/2011 Vision What i's our picture of the future ? Westlake Academy- 2010/11 Strategic Planning Retreat 5 Values — Guiding Principles Academic success through e B curriculum international- Student and family oriented environment - Being a municipally owned and operated charter schoo� 5/19/"2011 - Engaged students with - Community involvement and support - Diverse learning experienct What performance to evaluate results? Westlake Academy - 2010/11 Strategic Planning Retreat 6 Desired High Student ' ' -.'-__-_` ' , Effective Strong�' 5tronXParent& | Educators | / / Community � &S� r f ' ` Connections , / , ��' � x�n���|��y� ~~..~. ^ . � �� Vision � \ u� � ������ / \ � ~ ~~' ' ! \ ' ` Studem ' ' Financial smgayement— / � Extracurricular � Stewardship ` Activities '` Sustainabi|ity What are our main focus areas, what results do we need to achieve ? st|akeAcadenny- 2O10/11 5/l9/ZOlI | ' Strategic | Planning Retreat ef�Ial�- -I I'l-ff AT�--)5F -- mme Collaboration between 0 Current Strategic Planning Format Vision/ Mission Statement Values (Guiding Principles) Specilic Owcomes x-v desiped to suppol'L die live (5)mX12 Deslrcd Oul'colnes idenLrllccl as inlpol[wt to 112C success of 111e students. ---► Specific Outcome = Desired Outcome's Will Specific Outcomes WX Indicators 1.0 Students will be well prepared to matriculate aid succeed in college. +5101'1=It�1Ult;G' x1c% on ti01119 Goah Team Leader(s): Heads of Section Tenn Leaders are identified to monitor our progress toward the stated goals Indlcalol s iu'C Indicator= 1.1 100 9P("> of students are passing classroom exaulls measurable Estilnated Completion Date: On-going Goal stalerr2enls/�ctri"ilics Assigned completion dates For designed to show each Indicator 111,7 1 SpCcirlC Outcorllcs have Activity= 1.1. 1. Continued integ-ation of IB curricula into all been achieved. daily educational programs Activities are actions Staft-4111 complete to achieve the goal set. 5/19/2011 estlake Acaderny - 2010/11 Strategic out in [lie corresponding Indicator Planning Retreat `�-- I Specific Outcome U.0 Students will be well prepared to matriculate and succeed in college Short-Range and On-going Goals Team Leader(s): Heads of Sectior 1. 1 100% of students are passing classroom exams Estimated Completion Date: On-going Goal 5/19/2011 1.1.1 Continued integration of iB curricula into all daily educational programs Westlake Acaderny - 2010/11 Strategic Planning Retreat 10 Suggested Format for New Strategic Plan Align our Mission / Vision / Values with the What do we want to do? Desired outcomes in a way that communicates the following: • Clear priorities • Shows where we should allocate our resources to achieve our priorities • Results we want and who is responsible for them • How we plan to attain and measure priorities • Allows the governing body to evaluate the effectiveness of the Strategic Plan's implementation 5/19/2011 'A estlake Acaderm v -- 201.0/11 Strategic I Planning Retreat r 11 5/19/2011 Process Map Mission J IB Standards, Strategic Plan Practices Balanced Scorecard 13;:Ishbolrd Improvement Plans I Budget/ Resource Allocation Stakeholder Involvement Fuian6al Stewardship Educational&Administrative h44-:!th0ds Lr.,adorship,Growth K Learning SMART Goals Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Timely WIZIc Mode] R✓ sources/Inputs Activities Output5 Outcomes Impact Westlake Academy- 201-0/11. Strategic Planning Retreat F-, w", -� Wt,Of 12 L ogic Model for BSC Board ...............I I....................I............... Administrative Strategic ............................................................. Parent& Altitude 30,000 ft. Stakeholder Needs Mission\J14 purpose?What do we do? Mission What is out,purpo- V on ision What is our picture of the future? Values What Performance lenses should we use 25,000 ft. to evaluate results? Strategic Themes& Results What are our main focus areas ("Pillars of Fxcellence")?What results do we need to achieve? Goals/Objectives What continuous improvement activities are needed to get results? Strategy Map How do we create and communicate our value to customers? 15'0GD ft. Performance Measures&Targets Now will we know if we are achieving the results we wont? Strategic Initiatives Whatstrategic projects will "drive" desired res ults? What programs,services, and activities Programs&Services should we pursue? Ground Budget&Operational Plans What budget levels are appropriate? Now should we communicate our plans? V destlake Academy - 2010/1 1 Strategic 5/19/2011 Planning Retreat 13 value AS 1 . Organizational assessment to determine the pains, enablers, and values. 2 . Strategy, customer and stakeholder are a o create . organization's ffl1: , 011 3 . Strategic objectives are developed . 4. Strategy Maps are created to show causal relationships. 5. Performance measures and targets are used to create strategic measures and track execution. 6. Identification of new Strategic Initiatives to close performance gaps. 5/19/2011 Westlake Academy - 2010/1.1 Strategic Planning Retreat 14 Phase Two of BSC 7 . Automation of performance data ( Dashboard Reporting) 8. Cascading the Balanced Scorecard throughout the organization 9 . Evaluation ( Plan, Do, Study, Act) 5/1.9/2011 lNestlalce Aeaderny - 2010/11 Strategic Planning Retreat %' • Westlake Academy is a nurturing,community-owned International Baccalaureate charter school whose mission is to achieve academic excellence and to develop lifelong learners who become well-balanced and responsible global citizens. Values(Guiding Principles) Academe suae>s through the Ig[url�tulum Student and family oriented environment eemg a municipally owned and operated charter school Engaged students with rnletnahonal awarenots Community-riwivement and support 0mer.e Wining exponunce rr.li...,.