HomeMy WebLinkAboutWA Board Member Survey Westlake Boardmember Governance Survey May SurveyMonkey 1 1. The Board speaks with one voice? Response Response Percent Count Yes 17 50.0% 2 No 0.0% 0 Not Sure 50.0% 2 answered question 4 skipped question 0 2. Once an issue is voted on, no matter hove an individual voted, members are able to move on and work effectively with each other? Response Response Percent Count Yes 100.0% 4 No 0.0% 0 Not Sure 0.0% 0 answered question 4 skipped question 0 1 of 19 3. The roles on the Board are clearly defined, e.g. Board Chair(Mayor,) committees, committee chairs, and individual'Board members Response Response Percent Count Yes 50.0% 2 No 25.0% 1 Not Sure 25.0% 1 answered question 4 skipped question 0 4. The Board is able to hold delegatees accountable: the C ('town Manager,) board officers and'board committees? Response Response Percent Count Yes 0.0% 0 No 50.0% 2 Not Sure 50.0% 2 answered question 4 skipped question 0 . Board members are open and honest with each other? Response Response Percent Count Yes 50.0% 2 No M% 0 Not Sure 50.0°l° 2 answered question 4 skipped question 0 2of19 6. If there is a'concern that a member is acting outside of adopted policies there is a process to address the concern? Response Response Percent Count Yes 50.0% 2 No 25.0% 1 Not Sure 25.0% 1 answered question 4 skipped question 0 7. The Board has clear expectations for organizational performance? Response Response Percent Count Yes 0.0% 0 No 50.0% 2 Not Sure 50.0% 2 answered question 4 skipped question 0 3of19 . There are Board policies in place Erich are used to evaluate organizational decisions, actions and conditions? Response Response Percent Count Yes _,...r.. ::,,: 50.0% 2 No 25.0% 1 Not Sure 25.0% 1 answered question 4 skipped question 0 9.'There are clearly written expectations for participation and preparedness at board meetings? Response Response Percent Count Yes 50.0% 2 No 50.0% 2 Not Sure 0.0% 0 answered question 4 skipped question 0 1 0. Everyone on the Board understands the role of governance? Response Response Percent Count Yes 75.0% 3 No 0.0% 0 Not Sure 25.0% 1 answered question 4 skipped question 0 4of19 11. The Board monitors progress towards achievement of the strategic priorities of our organization? Response Response Percent Count Yes 0.0% 0 No 75.0% 3 Not Sure 1,777777,...-- 25.0% 1 answered question 4 skipped question D 12. Board members come fully prepared for Board meetings? Response Response Percent Count Yes 75.0% 3 No 0.0% 0 Not Sure 25.0% 1 answered question 4 skipped question 0 13. The Board spends most of its time on future-oriented, big and strategic issues? Response Response Percent Count Yes 0.0% 0 No 50.0% 2 Not stare 50.0% 2 answered question 4 skipped question 0 5of19 14. The Board is fully and properly evaluating the CEO's (Town Manager) performance? Response Response Percent Count Yes 0.0% 0 No . .m, . .... 75.0% 3 Not Sure ( 25.0% 1 answered question 4 skipped question 0 15. The Board is fully and properly evaluating organizational performance? Response Response Percent Count Yes 0.0% 0 No 100.0% 4 Not Sure 0.0% 0 answered question 4 skipped question 0 16. There are attendance requirements for Board meetings and they are enforced? Response Response Percent Count Yes 0.0% 0 Edo 75.0% 3 Not Sure 25.0% 1 answered question 4 skipped question 0 6of19 17. Board members use personal discipline to attend board meetings, arrive on time, complete all preparation and pre-reading, and be fully prepared to participate? Response Response Percent Count Yes 25.0% 1 No 75.0% 3 Not Sure 0.0% 0 answered question 4 skipped question 0 18. The Board is able to handle conflict and disagreement among the members professionally? Response Response Percent Count Yes , 100.0% 4 No 0.0% 0 Not Sure 0.0% 0 answered question 4 skipped question 0 1 . The Board always refers to Board