HomeMy WebLinkAboutWA Planning Retreat Schedule Academy Strategic Planning Retreat May 20, 2011 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. I. Defining the High Performance Governance Team Estimated Time: 1% hours Presenters:Tom & Mike a. Individual Profiles/Team Profile L Quality of Decision Making b. Governance 101—Diagnostic Tool c. Board —Staff Team Development II. Academy Strategic Planning Estimated Time: 2% Hours Presenters: Mike,Tom, Ben a. Review and Revise Mission, Vision &Values (See Tab#1—Current Strategic Plan) L "What one thing do you want to see at Westlake Academy that we don't have?" b. Review formatting of the strategic planning document with IB Standards & Practices, BSC and dashboard (See Tab#2—Proposed Strategic Plan) c. Discuss ways to integrate the strategic plan into the BOT agenda III. Financial Planning/ Human Resources Estimated Time: 2%2 Hours Presenters: Tom, Debbie, Ben a. Five-year financial forecast—from 3/10 Option B with class size of 20- (See Tab#3) b. Review Hayes report in conjunction with proposed CIP - (See Tab#4) c. Five-year financial forecast relative to the Hayes projections -(See Tab#5) d. Review financial policy-(See Tab#6) e. Student & Staff Recruitment IV. In-depth Governance Analysis Estimated Time: 1% Hours Presenters:Tom & Mike a. Board of Trustees Policy Manual—(See Tab #7) b. Town Council/ Board of Trustees Relations & Ethics Policy-(See Tab#8) c. Advisory Board/Affiliates Policy—(See Tab#9)