^d eat.. •aua:.u,.re.ns,rw., duh—d met:UnAM - Nm.^a mdMwutonr UN Cmnnar„rt Una Jnrnan„en-ne Tr.Jwn wd.41 u.wa h*^N Qui- d Iwuw W nurN/.mwn n Nerld S.hoai«nrprrrenln IuaaNVne,.le MwA epwnuN.aan and t.rVVd an Wrruea and lama ^rrrbn^r pa^ndewkyra da,. —tupw^c. .nde nrulN awrd pmdn AMtme adwr,re,*"-u.^,t n r�tirrW„e «.IyMy rcnw«. Westlake Academy is a nurturing, community-owned International Baccalaureate charter school whose 01:wl r�: mission is to achieve academic excellence and to develop life-long learners who become .►�ti�. r �, well-balanced and responsible global citizens. Values (Guiding Principles) Academic success through the IB curriculum Student and family oriented environment Being a municipally owned and operated charter school Engaged students with international awareness Community involvement and support Diverse learning experience Students are engaged In Teachers and staff are learning and persoMfymg the Parents are actively imrolved Donors are satisfied and dedicated and satisfied IB Learner Profile and excited committed Financial management is sound Curriculum is sound S Instruction is effecttve Teachers and staff are well r trained and highly qualified School environment Is Communications and 1 Facilities are safe and well focused on teaming and maintained marketing plan is developed character development and executed Board provides effective Administrative staff members governance are highly competent 17 in �� ~Strategic Plan ~� U� � �� N �� �� � U� N �� Format" ----------' ----�-�-��� � Westlake Academy - Z0lO/11Strategic Planning Retreat Teachers and staff Staff Survey- Maintaining a Year round recruitment Al, B2 are dedicated and positive workplace � FundlO0 . BZZ satisfied environment where people are L- highly|ynnobvated ..______ Staff turnover Recruitment profiles 82.2 wm --------------'--------�-- �� u� --'-��� K�edianTenureofsLaff --- . BZZ W Median salary Salary Survey 82.2 00 > . _-___________-'_____- -' ____'--_---____-________-_-_-____--_______--_--___-_____-_-� Ratio of international teachers 4 A1� ' B2.2 �� ��������� 96of staff,with professional �����������������'����'��������������-�� Individual professional B2.2-3,C1.2 mw -W > development plan development plans --- __-__-_-__'_--' _ -��_____--__-_____ --_'__._-�_--'-_-�_-_--___________'-'___------_� 96 of staff on track with B2.2 professional development plan Westlake Academy - Z0lO/11Strategic Planning Retreat 18 ash board Ex amples Dashboard Report, Revenues 350 325 30S 2 5 1! 2 Thousands of$ ­­.­........................ Expenditures 525 315 305 295 2 5 9 il 2 Thousands of$ ......... 115 Programme Standards&Practices Attendance 9 11 2 Percent ........................... All-The s&*&'s Lis B.,Id Va,5es ref Wz IB ah�' y. 61-The schovi's mlaoElrsr -M'0:5'rajve.czTMwlwres ensum-re of 52--P-sciml�re­nuirpz ar-I, - c*4rxt'rzes zrsjre tre irroleme­&Dr ofte 113 Cc:='_"r5we ari--f-: tre of 15 Pl*;rarn ,2- v.,-.,, ;rn C3-7e--. I& C4-Ass�rrm­r: oetects IB arsessrnev Leavers 106.pu t Btio n -Us 4% 7Pi 50% 2% 1% 25% Percent Percent ........... .................. ............ Level February 2011 — Cur Year — Pr io r Year Budget Grpy-NlayAlin I Black-Actual Red-Target Low Hig ............................................................................................................I........................................................................................I..............................................................................................................I................................................................. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................I............................................................... High Student Achievement ................. .................................................. ................................................................... ....................I................. ........................I...............I........................I...........................I...................................I.............................I.................. PYP-Quarterly Reports(1-4) Math Science Reading Writing Social Studies Spanish Phys.Ed. Music Art 5/19/201.1 ............. .........................................I............... -Quarterly Reports(1-7) English Humanities eF rnchnology atheatics Arts Sciences Phys.Ed. Spanish Blacksmith .............................. .......................................................................... DP-Quarterly Reports(1-7) English TOK .......... Vi/estlake Academy- 2010/11 Strategic Planning Retreat P!w Readmg- 55 44 2c I TAX BPS 14", Percent .......... Graduation Rate B5% 75% Percent ................... 5/1-9/2011 ACT 17 A4 Z AS 2,U: la 3 2010 2?.. is Hundreds :Percent ........... ........ ............................................... TAKS-Vilrihim g TAKS- Science AIG-&Dci 3,1 SIL d es. ac% p 4 Percent Percent Percent Percent .................. .......................... ....... . ...... ........................ ..................... IB Graduation Rate College Entrance B5 854ti 75% 15% -i --------- 2003 2010 2-Cl,". Percent Percent ............ .......... ..................... Westlake Academy - 2010/1.1 Strategic Planning Retreat iSA ------------L e g e n d VA Mean Texas Me.an National Mean :poa Grey -Nlax.IAin Back -Actual Red -Tara et, EL.A,'Reading VWiting Math Sci P n ce Sv-jdal Studies -.............................. of