policies to help make decisions? Response Response Percent Count Yes 75.0% 3 No 0.0% 0 Not Sure 25.0% 1 answered question 4 skipped question 0 7of19 20. The Board has stated clearly, in riti the values of the organization? Response Response Percent Count Yes 75.0% 3 No 0.0% 0 Not Sure 7777,7,1 25.0% 1 answered question 4 skipped question 0 1. The Board regularly arranges to hear the range views of those on whose behalf the Board governs the organization, attempting to understand their values, needs and priorities? Response Response Percent Count Yes 777,,777 50.0% 2 No 25.0% 1 Not Sure 177777 77_7777,7, 25.0% 1 answered question 4 skipped question 0 8of19 22. The?Board listens to and considers alternative opinions in the boardroom and among the ownership/stakeholder groups? Response Response Percent count Yes 75.0% 3 No 0.0% 0 Not Sure 25.0% 1 answered,question 4 skipped question 0 23. The Board regularly reports to the community the progress being made by our organization? Response Response Percent Count Yes 75.0% 3 No 0.0% 0 Not Sure 25.0% 1 answered question 4 skipped question 0 9of19 24. The`Board regularly engages in self-evaluation to ensure that governance is working well? Response Response Percent Count Yes 75.0% 3 No 25.0% 1 Not Sure 0.0% 0 answered question 4 skipped question 0 5. The Board uses its meeting time efficiently? Response Response Percent Count Yes 25.0% 1 No 75.0% 3 Not Sure 25.0% 1 answered question 4 skipped question 0 26. The Board uses its meeting time effectively? Response Response Percent Count Yes .- -] 25.0% 1 No 25.0% 1 Not Sure 50.0% 2 answered question 4 skipped question 0 10 of 19 7. The Board has a plan to link and communicate with its stakeholders? Response Response Percent Count Yes 50.0% 2 No 0.0% 0 Not Sure 50.0% 2 answered question 4 skipped question 0 8. 1 enjoy being a member of this'Board? Response Response Percent Count Yes 100.0°!° 4 No 0.0% 0 Not Sure 0.0% 0 answered question 4 skipped question 0 29. The Board has a written agreement about how the Board creates new policy? Response Response Percent Count Yes 75.0% 3 No 0.0% 0 Not Sure 25.0% 1 answered question 4 skipped question _0 11 of 19 30. The Board has considered whether the frequency and quality of meetings meet their particular needs to govern effectively and efficiently? Response Response Percent Count Yes 75.0% 3 No 0.0% 0 Not Sure 25.0% 1 answered question 4 skipped question 0 31. 1 am very familiar with all of the Board's policies Response Response Percent Count Yes 50.0% 2 No 25.0% 1 Not Sure 25.0% 1 answered question 4 skipped question 0 32. The Board is able to gather and anlyze data and information to determine the strategic direction and priorities for our organization? Response Response Percent Count Yes 50.0% 2 No 0.0% 0 Not sure -s 50.0°l0 2 answered question 4 skipped question 0 12 of 19 33. The Board participates in processess that actively engage stakeholder and ownership groups? Response Response Percent Count Yes 50.0% 2 No 0.0% 0 Not Sure 50.0% 2 answered question 4 skipped question 0 34. The Board demands information to demonstrate achievement of our mission? Response Response Percent Count Yes 50.0% 2 No 50.0% 2 Not Sure 0.0% 0 answered question 4 skipped question 0 13 of 19 3 . The Board has identified, in written policy,the operational risks that the organization must avoid? Response Response Percent Count Yes 0.0% 0 No 0.0% 0 Not Sure 100.0% 4 answered question 4 skipped question 0 6. The Board receives operational monitoring reports from the CEO that meet the Board- established monitoring schedule? Response Response Percent Count Yes 25.0% 1 No 75.0% 3 Not Sure 0.0% 0 answered question 4 skipped question 0 14 of 19 37. The Board receives monitoring reports from the CEO that are accurate and understandable Response Response Percent Count Yes 50.0% 2 No 25.0% 1 Not Sure ^ 25.0% 1 answered question 4 skipped question 0 3 . The Board fully delegates daily operations of the organizations to the the Response Response Percent Count Yes 50.0% 2 No 25.0% 1 Not Sure 25.0% 1 answered question 4 skipped question 0 39. The Board uses objectivity in examining performance monitoring reports and judging there for compliance with board-stated directives? Response Response Percent Count Yes 25.0% 1 No 0.0% 0 Not Sure r=,. 75.0% 3 answered question 4 skipped question 0 15 of 19 4 . The Board is able to refrain from prescribing activities, programs and other operational decisions, i.e, telling the CE /staff how to get the job done? Response Response Percent Count Yes 177 25.0% 1 No 25.0% 1 Not Sure 50.0% 2 answered question 4 skipped question 0 41. The Board can think more broadly than its own perspective and the present point in time? Response Response Percent Count Yes 100.0% 4 No 0.0% 0 Not Sure 0.0% 0 answered question 4 skipped question 0 16 of 19 42. The Board effectively scrutinizes management information and decides whether the information presented is a reasonable interpretation of board policies? Response Response` Percent Count 'des 50.0% 2 No 0.0% 0 Not Sure 50.0% 2 answered question 4 skipped question 0 43. The Board has an annual work plan for the board's work and accomplishments? Response Response Percent Count Yes 0.0% 0 No 75.0% 3 Not Sure 25.0% 1 answered question 4 skipped question 0 4 . Thinking about question hat specific suggestions do you have to make your meeting s more efficient? Response Count 4 answered question 4 skipped question 0 17 of 19 5. Thinking about question 23: What specific suggestions do,you have to make your meetings more effective? Response Count 4 answered question 4 skipped question 0 6. What is the biggest challenge for your Board over the next 12-24 months? Response Count 3 answered question 3 skipped question 1 47. What is the biggest challenge for your organization over the next 12-24 months? Response Count 3 answered question 3 skipped question 1 Page 8, Q44. Thinking about question 22:What specific suggestions do you have to make your meetings more efficient? 1 Members need to be on time. if we do not have a quorum-call ahead so the start May 19, 2011 12:59 PM time can be delayed. Topic time limits. 2 See answer to Question 45 below. May 19, 2011 9:44 AM 3 Clearly defined measurments of success May 16, 2011 11 49 AM 18 of 19 Page 8, Q44. Thinking about question 22:What specific suggestions do you have to make your meetings more efficient? 4 Continue to work toward linking our strategic plan to our agenda May 15, 2011 9:19 AM Page 8, Q45. Thinking;about question 23: What specific suggestions do you have to make your meetings more effective? 1 Time limits. Starting on time May 19, 2011 12:59 PM 2 Everything about the meeting should tie to a well crafted strategic plan. In my May 19, 2011 9:44 AM opinion, our meetings should revolve around holding ourselves accountable to the plan. I think, by so doing, our meetings will be both more effective and more efficient. 3 Clearly defined measurments of success May 16, 2011 11:49 AM 4 see above May 15, 2011 9:19 AM Page 8, Q46. What is the biggest challenge for your Board over the next 12=24 months? 1 Capital improvement prioritization. &state cuts for education May 19, 2011 12:59 PM 2 Defining mission, measuring success and defining board's role May 16, 2011 11:49 AM 3 Agreeing on priorities for the school, and deciding on what measures we need to May 15, 2011 9:19 AM reflect those priorities Page 8, Q47. What is the biggest challenge for your organization over the next 12-24 months? 1 stay focused on above May 19, 2011 12:59 PM 2 Defining mission, measuring success and defining board's role May 16, 2011 11:49 AM 3 Establishing, and enacting, performance measures for our executive. May 15, 2011 9:19 AM 19 of 19